chapter 5

the lonely cue ball

authors note: yes, Sowon and Eunha were those exchanged babies. Eunha is still unaware of the truth although Sowon knows it, but she doesn't know it is Eunha's family. and just to ensure all of you, the next drama won't be here too soon~



After Sowon locked the door, she saw someone sleeping at one of the tables opposite her lounge.

"Who is it at this time?" Sowon said to herself as she walked to the table and saw that the person is Eunha. On the table was Sowon's trophy and a bottle of strawberry milk that she always drink.

"Has she been waiting for me since just now?" Sowon wondered and took off her jacket to cover Eunha, not wanting her to catch a cold. She then took the bottle of strawberry milk and stood beside the window, opening it up to drink. As she is drinking, she recalled that before Eunha, her teacher was the only one who will buy strawberry milk to cheer her up. At this point of time, her tears start to flow down, knowing that she cannot control it anymore.

After awhile, Eunha woke up and found Sowon's jacket on her. She looked up and saw Sowon standing by the window crying.

"Sowon...?" said Eunha as she gently tap Sowon's shoulder. Before Sowon could wipe her tears away, Eunha asked, "Are you crying?"

Sowon wiped away her tears and turned back to Eunha. "No, I'm not."

Instead of replying, Eunha looked into Sowon eyes for a very long time and pull Sowon in for a tight hug. Eunha just continue to hug Sowon without speaking a word. Feeling shocked at the sudden hug, Sowon can't help it but to cry out loud. "Why am I always being left alone...?"

Unknowingly, Eunha realised that she is crying too. She never experienced any death before, but somehow she knows exactly how Sowon feels. She felt the loneliness and the pain Sowon is going through. Both of them just hugged each other tighter, until the security guard shouted at them. "Miss Kim, we are locking the shopping mall soon." Upon hearing that, Sowon and Eunha let go of each other, wondering about the hug just now.

"Let me walk you home." said Sowon.


As they were walking down the street, the night is so quiet but none of them spoke until they reached Eunha's house gate. Eunha realised she forgot about her keys so she decided to ring the bell. But before she pressed the bell, she saw a note pasted beside the bell.

Eunha, you are really disappointing. I have no choice but to lock you outside the house for tonight. Don't bother to ask your dad for help.

Sowon, who was standing beside Eunha saw the note too.

"So, you are being locked out tonight." said Sowon.

"Not the first time, I will call SinB if she can let me stay over for a night." said Eunha as she took out her phone to call SinB. But after waiting for a while, no one picked up. "I think she is asleep, let me call Yuju." Eunha said and search for Yuju contact, but still, Yuju didn't pick up. "Let me try Umji..." said Eunha knowing that this is her last chance.

"If you don't mind, you can come over to my place." said Sowon.

"Is it convenient?" Eunha asked.

"I'm living alone." Sowon replied.

"Or let me try calling SinB again..." said Eunha.

"Then just stand outside the house for tonight." said Sowon as she walked off.

Seeing that Sowon is walking further and almost disappearing, she said to herself, "I should've said yes just now..." But as she was about to sit outside her house gate, she saw Sowon's car stopping right infront of her house gate.

"Get in." Sowon said as she pushed open the car door.


"May not be as good as your place, but just make do with it." Sowon said as she went to the fridge to grab a drink.

Instead of sitting down, Eunha walked around to explore the big studio apartment. She was surprised that there is only one snooker table with scribblings on it in the apartment when the owner is a pro in snooker. Eunha was expecting Sowon's house to be very messy from the way she behaves but instead, it was well kept, very neat in fact.

"Why? Are you expecting to see my apartment looking exactly like the lounge?" Sowon asked as she passed a bottle of mineral water to Eunha.

"Thank you… and your snooker table is almost like a school whiteboard." Eunha replied as she noticed the content drawn on the table.

"Having parents who are snooker association directors, you should know snooker is not just a game." Sowon replied. Usually, Eunha will just walk away when the word 'snooker' is mentioned, but this time round, she wants to listen to what Sowon is going to say.

"All these scribblings are the calculation of angle and common positions from all the games I observed. And when I play, I will calculate at the same time too." said Sowon.

"Then today's match...?" Eunha asked.

"I am trained right handed but my left hand is not completely useless. Alright, enough of snooker. Do you want to take a shower?" Sowon asked.

"But I didn't bring any extra clothes with me." said Eunha.

"Well, if you don't mind, you can have my shirts." said Sowon as she walked to her wardrobe and took out a shirt for Eunha.

"You can use the toilet here and I will go down to the swimming pool toilet." Sowon said.

"Sorry..." said Eunha feeling bad for causing Sowon's inconvenience.

