chapter 11

the lonely cue ball

authors note! hello guys! here is chapter 11. hmm, there are some wonha/sinrin moments, at the same time this chapter is dropping some hints on the future chapters~



"Make yourselves at home." Sowon said to her three best friends.

"Needless to say." Nayoung replied and hopped onto the sofa.

"Are we going to have a long night chat later?" Namjoo asked.

"Provided these won't get us drunk." Yerin replied, holding up bottles of liqueur.

"And Yerin, sorry for just now. I shouldn't throw my temper on you." said Sowon.

"We have known each other for so long, you don't have to apologise over such small matters." Yerin said.

"It's time for some interrogation." said Nayoung, rubbing her hands with a smirk on her face.

"I knew it. What do you guys want to know about?" Yerin asked.

"Regarding you and SinB?" Sowon asked which made the three of them stare at her instead.

"Is there anything wrong?" Sowon asked, looking confused.

"Sowon has never been that nosy." Namjoo stated.

"Where is our cool boss?" Nayoung asked.

"Love can really change someone." Yerin concluded.

"It's not my turn yet, and bartender, kindly answer my question." said Sowon, taking a sip from the wine glass.

"I am officially together with SinB. Isn't it time for me to have a girlfriend?" Yerin rebutted.

"Well, both of you do look compatible." Namjoo commented.

"Have you guys gone out for the first date?" Nayoung asked as she opened a bag of chips.

"Speaking of first date, SinB actually wanted a double date." said Yerin.

"With?" Sowon asked.

"Obviously it's with you and Eunha. Do you see any other couples around?" Namjoo answered for Yerin with the latter nodding her head.

"I'm still not ready to see her, let alone to mention double dating..." said Sowon, letting out a sigh.

"You want us to keep the secret for you so you have to pretend you don't know anything yet. If you behave weirdly around Eunha, it's just letting the cat out of the bag." Nayoung said.

"Just do me a favor? It's the first task my girlfriend gave me." Yerin whined.

"Yah, Yerin, don't use that tone on me. Do I need to ask Eunha?" Sowon asked.

"SinB will be informing her. It will be on Tuesday and we are going to the amusement park." Yerin replied.

"Amusement Park?!" Sowon exclaimed.

"Oh, the thought of Sowon laughing happily riding on the merry-go-round is floating on my mind." said Nayoung.

"Of all places, why must it be amusement park?" Sowon asked, at the same time giving Nayoung's hand a good smack.

"SinB said it is a test for me." Yerin replied looking down.

"Then it's none of my business." said Sowon, taking the last sip of wine.

"You can take this chance to help Eunha to relax before the day of competition?" Namjoo suggested.

"Fine. Anyway, my match is on Thursday." said Sowon.

"Mine too." Yerin added.

"Looks like the association loves to put us together." said Namjoo as she showed the text message to the rest, indicating that her match is on Thursday too.

"Eunha is playing against Jisoo." said Sowon.

"So are you going to the match or joining us to meet the investigator again?" Nayoung asked.

"It's better for me to speak to the investigator myself. We can just miss the match." Sowon replied.

"I would prefer to see you in love than to be in hatred." said Yerin.

"Even if I want to revenge, I have to work hard to become an official player first." said Sowon, rubbing her temples.

"But you joined this competition was for Eunha in the first place." Namjoo reminded.

"No matter what decision you make, we are always here for you." said Nayoung.

"I just hate this kind of mushy moment." Sowon said making a disgusted look on her face.

"Let's bottom up! To celebrate for whatever we want to celebrate about!" said Namjoo and the four them just emptied their cup while laughing at Nayoung who splashed the wine on her face. In the midst of laughing, Sowon is really touched to see her friends being there for her and she told herself to give Eunha a good time on Tuesday.


"Dad, why are we here early in the morning?" Eunha asked.

"It's for something important. Just be patient okay?" Eunha's dad replied.

"Hi Mr Jung, I've prepared the documents according to your instructions." said a man who came into the room. After placing two sets of documents on the table, the man continued, "So Mr. Jung, you've arranged to transfer the 10% shares you have in the snooker association to Miss Eunha Jung. Is that right?"

"Yes." Eunha's dad nodded.

"Let me give you a summary of the shares after the transfer. Your wife will still hold her 20% of shares and your daughter will have your 10%. While another 30% of shares belong to the extended Yook family." said the man as he flipped through the documents.

