

Nayeon left for the store in the morning, promising the manager that she would not be late, that she would come exactly one hour before leaving according to the planned schedule. Today, she and Jihyo were scheduled for a photo shoot for the summer issue of a fashion magazine.

An hour has passed, but there is no trace of the girl.

Jihyo tapped her left foot restlessly on the floor as her hands mechanically dialed her older friend's number. Next to her, the other girls, who had a day off today, calmed down, finding all the different reasons for Nayeon's delay.

After a few short beeps, someone picked up the phone, Jihyo immediately began to scold:

- Nayeon-unnie, hurry back, why is you so late?

- Um, I'm sorry. - answered a completely unfamiliar childish voice, - but there is no Nayeon here. The phone is on a park bench, and no girl is around.

- Aigoo, she lost her phone again! - Jihyo shook her head, sighing. - Could you wait, they will come for him now, - she asked kindly to the child.

- But I'm in a hurry to class only if you're in 15 minutes,” the child murmured, Jihyo immediately nodded her head, interrupting her interlocutor:

- We will be earlier - she assured, she switches off, getting up and starting to hurriedly leave the house. - I hope Nayeon-unnie is already on her way up here, otherwise I don’t know what I’ll do with her when she gets back.”


Nayeon didn't come back in an hour or two, she was gone for more than 5 hours.

The police began an investigation as soon as the request was received, the captain of the station gave his word that the case would be anonymous, without publicity.

The girls were supposed to act like nothing had happened.

Instead of Nayeon, Momo went to shoot.

They needed to smile for the camera, to be professional, while on the outskirts they were looking for their member, the closest person after the family, Im Nayeon.

One of the best detectives in the area, Lim Sailor, took up such a delicate matter.

A young man, 29 years old, 10 years of service, tall, broad-shouldered, his appearance would be perfect for an idol, not a police officer. He was meticulous, he could grab onto one clue for hours, not put it off until he hit a dead end. He had a broad mind, he did not believe in magic, but he checked these directions if the lead hinted at it.

Lim Sailor, having been in the office of the captain of the police station, listened to the order and went to carry it out, starting from the very beginning.

That is, after 2 hours, he arrived at the dormitory of Im Nayeon, also known as Nayeon from the TWICE group.

He did not go into the living quarters, he immediately went into the security room, asked to turn on the camera recordings, starting from the very early morning.

So, what did Detective Lim see:

06:11 - the girl went down the stairs in a tracksuit, a manager in sportswear for running was waiting for her in the lobby.

06:15 - they left the building, having bought two coffees from the vending machine, they talked about something, the girl even laughed (detective Lim made an entry in a notebook: ask manager Kim about their conversation).

06:18 - their silhouettes disappeared from the camera's field of view.

07:18 - they returned, manager Kim was holding two bags from a local restaurant, Nayeon was helping to carry another one, talking animatedly about something (Detective Lim noticed that the girl gesticulated a lot and sometimes hit the manager's shoulder when she laughed out loud. " It is imperative to find out if Miss Im bullied the staff?").

07:20 - they both entered the elevator; you could see the floor number (the group's rooms are located on that floor).

07:30 - The manager left.

08:50 - Ms. Im left the building again, wearing jeans, a hooded sweater, a black half-face mask, large round glasses. She was holding the phone in her hands, quickly dialing something on it (as it will be found out later, she asked Sana what kind of snack she should buy).

The meeting was supposed to take place at 10 am, Miss Im Nayeon promised to be in an hour at the latest to go to the photo shoot with Jihyo.

Where did you really go?

- Thanks for the help. If you don't mind making a copy for me, he asked the guard as he completed his assignments, Detective Lim contemplating when it would be best to take the time to talk to all the girls Nayeon knew personally.

His boss asked to be very delicate, asked not to disturb the girls too much so that their fans would not suspect something.

But he needs answers to a couple of questions that have piled up after watching the security footage.

-Here you are, everything is ready, - the guard handed over the flash drive with the records, the detective thanked him, left, deciding that he would try to arrange a meeting with the director of the company.

Detective Lim was so thoughtful about where the young girl could go (it would be easier if it was an ordinary girl and not an idol) that he did not pay attention to a small rabbit that ran past him as he was leaving the building.

If only he knew that the one, he was looking for had just appeared before him, only in a different guise.


The little rabbit calmly ran to the landing, jumping over the steps, got to the right floor, stopped in front of the right door.

