Nayeon's recognition


She has been preparing for recognition for a long time.

She was exactly 120% ready to make a confession to her best friend.

She only had to take a couple more steps to the door of the apartment where her friend lived, press the call button, wait for it to open the doors and let her in.

It's time to tell, you can't pull anymore.

How long can you keep everything inside?

Needs to be voiced.


Ding dong.

Ding dong.


- I'm coming! Wait a second! the lock clicks, the door handle lowers, the doors open slightly and the smiling face of Miyu Mina, my best friend, appears in the opening.

They take me by surprise:

- her black eyes shining with joy,

- a sticky smile on slightly plump lips, painted in light pink lipstick,

- twisted black hair with a red tint,

- earrings in the shape of a heart in a flower,

- open neck

- a dark blue fitted dress (it fits perfectly in the right places, but there is no feeling that it is tight and uncomfortable),

- instead of slippers, she wears low-heeled shoes of the same color as the dress,

- and she smelled pleasantly of some unknown aroma to me (and I knew the aromas to me, because I gave all the perfumes to her).

Her appearance once again convinced me that today I will definitely tell about my true feelings.

- Unnie, why did it take you so long to visit me? I've been waiting for you. Come in, come in ... - the girl chirped happily, patiently waiting in the hallway for me to take off my shoes and put on my rabbit slippers (Mina bought them specially, they are only mine). A joyful smile did not leave her lips, her eyes shone, and in general she was even a little excited about something.

I understood the reason, as soon as my legs crossed the threshold of the living room and my eyes saw a tall blonde in an elegant suit, unfamiliar to me, sitting on the sofa. Seeing me, the girl jumped up from the sofa and nervously straightened her clothes, straightened her collar, for some reason ran her fingers over her lips...

Lipstick... her lipstick... not as perfect as...

Ah, - she looked at Mina's lips, noticing the same inaccuracy, - I understand.

- Nayeon-unnie, let me introduce you to my girlfriend Yoo Jungyoung, she was the one I was talking about.

It was foolish of me to think that she wanted to introduce me to another friend-colleague.

-Hello, Nayeon-si, - the girl bowed in greeting, turned a little pale, and extended her hand for a shake. - Nice to meet you.

-Why be so formal, you can call me 'unnie', - I waved it off, reluctantly, quickly squeezing a sweaty palm in mine for a shake. - Minari, I'm offended by you, - I pouted, turning to Mina, putting my hands on my hips, “you've never hidden anything from me before.

-Sorry Nayeon-unnie, I promise this is the first and last time, - Mina assured me, wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. - It’s just that we were very nervous, we didn’t know how you would react.

- Okay, I forgive, but - then I sharply turned to Jeongyeon, frowned, said with icy determination: - offend Mina, I will make you regret that you were born. And you, - then with the same without emotional voice, met the alarmed eyes of a friend, - you will deceive me again, I will not talk to you for a month.

- Month? - Mina gasped, hugging me tighter. - But I can’t survive a month without your communication!

- Month - nodded her head in the affirmative, getting out of the girl's tenacious hands, bypassing the frozen Jeongyeon and going to the kitchen to see what Mina cooked for the dinner party.

It was foolish to think that this evening would be just for the two of us. I missed my chance, now it remains only to heal the wounds.


Suffering about inaudible feelings?

Kill yourself about missing your chance?

What for?

It hurts, of course, but that's it, "the train has left." It's my own fault, I should have confessed.

Mina is no longer mine. She is happy with Jeongyeon. She does not have a soul in her. Her love is as strong as mine, so I'm at ease.

You need to find a new love. But before you search, you need to tear out “in love” from your heart and replace it with the word “friendly love”.

How hard to replace!


She fought for a long time.

She searched, searched, searched.

But time passed, and it was impossible to replace the word “love” with “friendship”.

The heart hardened, bad thoughts climbed into my head, I had dreams where Mina was leaving Jeongyeon.


Their happiness is against her selfishness.

It is forbidden.

Please stop, Nayeon. Stop spoiling yourself. Enough to reopen the healed wound of the heart.

More than three years have passed.