"What about the other 40%?" Eunha asked out of curiousity.

"Sorry Miss Jung, the 40% of shares is protected as mentioned in the will before your grandfather passed away. We can't reveal any information about it." the man replied.

"Dad, why are you giving me your shares?" Eunha then asked.

"Doesn't matter who is holding it, we are still one family. I am getting old already, you can take care of this 10% for me." Eunha's dad replied with a smile.

"So if there is nothing wrong, both of you, please kindly sign here." said the man.


"Where is Eunha?" Yerin asked.

"She is on the way, her dad brought her to the law firm." SinB replied.

"Do you know anything about this?" Yerin asked Sowon.

"No. I didn't contact her for the past few days." Sowon replied.

"Is there anything wrong between the both of you?" SinB asked.

"No, don't worry for us." Sowon assured.

"Here she is!" SinB waved to the direction where Eunha is coming from.

"Sorry, I'm late." said Eunha as she took a quick glance at Sowon who seems to be looking somewhere else.

"It's okay, we didn't waited too long, let's go!" said SinB as she held onto Yerin's hand and headed for the rides.

Looking at how loving SinB and Yerin are, Eunha looked at Sowon, wondering if she is still angry over that issue last week. Yet, Sowon is always looking somewhere else, ignoring Eunha. Eventually, the two couples reached the queue for pirate ship.

"I don't think I can take this ride." said Sowon as she pointed at the board which says, "Not suitable for weak hearts."

"SinB, let's skip this ride." said Yerin.

"It's okay, you guys can go for it, I can wait around here. I don't fancy these rides either." Sowon said.

"I'm staying here as well." said Eunha when SinB looked at her.

So the couple went for the ride while Sowon and Eunha went to take a seat at the nearest bench. It might seems that Sowon is angry at Eunha but infact, she just don't know how to face Eunha after learning about the truth last week.

"Are you still angry?" Eunha asked.

"Angry about?" Sowon returned a question instead.

"Last week at your place..." said Eunha.

Before Sowon can reply, SinB and Yerin are done with the ride as they came back to join Sowon and Eunha.

"Can we try haunted house next?" SinB asked.

"Sowon, are you okay with it?" Yerin asked, worrying about Sowon's heart condition.

"I am okay with that, when was I ever afraid of horror stuff?" said Sowon.

Upon reaching the haunted house, Eunha is glad that she can make use of this time to speak to Sowon, but she forgot that haunted house has always been her weakness.

"Ahhhh!" Eunha screamed when she saw a skeleton dropping down from nowhere.

"If you are so afraid, why do you agree to come in?" Sowon asked as she held Eunha's hand tightly.

"I just...  ahhh!" Eunha screamed again when another ghost appear from the corner.

While the four of them continue to walk through the haunted house, Sowon held Eunha's hand tighter each time she screamed.

"Why is there something hard in between her knuckles?" Sowon wondered when she rubbed Eunha's hand. Having to play snooker for years, Sowon soon realised it is a callus forming on Eunha's knuckles.

"Do you have to practice this hard?" Sowon said to herself as she felt her heart aching for Eunha.

Being the brave souls, Yerin and SinB were already out of the haunted house, waiting for Sowon and Eunha.

"Finally, this is a proper double date." SinB commented when she saw Sowon and Eunha walking out of the haunted house.

The two couples decided to go grab some drinks and walk around the amusement park since Sowon couldn't take part in most of the rides. As they walk around, SinB saw a teddy bear holding onto a heart at one of the funfair counters.

"Yerin, get me that!" said SinB.

"Shooting games? I am not really good at it! You can ask Sowon, her aiming has always been good." Yerin suggested.

"Are you seriously dumb? Your girlfriend wants it from you, not me!" Sowon whispered into Yerin's ear when she saw SinB frowning.

"Okay, I will try my best, but no guarantees!" said Yerin as she gave the money to the old man at the counter.

"Eunha, why don't you ask Sowon to get that for you. I know you always like that teddy bear." said SinB pointing at another teddy bear holding a rose.

Eunha shook her head, afraid that she might anger Sowon even further. Yet, knowing that the bear is a limited edition and cannot be found in shops, Eunha just simply keep staring at the bear. On the other hand, Sowon who is standing beside Eunha, saw everything but wondered why can't Eunha be like SinB, to ask for what she wants.