Strange, why can't I reach the doorknob? Nayeon thought, trying with all her might to raise her hand to the handle, but all attempts were in vain.

The little rabbit's foot hung in the air, the little one sighed, then leaned sideways against the door.

I'm tired, I need to take a break - Nayeon leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath.

The doors opened, Sana and Mina left the house to go to their training, they were talking about something, but still managed to notice a small fluffy ball behind the doors.

- Oh, what is it? - Sana was amazed at the unexpected find, squatting down, looking at the little fluffy. - Minari, look, there’s a rabbit at our door! How cute! - Sana's voice rose an octave higher as she saw the little ball move.

- He is so cute, look, look how he moves his ears - Mina said in tender emotion with a gentle smile, also sitting down so as not to frighten the baby with her height.

- He must be hungry; do we have milk? Rabbits like milk, don't they? - she carefully stretched her hand closer to the rabbit, the rabbit pressed himself and pulled away a little. - Don't be afraid, - Sana whispered affectionately, - I won't offend you.

The rabbit looked curiously at the outstretched hand, stretched out his neck a little, sniffed, the smell satisfied him, and he put his muzzle on Sana's fingers.

Sana, thanks, I think I won't be able to move without your help. I'm so tired, I'm just falling down - Nayeon thanked her, taking the girl's hand, feeling comfortable.

- Do you mind if I take you - Sana smiled happily, carefully lifting the rabbit in her hands, pressing it to her chest.

Oh, how warm and so cozy - Nayeon's heart fluttered, she relaxed, completely surrendered to the friendly help from Sana, when she hugged her by the shoulders, pulling her to her.

-I think he recognized you, Sana-chan. Let's take him home, try to feed him with milk - quietly, so as not to wake him up (the baby fell asleep in the warmth), Mina whispered, opening the door to their apartment.

-I’ll stand like this for now, and you warn the others so that they don’t make noise, - Sana said without moving a millimeter, looking with loving eyes at the rabbit that was twitching so funny in a dream.


Detective Lim Sailor did not immediately return to the police station, he decided to go to the shops that were located just next to the Im Nayeon dorm. He kept a photograph of the girl in his chest pocket, but had no idea how to show it, because the girl was a celebrity.

Fans don't need to know, and how do I find out if this girl came here or to another store? Cameras again? Yes, this will take a lot of time.

No, he didn't complain, it's his job.

He just knew his job perfectly and time is always their only opponent.

He was lucky, the first convenience store he entered was the right one.

Video cameras recorded the arrival and exit of the girl.

He wrote in his notebook:

09:07 - went to the store.

09:23 - Left the store with a couple of chips, one can of Pepsi, one Sprite, one melon-flavored fizzy drink, a couple of chocolates and a couple of breads.

- Tell me, do you have outdoor cameras?

- Oh sure.

And here he was lucky, he traced the further movement of the girl.

Outdoor cameras showed Nayeon walking away from the store, walking forward a little, then stopping and looking into the window. The girl smiled to herself, twirled in place, then blinked a couple of times, as if she didn't expect to see something here. She did not stand long in thought, jumped up on the spot, resolutely walked obliquely towards the strange-looking building.

- What is it? Detective Lim pointed at him. I didn't see him when I came here. Stop this shot, I have to check - I hurriedly ran out of the room, left the store, ran to the boutique window, looked in, looked in the same direction as the girl, but did not see any building. Nothing was reflected except the transition to the park, where the phone of the missing girl was found.

- I can’t believe I saw that strange building with my own eyes, is it really an optical illusion? - Rubbing the back of his head, Detective Lim said thoughtfully, returning back to the store, another surprise awaited him in the security room, the guard did not remember asking him to make a copy from the video surveillance. - What the hell is this? he muttered, going through his pockets and not finding the right flash drive with the videos.

- Here, hold, I copied here all the records related to this girl - passing him the same flash drive that was recently in his pocket.

- Thank you, if I need you, I'll be back - Detective Lim warned him, deciding to go the same route as Nayeon again, maybe he missed something.


Sana and Mina were about to leave the house again, leaving the little rabbit in the care of Chaeyoung and Dahyun.

But the rabbit did not let them do this, or rather, he jumped on Mina's leg, sat down there and did not want to get up himself.

