chapter 6

the lonely cue ball

author notes: chapter 6 is up! enjoy~



"I can't believe it's Monday again!" said Nayoung as she let out a big yawn.

"Mind you, you are not even around over the weekends." said Sowon.

"I was busy settling the administrative stuffs that I haven’t got enough sleep." Nayoung complained.

"You always complain." said Namjoo as she placed the plates of food on the bar counter.

"Since teacher doesn't want any funeral, things are way easier to settle." said Nayoung which made Yerin stare at her.

"Don't worry, I am not some kind of emotional freak. Nothing wrong to mention about him." said Sowon as she noticed the change in atmosphere.

"And Sowon, I've hired a private investigator to look up on the case already." Nayoung said.

"Sowon, are you really going to look for your biological parents?" Yerin asked.

"Yeah, not for reconciliation but for revenge." Sowon said with a serious tone.

"Put this aside, it's your birthday today!" said Namjoo as she tries to change the topic.

"Are those girls coming?" Yerin asked.

"Yeah, I informed Yuju to let the rest of them know. But Yuju sounds more excited than the birthday girl." Namjoo laughed.


"Here they are." Nayoung said as she saw the girls coming in.

"Where is Eunha?" Yerin asked as she only saw three of them.

"We didn't have a chance to talk to her today, I think Tzuyu dragged her together to listen to a talk in school." Umji replied.

"What about the three of you?" Sowon asked.

"Party sounds more fun!" Yuju said.

"Happy birthday Sowon! " Yuju, Umji and SinB greeted her together.

"Umji, what is the big box that you are holding?" Namjoo asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this. The birthday present from three of us. Dozen bottles of strawberry milk." Umji replied.

As much as Sowon is happy to receive the present, she just have to keep the happiness to herself.

"Erm...thank you." said Sowon.

"I am the one told them this secret. I know you want to jump around in joy, right?" Yerin whispered to Sowon and got a light punch back instead.

"So, Eunha won't be joining us?" Sowon asked.

"Yeah, we actually wanted to celebrate for her too." said SinB.

"Celebrate?" Namjoo asked.

"It is Eunha's birthday today as well." Yuju replied.

"What a coincidence! But she can celebrate with her parents, unlike us..." said Yerin.

"You haven't meet her mom yet. She has never celebrated Eunha's birthday before, not even getting a gift for her." said SinB as she shook her head.

"Plus, I heard that they just left for US yesterday." Umji said.

"Yuju, can you lend me your uniform?" Sowon asked.

"For?" Yuju asked, looking confused.

"Uh, I just felt like wearing it." Sowon said as she couldn't find a better reason than coming up with this lame excuse.

"Knew it, Sowon always put friends the last." said Yerin as she looked down, pretending to be upset.

"You guys can still have fun without me, but you know... Eunha will feel very sad to celebrate alone. Moreover..." and before Sowon can finish her sentence, Yuju said, "Let's go to the toilet for an exchange then, but you owe me one."


After a short while, Sowon came out from the toilet in Yuju's uniform and Yuju is wearing Sowon's clothes.

"Sowon, you totally look like a kid now." Nayoung teased as the two girls entered the lounge.

"And her clothes has a burning cigarette smell." Yuju said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Better get going, send our greetings to Eunha." said Yerin.

"And Sowon, you owe us an explanation too." Nayoung said with Namjoo nodding her head, looking pleased.

"Enjoy yourselves alright!" said Sowon as she went out of the lounge.

"The answer that we wanted to find out is clear enough, isn't it?" Yerin said with everyone nodding their heads in unison.


As Sowon get out of her car at the school car park, all attention was on her because it is very rare to see a student driving to school. Usually, Sowon will just send a punch to anyone who is staring at her, but she knows that she can't do that wearing the uniform.

"I shouldn't have done all these." Sowon said to herself as she wandered around in the school until she saw this notice. 

'Understand Human Psychology' by Dr Phil
Venue: Hall 2 (Level 1)
Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm

"Four hours?!" Sowon got a big shock and wonder if she should go back to the lounge instead, but still, she made her way to the venue. As she entered the hall through the back door, she could easily notice Eunha as there are not many students attending the talk. 

