Art in love-2


The morning run began with a couple of laps around the park, then up the hill and a light jog along the highway, past the newly opened stall, with fresh pastries. It was always nice to have a drink after a run of strong black coffee and eat something - something good to eat, lifting forces. After a run, she went to the sports hall, which is in 20 meters from the house, train your body. Maintain your body shape.

Today morning, no nothing different from the other days, she began to play sports.

Only perhaps a photograph under the pillow. Chaeyoung wanted to put it in a frame, but then changed her mind. What for? And she then explained the girl, with who can be when - one day it will occur? In the meantime, she took out a photo where DaHyun with her incredible smile, looked at her and put it back under the pillow.


She chose comfortable jogging clothes, put earphones in my ears, the music and ran. At first, the pace was slow while she was running around the city, then it accelerated as soon as she entered the park.

It was a great time when Seoul residents were still sleeping in their beds and watching a night's sleep. Only some of them who care about their health met along the path. Green trees gave their splendor and delighted the eyes. Clean groomed alleys, the scent of flowers that stupefied the imagination. Fresh air, a gentle breeze, all in general gave strength.

After a 3 - hour jog on the city, Chaeyoung entered the sports hall. Yes, there were more people here than on the street. She nodded welcomingly to Mark, the owner of the hall, a muscular young tall man with a curly brown head and kind gray eyes. As usual, the first simulator was to strengthen the pelvic muscles, that is, "pedal, baby."

At this time, two girls entered the gym , confidently crossed the unnecessary trainers and stopped near the “bicycle”, where one girl worked, with her head down on the steering wheel.

- And why did you get me so early? - DaHyun threw the towel over the steering wheel of the "bicycle", threw her leg, sat down. Half of the room, watching her, sighed in a spell, how gracefully and easily it turned out.

- You need to keep in shape, DaHyun. And who else could I ask for, if not a girlfriend - Nayeon sat next to her. With o day it was in a good mood and on the work of getting better.

Yesterday she was called by Chou Tzuyu, an agent of the illustrious Son Chaeyoung, whom many galleries wanted to get, but were lucky. They made an appointment tonight at Planet. There, they decide the name of the exhibition, at the same time look at everything that is now available. Perhaps today Nayeon will meet the artist. Tzuyu said Chaeyoung sometimes looks in there.

I wonder what she is like.

- Speaking of friends. Jeongyeon is already here - DaHyun pointed her head at a black-haired girl pushing herself up from the floor on bent arms.

Jeongyeon noticing Nayeon and DaHyun, went up to them, not stopping lifting weights. There it was worn out look, and some - the hungry look how she casts girls.

- I know why I'm here. But what are you doing?

- Sweating for nothing - joked DaHyun, which caused a smile on his face Jeongyeon. - Why are you here?

- I decided that I would not devote more to as much time as before. Enough. There are too many problems.

- Do you have a problem? Are you kidding me like that? No? Well, you give. Are you sure

- Yes, I'm sure.

  • Let's see in practice tonight, in the Planet.
  • And what will happen today in the Planet? - Jeongyeon lowered the weights and began to squat, putting her hands at shoulder level so as not to lose balance and not to fall.

-Your new victims, maybe.

- I don’t get it.

-Today Nayeon meets with the agent of the artist, whom they have been talking about for more than a month. Chou Tzuyu.

- That`s why we are here. I morally support Nayeon in this hard training of body and soul.

- I don’t know what Chou Tzuyu is , but I see your acquaintance in front of me, DaHyun ,” Jeongyeon said conspiratorially , leaning toward her friend and pointing to the girl sitting next to her that raised her head from bent arms.

- It's her, that girl.

“ I didn’t think we would meet like that.”


It was a shame to admit even to herself, but Chaeyoung fell asleep on the simulator . You can, of course, laugh out loud , but it's better when you are alone, and not at all. How she managed! Interestingly, she will be able to get on her feet after so many rounds of pedaling.

Damn, the pain!

Muscles just swelled, even touch painfully.

Okay, take a deep breath, try to get up. Gently, gently, - led to an internal conversation Chaeyoung, getting up from the bike and making a step. The pain shot in his legs, like a shot from a gun.

Teeth clenched and to the blood biting her lower lip, she also took another step. So, in small steps, however, without showing how really painful, she got to the simulator, which pumped up the muscles of her hands.

It will be easier now. Five, maximum seven push-ups and everything will fall into place. Damn, I can’t cripple myself, not today. I still have to survive until the evening.

If you would not promise Tzuyu, not doing anything - either that evening, she would give herself to relax. If you look from the point of view of work, today is a very important day. Tonight Tzuyu acquaint her with Him Nayeon , organizer of the future exhibition.

She must say that her paintings are already ready, almost. One flaw remained, another thought came to her at night , and the rest of the night worked on the changes. 2 days until the exhibition. During these days, a lot needs to be done and the main thing is to be in time, to arrange everything. Tzuyu for it will call about 19:00 pm, any clothes on her taste. Well, and on this, thanks.