They're happy. They are extremely happy. And you like Jeongyeon, she has become closer to you than sisters.

So stop, please.


They were celebrating their 5th anniversary and decided to invite the one who was always on their side.

She refused, denied, referring to the fact that she was busy, or simply would not have time to return to Seoul.

- Nayeon-unnie, we will set the time for any date. We'll wait for you, unnie, they said firmly.


I wanted to refuse.

I didn't want to see them.

Just not on the day when I realized that a colleague at work turned out to be “my girlfriend”.

Since that day, I have not been able to recover.

From that day on, my heart does not want to change Mina.

I do not want!


…to me…

…need to…

…to begin…


... anew.



She decided today to confess, to lighten her heart, to throw off the "shackles".


They greeted her with a smile, with hugs, with love.

They loved their Nayeon-unnie very much.

Nayeon-unnie has always been a person of admiration for them.

Nayeon-unnie has always been their guardian angel for them.

She always reconciled them, always found the right words to shame them.

Thanks to her words, her beliefs, they are still together.

If it wasn't for Nayeon-unnie...

Therefore, today they decided to stand their ground and solve the problem of Nayeon-unnie.

The problem that followed her, not letting go, for 5 years.

Today they insist on hearing Nayeon's unsolvable problem and helping her.


Ding dong.

Ding dong.


This time I was greeted by Jungyoung, pantsuit, hair a bit of an industry lately:

-Nabongi, come in, Minari is in the kitchen now, the food is almost ready, - she chirps, helping the older girl into the apartment, giving Nayeon her rabbit slippers and taking the wine and cake she brought from her hands. - Mina, Nabong-unnie has arrived!”

- Nayoni - heard her soft voice from the kitchen, saw only a glimpse of her beautiful dark eyes and black hair tied in a ponytail - I'll come right now!

- Take your time, do not rush, I myself can go into the room - but did not refuse courtship from the blonde.

-Now, Minari will come and start celebrating, - Jeongyeon told her, sitting down next to Nayeon, hugging her by the shoulders, nuzzling her forearm. - We are very happy to have you with us, unnie.

-Sorry that our date had to be rescheduled so late.

-The main thing is you are here, unnie, the time is not important, - Jeongyeon assured her, hugging her tighter and pulling her closer. -We missed you so much, unnie.

- I missed you too, Jeongyeon. Still, communicating via the Internet is not the same as communicating live - Nayeon smiled tiredly at her, pulling her grown hair.

- Are you for long? How much time do we have to be with you this time? – accepting the long-awaited caress, Jeongyeon asked.

- A couple of days, then I need to return. My business is not yet completely finished, there is something left to settle and then I can return to Seoul, - finishing her excuse, Nayeon caught movement from the corner of her eyes from the kitchen. Mina came into the room, at home and dear. Without an elegant dress, without shoes, in home clothes, she was still the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

Silly heart, stop it, you only have the right to admire your girlfriend, nothing more.

- A couple of days, so little, unnie - sat down next to Nayeon, hugging, snuggling up to her. - We haven't seen you for 3 months, I missed you so much.

-I missed you too, Minari, - Nayeon sighed while inhaling the scent of perfume. - But don’t starve, woman, I came straight from the airport!

-Sorry, sorry, Nayeon-unnie, everything will be ready now! Some 5-10 minutes, and ... - hugging her even tighter, clinging to her, Mina promised.

- You have to understand us, Nabongi-unnie, after all, 3 months is too long for us - on the other hand, also tightly hugging and clinging to her, said Jungyoung. “Just accept our love.


You are only making it worse.

Your hugs only bring pain to my heart.

Please, stop!

I can't take this pain anymore!

I have to say, I have to speak out... now !


Peak-peak-peak - a sound swept through the house, indicating that the cooking was completed.

Peak-peak - reminded the hostess of herself when she did not immediately rush to take out food.

Peak - I am grateful for this sound, it gave me a chance for air.

I needed to focus.

I needed to understand whether I was ready to say what I had been silent about for 5 years?

Will I ruin our lives?

How indecisive I am, I'm still as cowardly as I was then, 5 years ago.