Sowon tiptoed towards the seat beside Eunha and sat down. As Eunha is paying close attention to the talk, she didn't see Sowon sitting beside her. So Sowon gently poke Eunha's cheek which made the latter turned around and got a big shock.

"Sowon?!" Eunha whispered.

"Shh." Sowon whispered back as she placed a finger over her lips.

"Why are you here?" Eunha asked softly.

"Why are you alone here?" Sowon questioned back.

"My friend has something on last minute, so I have to come here alone." Eunha replied.

"What is this talk about?" Sowon asked.

"Human psychology. Interesting." said Eunha as she turned back to listen to the talk.

Because the talk is in English, Sowon couldn't really understand what the speaker is talking about, so instead she turned to look at Eunha.

"She is really pretty..." Sowon said to herself as she observed Eunha's side profile.

"Two more hours, how am I supposed to survive?" said Sowon as she let out a yawn.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Eunha asked, not wanting to let the professor catch Sowon sleeping during the talk.

"To where?" Sowon asked.

"Since you are wearing our school uniform, I'll just bring you around?" Eunha suggested.

"Great, since I have never attended one before." said Sowon as she tiptoed out of the hall with Eunha following behind her.


"I thought you should be busy over at the lounge?" Eunha asked when the both managed to get out of the hall.

"Today is actually my... oh well, I am the boss, I can choose when to take a break." Sowon lied, as she do not want Eunha to know that it's supposed to be her birthday dinner.

"I see..." Eunha replied softly and led the conversation to an awkward silence.

"Why are you still so shy around me? We have even made out..." said Sowon which made Eunha stare at her.

"I am always like this around people. Do you always like to boast about making out with people?" said Eunha, who is unable to hide her foul mood.

"Isn't this the snooker club?" Sowon asked as they are walking pass the school club rooms.

"Yeah." Eunha replied coldly as the word 'snooker' made her mood go further down.

“I feel like trashing someone in a game now." said Sowon, as she cracked her knuckles and went inside the club room, not knowing that Eunha didn't tag along.


"Who are you? Non-members are not allowed to be in this club room." one of the guys in the room said.

"Chill. I am just itching for a game." Sowon replied.

"Itching for a beating, huh?" The guy replied.

"If you win against me, then beat me up for all you want." said Sowon.

"So you are the champion for last week's competition?" the guy asked after his friend whispered something to him.

"No big deal about that. Let's just get this game started." Sowon replied in an impatient tone.

"If I wasn't on a sick leave that day, you could be trashed by me already." said the guy as he passed Sowon the cue stick.

"Bring it on then." Sowon said. 


"I thought you will make a difference among the rest. But still, in your eyes, you only have snooker. Perhaps, smoking is the second most important thing to you." Eunha said to herself as she made her way out of the school. 

"Eunha, don't worry, once the clock hits 12am, it's no longer your birthday." Eunha said softly. 


"What an easy game." said Sowon as she threw the cue stick back to the guy.

"You better watch out." the guy replied as Sowon walked out of the room.

"Where is Eunha?" Sowon said to herself, as she could not find anyone outside the club room.

"You are stupid, Sowon, you completely forgot your purpose of coming here." said Sowon and she gave herself a smack on her head.

"A loner most probably will go home. Let me get a birthday cake first." Sowon figured that out and made her way to the mall.


Standing outside Eunha's house gate, holding a cake, Sowon said to herself, "I am hoping that she is at home right now.", and she pressed the bell. And after waiting for  a while, Eunha came out of her house, looking surprised to see Sowon.

"You are supposed to bring me around and yet you left first." said Sowon.

"Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood to see any snooker game." Eunha replied.

"Please invite me in, it is very hot to stand outside talking to you." Sowon said and without waiting for Eunha to reply, Sowon made her way into the house.

"Are your parents in?" Sowon asked for the obvious.

"No, they just flew to US yesterday." Eunha replied.

"And someone is obviously crying before I came here." said Sowon as she noticed Eunha's puffy eyes. She continued saying, "I bought a cake for you." and lifted up the the box in her hand.

"Did she happen to know that it's my birthday today?" Eunha said to herself.

"Open it." Sowon pointed at the box. And when Eunha opened the box, she saw a birthday cake with the words "Happy Birthday, Sowon." on it.

