Chapter 7

Immortal Seoul

Hyoyeon sat in her car two houses down from her family home. Her parents had passed away years ago but the house had been given to her brother who was still alive. Her childhood home sat empty and dark and she wonder when her brother would be back. She waited for about an hour getting lost in her own thoughts when a car pulled into the driveway. She watched as both car doors opened on the driver's side. A young man who seemed to be in his early twenties jumped out of the front seat and hurried to the back. "Grandpa let me help you out" the young man said as he leaned into the back seat. Hyoyeon was taken aback when she saw her older brother being helped out of the car. He had to be in his mid-seventies now. His hair was gray and he used a cane to walk. A tear rolled down Hyoyeon's cheek as she watched the scene unfold. The feeling was weird, she had only cried twice in her immortal life each time being when her parents had died. This time she wasn't sure why she was crying but seeing her brother again had triggered something in her. Maybe it was the fact that he was so old now and she couldn't do anything to help him. She sat there for what seemed like hours watching the now active house. She could hear her brother's voice as he talked and laughed with his grandson. "At least he seems happy" Hyoyeon thought as she wiped the tears from her eyes and started her car.

Awhile later Hyoyeon was staring down at her own grave. She had gone to visit her parents when next to them she saw her own gravestone. 'Our beloved daughter,  Kim Hyoyeon, lost but never forgotten' was engraved on it. Another tear fell as she read the inscription over and over again. She dried her eyes and laid down on her grave closing them. She lay there thinking about her parents and how much they cared for her. She wondered how long her family had looked for her before they decided she was dead. She opened her eyes, she could hear footsteps nearby and could sense someone was watching her. A young man she thought as the smell of cologne entered her nose. She turned her head in the direction of the scent. She couldn't see anyone but she knew someone was there. She stood up to leave and finally spotted a young man with his hands in his pockets watching her. He turned and walked away after a short time whistling to himself. She stayed awhile longer, payed her respect to her parents then she decided to visit a small restaurant she liked when she was alive.

The restaurant was largely unchanged only the furniture looked different and of course she didn't recognize anyone working there. She ordered her favorite meal even though she couldn't eat it but the smell bought back good memories. "Excuse me young lady" an old man sat down in the seat facing her. "I'm sorry" he said scratching the side of his face "but you look exactly like a girl I dated years ago." Hyoyeon didn't say anything as she stared back at the man she recognized as her ex-boyfriend only many years older. "It's a little scary how much you look like her" he looked down at her food and smiled. "You even ordered her favorite meal." He paused and looked back up at her. "I know you're not her, she would be around my age now" he sighed and shook his head. "She disappeared about fifty years ago I think. We searched for two years before the police told everyone she was probably dead. Her parents never gave up hope though" he paused and wiped his eyes with the napkin from the table.  "Her parents always blamed me for her disappearance... I was arrested and everything on suspicion of murder." He scoffed and shook his head. "I know I was an sometimes when I got drunk but I'm not a murderer and I loved her."

"Dad... dad" a woman who looked to be in her early forties walked towards them. "I've been looking around this whole restaurant for you. Why are you bothering this young lady?"

"Ah it's nothing" he said standing up from the table and facing his daughter. "She just reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago."

"That's great dad but you can't just wonder off like that and sit with complete strangers." The woman grabbed his arm and stole a glance Hyoyeon. "I'm sorry..." she said giving her a slight bow and then turning to help her dad back to their table. She watched them for a while and noticed he had quite a large family. It made her happy to see he was able to settle down and start a family.

She left shortly after deciding to really go find dinner. She wanted some time to process the events of the night so she took a walk around the neighborhood. The streets were fairly empty, she walked pass a few couples when she smelled the cologne of the man that had been watching her in the graveyard. She continued walking making sure to stop every once in a while to see if he was keeping her pace. When she decided he was definitely following her she ran toward him at full speed and had him by the collar before he could blink.

"Why are you following me?" She yelled shaking him back and forth roughly.

"Whoa... whoa" the young man had his hands up in the air, his eyes wide with shock. "I'm not following you, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me!" Hyoyeon bared her fangs as her anger started to rise. "I saw you at the graveyard watching me and you just happened to be here walking in the same direction?"

Before she could continue his eyes flashed a bright golden yellow and he grabbed her hands with strength that startled her. She could hear a growl building in his throat as he pushed her away making her fall to the ground. His eyes flashed yellow again before he turned and ran in the opposite direction.

"What the hell..." Hyoyeon stood and fumbled for the phone in her pocket. She dialed Taeyeon's number and it rang a couple times before she answered. Her words were coming out fast and jumbled as she tried to explain. Taeyeon couldn't understand her so she was told to meet up at her place. When she arrived Taeyeon was already there standing in her doorway with a concerned look on her face. Hyoyeon was shocked when Taeyeon hugged her like she was a long lost friend she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Are you okay?" Taeyeon stepped back and looked her over. "You sounded so panicked on the phone. 
"I'm okay..." Hyoyeon sighed and lowered her head. "But there was this guy following me..." she paused as she tried to gather her thoughts.

Let's go inside so you can tell me what happened." Taeyeon rubbed small circles on Hyoyeon's back as she lead her into the living room.