"Just have a nice shower." Sowon replied and went out.


As Eunha is drying up her hair with a towel, she continued to explore Sowon's apartment. She stopped by a glass cabinet and saw mini snooker balls inside.

"I wonder where is the cue ball?" Eunha said to herself.

She then opened up the fridge to see what is inside and two things caught her by surprise. "So many bottles of strawberry milk! And why are there so many bottles of pills?" Eunha picked up one bottle and read the description.

2 tablets a day
for heart blood pressure

"Heart blood pressure?" Eunha wondered what is wrong with Sowon that she needs to consume such a heavy medication. And as she put back the pills to the fridge, Sowon came back.

"It's weird to see you in an over-sized shirt." Sowon commented.

"Same for me." Eunha replied when she saw Sowon came back in a white singlet and black shorts.

"Do you want to sleep already?" Sowon asked.

"Have to wait for my hair to dry up." Eunha replied and both of them sat down on the sofa.

"Sowon..." said Eunha.

"You want to say something?" Sowon questioned back.

"I saw some pills in your fridge." Eunha said.

"Well, I am actually this." said Sowon as she pointed to her half heart pendant but still, Eunha did not catch anything.

"I am born with a half-developed heart." Sowon said and left Eunha looking shocked.

"Then why are you still smoking that much?" Eunha asked.

"It's my life. So don't talk about that to me." Sowon replied and that cold reply stopped the conversation abruptly.

"Do you hate snooker that much?" Sowon asked.

"I just don't like to play. Unlike my parents, I like to read. I read a lot." Eunha replied.

"No wonder you are such a nerd." Sowon said.

"Actually, I heard that you are a player in relationships, is it true?" Eunha asked.

"I am. That is why I told you not to like me in the first place." Sowon replied.

"Like? Love? I know nothing. My parents never allow me to be in any relationships and I am too shy to be inside any." said Eunha.

"So you mean you are still holding onto your first kiss?" Sowon asked.

Feeling embarrassed, Eunha looked down and simply gave a nod instead of replying. Noticing that Eunha is still looking down, Sowon bend down and kissed Eunha on her lips and moved away quickly, leaving Eunha speechless.

"There you go, your first kiss is gone." Sowon said.

"You..." Eunha was shocked at that one second kiss.

"Time for some supper." Sowon got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Why is my heart skipping so fast? Is this what they call... love?" Eunha said to herself as she touched her lips.


"Nothing much I can prepare except for ham and eggs." said Sowon as she placed two plates of food on the dining table.

Eunha picked up the fork and start eating without speaking a singe word.

"I know, it's quite rude to do that. But I'm selfish, I just want to be the one whom your first kiss belonged to." Sowon said and smiled at Eunha.

"Did you do this with your every girlfriend?" Eunha asked.

"With them, it's straight to there." said Sowon as she pointed to the bed.

"Do you love them?" Eunha continued to ask.

"A nerd is really full of questions." Sowon said and continued eating.


"Just leave the dishes here, I will clear them tomorrow. Time to sleep." said Sowon.

"But you only have a bed..." Eunha said as she noticed that they are in a studio apartment.

"We can each take a side... Goodnight." said Sowon.

"Goodnight." Eunha replied.

And within a short while, Sowon is already fast asleep and Eunha is still awake. Half of her mind is still thinking about the kiss and half of it is because she didn't have her teddy bear with her. So she started to toss around, trying to find the best position to sleep.

"Can't sleep?" Sowon said softly in a sleepy tone.

"I... need to sleep with my teddy bear every night." Eunha said, feeling embarrassed.


"Sowon?" Eunha called out softly and thought that Sowon went back to sleep again.

"...Then I can be your teddy bear." said Sowon as she turned around facing Eunha with her eyes still closed.

Eunha hesitated for a while before moving nearer towards Sowon and hugged her waist. "Why is it so cosy hugging Sowon...?" Eunha wondered.

"Goodnight baby..." said Sowon as she gently pushed Eunha's head near the crook of her neck.

"Baby...?" was the last word Eunha heard before falling asleep too.


Next morning, Sowon woke up rubbing her eyes as she looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "8am... " Sowon said to herself before realising that Eunha is hugging onto her waist.

"When did I become her teddy bear?" Sowon wondered and start to observe Eunha's sleeping face. This is the first time Sowon woke up with someone sleeping beside her and the person is still in her clothes. Sowon remembered taking away Eunha's first kiss when she saw her lips and again, she can't helped it but to kiss her one more time. As she was about to kiss her for the third time, Eunha woke up and Sowon quickly close her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Eunha slowly open her eyes and she saw Sowon's sleeping face right infront of her, but her attention went to Sowon's half heart pendant.