- Oh, how cute! He doesn't want you to leave, Miga-unniee! Chaeyoung cooed as she leaned down to pick up the baby from the girl's leg. But the little rabbit squeaked, pushing his body even more into Mina's leg. - Hey, hey, be quiet, I won't offend you! Go here.

- Baby, why are you so scared? Mina asked softly, taking the bunny in her arms, raising it to the level of her eyes. - I do not for a long time. Only two hours, and after that I'm all yours, I promise - in the most gentle voice, Mina said, and the rabbit seemed to understand her, calmed down and let herself be taken into the wrong hands.

“He looked so much like Nayeon-unnie right now!” Jeongyeon let out a chuckle as she walked out of the kitchen, carrying a bowl of poured milk with her. – The same exacting to attention.

- I think we'd hear Nayeon-unnie whining, complaining that we're paying more attention to the rabbit than to her. When she returns, she will fully feel my attention to her - Sana promised, closing the doors behind her.

Chong, I asked you to make me coffee, and you brought me milk! - still taking a cup of warm milk in her hands, taking a sip, said Nayeon, relaxing on the couch. - Why isn’t Jihyo ready yet? We should be leaving any minute now, - looking at our wristwatch, which showed exactly 09:45. - I understand that I was late, and I was late for a very short time, I had time before the arrival of the manager.


Jihyo was restlessly pacing in front of the director's office, waiting for the boss to receive her to get the latest news about her older friend. Her eyes were fixed on the hands of the clock, which, in her opinion, were going very slowly, because there is no other way to explain that they still showed 14:45 in the morning. This meant that only 10 minutes had passed since arriving at the company, even though it had already been over minutes for Jihyo.

Where could Nayeon go? She's not one of those girls that gets lost. She learned to find the right path. It would be better if it wasn't for her mistake of losing her phone all the time. If she had the phone with her, at least she could call. Yes, and that's not the point, Nayeon perfectly knew how to get to their house from anywhere in the city! I knew, Jihyo was convinced of this more than once.

I didn't want to think the worst.

The leader forbade herself the worst deal.

It’s just that Nayeon went to the store, and since she doesn’t have a watch, she doesn’t know that more than the allotted time has passed.

So-so excuse for the absence of a girl for more than 5 hours, but it is better to believe in it than to think that she was kidnapped.

- Jihyo? Come in, I'm sorry you had to wait so long - director Park Jinyoung invited me to enter his office.

Jihyo entered, noticing that besides the director himself, there was a young man in a stylish dark blue suit holding some documents in his hands.

- This is Detective Sailor Lim. - the director introduced him, inviting the girl to sit on the sofa. – He is investigating Nayeon. Detective Lim was just asking for my permission to talk to you girls.

- What do you want to know, detective? – Jihyo asked without wasting time, folding her hands on her knees, carefully examining the young man.

- I would like to know what a person named Im Nayeon is like. I already have a basic type, but you know her better than me, so if you don't mind, I would like to know something.

-You don’t need to talk to the others, I can answer all your questions myself. - Crossing her arms, the group leader said firmly.

- Well - I didn’t demand, it would only waste time in vain, - tell me, does Miss Im often lose her phone often?

- Yes. We always find it either under the cushions on the couch or under the table in the dressing room, even once we put it in Sana's handbags.

Is she an introvert or an extrovert?

- A bit of both. If you want to ask if she can get lost, my answer is yes. But not here, not in my hometown. I personally checked.

- One more. Tell me, do you have something planned in the near future? Maybe it's someone's birthday or...

- Birthday. Mina, her birthday is March 23rd, - Jihyo immediately said, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully, then an idea flashed in her mind, she even clapped her hands, - Do you think that Nayeon-unnie decided to buy a gift for Mina, that’s why she was so late? So, - she said - she already bought it! Even if she didn’t buy, Nayeon-unnie carefully chooses a gift, checks everything on the Internet, only after that she goes and buys.

- I need Miss Im's laptop or tablet. I have to check myself.

- No, -Jihyo refused again, guarding her older friend’s personal secrets. - I'll check it myself, if I find something I'll tell the director, and he will then pass it on to you, detective.


Nayeon has been gone for more than 10 hours.

Nothing is known about her whereabouts.

The girls were worried, not finding a place, they suggested the most meaningless options where Nayeon could go.