"Huh?" Eunha asked, looking confused.

Instead of replying, Sowon took the cake and hide it from Eunha. She then took out seven alphabet candles which forms, 'E-U-N-H-A' and start lighting them one by one. When all the candles lit up, Sowon lifted up the cake and started singing to Eunha.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Eunha! Happy Birthday to you!" and knowing that Eunha is still confused about the name on the cake, Sowon continued to sing, "Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to Sowon! Happy Birthday to me!"

"It's your birthday today?" Eunha asked as she finally got it.

"It's yours too. Talk about this later. Let's make a wish." Sowon replied and clasped her hands together to make a wish, with Eunha joining in.

"Okay, I'm done." And on the count of three, both of them took in a deep breath and blew the candles out.


"Is it really your birthday today?" Eunha asked, making sure that Sowon is not pulling a prank on her.

"I don't have a reason to make all these up right?" Sowon questioned back.

"It's really a big coincidence then, we have a completely different personalities." Eunha replied.

"It's not cool to be like you." Sowon teased.

"Same for me. Anyway let me go to the kitchen and get the utensils for the cake." said Eunha, but before she got up from her seat, Sowon said with a smirk forming on her face., "There is another way of eating it."

"This is how you eat it." said Sowon and she smacked her face into the cake and started eating. Eunha is shocked but there is no time for her to back out, because the next thing she knows is Sowon smacking her face into the cake too.

After a while, the cake is completely ruined with the cream all over Sowon and Eunha's face. When they looked at each other face, they can't help it but to burst out laughing.


"I still smell the cream on my face." said Eunha even though they have already washed up.

"Doesn't matter, this only happens once in a year." Sowon said.

"This is the first time I celebrated my birthday, that was my first birthday cake." Eunha said softly.

"You are really a nerd, so many books in your room." said Sowon, who is trying to change the topic.

"Anyway, what is your wish?" Sowon asked.

"Wishes will not come true if you reveal them." Eunha replied.

"No, wishes are meant to be revealed, so people can grant them for you." Sowon rebutted.

"What is your wish then?" Eunha asked.

"Actually just now was the first time I made a wish. I never really believe in them." said Sowon and she mumbled, "But anway, I wished that you will always be happy."

"You what?" Eunha asked.

"I just merely wished that you will always stay happy. Now your turn!" Sowon shouted out.

"I'm inside your wish?" Eunha asked.

"Just tell me what is your wish." said Sowon as she starts to get impatient.

"I was a bit greedy. So I made three wishes. First, I wish that you will quit smoking. Secondly, I wish that people around me will always be happy. And thirdly, I want to get into a relationship." Eunha said with her cheeks blushing.

"Relationship? Like to be a couple with someone?" Sowon asked.

"Yeah, I wish that I can be in a serious relationship, afterall, I still don't have my first love." Eunha replied.

"Then who do you want to be in a relationship with?" Sowon continued asking.

"Don't know, I am letting my heart to lead the way." said Eunha.

"Don't be with another person." Sowon said softly.

"Huh? What you mean?" Eunha asked.

"I mean, it's a relationship you know. You have to think twice before going into it." said Sowon.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from a love player." Eunha said and laughed at Sowon's sudden seriousness.

"If you want to be in a relationship," said Sowon as she pulled Eunha in for hug and continued, "Then be in a relationship with me. I don't want to see you together with another person." And all these words caught Eunha by surprise.

Letting go of the hug, Sowon took off her half pendant necklace, and looked into Eunha's eyes, saying, "All I have is only half of a heart, and I am giving all to you. I don't know if this relationship will work out but I am willing to try."

"You mean..." before Eunha can finish her question, Sowon puts the necklace onto Eunha's hand, and she said, "I want to be with you, not like those girls I had one night stand with. I want to be someone whom you can cry to and to share joy with. You can call me selfish for wanting to take away all your first time, but that's because the person is you. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Although this came so suddenly, but Eunha is moved by Sowon's confession. So instead of giving a yes or no answer, Eunha replied, "Now I believe that wishes will come true when you say it out."

"But as for me, I will work hard to make my wish come true." Sowon smiled and gave a kiss on Eunha's forehead which made the latter's cheeks blushing again. 


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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..