The promised strawberry (DaHyun and OT8)


(it will be sad)

Today her working day ended late at night. The time on the phone showed 11:32 pm when she got up from the chair where she had been sitting for the last hour. The radio station where she came as a special guest. She was told immediately after the photo shoot, when she was going to leave with the girls, to return home. The manager paused her, pulled her aside, JiHyo came up as a leader too:

- Sorry, DaHyun, but I have just been given consent for you to come to the radio station. The car is waiting around the corner, let's hurry.

- Unnie, do you just need DaHyun or someone else to take? - JiHyo asks, wondering who doesn't look like a zombie and can handle a couple of questions on the radio.

- They invite DaHyun as a representative of the group, the director approved - in an apologetic tone, the manager spoke about the reel , taking the girl away with him. - She will be at home at about 12 o'clock in the morning, I will bring her - the manager promises, opening the car doors in front of DaHyun , herself, sitting down next to the driver.

- Be careful and Dubu call me when you're done, okay?

- Okay, JiHyo-unnie .

Unfortunately, it took more time than expected, left the building of the radio station only now, at half past eleven.

The manager takes her away from the building, talks quietly to the driver while DaHyun scrolls through the girls' message. The road is deserted, only sometimes a car passes by, overtaking them. Music is quietly playing in the car, DaHyun does not listen, although she can hear everything perfectly. She smiles to herself, puts down the phone after she wrote:

I'll be home soon.

He covers his eyes, not a deep sleep is immersed.

When they are at home, the manager will wake her up.

Another day has passed, now you can rest, gain new strength for tomorrow.

Thoughts take her into a dream, she smiles in a dream when she sees how a plate of her favorite chocolate is placed in front of her, next to which there is a ripe large strawberry. She her lips, reaches out to the strawberry, but she eludes her. Like chocolate, which melts and spreads on the plate.

“Unnie, I want my dessert,” she complains to Nayeon, seeing her smiling face close to her.

“He’s in front of you, take it,” Jeongyeon simply says , substituting a plate, there are again so many tasty things that DaHyun is trying to eat them again.

- No, you can't eat me, Dubu-unnie, I'm not tasty - the strawberry turns into the face of Chaeyoung .

- DaHyun! DaHyun! - the manager slams her on the shoulder, trying to wake the girl up. - We stopped near the store you mentioned. DaHyun ...

- Hmm? Unnie? What ... Oh, yes, I promised to buy strawberries - suddenly jumps up, after which she clutches at her heart, which quickly pounded in my chest from the jolt.

- To go with you? - Asks the manager, already opening the doors, but DaHyun shakes his head, waves somewhere to the side: - Are you sure?

- Yes, unnie, I'm quick. I just need to buy strawberries and milk for Mina-unnie. 15 minutes and I'll be here - she smiles, straightens herself, paints her lips with gloss, pinches her cheeks so that the pallor goes away a little.

- We are waiting for you, DaHyun.

Behind her, the car doors close, the driver and manager see how the girl's back, dressed in a thin T-shirt the color of ripe cherry, is hiding behind the transparent doors of a roadside store. Their gaze lazily follows the various shoppers entering and exiting the store. DaHyun no.

17 minutes of the promised time pass, DaHyun is gone.

- I'll go and see what delayed her - says the manager, opening the doors, lowering his right foot to the asphalt, turns to the driver: - I now ... - then her words are muffled in a deafening explosion, she looks back in horror at the explosion, vague sounds.

When awareness comes with the howl of firefighters and police cars, the manager runs out and runs to the burning store.

Oh god no! Please, please let DaHyun live!


- All make way! This is a danger zone! - shouted the police, blocking the perimeter of the burnt store. - Do not approach anyone! Take another step back!

- Please tell me, is there any survivor? - The manager begged with tear-stained face, frantically searching for a cherry-colored T-shirt in the bright fire. - My friend entered there, she could already be near the cash register, she could already go out ...

-Sorry ma'am , no good news yet. The fire brigade is working!


JiHyo and Nayeon restlessly glance at their watches every 5 seconds, check the message on their phone, feeling anxiously empty in their hearts.

Jeongyeon and Momo walk inexorably from side to side, stopping near the door, listening to the steps.

Sana and Mina take turns looking out the windows into the courtyard, watching any car that turns to their house.

Chaeyoung constantly calls DaHyun, begging the girl to answer her.

Tzuyu is awaiting unnie 's arrival, she stares mindlessly at the TV where the news is now.

A long time ago, time had already crossed the line of twelve o'clock in the morning, and DaHyun was still not at home.

And most importantly, they cannot get through to any of them.

Neither the manager nor DaHyun.

Even the director doesn't pick up the phone.


