Wu Family


A/N : There are two person who requested and gave idea similar to this (I hope) and this is what came to me haha. 

Sick Sehun and Jongin 



"Sehun's sick?!" Yifan shouted to the phone, shocking his secretary and other staffs as he was talking with one of his employee. "No, no, I will go back. But I promise I'll stay, I just need to check on some things first before I go back, do you need me to buy him anything? Medicine? Already? Oh, alright. Yeah, okay. I will, see you at home."

"Is everything okay, sir?"

Yifan sighed, running a hand through his hair as he put his phone back into his pocket. "No, my baby is sick. I need to go back. Can you just send me the summary and everything that you wanted to tell me? I'll bring these files and check it later."

"Ah, alright, then. We're already finish actually, I'll add the information that I forgot in the mail. You may go back, sir." the man who had this eye smile, definitely one of his favorite as he worked harder than the other nodded to him.

"Thank you. Keep on your good work, I'll see you again next week, I hope." Yifan smiled and went to his secretary, saying that he'll go back and tell her to call him if there's urgent matters.


"Babe?" Yifan called for his wife as soon as he stepped inside, running to his shared bedroom finding all of his family members were there.

"Appa!!" Tao shouted in surprise and quickly covered his mouth when Minseok scolded him. "I'm sorry, hyung."

"Boys..." Yifan patted Tao's head and went to check on Sehun, currently sleeping on the bed with Junmyeon watching over him. "How's he?" he put his hand gently to check on Sehun's temperature.

"He's fine. He was searching for you earlier." Junmyeon smiled up, feeling happy to see Yifan's there with him like how he promised. Yifan worked from home since he was pregnant with Sehun and he felt extra delighted to have him beside him all the time. He wondered why Sehun got sick coincidentally when Yifan had to go to his company.

"Really? I should have bought him something..." Yifan mumbled, his forefinger touching Sehun's sligtly pink cheek.

"No, you shouldn't. I told you to stop pampering him already." Junmyeon gave his husband a glare before feeling a body pressing to him.

"Eomma, Jongin's head hurt..."

"You do?" Junmyeon took Jongin to his lap and the boy instantly snuggled to his mother. "Honey, you're a little warm."

Jongin just mumbled, clutching his mother's shirt and something clicked on Junmyeon's head. "Yifan, bringTao and Minseok outside. I think Jongin might got fever too..."

"What?" Yifan stood up in alarm, scooping Tao to his arm while dragging Minseok who whined not wanting to leave his mother and brothers. "We don't want you to get sick too, babies..."

Minseok and Tao put on a deep frown on their faces, lips going downward and Yifan shifted his eyes if he didn't want to give up and brought his kids back inside to their mother.

"I said no. Why don't we play while we wait? Do you want to eat snack? Ice cream?"

Minseok sighed, giving up as he too didn't want to get sick and couldn't play. Tao's still persistent and pouted to his father, reaching for Yifan's chest and whined.

"Appaaa...I want to sleep with Sehun and Jongin...appa, please, please, please?"

"Taozi, appa said no. If you got fever you can't play with your brothers and you can't eat food other than porridge, do you want that?"

Tao's lips started to tremble and Yifan gulped in worried, his son won't cry, right?

Tears gathered at Tao's eyes as he started sniffling, "I want to get sick too...I want to be with them..." he mumbled.

Minseok knew that Tao worried of his younger brothers, he felt the same way but he didn't want to get sick and sticked to his brother's or mother's side. "Tao-yah...why don't we play with appa? Eomma's going to be angry if you go inside again." Minseok peeked his head, making Tao turned to him and wiped his own eye.

"Don't want eomma angry..."

"Appa will be angry too..." Yifan put a hand on Tao's head, a little bit jealous that Tao reacted differently at the mention of Junmyeon.

Tao looked up to his father before nodding, "But Tao can see them later, right?"

"Of course you can. But after they get a little bit better, alright?"


Yifan looked up hearing the sound of opening door, Junmyeon peeked his head out and smiled, calling for him with a wave of his hand.

"Do you need anything?" Yifan walked up to his wife. Junmyeon opened the door a little wider to let him see Sehun and Jongin were sleeping.

"Do you want to watch them or make the dinner?" Junmyeon saw his other two sons were sleeping on the sofa with blanket enveloped them.

"I'll make dinner. You look tired..." Yifan carressed Junmyeon's cheek who only squinted his eyes.

"I've been looking like this since Tao's born, you didn't give me time to rest so..."

"Hey..." Yifan stuck out his bottom lip slightly making Junmyeon chuckled.

"I'm just kidding. Please make something that's easy for them to eat, okay? Tell Minseok and Tao they can have dinner together inside." Junmyeon reached up to peck Yifan's lips. "Thank you, honey."

Yifan kissed Junmyeon back before his wife closed the door and he went to the kitchen with a loud sigh.

"Babies...wake up, aren't you hungry? Let's eat with eomma, Sehun and Jongin..."

