Confession and response (Sana\Mina)


It's sad to admit it, but it's time to say goodbye.

School moments that we experienced together will soon become the past.

The future is waiting for us.

What will it bring to our life?

Will that love remain, the first and pure, secret, uncertain, or will we meet other people?

For some of us, what we found here, it will last a long time, because we have gone through so many trials, strengthening our feelings.

For those who are not sure, there are always new feelings that they will believe in.

One thing we know for sure - the closest people will stay with us forever.

After all, I`m right?



I know it's time to tell her my very innermost feelings so that, going into a new life, going towards my new future, I would not regret anything. I have kept and protected them for so long that now it is so difficult to express them, looking directly into her eyes, giving her a radiant smile.

My first love, how will you answer me?

Are you sorry you can't accept my feelings?

Apologize and lower your gaze, nervously clutching the straps of your school bag?

Or will you just remain silent, shocked by my confession?

I don't know if I should stop you when you run away from me without saying anything in response.

Maybe I shouldn't speak? No, it's time.

- Mina, I need to talk to you, let's go away for a minute.



She asked me to move away, voicing her request as we were surrounded by classmates. Her serious appearance scared me a little and alerted me. She was always smiling, always frivolous, simple and kind. It was always easy for me to be friends with her, she is the most important person for me. My closest friend, whom I love very much.

What happened?

Why such a tense look?

You stand in front of me, alert, ready to run away from any rustle.

I don't like to see you like this - insecure, nervous, pale.

You were never afraid of anything, you were always brave and determined, so what happened to change you so much.

Please don't be silent for so long, just say what you wanted to say.

- Sana, something happened, can I help you with something?

-Nothing happened, I just finally mustered up the courage to say…



I paused, a lump in my throat preventing me from continuing.

I hesitated ... do I need to confess now?

- If it's something important to you, Sana, I'll listen.



I saw that doubts consumed her.

But I also saw that she needed to speak up.

- In any case, with any words, I am always on your side, Sana. Trust me just as you did then, three years ago, when we first said to each other: I like you, I want to be friends with you.



I tried to smile, but my lips betrayed only the curvature of my lips.

Tears, traitors, they rose to the throat, preventing me from concentrating.

I have already put an end to my relationship with her.

I had already prepared myself for the breakup, thinking that I would lose her as a friend too.

- You're right, Mina, as always, you find the right words to cheer me up, give me confidence.

I took a deep breath and a long exhalation, in all seriousness, looking directly into her eyes, said:

- Mina, I liked you from the moment you stood in front of the announcement board and looked at the class lists. You were so beautiful at that moment that I couldn't help but approach you and offer my help. Although you know how shy I am. You turned to me, our eyes lingered for a couple of seconds, but those seconds were enough for me to fall in love with you. What I'm trying to say is… Miyu Mina, I love you, please let's date!

Here are my sincere feelings being spoken aloud.

Loud to the ears.

Even I had to flinch from them, I wanted to hide behind and run away, but I stood and waited.

I was waiting for her answer.

Any answer.

I will accept any of her answers - so I repeated to myself all these years, while I was friends with her.

Please don't torment my heart, just answer me.

- I'm sorry, Sana... My heart is already taken... If you had confessed a little earlier, I would... we would...



From her first words, I understood where she was driving, what she was going to confess.

My heart fluttered in my chest, happy words flashed through my thoughts: is it really true? Sana loves me too?

I almost smiled, I almost interrupted her and said the words almost aloud:

I'm in love with you too...

If another thought didn't come after: Nayeon, I can't do this to Nayeon.

Yes, I can't do this to someone who so lovingly cared for and healed my wounds of a broken heart.

I'm sorry Sana.

- If you agree to accept my friendly feelings, then I will be happy. Let's be the best of friends. You agree?



Then I did not answer, but later, SMS wrote that I agree.

Although I disagreed in my heart, I cherished the hope of another answer.

Stupid, love fool.

I had hope even after she introduced me to Nayeon.

I immediately understood why it was Nayeon, but I denied it to myself, hoping that their union would go wrong and Mina would return to me.

But, when they had a serious fight, why did I try them on first?

Oh, I knew the answer, I knew it perfectly, but I stubbornly denied it.

Silly stubbornness.

I also persisted, did not accept anyone else in my heart, closed myself off from the new feeling that Momo, one of Nayeon's best friends, offered me.

We often walked with her, we found a lot in common, she was pretty to me.

It's fun and easy with her.

I learned a lot with her.

She was the perfect fit for me.

Without realizing it, but my heart was already pounding at a different name, my cheeks were red from one of her touches, I looked only at her, not noticing Mina nearby.

And when that past surfaced, and that question, I suddenly clearly understood who owns my heart now.

And having understood this, I was able to let go, finally breathe freely, meet Mina with a sincere smile, hoping only that she would be happy.

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