Internet search engines turned up nothing. Everything Nayeon looked for or watched was about their activities or funny moments with animals. Of course, Jihyo was even more surprised when she found about jasmine and other jasmine-like smells in one search engine. Jihyo didn't know what this research was for, but decided not to mention it to Detective Lim.

There was an unusual silence in the house, even the dogs behaved quietly, dutifully sitting near their mistresses or patiently enduring all the love from them.

Time showed - 17:00.

The little rabbit was sleeping peacefully on Mina's lap, hiding his face in the folds of a voluminous T-shirt on his stomach. Mina's hand rested lightly on the bunny's back, creating a cocoon of warmth. Sometimes her fingers ran over the soft fur of the rabbit's side, but these were such light that the baby did not wake up.

-Definitely, Nayeon-unnie would be jealous of a bunny sleeping on Mina’s lap, - she heard a voice with a grin from Sana when she sat down next to the girl, resting her head on her friend’s broad shoulder.

-Nayeon-unnie has nothing to be jealous of, if she only asked, then Mina-chan gave her not only her knees, - Momo friend, playfully covering her hands from the menacing look from Mina.

- Come on, Mina-unnie, we all know your feelings for Nayeon-unnie very well, - Chaeyoung said, hugging Momo by the shoulders, pulling her towards her, showing her tongue to the older girl.

- If she paid attention to you more often, she would have noticed a long time ago. But, alas, you fell in love with a clueless unnie - passing by the girl, Jeongyeon affectionately ruffled her hair, bending over her other (unoccupied) shoulder to look at the bunny.

- Thank you all for keeping my feelings a secret, - Mina said simply, looking fondly at the shifting fluffy ball in her lap. - Let it stay as it is. It's enough for me to just be around her.

-Why don't you confess, Minari? - Jihyo sighed as she closed the monitor, leaning back on the couch, looking askance at the girl. - It will hurt you more when she meets someone she loves.

- I will never do that, - Mina whispered as she watched the bunny move across her lap, turning her face towards Jihyo and looking at her with piercing dark eyes.

For a moment, Jihyo thought she saw Nayeon's uncomprehending gaze. But how can this be, because Nayeon was not here, there was only a rabbit.

I guess I'm tired - squeezing my eyes shut, running my hands over my face, Jihyo thought to herself, - that's what I dreamed of.


Nayeon would never in her life admit to any of her closest friends that she was now almost purring with pleasure while in the safe and cozy arms of Mina. After the girl returned from training, Nayeon for some reason never left her side. She only let go when Mina went to the ladies' room or the kitchen to cook lunch for everyone, then dinner. The girls were already teasing her, trying to take her away, but Nayeon dragged Mina onto the sofa, put her head on the girl's knees, and so that Mina would not leave, intertwined her fingers with her fingers, putting her friend's hand on her waist.

Mina's hugs were the warmest, most comfortable, Nayeon just melted from the care and visible love of her younger friend.

She never admitted to anyone that she had been deeply in love with Mina for a long time. Nayeon skillfully concealed her feelings by disguising them under the care of the older unnie.

Nayeon was afraid to say, afraid to be rejected.

Better so, to be just near, to love at a distance.

Now she just enjoyed any moments to keep them in her heart. Nayeon didn't really listen to the conversation, she was almost dozing, resting her head comfortably on the girl's lap, sighing her scent. A pleasant jasmine scent that she had always liked.

Oh yes, I bought Mina perfume! I hid them, didn't I? The aroma is a little different, more intense, and Mina might not even like it. But no matter how much I searched for related fragrances with jasmine, I never found it.

So, what luck, the owner of that strange mysterious store immediately found a similar fragrance.

- Thanks to this fragrance, you will know the truth.

Strange parting words from the hostess. Very strange. So strange and incomprehensible that Nayeon decided to forget about them as soon as she left the store.

Nothing happened to me when I sniffed the fragrance, so there is nothing to worry about.

I’m so comfortable here, I don’t want to leave Mina’s lap, but tomorrow Jihyo and I have to get up early again, so we still have to.

Only instead of Nayeon, a small rabbit moved on her knees, he fidgeted, yawned, pursed his ears, yawned again.

- How cute he is - the girls cooed in tenderness, rushing to take a picture of the baby.

The rabbit spent the night in Mina's room, as it turned out the little animal grabbed the fabric of the T-shirt and did not let go, all the while emitting a protesting plaintive squeak.

- What a dramatic, typical Nayeon-unnie he is, - the girls gave in, admonishing Mina to take care of him.

Before going to the bathroom to clean herself up for bed, Mina made a small bunny bed, giving him almost all of her soft toys. They created the necessary comfort and warmth.

- I will come now, Nabong - the name escaped by itself, but the girl did not change it, the little rabbit really sometimes resembled an older friend with her behavior.

When she returned, the rabbit was not in the makeshift bed.

Mina was alarmed.

She quickly looked around her room, even looked under the bed, afraid that the baby might climb out and fall. But he wasn't there. Tears began to well up in her eyes, Mina sobbed, hugging her shoulders, her breaking voice whispered with unshed tears:

- Please, Nabong, don't leave me.

A slight movement under the covers caught her attention, she carefully lifted it up, peering inside, then breathed a sigh of relief, noticing the rabbit there.

- How did you get here? God, what are you ... - exhaled tears, lay down next to her side, pulling the little rabbit to her chest, gently hugged his little body. - See you tomorrow, Nayeon-unnie.

For the first time, Nayeon slept without dreams, as if she was wrapped in a warm blanket from all sides, and it felt like someone was gently hugging her and warm breath was tickling her neck.


Detective Lim slept very badly that night, he practically closed his eyes already in the morning, when not a single idea or clue led him to the riddle where Im Nayeon had disappeared.

The dream he dreamed was eccentric.

In a dream, he saw through the eyes of a missing girl, all her time until she disappeared.

She secretly entered a strange old shop, she was met by a pleasant lady, a few words and she left with a gift for Mina.

She became curious, she took out a bottle of perfume she bought, sprinkled it on her wrist, sniffed it. She felt dizzy, stuffed up her ears, it became somehow very hard to breathe.

She barely reached the nearest bench, which was near their house, sat down to breathe.

Taking several deep breaths in and out, Nayeon imperceptibly began to decrease until she became a crumb, only not a human kind.

She became a cute little rabbit.

Oh, I feel better! We need to hurry, there, Jihyo is probably already nervous!

Nayeon saw before her eyes that she was walking, quickly rearranging her legs, but in fact, she pushed off with her hind legs and jumped.

A cute little rabbit jumped through the bushes, hiding under the tall grass, towards the hostel. Nayeon was sure that she reached the building on time, but in fact, the rabbit only jumped there after 2 hours, while getting a little lost along the way (he wound the place he was running from a couple of times).

At the end of the strange dream, the detective saw himself coming out of the dorm hall, opening the doors to let the rabbit through.

He jumped up suddenly from a loud beep on his phone, someone unknown called, but he still picked up the phone:

- What you saw is true and if you do nothing, the girl may disappear forever.

- Who is it?

- You need to get going, Detective. Stop treading water!

- What should I do?

- Repeat the route exactly the opposite. Hurry, time is your enemy.

He looked at the phone for a long time, recalling his dream in detail, still not believing in such nonsense, but not going to discount it. He scratched the top of his head, stood up abruptly, went to the bathroom, took a hot refreshing shower, had a snack, got dressed, dialed the agency number, asked to meet the girls at their house.

- I have urgent information, I know where Im Nayeon can be, but for this I need to personally see one person ( more precisely, a rabbit, which I am sure is now there ).

He made no concessions; in the end he was allowed.

He arranged to meet the girls around noon, as some of them had schedules in the morning.

They won't believe me; they'll think I'm crazy. But if that voice is right, and what I saw in my dream is true, then mystical forces are at work. I hope that rabbit is there, otherwise it's pointless.


Not only was the rabbit there, he also munched on the little piece of cabbage leaf that Mina gave him. The rabbit was not distracted even when a complete stranger came to the house. He simply filled his belly with food, lovingly looking at the girl in front of him.

He liked her, it was good with her, he felt at home next to her.

Although everything is different for an ordinary rabbit, he does not think that as a person he has no feelings, he just needs to eat, sleep and make offspring, the continuation of his kind.

But this rabbit had a human soul, because it was actually Nayeon, who turned into a rabbit for unknown reasons.

The eyes of a man saw a very different picture than the eyes of a rabbit. Nayeon seemed to be living two lives at the same time without knowing it.


