Chapter 6

Immortal Seoul

Taeyeon was bored. She was sitting in her living room on her brand new sofa but she had nothing else to do. Sadly her TV hadn't arrived yet and her iPod was stuffed in a box somewhere she couldn't find. Hyoyeon was out visiting her hometown so she didn't want to bother her. She texted Sunny a few times but she would only send one word replies so Taeyeon knew she was still in a bad mood. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment trying to think of something to do. When she opened her eyes they landed on the painting she had purchased the night before. She looked at the clock that read 12:30. Maybe it's not too late she thought as she found the business card for Park Choa and dialed the number. The phone rang a few times until someone picked up.

"Hello? This is Choa." The voice answered. Taeyeon could hear light music playing in the background.

"Hello Choa, I hope I'm not calling too late." Taeyeon smiled to herself at the sound of the girl's voice.

"No it's not too late..." Choa trailed off. "I'm sorry but who's speaking?" Choa asked.

"Oh sorry, I'm Taeyeon." She replied feeling a little hurt the girl didn't recognize her voice.

"Taeyeon?" Choa repeated softly as if trying to recall who the name belonged to. "Oh, Taeyeon! You bought the painting last night. Um, how may I help you? You didn't want a refund did you or maybe a new painting?"

"Slow down" Taeyeon laughed. "I know it's late but I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk or something?" The other line was quiet for a while until Choa spoke.

"It's a bit late for two girls to be walking around in the streets don't you think?" She paused for a moment. "How about you come over to my place. I can show you some of the paintings I've been working on."

"Okay, sure what's your address?"

Taeyeon arrived at the address twenty minutes later. It's was a large apartment complex. The apartment number Choa had given her was 1024 so she headed for the tenth floor. She knocked a few times and waited for it to open.

"Taeyeon!" Choa greeted her as she pulled the door open. She was wearing loose fitting overalls with a sports bra underneath which showed off her nice abs. Her hair was a little messy and she had small paint marks on her face.

"You look cute." Taeyeon smiled as she eyed the girl.

"Um, thank you." She blushed and waited for Taeyeon to enter but she only stood there smiling at her.

"You're not going to invite me in?" Taeyeon questioned raising an eyebrow.

Choa tilted her head and frowned. She thought she had invited her in, the door was open. "What, are you a vampire or something?" She laughed but soon stopped when Taeyeon just stared at her. "Okay I'll play along" she said giggling a little. "You may enter Dark Lord." She bowed laughing again.

Taeyeon smiled at her and entered as Choa closed the door behind her. She had a pretty nice urban studio apartment with exposed bricks and hard wood floors. Every inch of her walls were covered in paintings and one wall had a huge mural of the Seoul skyline at night.

"Wow" is all Taeyeon could utter as she took a look around the room. "You're an amazing artist and I want that mural in my house like yesterday." She chuckled.

"Sure, I'll do it but it will take me around three months to finish." Choa walked to a corner of the room where her art supplies were. "It would cost you a pretty penny for my time and services, I wouldn't be able to work on anything else during that time."

"I think I can manage" Taeyeon walked up behind Choa and she could feel the girl tense at her presence. Choa shifted to the side so Taeyeon wouldn't be directly behind her.

"You never told me what you do." Choa stated as she glanced at Taeyeon who was looking over one of her incomplete paintings.

"I'm in between jobs. I've just recently returned to Korea." Taeyeon spotted a stack of paintings on the floor so she decided to take a look. As she looked through them she came across one of a woman lying in bed with her upper body exposed and her lower body covered in silk sheets. Moonlight was shining on the woman through a window and the curtains cast shadows over parts of the women's body including her face. Taeyeon pulled the painting from among the others and admired it for awhile.

"This model has an amazing body." Taeyeon turned to face Choa. "How much do you want for it?" She watched as Choa's eyes opened wide and she blushed a deep red color when she saw the painting.

"It's not for sale." She rushed over and grabbed the painting. "Oh my God... I totally forgot I left it there." She face palmed herself and tried to hide the painting under her table. "It's so embarrassing."

Taeyeon looked at her puzzled. "What's so embarrassing?" She furrowed her brows at the still blushing girl. "You did a great job, it's so life like and that model, mmm..." Taeyeon moaned and her lips as if she had taken a bite out of the world's juiciest hamburger. "I'll give you $1000 for it."

Choa's head shot up in surprise and she stared at Taeyeon for a minute before shaking her head. "I can't..." she replied crossing her arms.

"Why not?" Taeyeon pouted and crossed her arms as well mirroring Choa. They stared each other down and Choa thought Taeyeon looked adorable standing there pouting because she couldn't have her way.

"Because it's me..." Choa finally said averting her eyes and blushing again.

"Oh..." Taeyeon uttered scanning Choa from head to toe and her lips again.

"Would you stop doing that? It's making me uncomfortable." Choa frowned.

"What?" Taeyeon questioned as she her lips once more and smirked.

"That!" Choa raised her voice pointing.

"You mean this?" Taeyeon her lips again taking the time to lightly bite her lower lip.

Choa swallowed hard and sighed. "Is it hot in here to you?" She asked fanning herself with her hands. "I'm going to get some water, do you want some water? I'll be right back." Taeyeon watched as Choa left the room mumbling to herself. She returned shortly with two ice cold bottles of water and handed one to Taeyeon. Choa opened hers and drank half the bottle.

"Ahh, that's better." She placed the bottle down and stretched. "I wanted to show you a couple pieces I've been working on." She acted as if they hadn't been talking about the other painting a minute ago.

"$2000." Taeyeon hadn't moved from her spot and was still staring at her.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" Choa sighed and scratched her head.

"Because I won't take no for an answer."

"So you're a ?" The words shot out of Choa's mouth before she could stop herself.

"What?" Taeyeon looked affronted but then a smile spread across her face. "No, I'm not a but I still want that painting."

"Fine..." Choa finally gave in. "But I want $3000 for it."

"$3000!" Taeyeon repeated. "That's highway robbery. I was pushing it when l offered $2000."

"You could always not buy it." Choa smirked. "That's okay with me."

"Fine..." Taeyeon sighed defeated. "You drive a hard bargain."

"And you have a hard head." Choa laughed.

Taeyeon's phone started to ring and she saw it was from Hyoyeon. She answered and frowned when she heard Hyoyeon's frantic voice coming from the other end.

"What...? slow down" Taeyeon bit her lip and started pacing back and forth. "Hyoyeon, I can't understand you. You have to slow down." She put the water bottle down and walked towards the door. "Okay meet me at my house in twenty minutes." Taeyeon hung up the phone and gave Choa a worried look. "I'm sorry but a have to go, I'll call you later." She opened the door and rushed to her car.

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Terenceng1998 #1
Chapter 31: I just died a little inside when choa died
justincredible #2
Chapter 30: I just wanna thank you for making this beautiful story.. It just that.. the ending disappoints me alot.. It's so sad. But nonetheless, thank you for coming back and finishing this story. Update me if you ever have a new fic.. i really liked your story telling.. Sml~
Svnny2 #3
Can sunny end up together with tiffany?:/
I hope so :D <3
Terenceng1998 #4
Chapter 27: A update that is worth the wait! Everything I going into a right direction, but was hoping that the scene at the end would be longer and a little more detailed
justincredible #5
Chapter 27: Wow! I just found this glorious fic nearly a week ago then now, you have published a pleasurable update. That really scares me, the moving of Choa to Paris, but this literally made my day. I'm not disappointed subscribing on this fic. Keep on making us cringe more.. It's like the book/movie warm bodies, how Taeyeon slowly gaining heartbeat.. Thanks for the update author-nim. Also, I just realized I was on your author's note, you're welcome, you and this magnificent piece deserve all these praises you receive from your readers. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #6
Chapter 26: Just a misclicked don't worry about it too much. Really love the Taeyeon & Choa ship though, hope you can make another fanfic about them after you're done with this one.
justincredible #7
Chapter 26: Ohmygod! Took me couple of hours or must I say 5 hours more or less and It didn't disappoint me even a bit, how amazing this story is. Where have you been all my reader life, why did I just found you now, but it's worth it though. I'm an avid Taengsic shipper and reader but I would love any person being shipped with Taeyeon for I'm a TYSone, definitely a taeganger. Also, I've been finding for TaeyeonChoa fic, how come I didn't have found this. Ghad I'm so glad i've this along my suggestions feed. This my third fantasy fanfic I've ever read' and it's damn amazing. Now, I'll be impatiently patient waiting for your next update, author-nim. Thanks for this majestic fic once again. You've just gained a new loyal reader. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #8
Chapter 24: Glad to know you're alive. Tae and choa tho
Sunny515 #9
Chapter 23: Yay! Update