Chapter 13

Immortal Seoul

Sunny texted with Hyoyeon as she sat in the window seat Taeyeon always liked to use. Looking down on the people walking by going about their human lives was quite relaxing she thought. Now she understood why Taeyeon would sit here for hours staring out the window. She wondered what Taeyeon was doing now. Hyoyeon had told her she hadn't left her room for 5 days and didn't even bother to shower. Sunny closed her eyes and sighed as thoughts of the first night she met Taeyeon entered her mind.

It was well past dusk on a Friday evening and Sunny had been busy preparing for opening night of a play she was to star in. She was hoping this would be her big break. It was this or an arranged marriage to a man she never met before and she really didn't want that.

"Sunny, did you look outside? It's a full house!" Her tall handsome co-star with a gorgeous smile and chiseled jawline entered her dressing room.

"I couldn't look." She fanned herself with the nearest paper she could find. "I think I'm going to be sick." She grabbed the trash can next to her and dry heaved into it as the man rubbed her back.

"Sunny, sweetie... I really need you to pull yourself together." Her co-star looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. "I'm looking too damn good right now to be cleaning up vomit."

"Okay... I'm fine... it was nothing." Sunny put the trash can down and placed a hand on her stomach. "I'm just so nervous, there's a lot riding on tonight for me."

"Don't want to marry an old dirty man" he laughed. "If he's rich I'll marry him for you."

"Show starts in 5" someone yelled behind them.

"Okay let's go break a leg." Her co-star stood and shot her a dazzling smile before he strutted out the door.

Sunny gave herself one last worried look in the mirror before heading for the stage. All of her nerves disappeared when the lights hit her. She had become her character and the crowd was eating it up. Everyone laughed when they were supposed to and gasped at the appropriate times. Near the end of the play there wasn't a dry eye in the house as her character died dramatically. Sunny and her co-star were met with a standing ovation that shook the house as they took the stage for the final time to bow.

After the show Sunny changed into her regular clothes and was about to leave when her co-star called her over. He was standing with two gorgeous women. As she approached the three of them she noticed the women were dressed in the finest petticoats she had ever laid eyes on.

"Sunny" her co-star placed his hand on her back and maneuvered her closer. "I want to introduce you to Jessica and Taeyeon."

From that meeting forward Sunny and Taeyeon had become fast friends. They found they both had a love for the arts. They would spend countless hours discussing who they thought was the next great artist, actor or musician. They also had a small fling but they quickly decided they were better friends than lovers. It was a year later when Sunny had fallen deathly ill with pneumonia. When she was nearly gone Taeyeon revealed who she truly was and offered to give her eternal life.

"Sunny I'm back" the sound of Sunmi's voice broke Sunny from her memory. The girl was struggling to enter the apartment as she pulled several bags behind her. "A little help please?" She yelled into the room.

"What is all this?" Sunny questioned as she grabbed all the bags and easily moved them into the living room.

Sunmi exhaled deeply as she flopped down on the couch. "I think I'm ready" she said breathing heavily. "I had to go home and get all the things I need.

Sunny picked up an old teddy bear and a blue blanket. "These are the things you thought you would need as a vampire?"

"I'll have you know Mr. Snuggles has been with me since I was 5 and Taeyeon gave me that blanket one night when I was cold." Sunmi grabbed the two items and hugged them to her chest.

Sunny rolled her eyes and shrugged. "You do know you can still go home after you become a vampire?" Sunmi looked at all the bags she had struggled to get there for a moment then she turned her head towards Sunny and nodded slowly.

"So how does the whole turning into a vampire thing work?" Sunmi repositioned herself to face Sunny and hugged her bear tighter.

"Well I haven't done it myself but I did watch Taeyeon do it once... and I remember when she turned me."

Sunmi nodded and bit her lip. "Do you think we should call her? I think we should call her."

"We are not calling her!" Sunny yelled a little aggressively making Sunmi jump. "I'm sorry but I don't need her help. I know what to do."

"Okay... so what should we do?" Sunmi questioned as she eyed Sunny.

"First we should go somewhere else. We shouldn't do it here." Sunny stood, grabbed her keys and waited for Sunmi to follow.