Tao whined, not wanting to wake up while Minseok frowned while rubbing the sleep away.

"With eomma?"

"Yeah, Minnie. With eomma. Tao, don't you want to check on your brothers?"

Still with sleepy eyes Tao opened his arms, making Yifan smiled and took him to his arms.

"Appa, carry me too..."

"Right, wait a second." Yifan brought Tao inside before he came back again for Minseok. He already brought dinner inside the room earlier and as he closed the door with Minseok on his arms, Tao already sitting beside Junmyeon with a small pout.

"Tao and Minseok will eat with appa, okay? Eomma has to feed Sehun and Jongin..." Junmyeon stared at his husband as he sat on the bed carefully and Minseok wanted to feel Jongin's head only for his mother to forbid him.

"Minnie, don't stay too close." Junmyeon reminded his eldest son.

Minseok mimicked Tao, pouting while taking his hand back, staring sadly at Jongin who looked weak, leaning to the pillows, Sehun beside him seemed like he's sleeping.

"Come here, Tao." Yifan called for Tao who crawled to him, sitting on his lap as he started feeding him. Junmyeon did the same with Jongin while trying to wake Sehun up. Minseok said that he wanted to eat by himself and Yifan complimented him and said a thank you for helping.

Tao had his eyes on his younger brothers. Sehun finally woke up and refused to eat but his mother who rarely glare made him whined while opening his mouth and took the food given to him. Jongin had finished as well as Minseok and they had a little talk, the eldest asking how Jongin felt and the younger gave a weak smile which he thought made the older smile but Minseok only frowned deeper.

"You should sleep again, Jongin-ah. Get well quickly so we can play together."

"But hyung only watch we play..." Jongin pouted.

Minseok shook his head, pulling up his pinky and smiled to Jongin. "Promise I'll play any game you want after you got better." Jongin grinned, linking his pinky with Minseok's and nodded excitedly.

"I will go sleep now!"

Jongin snuggled to Sehun who already close his eyes, chest heaving up and down in regular pattern as his mother brushed his hair couple of times.

"I'll go wash the dishes first. We'll sleep at Minseok's room today, okay, Tao?"

"Ne..." Tao and Minseok went to their mother sides, Yifan smiled seeing them as he get out of the room bringing a tray with dirty plates and bowls.

Yifan came back to the room and listened to Minseok and Tao talking with Junmyeon in hush voices, Minseok on his lap while Tao on his wife's. Junmyeon was tellling story about baby Minseok and when Tao's younger. Minseok was their first child so the attention he received was full and he rarely sick as Junmyeon got some tips from his and Yifan's mothers, he read books about taking care of children too. Junmyeon could count many times Tao went sick and he was such a healty baby even when he was born as he weighted more than Minseok. Jongin and Sehun seemed to be the one who were easy to get sick, even with one year different they somehow always ill at the same times and it worried Junmyeon everytime it happened.

"Eomma, can't Tao sleep here?" Tao yawned, liking the feeling of his mother's chest on his back as he started to get sleepy.

"I'm sorry baby, but I have to say no. Appa will be there for you and Minnie hyung, you usually sleep alone too and was okay with that." Junmyeon hugged Tao for a while as the boy hummed. "Honey..." he looked up to Yifan who nodded, already knew what he will tell him to do.

"Come on, Minseok. Let's go to sleep..." Yifan took Minseok with his arms. The boy had been quite for around ten minutes, he didn't realize the boy already sleep and he woke the boy who only snuggle to his chest as he brought him to his room.

Yifan went back to take Tao who put his head on his neck, looking at Junmyeon who tilted his head a little in question.

"Do you need anything?"

It's been Yifan favorite question since he stayed at home but Junmyeon never felt sick hearing it. In fact, he liked it a lot that he could share the burden of taking care of the childs with his husband. Even if sometimes he wasn't any help, Junmyeon found things that Yifan do better than him and it was indeed a big help in the end.

"For you to take a rest."

Yifan smiled, bouncing Tao on his arms. He leaned in to kiss Junmyeon good night, lingering for a while longer that Junmyeon giggled and pushed him.

"I'll check on you later." Yifan said before he went out of the room.

Yifan sighed feeling light taps on his cheek. His eyes tried to adjust to the light coming from the lamp and saw Junmyeon smiling to him. "Babe? Why are you here..." he said hoarsely.

"Just to check on you."

"How are Sehun and Jongin?" Yifan sighed, shutting his eyes back as Junmyeon brushed his hair.

"The fever went down already, but they're still a little bit warm. I'm sure they will be energetic again tomorrow."

"I'm glad..." Yifan whispered. He really wanted to go back to sleep by Junmyeon's touch.

"Yifan..." Junmyeon called. His hands were pressing lightly on his husband's chest, staring tiredly at the taller man who slowly opened his eyes back.


"Thank you." Junmyeon pressed a kiss on Yifan's lips, cheeks, and forehead that cause a stupid grin to break on Yifan's face.

"Anything for you, babe."

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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2438 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails