TATTOO (MiNayeon)


Nayeon lacked the attention of her members.

Recently, their schedules began to differ, so they spent time separately from each other, not seeing each other for weeks or even longer.

To be honest, Nayeon missed them (or rather one of them, but it's true, by the way).

Another (not) response to her attempt to bring her new nail polish into the conversation in the general chat was unsuccessful.

The only one who answered was Chaeyoung.

My baby, always answers, even if she is busy shooting now. But why only her, why not the rest? I do not like it.

Nayeon thought for a long time about how to surprise the girls so that they somehow react to her. I rethought all the options, all the ideas, but I realized that everything sounds ridiculous and not natural. The girls just don't believe her. They know her better than she knows herself.

Realizing that she would have to put up with it, Nayeon took an open book, which she began to read at her leisure, opened the right page, and tried to delve into the plot.

While reading the line, a crazy idea suddenly came to mind: a tattoo.

The girl sparkled, her smile became wider, now the girls will definitely pay attention to her.

Before she changed her mind, she opened a general chat, typed in small letters:

I'm going to get a tattoo - looking forward to a flurry of denial from the girls, excuses for her not to do it.

One minute, Nayeon fidgeted on the bed.

The second minute, Nayeon started biting her nails.

The third minute, lips pouted on their own, brows furrowed, displeasure on the face.

Unnie, don't do this. It hurts. And I don't want you to get hurt. But if you still decide, I can recommend a tattoo artist.

Here's what came from Chaeyoung, after a 10 minute wait.

After that came a response from JiHyo with multiple question marks and fear emoji on his face.

Then Sana wrote:

I love you for who you are, Nayeon-unnie - and lots of kisses with a loving look.

Nobody else. Only 3 hours later, Jeongyeon ironically wrote in her text:

You dare not do this, Nabong . Do I know you.

And, perhaps, these words from the best friend (almost a sister) had a further effect on the part of the offended Nayeon, who did not get what her heart longed for.

Ah well. You do not know me. I'll go and do it.

Wasting no time, she dialed the number of her manager, directly asked:

- Unnie, where did you get the tattoo on your shoulder?

- Oh, you finally agree to my proposal?

- Yes. And before I change my mind, take me to your tattoo artist.

- Great mood. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes, while you think about what kind of tattoo you want and where.

- I'll be waiting, unnie.

Thinking about what kind of tattoo she wanted did not matter, because she had decided on it for a long time. What she wanted to capture on her left forearm was about one person she had been in love with since the first time they met during the audition. A secret that Nayeon keeps from everyone, even her best friend Jeongyeon.

Every year her love grows stronger, settles in her heart with a bright flame.

Lately, an action or word towards her from the person she's in love with makes her heart beat faster, her cheeks turn pink with embarrassment, and a stifled confession hangs on the tip of her tongue.

Perhaps so, knowing that you are shown to the whole world through my tattoo, I will be able to contain the impulse of my feelings. Although I think not, it will become more obvious. But I don't know what to think of for you to understand without my words. I wonder how you will answer me? Will you answer me?

After a while, the manager called and said that she was waiting for her at the entrance.

Gathered, I went downstairs, got into the car, buckled up, looking forward to arriving at the tattoo parlor.

- Why did you suddenly decide to take such a serious step? - carefully driving the car, the manager asked.

- I wanted to do this for a long time - Nayeon simply answered, looking out the window thoughtfully. - I was scared, but here, I thought, I'm almost 30 years old, it's time to change something in my life. So why not start with a tattoo?

- Up to 30 years you still have to live and live, Nayeon. What do your members say?

“I didn’t write to them,” Nayeon lied, not knowing why she didn’t tell the truth. - There will be a surprise - she let out a chuckle, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Am I doing the right thing? Do I need a tattoo? What if my skin does not accept it, then how to remove it? She will now be with me for the rest of my life.

Ah, don't be afraid, Nabong . You told yourself that your love for her is endless. Don't you think so now?

Think. It's just kind of scary to be there.

- Nayeon, we are here - she heard the voice of her manager, woke up from half-asleep, rubbed her eyes, looked at a small building with the name "Love Tattoo", smiled at the name, got out of the car.

- Do not be afraid, the master does everything quickly and easily. It won't hurt. Do you want me to be by your side or...

Thank you, but it's better.

- Of course, I'll go to the nearest store for now, write when you're free.

Nayeon nodded with a smile, took in the air, exhaled, took decisive steps towards the salon.


- Are you sure that Nayeon-unnie will not get a tattoo for evil? Chaeyoung asked once again, glancing at the gathered unnies in their video chat.

- What are you talking about, Chaeyoung? Of course not, Jeongyeon laughed, confident in her words. “Unnie just got bored, so she wrote so that we would pay attention to her.

Why does she need a tattoo at all? She's beautiful without him - Sana chirped in a loving voice, then blushed, giggled and added quietly: - Although she would look very cool if she got a tattoo on her shoulder.

- Satang, come to your senses, - Momo brought her back to her senses, shaking her head, “you sound like a schoolgirl in love now.

- So I'm in love, Momorin - Sana sang in a sweet voice, winking at her, - you yourself know that my love for unnie began since the audition. Ah, her aura on stage, her voice, the way she smiled at me then...

- Nayeon-chan, smiling at all of us, - Mina corrected her gently, feeling an unfamiliar heat rising through her body, painting her cheeks and neck scarlet.

- Why are you blushing, Mitang ? Haha, don't tell me you pictured Nayeon-unnie with tattoos? Mina just blushed more.

- Mina-unnie, if you like tattoos so much, then look at me, I have a lot of them - Chaeyoung reminded herself, jealousy in her voice is clearly audible.

- Your tattoos are very cute, Chaeng, - DaHyun said softly, - you yourself are very cute, but it's not the same if Nayeon-unnie has tattoos.

- It seems to me that you have digressed from the topic, we all think that Nabong will get a tattoo, and if he doesn't? Maybe Jeong is right, we haven't been talking much lately, so Nayeon-unnie wrote this to draw attention to herself? I already regret that I did not write anything in response, but simply put question marks - JiHyo sighed.

- Let's wait for the next SMS from unnie, if she doesn't write anything during the day, I'll ask her. Did she do it or not, Jeongyeon suggested, ending the correspondence with the secret chat “Our Big Baby”.


It turned out that it didn’t hurt, just something tingled on the skin, but mostly pleasant. After an hour and a half spent in the salon, Nayeon finally came out with a band-aid on her forearm.

The master advised not to take it off during the day, and in the evening not to wet it with water, if you suddenly decide to go to the shower.

Some elevated mood, excited and strange.

I did it anyway.

I have a tattoo now.

Do I want to brag about them or not?

If the ladies look closer, then the girls, especially one of them, will understand exactly what the history of the tattoo is.

But I want to show you.

I won't last long.

Three days maximum.

Wait, in three days we will have a performance at the music festival. At that event, you can wear sleeveless clothes and calmly show your tattoos. Great, it's decided, I'll show everyone there.

It remains only to hold out for these three days. Oh, how do you manage to hide from girls for so long?


In the evening of the same day, the members again gathered in a secret video chat to discuss the same topic that was in the morning.

- She definitely did - Sana said immediately, ahead of Momo, adding: - And I'm sure that the tattoo is on the forearm.

"Usually unnie takes a shower before bed, but today she refused," Momo confirmed.

“Well, that doesn’t prove anything yet,” JiHyo drawled uncertainly, “what other evidence is there.

- Long sleeves, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, Sana's unwanted hugs - Momo listed the visible meanings, glancing at her friend.

- Even my pout did not help to perform a miracle so that I could hug her today - pouted Sana.

- Seriously? Wow, I don't believe it! Maybe you tried hard, Sana-unnie? Dahyun joked.

- I used all the forces of seduction, but in no way - not succumbing to DaHyun's provocation, the girl pouted more. – This was not the case before.

- Don't worry, Sana-unnie, sometimes Nayeon-unnie needs a break from you. Today it didn’t work out, it will work out tomorrow - comforted (although it didn’t look like consolation) Tzuyu. “Better, let's think about how we will protect Nayeon-unnie from the crowds of female fans who will attack after they see the tattoo.” Tzuyu easily changed the subject from “bad flirting” to a serious topic.

- Do you really think she got a tattoo?

- Of course unnie did, especially after you, Jeongyeon-unnie, wrote 'I know you,' - Tzuyu said confidently as she considered her next words. - Knowing our unnie's ambitious side, do you really think she wouldn't say 'oh well, you don't know me' to herself and get a tattoo to prove it?

- Wow, you Tzuyu baby, you are so smart…

- I wonder what kind of tattoo and where did she get it? I’m so curious but sorry I won’t be able to see the tattoo until three days later when we have a music show performance, -  all the girls sighed except for one who timidly raised her hand and quietly said:

- I have a free day tomorrow, I can visit Nayeon-unnie tomorrow and find out everything.

- Is it true? Great news, Minari! You are our trump. Nabong will definitely not refuse you. We are waiting for your detailed report on unnie's tattoo!


I agreed, of course, but how do I ask Nayeon-chan to show me my tattoo?

The next day, before visiting her older friend's house, Mina wrote to her. Momo and Sana weren't at home because they have their own schedule, so ask Nayeon if there is nobody at home.

And why are they so sure that Nayeon-chan will show me his tattoo? My influence on her is not as strong as everyone thinks. Eh, I'm nervous. Maybe cancel everything, come up with some excuse and not come? No. I promised. We will be in the house only the two of us, what can happen? We are just two friends who will be left alone in the house .


Mina, you've finally arrived! Come in, come in, I've been waiting for you! - opening the door to the house, the girl was delighted, dressed in black shorts and a cropped top with straps, exposing most of the neckline.

Mina almost lost consciousness, taking her gaze away from her friend's chest, going inside, looking around out of habit.

Nothing will happen, we will just be alone ...

Nothing is…

- Why are you frozen in the door, come in - Nayeon said happily smiling, taking Mina by the wrists and dragging her into the living room. - I'm ready, today we will have a game day!

Mina almost stumbled when her gaze caught on her exposed shoulder blades, she even squinted to see.

- Minari, don't be afraid, I don't bite. - Nayeon laughed at her joke, thinking about the strange behavior of "her special person."

- Excuse me, I want to go to the bathroom, can I? biting his lower lip, still not looking straight into Nayeon's eyes.

- Oh, yes, yes, of course. Go, while I bring us something to eat and set up the game.

Entering the bathroom, Mina the cold water, rinsed her face with the breath of heat, leaned her hands on the edge of the sink, and gazed at her reflection intently.

As she expected.

I won't be able to be here. She's too close. I don’t understand, we have known each other for more than 8 years, and I am still shy around her. Her touch, they are not at all different from when we touch during a dance, so why is my heart beating so loudly in my chest, my breathing quickens and my cheeks turn pink?

Mina, you need to come to your senses, you're here on a mission. You just need to find out if Nayeon-chan got the tattoo. Everything, everything is fine, let's do it!


I can not. God, she's so cute, just like a child. My big baby , a thought flashed through her mind as her eyes puffed up her pouting mouth, from which lamentable accusations against the game character escaped.

- Do you want me to help you, Nayeon-chan? Mina asked softly, already putting her console aside, and sat closer, placing her palms on the palms of Nayeon, who was holding the game console.

- I want to - did not refuse Nayeon's help, even sat down a little closer to the sofa, giving way so that the girl could sit in front. Having met a bewildered look, she smiled and added: - It will be easier this way, I will understand better this way.

Danger - the warning came too late, as one of Nayeon's arms was already around Mina's waist, and the other hand was resting on her hip while her friend's chin rested on her shoulder, peering out.

Mina herself was pressed tightly against Nayeon's body, feeling hot and strangely tingling where they touched.

- Minari, help me defeat this villain, - Nayeon asked, pointing at some monster that appeared on the screen.

Mina almost forgot why she sat down next to Nayeon, completely dissolving in a warm (sometimes hot) hug. She glanced sideways at her older friend, taking a breath when she noticed that Nayeon's gaze was completely focused on the game.

I also need to focus on the game. Let's play a little, and then I'll definitely ask about the tattoo.


Later, after returning to her dorm and meeting the curious faces of her neighbors, Mina suddenly realized:

Sorry, I couldn't get anything out.

- Minari, how so? - taking the girl by the hands, leading her to the sofa, they asked Jeongzhi . You weren't home most of the day.

- It seems to me that unnie guessed why I came to her, because as soon as she opened her door, she said that we would play. And you know, gaming is my weakness. Besides ... - Mina fell silent in time, biting the tip of her tongue, blushed, - no, nothing. We just played all day.

- It's a pity. Maybe we should ask directly? Now - JiHyo, took out her phone, dialed Nayeon's number, after a few rings, the girl picked up the phone. JiHyo didn't let her ask why she was calling her, immediately immediately: - Nayeon-unnie, so did you get a tattoo? Or what you wrote was just a bluff?

- Don't worry JiHyo, my tattoo is very cute and almost invisible. I asked to make sure that it does not particularly stand out on the body. And don't ask, I won't show you. Good night, girls - hung up the phone.

- She hung up, it's not a good idea, wait a minute - but before JiHyo was about to call back, a call came from Nayeon: - Unnie!

- I forgot to say , - Nayeon said in a teasing tone, - next time, just answer me in the chat so that you don’t have to send Mina later.


Three days before the performance, curiosity brought the girls to the point that they bombarded the chat with questions, pleas, and bribes in a day.

They thought that a ride in the car or getting ready in the dressing room would give them a chance to see the tattoo, but Nayeon arranged with the manager that she would come straight to the rehearsal. When she arrived, she was covered with clothes, when asked questions, she laughed out loud, brushed her off, and said mysteriously:

You will definitely like my tattoo. All my heart is there.


Nayeon didn't show it, but she was really nervous and very worried.

Her tattoo, or rather the tattoos that were drawn on different parts of her body, were drawings of an unconsidered decision. She asked to do them spontaneously. Of course, they were small, almost invisible, but significant. As Nayeon told the members, the tattoos represented everything that her heart holds.

There were not as many of them as Chaeyoung, after all, Nayeon did not dare to create a canvas for a picture from her body, but there were definitely a couple of three.

Ah, I hope the intended recipient of my tattoos doesn't understand the meaning. One must think of revealing the guarded secret of my heart in this way. Well, there's nothing you can do about it here. Yes, I'm not ashamed of my confession. Just a little scary.


The beginning of a real entrance to the stage. All the girls in stage costumes, the ones they chose to wear today to perform their new song Set me free , are ready to be written.

Today Nayeon wore a skirt, crop top and vest instead of a jacket, so more of the skin was showing.

But no matter how much the girls looked out, they could not find the ill-fated tattoo.

Although, JiHyo later said thoughtfully:

- It seems to me, but I saw something similar on her shoulder ...

- On the contrary, it seemed to me that I saw it on the shoulder blade ... - Sana shared.

- No, no, you are mistaken, I saw it on the left thigh ... - DaHyun responded.

Mina, who was behind her most of the time, hesitated to answer, because what her eyes noticed " couldn't be true " because " Nayeon-chan can't feel the same emotions ."


Nayeon, meanwhile, shamefacedly closing her eyes, prayed to all the gods that these tattoos would disappear, because the whole world will now know how much she is in love with Mina.



- Are you sure you want to draw a penguin on your shoulder, a heart between your shoulder blades and a bunny on your side? - asked the bewildered tattoo artist, settling next to the client, getting her tools ready for work.

- Yes, just make them small, barely noticeable, - Nayeon asked, taking a deep breath, preparing for a serious step.

- You do understand that they will not be withdrawn, at least within six months? If you change your mind, it will be too late.

- I understand everything, but this is exactly what I want to do. Get started...

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