Chapter 10

Immortal Seoul

"I think we did it!" Yoona shouted as she entered the living room of their new shared home. Seohyun was fast asleep on the couch having stayed up late working the night before.

"Hey... wake up sleepyhead." Yoona sat on the side of the couch and shook the sleeping girl.

"Just five more minutes mom, I promise I'll get up..." Seohyun grumbled sluggishly.

"Yah, Seohyun!" Yoona shoved the girl this time. Seohyun sighed and turned to faced Yoona with one eye half open.

"We did it!" Yoona smiled brightly at her drowsy friend.

"What exactly did we do?" Seohyun yawned and sat up slowly, stretching her arms over her head.

"The skin sample, the sun... it worked... is still working!"

Seohyun swallowed hard as she observed her beaming friend. "You mean it's working right now?"

Yoona's eyes and smile widened as she nodded her head. She could see the excitement starting to build in the other girl's eyes.

Seohyun jumped up and nearly fell as she ran outside to where they had been working. The sun was high in the sky with no clouds in sight. She glanced down at the sample and stepped back.

"It's amazing, right?!" Yoona put her arm over Seohyun's shoulders. "I think we deserve a raise."

"How long has it been like this?" Seohyun uttered a little dazed.

"Hmm..." Yoona read the time on her watch. "About four hours..." she pouted her lips while nodding her head.

"Oh my god!" Seohyun shouted and Yoona's head shot up just in time to see the skin sample burst into flames. They both stood there dumbfounded as they watched the sample burn into nothing.

"Well that ..." Yoona crossed her arms and frowned.

"Yeah..." Seohyun agreed "but it worked for four freaking hours!" She gave a satisfied smile. "I have to call Taeyeon."


Taeyeon realized her need for sleep was also diminishing. She found she could get by on three hours of sleep and feel fine for days. But out of habit or boredom she would always lay in bed until dusk with her eyes closed listening to the sounds of the world outside. Her phone buzzed, she opened her eyes and turned her head towards the sound. She wondered who would be calling her at this hour. Choa... she thought as she sat up smiling and grabbed her phone. She frowned when she saw it was Seohyun but she answered anyway.

"Is there something wrong?" Taeyeon asked concerned.

"No, everything's fine... great!" Taeyeon could hear the excitement in the girl's voice. "Taeyeon we did it! It worked... we think you can go out in the sun!"

There was a long silence on the phone. Taeyeon wasn't sure she had heard correctly. "What..." she finally managed to utter.

"We're on the way. I'll explain everything when we get there." Taeyeon held the phone to her ear and stared into space. She tried to remember the last time she had saw the sun with her own two eyes but sadly the memory had faded. So many years had passed and she had forgotten how the sun felt against her skin.

Loud knocking and the ringing of her doorbell brought her out of her trance. She raced downstairs and unlocked the door and then moved to a safe spot as Seohyun and Yoona entered.

"Wow, your place is amazing." Yoona was so in awe of her surroundings she walked directly into Taeyeon. "I'm so sorry..." she giggled as she took a step back.

"Didn't hurt at all." Taeyeon assured the faintly blushing girl. "Let's go to the living room, do you want something to drink? I have... water." The two girls shook their heads and followed her into the other room.

They all sat down and exchanged awkward glances before Seohyun started to speak. She explained everything that happened while Taeyeon did her statue thing. When Seohyun finished Taeyeon stood and paced the floor silently.

"So should we test it?" Taeyeon finally stopped pacing and sat back down.

"That's the plan." Yoona said smiling but Taeyeon frowned.

"If you guys made a mistake, I will die..." Taeyeon breathed worriedly.

"You're already dead." Seohyun scoffed matter of factly, shrugging her shoulders. Yoona shoved her and shook her head. "Well she is..." Seohyun shot Yoona an annoyed look.

"That doesn't matter..." Taeyeon bit her lip thoughtfully. "I will truly be dead and I fear that you would soon follow me into the afterlife."

"What do you mean?" Seohyun questioned.

"You didn't think Sunny and Hyoyeon would just let you walk away like nothing happened?"

"Who's Sunny and Hyoyeon?" Yoona asked looking between the two of them.

"They're her zombie friends." Seohyun lifted her head towards Taeyeon.

"Oh..." Yoona sat back and grabbed the bag next to her. She ped it and pulled out a bottle. "We didn't make a mistake." She placed the bottle on the coffee table and looked up at Taeyeon. "Drink it and go see the sun."