- Is there anyone alive? - the fireman asks, hoarse from dryness from the burning and heat of the fire. - If anyone is alive, give a sign! - because of the crackling fire and the smoke screen, the firefighter moves at random, carefully stepping over the beams, distantly hearing fragments of broken glass under him.

He looped along the first floor for almost 20 minutes and received no sign from the survivors, and yet he did not lose hope.

He called all the time, called for someone to respond.

He again walked where the cash registers should have stood, pushing aside beams, iron rods, wires on his way.

- Please, if there is someone alive, give me a sign. Any sign, be it a cough or a grinding sound.

And then he heard a quiet, barely audible cough.

He didn't check if he was wrong or not, he just went for that sound.


“We're interrupting our news broadcast for breaking news, ” an announcer reports over the TV in the house of concerned members , who learned just two minutes ago from the manager what had happened. We were just informed that a residential building on the street exploded due to a gas pipeline malfunction, the explosion blew up half of the lower floor, affecting a grocery store. The fire truck arrived 7 minutes after the explosion, they immediately began to extinguish the fire. Several volunteers penetrated into the thick of it, looking for victims. Eyewitnesses of the incident claim that they saw a couple of people standing near the cash register. It means that there were people there at the time of the explosion. We have no further news of the survivors yet, we will be monitoring the development of the event.


The voice of the news announcer fades into silence when the sound on the console is muted. Only one screen picture works. All 8 girls are silent, the tension is filled with anxiety and impatience.

They want to be where the explosion took place.


Each of them wants to know, at first hand, at first glance, to see that their friend is alive.


They cannot get out, drive a part of the road in a car, run out to a ruined house blazing with an angry flame.

Unfortunately, they just can't.

They can only pray and wait, swallow their unshed tears, calm the dull beats of an anxious heart.

Please DaHyunie come back to us.


The faint sound that the firefighter heard was the grinding of metal on the floor. The sound was faint, but it gave hope that there was someone alive among the wreckage.

- Please listen to my voice, don't close your eyes and hold on. I'm almost next to you. Please just hold on, I am now ... now ...

The grinding sound grew fainter and fainter until it disappeared altogether.

Damn it, this smoke and heat of the fire is preventing me from getting to the person!

The firefighter bent down through the hanging wire, almost touching it, knelt down and crawled forward.

Somewhere below, I heard somewhere from here. What kind of place is it? I see the wreckage of the cash register, the ashes of burnt money, burnt coins. Yes, somewhere here, they said that they saw a girl paying for her goods.

His gloved hand felt the burnt sole of his sneakers, then his thin ankle, came even closer. He almost fainted with happiness when through the fogged and soot glass he saw the girl's faint smile.

- Hi, I'm glad you're alive. Can you move?

- With difficulty - the girl's voice croaked, she closed her eyes.

- Hey, don't fall asleep! Hold on, I'll help you get out of here - knelt down, took a breath, looked around.

The path through which he got here was already completely overwhelmed, the fire was already hanging over them, threatening with its reprisal.

- I will definitely get you out of here - he said resolutely, taking a bottle of water and a piece of cloth from his pocket.

-I believe you,” the girl's voice whispered, gratefully taking the soaked cloth in his hand and bringing it to her face.


They were allowed to leave.

They were brought to the company.

They were taken to the director. The manager and the driver, pale as a sheet, were also sitting there.

He shook his head silently as he watched the big screen where the news was broadcast.

They sat down on the sofa at the end of the office, joined hands and waited.

They prayed.

They sent all their power to DaHyun, who was now fighting for her life.

DaHyun will return to us, it just can't be otherwise.


- Hyung , can you hear me? - crackling radio communication. - Hyung ? Tell me, it's me JinGuk . Hyung !

- I ... hear ... have ...

- Hyung , Morse code. Do you hear?

The tapping was faintly audible, but the meaning was clear. He found a survivor, but they are in a fiery trap, urgent help is needed.

- Where are you, hyung ? What part of the store?

Tapping again. Near the entrance, to the left of the ticket office, at the bottom near the shelf.

- I heard you hyung . We are going. Do you hear, hold on there, we go!


They sat numb, but when the voice of the news announcer spoke again the word "explosion in the street" they listened to every word he said:

- We were informed that all the residents of the house were evacuated and those who were injured on the first floor are alive, have already been taken to the hospital. Below you will see where they were taken. We also learned that one volunteer firefighter who went into the thick of it, found a survivor ...

- DaHyun ...

- ... but ...

- No, DaHyun is alive, alive, alive!

-… They cannot get out, the fire has become a wall and does not let them go …

- They'll get out! DaHyun ... Dubu ... she ...

- this is all that is known at the moment ...

- What the heck! What kind of journalists are you if you cannot say everything normally ?! Tell us DaHyun is alive !!!

Nobody calmed them down.

Nobody scolded for anger.

They were still holding hands, locked tightly, sitting in a small semicircle, looking into each other's eyes.

