Page rustle (MiNayeon)


Dear diary, today is May 14, Wednesday, noon and all my thoughts are only about the fact that I want to kiss Mina on the lips. I don't know where it came from, but after that "almost" kiss on the lips during my joke in the dressing room, I can't stop thinking about how they taste.

Even though it's been days since that joke, I still can't look at her face properly. My eyes constantly linger on her lips.

If you don't remember, dear diary, turn your pages back a little, I described that moment in detail there.

Are you asking me to help you?

No, no, you're on your own. I'm too embarrassed to read and remember again.

I will leave you here, lock the doors of my room, and you can read without an audience.

Where am I going?

I have a schedule today that even the girls don't know about.

Ha ha ha, don't be so impatient, I'll write here soon.

Okay, even though you're not a living thing, but still, wish me luck.


My mistress left me alone, knowing full well that my curiosity would drive me crazy.

Thanks to the light breeze that swayed the curtains. My unlucky hostess again forgot to close the window when she left. She will complain again about how cold it is when she gets home. Well, what can I say, her fault, not mine.

But this time I am grateful, with the help of my friend the wind, I can turn to the correct page.


The rustle of a diary page being turned.

An invisible shadow leaned over the unfolded page.

No date was given, nor did Nayeon write what they did that day.

Usually large handwriting was replaced by small, almost indistinguishable, but if you look closely, you can read it.

It was just me and Mina in the dressing room. We waited in line to take pictures. Mina took the chips, brought one to , ready to eat it. I was very playful then, so I ran up to Mina, smiling at her:

- I want to make a kiss-chip - I quickly said, wrapping my lips around a thin chip and almost touching the lips of a smiling Mina, I eat it, showing a cheeky smirk to the camera.

-I don't know why she likes to do it, - Mina laughs shyly, turning away from the camera.

I felt her warm breath on my lips, if not for the camera, and if not for the crowded room, what would I really do? Would I go further than a joke kiss? I'm afraid to admit even to myself, let my thoughts stay with me.


A rustle of paper, one sheet is turned over, another small entry in the diary.

On one broadcast, the question asked if the members kissed Mina on her birthday.

It would have been better if I had kept quiet and said nothing.

- Did I forget to kiss you, Mina?

She got up from her seat, approached the sitting Mina, tilted her head, completely blocking the view from the camera and the rest of the girls. My lips smiled as they kissed near the corner of Mina's lips, perfectly hearing her stifled breath. Returning to the place, my lips tingled, I trembled a little and my heart went wild. Our eyes briefly met, but quickly fled.

I couldn't sleep all night. As soon as I closed my eyes, my brain painted a different picture of what had happened.

Let those fictional dreams stay with me, I don't want to voice them.


The rustle of paper, two sheets of paper written in large handwriting and with cute drawings in the form of a drawn bunny, flowers and kisses turned over. At the end of the page, in small handwriting, there was again one entry:

The first time I voiced my thoughts out loud was when I saw Sana kiss Mina on the cheek. Looking at my reflection, after a quick shower, I admitted that I was jealous. What should I do with the confession? And what does it mean to me?


A rustle of paper, two sheets with drawn penguins, hearts and kisses, no notes, only Japanese characters with a name are written very small on the corner of each page.

Before today's date, another small note was seen, the written text was a mixture of Japanese and Korean words. It was not the handwriting of the hostess, I studied it in detail.

I'm waiting for your kiss, I hope you do it right this time.


Is this really… Mistress… The thoughts of the diary (if he were a living person) were mixed up, he almost guessed, he almost voiced it aloud, but then the doors opened, the hostess returned home.


Dear diary, hello, it's almost night, I just got home. Today was a wonderful, but very tiring day. From now on, I will no longer hide behind my small handwriting the most important events for my heart.

In a nutshell.

First, just before entering my room, I saw Mina walking towards me. She was wearing her favorite pajamas, the ones that Jihyo doesn't like so much.

Oh, how beautiful she was.

She came out of the kitchen with a bag of crisps in one hand, one of which she was about to eat. As if someone invisible pushed me forward, I went almost close to her, looked into her eyes, jokingly said:

- I want to make kiss-chips.

- I was just thinking about it, Nayeon-unnie, - Mina replied softly, putting chips in , holding the edge with her lips, and leaned forward.

I leaned forward, maybe everything was repeated, as then, if an invisible hand had not tilted my head a little further and my lips instead of chips completely touched Mina's lips.

A slight tingle between the lips, half a breath, we look into each other's eyes.

- I have more, if you want, you can come and we will continue to study kissing chips, - Mina whispered shyly, pulling away slowly, hiding in her room.

When did Minari become so bold? She voiced what I wanted to say.

Therefore, my dear friend, I hasten to return to Mina and taste the chili-flavored chips on her lips.

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