Taeyeon stared at the bottle while Seohyun and Yoona stared at her. So many things were rushing through Taeyeon's mind as she stared at the bottle. She wasn't sure how much time had passed but the loud sigh that came from Yoona brought her back to reality.

"Are you waiting for the sun to go down?" Yoona questioned "because that kind of defeats the purpose."

Taeyeon looked up at the girl and chuckled. "I guess you're right." She stood and took the bottle drinking the whole thing at once. "Should I wait for it to kick in or something?"

Yoona shook her head. "You should be fine... go." She pointed to the back door.

Taeyeon turned slowly to face the door. She honestly felt sick and her legs were heavy like she was walking with tar on her feet. When she reached the door she looked over her shoulder and saw the two girls were making their way over to her.

"Here goes nothing" she said as she pulled the door opened. She screamed at the top of her lungs as the sun rays touched her skin for the first time in two hundred years. She jumped to the side and covered her face with her hands.

"Taeyeon! Are you okay?" She heard Seohyun's concerned voice near her.

"No I'm not okay! I'm on fire!" Taeyeon continued to scream until she heard the laughter of the two girls.

"You're not on fire." Seohyun put her hand on Taeyeon's shoulder. "You're not even hot."

"Stop laughing at me" Taeyeon pouted as she opened her eyes and looked at her very much not on fire skin.

"I told you we didn't make a mistake." Yoona beamed and gave Taeyeon a thumbs up. "You should go out."

"Okay, I can do this..." Taeyeon tried to reassure herself as she stepped into the sun rays again. She could feel the panic building inside of her again but she told herself to be calm. The warmth of the sun rays covered her skin as she took a few steps outside her door. The feeling was so overwhelming that she fell to her knees and started to cry.

"Oh my god, Taeyeon what's wrong?!" The two girls ran over and kneeled down beside her.

"I... I'm okay." Taeyeon stumbled over her words as she cried. "It's been two hundred years since I've felt the sun's rays." She wiped a few tears from her eyes and pulled the two girls into a hug. "Thank you... thank you so much. I'll never be able to repay you."


Hello everybody I hope you all are enjoying my story so far. I know I usually post one chapter a week but since this is a short one I thought I'll post it early. We're at chapter 10 already (Yay!) things are really going to start picking up after this chapter so stay tuned. Thank you for reading and see you soon.


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Terenceng1998 #1
Chapter 31: I just died a little inside when choa died
justincredible #2
Chapter 30: I just wanna thank you for making this beautiful story.. It just that.. the ending disappoints me alot.. It's so sad. But nonetheless, thank you for coming back and finishing this story. Update me if you ever have a new fic.. i really liked your story telling.. Sml~
Svnny2 #3
Can sunny end up together with tiffany?:/
I hope so :D <3
Terenceng1998 #4
Chapter 27: A update that is worth the wait! Everything I going into a right direction, but was hoping that the scene at the end would be longer and a little more detailed
justincredible #5
Chapter 27: Wow! I just found this glorious fic nearly a week ago then now, you have published a pleasurable update. That really scares me, the moving of Choa to Paris, but this literally made my day. I'm not disappointed subscribing on this fic. Keep on making us cringe more.. It's like the book/movie warm bodies, how Taeyeon slowly gaining heartbeat.. Thanks for the update author-nim. Also, I just realized I was on your author's note, you're welcome, you and this magnificent piece deserve all these praises you receive from your readers. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #6
Chapter 26: Just a misclicked don't worry about it too much. Really love the Taeyeon & Choa ship though, hope you can make another fanfic about them after you're done with this one.
justincredible #7
Chapter 26: Ohmygod! Took me couple of hours or must I say 5 hours more or less and It didn't disappoint me even a bit, how amazing this story is. Where have you been all my reader life, why did I just found you now, but it's worth it though. I'm an avid Taengsic shipper and reader but I would love any person being shipped with Taeyeon for I'm a TYSone, definitely a taeganger. Also, I've been finding for TaeyeonChoa fic, how come I didn't have found this. Ghad I'm so glad i've this along my suggestions feed. This my third fantasy fanfic I've ever read' and it's damn amazing. Now, I'll be impatiently patient waiting for your next update, author-nim. Thanks for this majestic fic once again. You've just gained a new loyal reader. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #8
Chapter 24: Glad to know you're alive. Tae and choa tho
Sunny515 #9
Chapter 23: Yay! Update