Their eyes glistened with unshed tears, their lips whispered a prayer silently.

They knew, they knew themselves, that anger would not help here.

They knew they could only wait.


- I heard that I talked with my friend, he will definitely find a solution to how to pull us out of here - the firefighter wearily sat down next to the girl, looking at the fire show in front of him. - His brain is fast, makes decisions quickly and risky. Not what I am. I always weigh everything, think it over. By the way, this is a rather silly question, but would you mind sharing a strawberry? - nodding at the box of strawberries pressed to his chest. - I'm hungry for something.

- I promised to bring it home - the girl said quietly, looking apologetically at the fireman.

- Promised? Someone special is waiting for her, right? - he would wink if he could, but the girl smiled at the question. - You have a beautiful smile - then he was embarrassed, quickly added: - Hold on to the promise, we will definitely stay alive.

The girl said nothing, just smiled at him again.

The wall of fire was approaching, she could hardly breathe, the water from the bottle almost evaporated.

She's not stupid to understand what their chances of life are.

But ... a promise ...

Chaeyoung is waiting for his strawberries, I will definitely ...

Her thoughts are interrupted by a terrible crash above her head. A large chunk of ceiling falls right in front of their feet, making a terrifying crash and carrying with it a cloud of dust and dirt. They manage to pull their legs to their chest in time. The firefighter presses the girl to him, protects.

Chaeyoung is waiting ... girls ... I ...


- Moron! - JinGuk slapped upside the head junior firefighter, who today was the first trip. - I said lightly, and not from the full swing! There are people inside, still alive!

- Sorry, I tried lightly - the junior firefighter stuttered, pulling the hammer aside, looking guiltily at the destroyed wall, - but I didn't think that ... - a stern look met him. - Sorry.

- We need to move as quickly and carefully as possible. I hope that the rumble that we heard inside the store did not make it worse ... And what are we waiting for? Go ers! Forward, live! Jin Guk shouted , running into the flames first.

We're almost there, hyung . Wait, we're almost ...


-You know, I've always wanted to be a firefighter. I always thought it was a noble job to save someone's life - the oxygen in the can was getting less and less, he wanted to take off the splash and breathe clean air, but, alas, the smell of burning prevented him from doing it.

- My work is somewhat similar to yours - in a hoarse voice, the girl barely responds, smiles sadly.

- I want to retire with my head held high, knowing that in my entire life I have saved many people. That they are all happy and live their own lives, never remembering that terrible day - he honestly shared his thoughts, feeling the touch of heat on his face.

The fire came too close, he could reach out and feel the burning sparks of flame on his fingers.

Hope dwindled by the second, but he did not speak about it aloud.

- My guys will come for me, they have already entered the store and are in a hurry to us - he assured the girl, encouragingly squeezing her hand.

- Yes, I believe you,- the girl assured him with the same false truth, taking out the strawberry sticky from the heat, bringing it to her lips, then taking the second one and handing it over to him: “Sweet, like my life.

- What about your promise? - he did not give up strawberries, putting them in his mouth, enjoying the last taste of sweetness. - Really delicious.

- I can always buy her more - she smiles at him, taking more strawberries and sharing with the fireman.

-That's right, there are other stores where you can buy it…- He doesn't have time to finish the last, the flame approached threateningly enough to burn through his protected suit.

It was nice to meet you. I'm so stupid that I even forgot to ask her name.

The air was completely engulfed in flames, acrid smoke blinded her eyes, she felt the last pounding in her heart.

Sorry girls ... sorry Chaengie ... I can't keep my promise ...



- Faster, I can see his leg!


- Damn this flame !!! Get them out of there quickly !!!


- Everything collapses, faster !!!

- Captain, they are not breathing ...

- Faster, the whole ceiling will fall on you now! Take them out !!!


They can't believe their ears ...

- We just learned that the rescue operation was successful ...

They don't believe what they see ...

- The firefighter and the survivor are being redirected to the hospital ...

They are ready to get up and run when the news announcer says:

- They were almost on the verge of death, but the fire brigade managed to find and rescue them in time ...

A sob, a murmur, an emitted disbelief chuckle at the following words from the news announcer:

- We still can't understand why the girl clung to the strawberries so much that she bought ...



Loud and clear they hear this sound.


Tears of happiness and a little anxiety, a question on the tip of the tongue:

Why can't you enter the ward?


Inhale, exhale.

The chest rises and then falls.

She breathes. DaHyun is breathing.

She is alive.

She is here, she is near, she is alive .


The first words that DaHyun utters when she is allowed into the room, and she sees the girls crowded around her bed:

- Chaeyoung, forgive me, I ate your strawberries ... But I promise that I will buy you a new one, it will be even sweeter than the previous one - she smiles, promising her friend.

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