Sunny didn't like being back in Korea. Yes she loved her home but she didn't feel safe and she was also worried for Taeyeon. She couldn't believe how nonchalant Taeyeon was acting about the whole thing. It was frustrating and that night at the club didn't help matters. She thought it was suspicious how easily they were invited into the club so she decided to do a little research. After digging around for a while she found that the building had recently been sold to a Jennifer Kwon. Sunny didn't have much luck finding information on this Ms. Kwon, not even a picture could be found. She sighed placing her elbows on the desk and her head in her hands. She stared at her computer screen letting her eyes glaze over. "Maybe I should look into the previous owner" she thought as she sat up straight again and started typing. After a short search the name Ok Taecyeon popped up to Sunny's surprise. She remembered Jessica had been dating him the last time she saw her. "I should tell Taeyeon" she said to herself as she printed out a picture of Taecyeon with a couple of his business partners and headed for Taeyeon's house.

Using the key Taeyeon gave her she entered her house and found Hyoyeon and Taeyeon sitting on the couch in the living room. Hyoyeon was talking and Taeyeon seemed to be trying to comfort her.

"What's going on?" Sunny rushed over and took a seat on the other side of Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon shook her head and sighed. "I was being followed by some guy with glowing yellow eyes."

Sunny looked up at Taeyeon who raised her eyebrows and shook her head slowly before turning her attention back to Hyoyeon.

"Taeyeon something is not right here." Sunny pulled the photo of Taecyeon out and placed it on the coffee table. "You remember how weird it was when that guy let us into the club after he had already told us no. Well guess who the club used to belong to?" Sunny pointed at the photo and Taeyeon grimaced when she saw who was in the picture.

"Oh my god..." Hyoyeon pointed at the photo as well with her eyes wide. "That's him..." she said turning her head to look at both of them. "That's the guy who was following me tonight."

"Who? Taecyeon was following you?" Sunny questioned pointing at the man standing in the middle of two men in the photo.

Hyoyeon shook her head. "No not him but the younger looking one." Hyoyeon focused on the names printed below the picture. "Han Sang Hyuk" she read aloud while nodding her head. "I'm sure it was him."

"You see I told you this was a bad idea. We haven't even been back a week and Hyoyeon's already being followed." Sunny raised her voice as she shot an accusing glare at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked up at Sunny meeting her eyes for a moment before Sunny looked away. Taeyeon sighed and stood up, she paced back and forth while biting her bottom lip. "Did you find out who owns the club now?"

"No, not really... I only got a name but I couldn't find anything else about the woman. It said the building was sold to a Jennifer Kwon." Sunny shrugged. "I couldn't even find a picture of her."

"Hm" is all Taeyeon uttered as she continued to pace.

"I'm going back to that club" Sunny said standing up.

"Wait" Taeyeon stepped in front of her stopping her movement. "Calm down and sit." Sunny hesitated for a moment wanting to protest but was powerless under Taeyeon's gaze. With a loud frustrated sigh she begrudgingly sat down and crossed her arms.

"I'll go have a look around" Taeyeon stated and raised a finger when she saw Sunny about to start talking again. "I will go alone tomorrow night and you two will stay home where it's safe."

"But..." Taeyeon shook her head causing Sunny to stop before she could finish.

"Sunny, I know you're worried about me but I'll be fine." She kneeled down in front of them and placed a hand on theirs. "I won't be fine if something were to happen to the two of you, understand?" They both nodded in unison and Taeyeon pulled them into a tight hug.

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Terenceng1998 #1
Chapter 31: I just died a little inside when choa died
justincredible #2
Chapter 30: I just wanna thank you for making this beautiful story.. It just that.. the ending disappoints me alot.. It's so sad. But nonetheless, thank you for coming back and finishing this story. Update me if you ever have a new fic.. i really liked your story telling.. Sml~
Svnny2 #3
Can sunny end up together with tiffany?:/
I hope so :D <3
Terenceng1998 #4
Chapter 27: A update that is worth the wait! Everything I going into a right direction, but was hoping that the scene at the end would be longer and a little more detailed
justincredible #5
Chapter 27: Wow! I just found this glorious fic nearly a week ago then now, you have published a pleasurable update. That really scares me, the moving of Choa to Paris, but this literally made my day. I'm not disappointed subscribing on this fic. Keep on making us cringe more.. It's like the book/movie warm bodies, how Taeyeon slowly gaining heartbeat.. Thanks for the update author-nim. Also, I just realized I was on your author's note, you're welcome, you and this magnificent piece deserve all these praises you receive from your readers. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #6
Chapter 26: Just a misclicked don't worry about it too much. Really love the Taeyeon & Choa ship though, hope you can make another fanfic about them after you're done with this one.
justincredible #7
Chapter 26: Ohmygod! Took me couple of hours or must I say 5 hours more or less and It didn't disappoint me even a bit, how amazing this story is. Where have you been all my reader life, why did I just found you now, but it's worth it though. I'm an avid Taengsic shipper and reader but I would love any person being shipped with Taeyeon for I'm a TYSone, definitely a taeganger. Also, I've been finding for TaeyeonChoa fic, how come I didn't have found this. Ghad I'm so glad i've this along my suggestions feed. This my third fantasy fanfic I've ever read' and it's damn amazing. Now, I'll be impatiently patient waiting for your next update, author-nim. Thanks for this majestic fic once again. You've just gained a new loyal reader. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #8
Chapter 24: Glad to know you're alive. Tae and choa tho
Sunny515 #9
Chapter 23: Yay! Update