Preoccupied with her thoughts, Chaeyoung did not immediately notice that a familiar girl was standing next to her. So familiar that the heart treacherously accelerated its pulse in the blood, and a slight blush appeared on the cheeks. -Hello - I said as an angel, she was now at arm's length.

- Hello.

- I recognized you right away. You often come to our performances. But yesterday, for some reason, you were gone - the words flowed smoothly, like a swan along the surface of a lake, but in the depths butterflies fluttered that they were dancing the life with fire. She was already worried because she was standing next to her.

-  K Unfortunately, I yesterday have not been able to work occupied all my thoughts. And today too. Dates press, crush like snares - Chaeyoung admitted, without even thinking about lying.

- Well, ehm. And how do you like it here? - Now all DaHyun’s thoughts were busy with the fact that her eyes could not take her eyes off her muscular muscles.

I wanted to touch it. For a long time there was no such condition. So long I did not like and with s girl to immediately put her in bed.

A good place, and not far from home - Chaeyoung leaned over to take the towel that was lying next to her, her shirt pulled up a little, revealing the perfect torso of the athlete.

Sweat glistened on the skin , and it looked so seductive that DaHyun's legs almost buckled. Heck! This is bad. Need now is to get away from it, otherwise there will be that - it is very pleasant and embarrassing.

- I was really lucky with the area.” I do not often see you with friends here.

- Yes, to be honest, I would like to not come here at all . But what can’t you do for your friends?

- I agree. Today, for example, instead of going to your concert, I set the evening free for my girlfriend. Yes, and a good reason today. There will be a meeting at work. I hope everything goes well.

- Do you like our concerts? - it was nice to hear, and, realizing that she had gone out of it - for it in the "Planet".

- Very. To tell you the truth, after them I had new powers to create. Melody, lyrics, I do n’t know, but they act on me like a magnet. And I also like to watch you as you chat - still dissolved in the guitar and the sound of drums. Oh, excuse me, I did not offend you? - Chaeyoung stopped the flow of words, saying that DaHyun like - something changed in his face.

No, no, not offended. Just nobody ever said such things, very nice, thanks.

Shut up.

Tension eased a little, but instead it's that - something else until the inexplicable.

DaHyun took a step to say goodbye, but she was ahead of Chaeyoung, or rather a phone call.

- Sorry. Yes, I am listening. Hi dear. No, I'll be free soon. Yes. Yes. No. Yes you that, with crazy?! How do i do this? You also know that I'm not a man! - Tzuyu called, immediately determining where her friend and what she was doing. In it, there is radar - that guesses right, who stands by and about what they are saying?

Honey?” DaHyun turned and went to her friends, who carefully watched what was happening. "Is it possible that she has someone - that is? How could I make such a mistake? ”

- She's looking at you, DaHyun. Albeit with whom would she called and said, but this concerned look, like it to you, I have not seen - cheered Nayeon, putting a hand on his shoulder, supporting her.

- Really? Do you think she liked me?

- Just like that! Her eyes glowed while you spoke ...

- You stood so close to each other that even a mosquito nose will not tarnish.

- But she said “dear” into the phone!

- So you can say the best friend, do not you think so?

-Yes, you are probably right.

- Don’t worry, DaHyun, today you will meet again. It also comes to your speech?

- No, she has a meeting.

- I haven’t seen you like this for a long time. Probably from the time you met Soyeon.

- Yes, I 'm listening to you. No, I'm not screaming. Just trying to explain what place you thought before calling me! - the object of their discussion just came out of the locker room, hanging over his shoulder, a small backpack and someone -then the phone cursing on what light is. “Hell, Park JinKook , you just slaughter me alive!”

After Tzuyu called a Park JinKook, mainly the first of providers to paints, easels, and all that relates to the art equipment. Two weeks ago, Chaeyoung ordered through him one special paint specifically for the tone that she planned for the last picture.

The color of the paint resembled the Cote d'Azur, and the transparent appearance of a salt wave washing the sand. She decided to completely devote this picture to DaHyun. After all, it was under her melody that the picture was written .Even the name was invented specifically for her. "Two on the beach." And here JinKook calls and says this: " Sorry, but it seems your paint was lost along the way ." What the hell?!

- Where are you staying? Wow. And no bold Do you? Okay, wait, I'll be right there. What do you mean why? We will find out together. Everything. Damn, damn, damn, damn! - Chaeyoung with anger clenched her fists, she wanted to scream with frustration. She took a deep breath, relaxed her shoulders, smiled at herself in the mirror, winked at DaHyun. - Do you ever - ever so happen that this very same moment you want to strangle this man? It’s a pity, of course, but I won’t be able to strangle him. He does a very good job. Good luck tonight. See you soon.

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