"I can't believe that I just spent so much just to get you a bear!" Yerin complained.

"I love you!" said SinB as she gave a kiss on Yerin's cheek.

"I didn't know that a teddy bear can make you do that when I have been asking for a kiss the whole day." said Yerin, looking pleased at her reward.

"Eunha, do you want to go to the washroom together?" SinB asked when she saw the Sowon winking at her.

"Oh, okay..." Eunha said softly and went off with SinB.

"I see, Sowon wants a kiss from Eunha too." Yerin teased.

"No, I just want you to see how I can get the bear with one round of game." said Sowon as she placed the money on the counter.

No doubt, Sowon managed to win the top prize as aiming has been her everyday practice. The old man at the counter was so shocked and he asked, "Are you a police by any chance?"

Both Sowon and Yerin laughed at his comment and Sowon said, "A snooker player can shoot well too."

"You are really great. Which prize do you want?" The old man asked as he pointed at the row of prizes.

"Can you give me the bear holding a rose?" Sowon asked.

"Knew it." Yerin commented softly.

"Good thing that I have a bag with me." Sowon said to herself as she placed the bear into her messenger bag.

After SinB and Eunha came back from the washroom, Yerin suggested to end the double date for the couples to have some alone time.

"Where do you want to go?" Eunha asked softly.

"There." said Sowon as she pointed to the ferris wheel.

Upon boarding the ferris wheel, Sowon and Eunha both took one side of the cabin as though they were strangers. There is an awkward silence when the ferris wheel started moving until Sowon spoke up.

"People say that one of the romantic things to do with your lover is to come up to here." said Sowon.

"Is it? This is my first time riding a ferris wheel." Eunha replied.

Not being able to bear the silence any longer, Sowon went over to sit beside Eunha. "Aish, I've taken so many of your first time..." said Sowon as she quietly slipped her hand into Eunha's.

"I am really sorry for last week. Can you stop being so cold to me?" Eunha asked softly.

"I am not mad at you, just that there are so many things on my mind right now." Sowon replied.

"I'm so afraid that you don't want me anymore." said Eunha who is about to cry.

"I won't… I know you are working very hard that calluses are forming in between your knuckles." said Sowon as she picked up Eunha's hand, giving a peck on it. Not knowing what to say, Eunha just hugged Sowon tightly.

"Sometimes I wish you will be like SinB, throwing your tantrums at me, asking me for this and that instead of keeping quiet." Sowon said

"I don't know how to. My mom doesn't allow me to behave this way..." Eunha replied.

Having to be reminded of how painful it will be for Eunha to learn about the truth, Sowon tried to drop the topic by saying, "Then do it to me. I don't mind because I really love you. And, I can see that you really like the bear, more than the rose I gave you last time."

"No, I just love to collect teddy bears but it's okay if-" before Eunha can finish her words, Sowon took out the teddy bear she won just now.

"You... went to get it?" Eunha asked.

"No choice, I just have a girlfriend who is so quiet." said Sowon, handing over the teddy bear to Eunha.

"Thank you..." Eunha said as she looked at the teddy bear happily.

"Don't forget your big teddy bear here just because you have that." Sowon said, pulling Eunha in for a hug.

"I wish that time could just stop here." Sowon said to herself as she gave a kiss on Eunha's cheek.

"I love my big teddy bear the most." Eunha whispered into Sowon's ear as the couple enjoy the night scenery in the cabin.


"Mr Kim, we have confirmed your identity with the hospital and your reason for the plastic surgery. You are eligible to claim the 40% shares." said the lawyer.

"Thank you very much, and I believe that this will be kept confidential right?" Mr Kim asked.

"After signing here, the shares will be transferred to you immediately." The lawyer said.

The lawyer then left the cafe leaving Mr Kim alone after the procedures are done. Taking a sip of coffee from the cup, he said to himself while looking at the photo of Eunha, "My precious, bear with dad for a while. Once I make the Jung family fight among themselves and pay for what they did, I will bring you out of this place. And Sowon, I am thankful that you are still living till now, if not I can never have my revenge on your parents. I am sorry but I can't let someone from Jung family to be with my daughter."

Slipping the photo into his pocket, Mr Kim put on his capwhich belongs to a food delivery company and left the cafe.


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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..