Sunmi didn't care where they were going as she sat in the passenger seat of Sunny's car. She stared out into the city lights as they flashed by turning into a sea of colors. She had spent her day doing all the things she loved. She woke early that morning and went to her favorite park to watch the sunrise for the last time. Then she went back home and cooked a big breakfast. It was way more than she would usually eat but she wanted all her favorites. Later in the day she had lunch with her family and she made sure to call all her friends. She made up a lie about moving to another country for work so no one would be suspicious of her absence. In the evening she went to her favorite restaurant and ordered her favorite meal. Then she returned to the park she started her day in and watched as the sun set.

"We're here." Sunmi looked up to see they had entered the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse. Sunny was already getting out of the car so she followed.

"Nice place..." Sunmi scoffed sarcastically.

"It could be worse." Sunny opened the door to the warehouse and waited for Sunmi to enter. "This should be okay" Sunny stopped and scanned the empty area.

"Why did we have to come all the way out here?" Sunmi questioned as she turned around in a circle her voice echoing off the walls.

"So no one can hear you scream." Sunny replied as she stared at the girl who would soon call her maker.

"Stop joking." Sunmi laughed and stopped spinning to look at Sunny.

"I'm not joking..." Sunny grinned as her fangs extended and she took a step toward Sunmi.

"Wait..." Sunmi took a step back. "You didn't tell me it would hurt."

"You didn't think death would be painless did you?" Sunny tilted her head questioningly "and you're perfectly healthy, I think it will hurt quite a bit as your body dies." Sunny nodded "Hyoyeon screamed a lot."

Sunmi stared at Sunny for a long time before before she spoke again. "Okay... I'm ready." She ed the top three buttons of her shirt revealing her neck.

Sunny smirked as she rushed over sinking her fangs into Sunmi's neck before the girl had time protest.

It was a long time before the room fell silent. Sunmi had screamed just as long if not longer than Hyoyeon. Sunny stood a few feet away from the now unmoving girl. She wondered what it would be like now that she had created a vampire. She knew how it felt to have a maker but being a maker... she didn't know what to expect. Would she find that she had a new deeper attachment to Sunmi? Taeyeon had always acted as her caretaker teaching her everything she knew about how to live as a vampire through the years. She had a bond with Taeyeon and Hyoyeon that couldn't be broken and Sunmi would soon be joining that bond. Now it was just a matter of waiting.

Sunny felt weak and hungry, Sunmi had nearly drained all of her blood. There was a loud crack of thunder followed by a heavy downpour. Sunny looked out of the skylights as lighting flashed and thunder boomed shaking the building around them. She sat down next to Sunmi and removed a strand of hair from her face.The first thing we have to do is hunt when she awakes. Sunny sat staring at Sunmi for a long time listening to the deafening sound of the storm as it raged outside. After what seemed like an eternity the storm finally passed and the room fell silent again. "Thank god..." Sunny uttered aloud and at that moment Sunmi's eyes popped open.


Taeyeon had finally dragged herself out of bed and was sitting in a popular restaurant downtown waiting for Choa to arrive. She had done more than just shower as she fancied herself up for their business date as Choa called it. She didn't have to wait long before she saw Choa enter wearing a skin tight black dress with part of the abdomen cut out revealing her stomach.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." Choa smiled as she took the seat facing Taeyeon. "I got a little held up and my... I couldn't get away."

"It's fine." Taeyeon shrugged "I haven't been waiting long."

"Okay that's good." Choa took a deep breath. "You look amazing... wow."

"Thanks" Taeyeon grinned "you look amazing also."

"No... not me." Choa blushed as she shook her head looking down at the menu. "It's all just makeup... it takes me hours to get ready."

"Well I think you look gorgeous." Taeyeon didn't miss the skip in the girl's heart.

Choa blushed again and giggled. "You don't have to flatter me you already have the job."

"I wasn't trying to flatter" Taeyeon uttered coolly as she stared into Choa's eyes before cracking a smile. "I think you're gorgeous." Choa didn't speak but Taeyeon could clearly hear the increase in the girl's heart. She watched with amusement as Choa picked up the menu to hide her blushing face.

"Oh wow the food here looks absolutely amazing. Do you know what you're going to get?"

"Yeah I think I'll just have a salad." Taeyeon looked over the useless menu and tried not to frown. The girl having a mild heart attack in front of her would look so much better on her plate Taeyeon thought.