"Have you ever felt happy?" said Eunha as she looked at Sowon again. "I don't know why, but I am somehow relieved that you are the one who took my first kiss." Eunha said to herself and gently gave a peck on Sowon's lips, which made Sowon open her eyes and kiss Eunha back.

And soon, both of them are taking turns to kiss each other without saying a single word. Unknowingly, beneath the comforter, their legs are already rubbing each other as they were kissing. Trying to take a step further, Sowon pushed her tongue into Eunha's mouth which made Eunha flinch abit because she has never kissed someone before. So she followed what Sowon did, and both of them begin exploring each other's tongue. After kissing for some time, Sowon gave a long peck on Eunha's lips before pulling away.

"To be honest, this is the first time I feel nervous kissing someone and I-" said Sowon.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to be responsible for the kiss." Eunha said knowing well that Sowon is a player.


"Do you want me to send you home?" Sowon asked.

"Maybe you should rest more..." said Eunha.

"It's okay. Anyway, I need to go back to lounge after that." Sowon said as she took out a bottle of strawberry milk.

"Bringing that to the lounge?" Eunha asked.

"Yeah, how you know?" Sowon questioned back, looking surprised.

"I saw you looking for it yesterday." said Eunha and Sowon recalled about the strawberry milk Eunha bought for her.


And as they left Sowon's house, Eunha received a message from her mom on her mobile phone.

Eunha, come back home. RIGHT NOW.


"Do you need me to go in and explain to your parents?" Sowon asked Eunha as they reached the latter's house.

"Things will be alright, probably have to suffer some scoldings again." Eunha replied.

"Well, maybe you should start playing snooker." Sowon joked as she pressed the bell for Eunha.

"You better get going, I don't want to drag anyone into the scoldings." said Eunha and gestured to shoo Sowon away.

"Alright alright. Take care." Sowon said and left.

And after a short while, Eunha's dad came to open the gate for Eunha. "Try not to anger your mom again, okay?" Eunha's dad said.


"I don't wish to remind you about the curfew again since I have something more important to discuss with you." Eunha's mom said while she stood by the window.

"Mom, I’m sorry. I won't do that again." Eunha said softly.

"Next month, we will be holding a competition to recruit a new batch of players for the association." said Eunha's mom. Knowing well that her mom is going to make her join this competition again, she said, "Okay, I will sign up for it later."

"The friend who sent you home just now, get her to join too. I believe you should know her quite well." Eunha's mom added as she recalled about yesterday's competition, the way Eunha ran towards Sowon when the game ended.

"But she... might not want to." said Eunha.

"No one will reject the chance to be recognized by the association." said Eunha's mom as she turned around, looking at Eunha.

"I will try to ask her about that then." Eunha said.

"We will be flying to US for a week and the flight is tomorrow. Don't forget about the application." Eunha's mom said and as she was about to walk away, Eunha said softly, "But... it's my birthday next week..."

"We didn't celebrate your birthday before, so there won't be any difference this year." said Eunha's mom as she shook her head and walked off.

"True, my birthday is never important to you..." Eunha said to herself. Just as she was about to return to her room, she received a message on her phone.

From: Tzuyu

A professor is coming over to our school to give a talk on Monday, care to go together?

"Looks like that is how I am going to spend my birthday." Eunha sighed.


As Sowon entered the lounge, Namjoo and Yerin stopped what they are doing and looked at her.

"Is there anything on my face?" Sowon asked.

"Are you feeling better already?" Yerin asked.

"I'm slowly accepting what happened. Sorry for behaving that way yesterday." said Sowon.

"Don't worry, as long as you are feeling better." Namjoo said as she patted Sowon's back.

"Do you know that Eunha was waiting for you the whole night?" Yerin asked.

"Yeah, I saw her when I left the lounge. After that, she came over to my place." Sowon replied.

"Your place?" Namjoo asked, to make sure she is not listening to the wrong thing.

"Yes, I just sent her back home just now." said Sowon.

"Did you..." Yerin asked, knowing that nothing good will happen when Sowon brings a girl home.

"Nothing happened." Sowon said.

"I trust that Eunha is clear minded enough then." Yerin said.

"By the way, your birthday is coming! How do you want to celebrate?" Namjoo asked.

"We can skip it, it is going to be Monday blues." said Sowon.

"Are you worried that the history will repeat itself?" Yerin asked and laughed, as she recalled the birthday cake being smashed onto Sowon's face last year.

"No. Alright, just invite those girls over to have a simple dinner then." Sowon said.

"Someone just wanted to see Eunha..." Namjoo teased.

"You better drop that topic before I throw this at you." said Sowon as she picked up one snooker ball.


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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..