I take a deep breath, take a glass of red wine in my hand, take a long sip (barely choking), the rest of the wine drink from my lips.

They pour me more and I drink again.

How I want to get drunk and forget!

But why can't I get drunk?

I silently beg them to give me a push. Any push from them to get me to start talking.


- Nayeon-unnie, how are you doing on the personal front? Is there anyone "in mind"? Jeongyeon asked, reclining relaxed on the couch, drinking wine.

Mina was lying next to her, her head comfortably resting on the girl's chest, she looked tenderly at her older friend, who was talking about work. As always, as soon as the topic of the modeling business was touched upon, Nayeon's eyes lit up. Favorite business, the business she dreamed about since school.

- Yeah, I’m also wondering if you’re free, Nayeon-unnie?

- Everything is the same as before my departure - the girl shrugged her shoulders, averting her eyes to the side, avoiding their inquisitive glances.

- Wasn't there a single girl who would sink your heart? - Mina didn't give up. - While you were here, you were very popular. I can't believe no one was after your heart.

- I'm not saying that there was no one, they just didn't suit my taste - casually putting the glass on the table, she leaned back in her chair, laying her head and looking at the ceiling. - Although ... no, no one important - she smiled sadly, falling silent.

-Unnie, I’ve been wanting for a long time… - Mina started, glancing at Jeongyeon for support.

-…we wanted to ask you about… - her girl continued, squeezing her hand in hers reassuringly.

- ...your first love? - Mina finished the delicate question, waiting for an answer from her silent friend.

Why do you need to know about her? – in voice sounded pain. - There is no point in talking about her.

-It just seems to us that because of her, you seem to be in captivity, - Jeongyeon carefully finished her thought. They were now standing on thin ice, which could crack at any moment. - Isn’t it time for you to free yourself and move on with your life?

- Eh, I understand that very well myself, Jeong, - Nayeon groaned, shaking her head, still not looking at them. - Why do you think I try my best not to be with you often? All because of this stupid love.

-You… Nayeon-unnie, - slowly re-thinking the honest words of their older friend, they began to understand, - Really, all 5 years, you…

- Stupid, right? But why stir up the past, where there was nothing more than stupid one-sided dreams? - Nayeon still didn't look at them, but they could hear the tears in her voice. – I did not want to accept your invitation, I did not want to come on the same day, or rather the evening, when my dreams were shattered to smithereens. I did not want to remember again, to realize my stupidity. But, here I am, just like 5 years ago, with you two. Damn it! She sighed hoarsely, hiding her tear-stained face behind her hands.


They did not dare to utter a word, waiting for the next words from her.

They wanted to hear the truth, well, they're listening to it now.

The bitter truth of unrequited love.


I confessed without saying the name out loud.

The one to whom my confession was intended is a smart girl.

There is nothing more to talk about.

The heart, beating heavily in the chest, but with tears, reduced the pain, helping to erase those unrequited feelings.

She needs tears, such long-awaited tears.

They were silent.

Silence in the room.


Yes, it's good that they are silent.

It's easier.

Nothing more to say.

That's enough, intermission.

I take a deep breath, still a jerky breath, but it fills my lungs with new air.

Opening my eyes, I get up from the chair, go to the bathroom, put myself in order.

I return to silence.

They are both the closest people in the world to me.

They are important to me.


I listen to my heart.

It is silent.

But he is no longer so hurt and bitter.


Yes, it's good, not in vain I decided to come and confess. Let my stupid confession have to wait so long.

Okay, stop torturing them, they are not to blame for anything.


- So, you didn’t ask me if I was free or not in vain, right? Crossing her arms over her chest, she raised her eyebrows in their direction. Who do you want me to meet, hmm? I hope she's beautiful. Please note, I have refined taste - she pointed with her finger, throwing her head up in an arrogant posture.


With every word I said, they returned again, smiling with every word, until they completely relaxed, having gained confidence that I would not disappear anywhere.

The confession was heard and accepted, no more and no less. Everything remains as before.

Now you can start healing Im Nayeon's broken heart.

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