DANCE WORLD (J-line)-2


Chapter 1. Korean unnie

They were already six months in South Korea, or rather, in the company, but apart from the teachers, they did not see any of the interns. But today everything will change, and they were looking forward to today. For the first time in six months they were told that they now have full access to a place in the rehearsal room. In that room, beyond the walls of which magic took place. If you get there, then it’s a stone's throw before the debut. Yes, they wanted and wanted to make their debut, but even more they wanted to meet other interns. To make friends, not to be so alone.

Today will be the first competition for talents, that is, they need to show what they are capable of. They prepared a general dance and worked it to the accuracy all week. They rehearsed it in the hostel, practically did not get out of the training room, even when they ate, they also rehearsed. They wanted to show themselves at their best.


- Sana! Mina! We’ll be late if you don’t hurry! - shouted Hirai Momo, impatiently dancing in front of the open door to their room. They were supposed to leave another 2 minutes ago, at such a pace they get through on foot. She called her best friends, Minatozoki Sana and Miyu Mina .

“We are already here!” Let’s hurry to the bus, we’ll be late on foot - and Sana was the first to break out of the apartment, Mina and Momo ran out behind her.


They managed to run on time, the bus was already closing the doors and was about to leave the stop. But they jumped up a notch and they only needed to be nervous because of the performance. After all, the girls did not know what level of training the others had.


Girlfriends arrived at the company ahead of schedule. Awkwardness was what they felt when they were alone in the waiting room. In order not to sit idly by, they decided to turn on the music. About 10 minutes passed, and other participants began to appear in the room. Friends carefully looked at the new arrivals, they were embarrassed and shy. The conversation was still difficult. They were afraid to come up first, start a conversation, suddenly they would say something wrong, offensive. They only had to wait and watch until three girls entered the room, and immediately it became somehow lighter, free.

- Hello, you must be the very new Japanese girls that came to us six months ago? - asked them the black-haired girl who came closer. - I, Im Nayeon . What year were you born?

“19 96,” said Sana and Momo, smiling shyly .

“1997,” Mina said softly, looking out from under her long hair.

“Ah, that means there’s not one here older than me.” I'm from 1995, so your unnie . Jeongyeon is also from 1996, and Jihyo 1997 is pointing to a particular girl, Nayeon said . “And what is your name?” - Seeing that the girls are hiding from her eyes, I decided to support them.

- Sorry, we are still bad in Korean. Momo - pointing to himself - Sana and Mina.

- Clear. Let's try today, show our president what we are capable of. Fighting!

“Thank you, unnie, ” the girls bowed, watching Nayeon smiling, cheering them up. Only now they saw that her front teeth protruded forward, like a bunny. Without saying a word, whispered. - Cute.


“They are all so cute and beautiful.” Jeongyeon , did you see what that girl was wearing, Momo? Black leather jacket and the same black tight jeans. So cool! And so it goes. And it seems to me that Mina was engaged in dancing, she has such a straightened posture.

- I think ballet. And I wasn’t afraid of her much, she looked at me like that from behind her hair - looking back at the girl, Jihyo reported . - Do you think we will win?

“We will show our speech, enjoy it, listen to the president’s comments and go on to work.” We have been here for 6 years, you’re generally longer than us in the trainees , Jihyo , but our skills aren’t so hot yet - combing our hair with your hand, said Jeongyeon .

- And I think that today Momo, Mina and Sana will stand out. Maybe DaHyun and Chaeyoung , but not us. But still try. Fighting!

- You are somehow not very optimistic. You forgot that we have murderous charisma and aura. We will conquer the judges not only with vocals, which we have more than enough, but also with our dance movements. We will try and win, just go to the next round.

- What kind of speech, Jihyo , you’re just like a real leader - hugged tightly at the waist and pulled to yourself, kissed on the cheek. - Thank you, goddess Jihyo .

- Unnie , not in public - repulsing kisses, the girl laughed. “You need to set an example for the younger ones ...”

“You are so wonderful, but I like it anyway - laughing with them, Jeongyeon joined the gentle attacks of Nayeon .”


Nayeon's words became prophetic, as did Jihyo's . The new Japanese trio distinguished themselves, to be honest, she just could not look away from the powerful dance. She was often jerked off, brought to herself, but she continued to look at Momo's press and Mina's elastic movements . She definitely liked them, and she needed to make friends soon. The plan came into action immediately after the end of the talent show, as soon as the door closed behind the president and the trainers began to gather home.

- You danced so powerfully, I can never succeed. I looked only at you and could not tear my eyes away , Nayeon said admiringly , coming up to them. She did not try to hide her charm with them. - What are you doing now?

- We are going to go eat, and then go home, relax.

“You don't want to join us.” Together more fun. In addition, we need to get to know each other better. How is such a plan?

“With pleasure, unnie, ” Sana answered for all, crossing any objection from her friends. She smiled sweetly at the older girl, ready to follow her. - We also liked your performance.

“Fine, then let's go.” And then together we will return to the hostel. We live on the same site, but did not intersect. Strange, right?


In the evening of the same day, three Japanese girls gathered in the room, as always discussing the past day. And today was full of surprises. First acquaintances, first demonstration, first meeting with unnie . It sounds so strange, because in Japan there is no “ unnie meaning . They were born in different months, and Mina was one year younger, but they did not call a friend “ unnie ”.

- You know, when I saw that Nayeon - unnie was suitable for us, it seemed to me that I saw a Korean unnie , as in a drama - Sana shared her opinion, comfortably wrapping herself in a blanket.

“She walked so important, she has such a bright aura, so warm,” Momo agreed, straightening the edge of the blanket under her feet.

“I wanted us to make friends.” But we are very shy, and we could not come up to ourselves. It's good that unnie herself came up to us and spoke - Mina laughed softly, placing a tray of hot chocolate and snacks on the floor.

- Still her smile, she is so cute when she smiles. She has so much aegyo , there is much to learn.

- to you? To learn? Sana, you’re the queen of aegyo, our friends laughed.

“But she has something from a child,” Sana said, “and I really like her smile.”

“Do you think we will meet with them again tomorrow?” Or ... - Mina was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. They did not expect anyone, so together they went to see who came to them.

“Hi,” Nayeon waved a friendly hand , peering into the stunned faces of the girls. “I'm not a ghost, ha ha ha.”

- Nayeon - unnie ? What are you doing here?

“You're not doing anything right now?” Maybe I woke you up? Her gaze quickly went through the girls' pajamas. - Cute.

“We haven't gone to bed yet.”

- We are all going to watch a movie there, do not want to join? I will introduce the rest of our gang.

- And what kind of movie? Horror?

- We don’t know yet. We usually take off "rock-paper-scissors." Who won he chooses. I really hope that you are good at this game, because I always lose.

- You called us only because of the win?

- Not only, I just want to have a good time with you. Come along.


Their didn’t have to go far, on the same floor, only deep into the corridor. Before reaching the desired room, loud voices and laughter were heard.

“We are still quiet, we are usually heard on the street.” Hey there! - in the room for a minute everything calmed down, everyone looked towards the new arrivals. - This is Momo, Mina and Sana. Momo, Mina, Sana - that's it!And now, who ordered the food?

“Everything you wanted, unnie — it’s important that you stick out your chest forward, looking a bit like an ostrich,” said Jeongyeon .

“You know that I do not like olives, so why are there so many of them on my side?”

- They rejuvenate the skin - barely holding back a laugh, the girl replied.

“You mean that I look bad?!”

“Then why are you clinging to the little kids on the street?” Or why do you like to look like a child?

- This is because I love children! You idiot!

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