"Only a salad…?" Choa moved the menu down a little revealing her eyes as she frowned at Taeyeon. "No wonder you're so tiny... you should let me feed you sometime."

Taeyeon her lips and grinned. "You can feed me anytime."

"Really…? There's a dish I learned from my mom I think you would like it." Choa was seriously considering cooking for Taeyeon. She went into a long rant about how her mother used to cook this meal once a week because her family loved it so much. Now she had taken up the honor of cooking the dish every Sunday for her parents.

"Choa…? Park, Choa?" A young man walked over and Choa stood to greet him.

"Oh my god... Choi Minho!" Choa hugged the man quickly.

"Wow, look at you." The man took a step back and scanned Choa. "Are you here with Jaesoon?"

Choa's eyes darted to Taeyeon and then back to Minho. She shook her head and giggled nervously. "No, he's not here."

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting?" He turned and bowed slightly to Taeyeon.

"Not at all..." Taeyeon watched as Minho smiled nervously and rubbed his hands against his pants. She also noticed his heart was beating quiet irregularly. She wondered what was making him so nervous.

"Well that's good to hear but I just stopped by to say hi." He smiled and hugged Choa again. "It was nice to meet you..." He extended his hand and waited for Taeyeon to respond.

"Kim Taeyeon" she said as she took his hand.

"Kim Taeyeon..." he repeated his grip on her hand tightened as he stared at her. He released her hand after a moment and smiled. "It was nice to see you again Choa."

As Minho walked away Taeyeon followed him with her eyes until he disappeared around a corner.

"Who is he?" Taeyeon questioned. She didn't like the way he had acted.

"Um Minho... He's an old friend we went to high school together."

"He was acting a little strange." Taeyeon pointed out, she couldn't shake the weird feeling he had given her.

"He seemed normal to me maybe a little nervous but we did date once in high school." Choa smiled and rubbed her hair. "He could still have feeling for me."

"That could be it." Taeyeon mumbled to herself.

By the time Choa had finished her dinner Taeyeon had completely forgotten about Minho. She found that she really liked spending time with Choa. She was funny and expressed herself easily despite her nervousness. After chatting for a while Taeyeon walked Choa to her car and received a long hug from the overly happy girl. As Taeyeon walked to her car she didn't notice the eight eyes following her from the private dining area above.

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Terenceng1998 #1
Chapter 31: I just died a little inside when choa died
justincredible #2
Chapter 30: I just wanna thank you for making this beautiful story.. It just that.. the ending disappoints me alot.. It's so sad. But nonetheless, thank you for coming back and finishing this story. Update me if you ever have a new fic.. i really liked your story telling.. Sml~
Svnny2 #3
Can sunny end up together with tiffany?:/
I hope so :D <3
Terenceng1998 #4
Chapter 27: A update that is worth the wait! Everything I going into a right direction, but was hoping that the scene at the end would be longer and a little more detailed
justincredible #5
Chapter 27: Wow! I just found this glorious fic nearly a week ago then now, you have published a pleasurable update. That really scares me, the moving of Choa to Paris, but this literally made my day. I'm not disappointed subscribing on this fic. Keep on making us cringe more.. It's like the book/movie warm bodies, how Taeyeon slowly gaining heartbeat.. Thanks for the update author-nim. Also, I just realized I was on your author's note, you're welcome, you and this magnificent piece deserve all these praises you receive from your readers. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #6
Chapter 26: Just a misclicked don't worry about it too much. Really love the Taeyeon & Choa ship though, hope you can make another fanfic about them after you're done with this one.
justincredible #7
Chapter 26: Ohmygod! Took me couple of hours or must I say 5 hours more or less and It didn't disappoint me even a bit, how amazing this story is. Where have you been all my reader life, why did I just found you now, but it's worth it though. I'm an avid Taengsic shipper and reader but I would love any person being shipped with Taeyeon for I'm a TYSone, definitely a taeganger. Also, I've been finding for TaeyeonChoa fic, how come I didn't have found this. Ghad I'm so glad i've this along my suggestions feed. This my third fantasy fanfic I've ever read' and it's damn amazing. Now, I'll be impatiently patient waiting for your next update, author-nim. Thanks for this majestic fic once again. You've just gained a new loyal reader. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #8
Chapter 24: Glad to know you're alive. Tae and choa tho
Sunny515 #9
Chapter 23: Yay! Update