- In my profession, I saw many different wonderful things, I even had to fight with otherworldly forces several times in order to save an innocent person - I began to prepare the girls for unexpected news. - Do not consider me crazy now, I'm completely serious - cleared his throat, seeing the interest, continued: - Last night I had a strange dream. It was as if I moved into the missing girl and saw everything through her eyes all her last morning until she disappeared. I saw and heard all the conversations that took place between us. For example, here you are - pointed to Jeongyeon, who was sitting on a chair and putting sliced carrots for a rabbit there - Miss Im constantly scolded you for not waking her up earlier. And with you - pointed to Chaeyoung - she ran into, leaving the kitchen, you were still humming some strange tune and Miss Im joked: Chengi, did you fall in love with someone again?

-How do you know? - Chaeyoung said with gaping, glancing at the girls.

- I don't know, but I saw everything through a dream.

- What are you trying to say? Did you see where Nayeon-unnie disappeared to? - Jihyo asked slowly, thinking through every word, walking past the rabbit, mechanically runnieng her hand along his back. - Where is she?

- Near you. Sorry, he apologized, taking steps forward, stopping next to the rabbit, taking him in his arms, lifting him up: - Here she is, Miss Im Nayeon.

The girls would have laughed, they would have kicked him out, calling him crazy, if he had not told about the dream in advance, but now, knowing about everything, they were silent.

Incredible - read in the minds of each. - This simply cannot be in modern society! How is that even possible?

Does she know what's really going on? Mina asked, blushing as she remembered hugging the rabbit at night and waking up this morning to find the rabbit nestled against her chest.

-No, I don't think Miss Im has any idea she's become like this, - gently handing the rabbit back to Jihyo's outstretched arms. - I got a call today from an unknown number, I couldn’t make out the voice, but by intonation, I can assume that the child called. This voice warned us to hurry, otherwise Miss Im would never return to being a human.

- No! Nayeon-unnie will be back! She'll be back, we'll help you, Detective Lim. What do we need to do?

-I'm afraid Miss Im has to do everything herself here. Tell me, when did the rabbit arrive yesterday? What time is it? - opening your notebook with notes, checking the time.

- Mina and I were leaving for training when we found a rabbit outside the door. The training was starting… oh, Minari, it looks like we should be leaving now!

- Yes, they should - the girl confirmed, without taking her restless gaze from the rabbit.

-Why do you need to know the time? - Jeongyeon began to ask, then she realized something: - She has to go all the way back, right?

- Right. And Miss Im has to do everything herself, without our help.

They didn’t ask further, everything is already clear, why waste precious time.

Sana carried the rabbit out the door, then she entered the house herself, leaving him alone, managing to whisper:

- Come back to us, unnie - then quietly added: - Come back to Mina.


Nayeon had the feeling to leave the house and go for a walk. And I wanted to do it right away. None of the girls were in the kitchen where she had breakfast: Jihyo and Chaeyoung were upstairs in their rooms, Mina and Sana had gone to practice, Jeonyoung and Momo had gone to the company, and Dahyun had been on schedule since morning.

No schedule was made for Nayeon today, but she was not lazy, she knew her shortcomings, so she decided to go to the company to ask the vocal teacher for advice.

But first you need to skimp on something, there is almost nothing left in the refrigerator.

- Here's a reason for you to go out - Nayeon was delighted, quickly writing a text message to their general chat, took her wallet, put on the same things as yesterday, and left the house.

Half an hour is enough to walk around and shop, because the store is nearby.


Deja vu.

That's how to describe the word that's on her tongue when Nayeon walks out of the convenience store with a bag of groceries.

Deja vu.

This word does not leave her thoughts when she reaches the shop window with clothes and looks at herself in the mirror image and her eyes notice some strange shape.

I definitely was here and definitely bought something, but I don’t remember what exactly.

So she says to herself when she opens the store doors, the melodious sound of a bell notifies the owner that a client has arrived.

-You are the first person to return. - The first words spoken by the owner of the magic shop instead of a greeting. - Usually, people look for something for a long time, forgetting why they came to me.

-Um, I’m sorry, but I came here to… - confused, Nayeon tried to politely start a dialogue, but was interrupted by the hostess:

- Do not continue, I know why you are here - took a step closer to the girl who did not understand, handed her a vial. - Here is the perfume you ordered from me yesterday. They are ready, the only ones, you will not find such a flavor anywhere else.

- Oh, thanks, how much from me? - twisting a bottle with a unique aroma in her hand, hoping in her soul that Mina will like this smell.

