Drabble - Letter to Santa Claus (Sana/...)


There were few days left until the New Year and Sana didn’t know what to do, should she write a letter to Santa Claus or not? She always (every year) wrote to him, so why would she break tradition?

But the question was that every year, the wishes that she asked Santa Claus did not come true. No matter how passionately Sana wishes, absolutely nothing. Disappointment and hopes for the new year.

Her best friends, the only friends she could trust in any situation, Momo and Mina, supported her and said:

- Everything will work out for you next year. Do not give up!

Sana did not give up, she wrote and wrote.

The desires were simple, basically one of them was - I want to fall in love with the girl of my dreams .

What's not clear here?

Well, she may not mention the girl's name, but Santa Claus knows everything.

Kim Dahyun, the girl of her dreams, her secret lover, for whom she has been sighing for 3 years in a row.

Kim Dahyun is elegant, gorgeous, talented and many more adjectives that would take up many pages.

Everything about her was perfect, everything, oh, many who sighed just like her, but alas, the girl already had a couple (Sana’s heart at that moment was broken into a million pieces).

Song Chaeyoung, DaHyun's current girlfriend, is a sweet, reliable, kind and caring Chaeyoung. You can’t say anything bad about her, she was perfect for Dahyun.

No matter how much she liked Dahyun, she liked Chaeyoung just as much.

In addition, DubCheng are good friends of the trio.

But it’s not harmful to dream and wish for Santa Claus, right?

Is it true.

Maybe it will happen that Minatozaki Sana will be lucky in the coming new year?

Hm. Anything is possible.


So, returning to her home after university, Sana, without wasting any time, went to her room, took out a special paper, a put aside envelope, a recently purchased pen and ink (what if Santa liked this?), pulled up a chair to the table, and concentrated on writing.

Usually she wrote a lot, but on this occasion she only wrote:

I've been a good girl this year, so please give me the gift of a chance meeting with a girl. I really want to fall in love and preferably not unrequitedly, like the previous three years.

Please, Santa, just please, anyone except one person.

You know who I'm writing about.

If I mention her name, she will definitely come across my path.

Thank you for always putting a lot of effort into helping with my wish.

Yours Sana.

Having written the letter, I re-read it, liked it, carefully folded it into an envelope, and sealed it:

- Tomorrow before the university I will send it to Santa. I have a feeling that this time I will definitely get what I want.

As was said, Sana went to the post office before the university, handed it over and with a sweet smile asked to send her letter to Santa. Knowing Sana, the postal employees simply took the envelope from her, promising that they would send it as soon as possible.

Sana left with a calm soul.

On the same day, only a little later, having collected the required number of letters for Santa, written mainly from children (plus one from an adult girl), the employee wrote a real address on top of the envelope and “gave it to the elves” in one package.

“Elves” was the name given to the postmen responsible for letters to Santa Claus.

So one of the aspiring “elfs”, who worked all day, looking at the monitor, writing down the same address, accidentally wrote down the address of his girlfriend. Seeing his mistake and realizing that it was no longer possible to correct the special ink, and time was running out, the new “elf,” asking for forgiveness from the Almighty, gave the envelope of a girl named “Sana” to the hands of fate.

Maybe a miracle will really happen, and the recipient of the girl “Sana” will end up exactly where she needs it?

There are only a few days left until the end of this year.


A letter sent to Santa Claus from an adult girl named “Sana” turned out to be lying among many letters in a box, from where a hand reached out and took them out, without looking, put them in her jacket pocket, and carried them to the house.

- What the hell? – asked the owner of the hand, checking the letters, bringing it to her eyes for a closer look. - The handwriting is familiar, hmm. Interesting.

She carefully opened it, took out a folded piece of paper, and began to read. Towards the end of the letter I read the writer’s name several times.

- Sana, of course, who else in their right mind would write to Santa Claus? Thank you for such a gift, my dearest friend. “I’ll definitely use it wisely,” the girl laughed loudly, putting Sana’s letter aside, opening her laptop and quickly typing something.


Sana slept like a baby, cocooned in a warm blanket. She woke up in a great mood. Her playfulness told everyone that something wonderful had happened the day before. Her smile blossomed with every morning greeting; everyone couldn’t get enough of looking at her.

- Today no one will ruin my mood, 100%, - happy Sana reasoned, jumping up next to Momo and Mina.

- What's wrong with you, Sana-chan? You are like this only after...oh, don’t tell me that you sent... - Mina guessed, pausing her step a little so as not to stumble.

- That's right, Minari. Yesterday! And I am 200% sure that it will definitely work out! I'm having a girlfriend next year!

- You said that in the past, Sana, but in reality, - Momo noted, looking at her friend. - Make sure you don't be disappointed again.

- Don’t worry, everything will be fine, -Sana said optimistically.


All her optimism evaporated as soon as they crossed the threshold of the audience. Opening the doors, Sana almost ran into a girl coming out. I wanted to apologize, but the apology stuck in my throat.

- I was looking for you, girl Sana , - she said with mockery in her voice, rebirthing Sana’s path.

- Nayeon, what are you doing here? – completely ignoring how she was just called.

- Nayeon- unnie , Sana, - the girl corrected, rummaging through her backpack and taking out a neatly folded piece of paper with an envelope, she put it in Sana’s hands. - Here you go, the answer, - without adding anything further, she left the audience.

- What's there? – Momo asked, taking away from her friend’s limp hands a piece of paper given by Im Nayeon, Sana’s sworn enemy since the first year of study. Clearing her voice, Momo with an important look read the following:

- Dear girl Sana, thank you for writing to me. I was very glad to receive wishes for the New Year from you . I can say with 100% confidence that your wishes will definitely come true. I 'll do my best efforts so that you have (this word is crossed out and written above: “didn’t appear” a girl next year. Be a good girl, Sana. Your Santa Claus Nabongie (and a broken heart at the end).

- No- no !!! – Sana screamed, clutching her head, not quite understanding what was really happening. Why did her letter fall into Im Nayeon's hands?


She wrote the correct address!

Checking it many times.



It turned out that it was an accident. I spent half a day trying to find out.

- Damn it! This is a catastrophe! If NaYoung takes on a task, she won't give up. She just really likes torturing me! For what?! – Sana lamented, returning with MoMi to her home.

-You still haven’t told us why she is your number one worst enemy, - Mina said with curiosity, listening to all the complaints about her life.

- She said. Many times. You just didn’t listen to me,” Sana complained.

- No, I didn’t. At all. No matter how many times we asked - affirming another Momo, Mina nodded in confirmation. – You were always silent when we asked questions.

- So why didn’t Nayeon-unnie please you so much in the past?

- Um... you see... we...

- We?

- … were…

- By whom? - in chorus.

- We were a couple in the past, before we met you and before moving here, - Sana rattled off in one word, trying to avoid further questions and started running towards the house.

But she was caught up with a very loud cry from two amazed voices:

- You were a couple?! Tell!!!

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