- The item has been paid for. Remember, just one breath, her mistress warned cryptically, disappearing into the depths of the store.

Nayeon sighed, pressing the bottle to her chest, then put it in her jacket pocket, went out the door of a strange mysterious store, again returning to the body of a rabbit, jumped to the park, to the bench where her transformation took place.


Girls, I can't believe my eyes. Did you also see Nayeon-unnie transforming into a rabbit?

“Jeongyeon, later, later,” Jihyo hissed at her, squeezing her friend’s hand painfully as her eyes followed the jumping rabbit along the path to the park.


- I wonder what the scent of these perfumes is? - curiosity did its job, Nayeon stopped near one bench, sat down, took a bottle of perfume from her pocket, turned it around, examined it, did not find anything strange or unusual. - Hmm, - putting a bottle of perfume to her nose, sniffed, - it doesn’t smell like anything. I didn't get scammed, did I? Now let's check.


Mina watched with trepidation in her heart as the little rabbit stopped near the bench, sat down, looked around, sniffed the space next to him. Then she noticed a girl walking, if you look closely, a very strange girl in unusual clothes. The girl sat down near the rabbit, took something out of her pocket and put it next to it, Mina and the girls were quite close to the bench, they perfectly heard the words of the girl addressed to the rabbit:

- Remember, only one breath - after which she opened the bottle of perfume, left it lying next to the rabbit, she herself slowly left.


- Did you see it? She had just vanished into thin air – this time, Chaeyoung was amazed, a little louder than a whisper. I just can't believe my eyes, it's just impossible!


Nayeon opened the bottle of perfume...

The rabbit stuck his nose into the opening of the vial...

Both took a breath...


Nayeon looked around in dismay, she didn't really remember how she ended up in the park, sitting on a bench, holding an already cold coffee in her hand. A grocery bag was next to the bench, a bottle of perfume lay on her lap, wrapped in a cute red ribbon.

She stared at him for a few seconds, then shook her head, stretched her shoulders, drank the cold coffee in one gulp, wincing at the aftertaste, threw the glass in the trash, got up and went home.

Her thoughts were confused, no matter how many times she tried to remember, everything was stuck in an invisible wall. But for some reason, she had an indefinite desire to see Mina in front of her, to touch her, to look into her warm eyes, looking at her with friendly attention.

Nayeon quickened her pace.


The girls, in a roundabout way, ended up at home earlier (about 10 minutes) than Nayeon.

Detective Lim, before leaving, warned:

- No one's word. What we saw will remain only in our memories. And only there. I will figure out what to write in the report, and I myself will figure out what to say to Mr. Park. Miss I'm better off not knowing.

-Of course, don’t worry, and thank you for helping us get Nayeon-unnie back. - Jihyo’s voice sounded sincere, the others nodded their heads in agreement with every word.

They began to frantically look for things to do in preparation for meeting Nayeon.

Nayeon entered the house swiftly, loudly announcing her arrival.

- Girls, I'm home! Where are you? I bought some goodies!

The girls began to appear one after another, acting as usual, with only one difference, they hid their eyes from her. Mina was the last to enter, Nayeon's face blossomed into the brightest and widest smile.

- Mina - she exclaimed, spreading her arms to the sides, immediately showing her charming puffed cheeks: - Hug me! I want you to hug me now! Hug, hug, I missed you so much!

- You haven’t seen each other in just half an hour, no more, - Jeongyeon chuckled, dragging the package with goodies to the sofa, starting to pull out bags of bread from it. - Didn't you miss us?

- No, well, except for the makna line - fooling around, showed the tongue of her friend Nayeon, still holding her hands in the air. – And also, for Jihyo, and for Sana, okay, so be it, and for Momo too.

- Hey, what about me! Jeongyeon pointed at herself, biting into a piece of delicious fragrant bread, enjoying its taste.

- Not for you, we saw each other no more than half an hour ago, which I should miss you. Mina, Minari, hug me!

Mina took small hesitant steps towards the older girl, still not fully believing that she was standing in front of her, safe and sound.

-You’ve been walking towards me for too long, Minari, - Nayeon sighed, overcoming the remaining distance herself and tightly hugging the girl, hugging her, inhaling such a familiar and beloved aroma. - Mina, I’m at home, - Nayeon said in a half whisper, feeling her friend’s hugs, just as warm and cozy.

- Welcome back, Nayeon-unnie

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