chapter 7

the lonely cue ball

authors note: let's enjoy a happy wonha while it lasts~ just kidding! a very big drama is coming up!



"6am… Why do I want to promise to send Eunha to school?" Sowon complained as she seldom wakes up early in the morning.

After procrastinating for 15 minutes, Sowon decided to drag herself out of the bed. After a quick wash up, she picked up her car keys and went out of the house.

“What an early morning." Sowon said to herself as she took out one cigarette to smoke and get into the car. As she drove down the street, she saw one old lady selling flowers by the roadside.

"Hello, can you give me one stalk of rose?" Sowon called out as she pointed to the roses. Handing over the money to that old lady, she brought the rose near to her nose. "I wonder if she will like it." Sowon said to herself and drove off.


After driving for an hour, Sowon finally reached Eunha's house. She dialled Eunha's number and waited for her to pick up.


"I am outside your house."

"Okay, give me a minute, I am coming out."

Shortly, Eunha came out of her house in her school uniform and carrying her school bag. She didn't really expect Sowon to keep to her promise but still, she can't help smiling to herself that this is their second day being a couple.

Before Eunha's hand reaches for the car door handle, Sowon pushed open the door and gestured for Eunha to hop in.

"Good morning!" said Eunha.

"Good morning..." Sowon said softly.

Noticing Sowon's tired look, Eunha said, "Baby, actually you don't have to send me to school if you are tired."

"What did you call me?" Sowon asked to make sure she is not hearing things.

"... baby." said Eunha with her cheeks already blushing.

"That is definitely an energy booster." said Sowon as she picked up the stalk of rose and gave it to Eunha.

Without taking her eyes off the road, Sowon said, "Ah, this is for you."

"Thank you..." said Eunha and as she took the rose from Sowon, she smell something on the latter's hand. "Did you smoke again?"

"Yes, it's my habit to smoke before I drive." Sowon replied, despite knowing that Eunha doesn't like it. But because of this, both of them did not speak a single word until Sowon's car reached the school.

Knowing that Eunha is waiting for her to say something, Sowon said, "Have a good day. Call me when you are done with school, I will come and fetch you."

"It's okay. I can go home myself." Eunha replied softly and got out of the car.


"Eunha! Happy belated birthday!" Yuju shouted as she ran towards Eunha and gave her a hug.

"Thank you..." said Eunha.

"This is a present from three of us." said Umji as she handed Eunha a small box.

"Eunha, who gave you that?" SinB asked as she noticed the rose in Eunha's hand.

"Don't just stand here and talk. Let's go to the classroom." Eunha replied.


"I have something to tell all of you." Eunha said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" SinB asked.

"I'm attached." Eunha said softly.

"With Sowon?" Umji asked.

"How do you know?" Eunha asked.

"We saw her driving past us when we are on the way to school." said Yuju.

"But Eunha, are you guys going into a serious relationship?" SinB asked.

"Sort of... She just sent me to school just now." Eunha replied.

"If I didn't forget, you only need 15 minutes to reach school by feet." said Yuju.

"She said she doesn't want me to walk." said Eunha.

“That’s so sweet. But you do know that Sowon is a player right?" SinB asked.

"And you know, she always look for one night stands and she smokes too." Yuju added, with Umji nodding her head as well.

"You guys have not seen the soft side of her." Eunha said.

"Afterall, it's your first love. We are just concerned about you." said Yuju.

"Yeah, I know what I am doing. Thanks." said Eunha as she smiled to them.


"Why are you here so early?" Yerin asked as she saw Sowon entering the lounge.

"I left the house earlier today." said Sowon as she walked to the bar counter to grab a bottle of strawberry milk.

"If it's Namjoo or Nayoung, most probably they will just accept your explanation. But not me." said Yerin.

"That reminds me that we haven't been having heart to heart chat for quite a while already." Sowon said, knowing that Yerin has been her confidante since young and there is nothing she can hide from this bartender.

"Something to do with Eunha?" Yerin asked.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday." Sowon said and took a sip from the bottle.

"I see." Yerin said.

"Are you not surprised?" Sowon questioned.

"If it's Eunha, I'm not at all surprised, although it is the first time you took someone so seriously. But I just want to know why." Yerin replied.

"They always say love is blind. But I think otherwise." Sowon said, and Yerin asked, "How so?”

"Ever since Eunha appeared, I know what it is to feel nervous, happy, and most importantly, very selfish." said Sowon and she continued, "I want her to be mine, I want to know what is she thinking and I want to know how to make her happy.”

"Sowon, I'm glad to know that you didn't give up love, especially people like us who do not have a family." said Yerin.

"I don't think I need one." Sowon said coldly.

"Anyway, how are you going to plan on the revenge if you found them?" Yerin asked.

"Still not very sure, but compared to me, I think the baby who was switched with me will feel more miserable upon knowing the truth." said Sowon.

"I wish you can just forget about it... Well anyway, the association sent our lounge a letter, they are recruiting new batch of players, interested?" Yerin asked.

"Yerin, you should know me well enough that I don't like to be affiliated with any official organization." Sowon replied.

"You are the boss, I still have to inform you anyway." said Yerin.

"I am going to take a smoke break then a nap. Indeed, it is very tiring to be in a relationship. Especially, when you have to send your girlfriend to school early in the morning." Sowon complained.

"I wonder how Eunha can stand the cigarette smell on you." said Yerin and that reminded Sowon what happened in the morning.

"Do I smell that bad?" Sowon asked.

"If you want me to be honest, I think it's not about the smell. It's about your health." Yerin said.

"Hmm, then dump this for me." said Sowon as she threw her pack of cigarette to Yerin.

"Seriously?" Yerin asked to make sure that she won't get killed for doing it.

"Yes, and I am going to the mart to get mouth rinse and hand soap." Sowon said and walked out of the lounge.

"This is definitely getting interesting…" Yerin said to herself.


"Eunha, we are going to the association to sign up for the recruitment. Do you want to join us?" SinB asked as she packed her bag.

"Three of you joining?" Eunha asked.

"Our coach wants the whole club to do that. I just messaged Namjoo, I heard that they are joining too." SinB replied.

"Sowon too?" Umji asked.

"I'm not very sure. But my mom wants me to join and to ask Sowon along too." Eunha replied.

"So are you coming along?" SinB asked.

"I think I'll wait for Sowon's decision." said Eunha.

"Meeting her later?" Yuju asked.

"No, we had a small quarrel in the morning." Eunha replied.

"That's rare, when it is still the honeymoon period." said Umji.

"Yeah, maybe I was a bit unreasonable. Well, anyway I'm going home to study. See you guys tomorrow!" said Eunha and left the classroom.


"Should I go up?" Eunha wondered as she passed by the shopping mall on her way home.

"Looks like I have to give in first." said Eunha as she made her way to the snooker lounge.

As she stepped into the lounge, there is only a few tables taken up, no one at the snooker counter except Yerin who is wiping the glasses at the bar.

"Yerin...?" Eunha called out.

"Just ended school?" Yerin replied and put the glasses at one side.

"Yeah, is Sowon around?" Eunha asked.

"Didn't you see her at the car park? I think she is washing her car." said Yerin.

"I didn't see anyone at the car park. It's okay then, I'm heading home…" said Eunha and she left the lounge.

"I wonder how these two different people got together..." Yerin said to herself and continued with her work.

Although Eunha seems to be okay infront of Yerin, but inside her, she is so sad that Sowon is not at the lounge. And when she saw the tables opposite the lounge, she decided to just sit down there and do her revision.


"Car washing, checked. Car freshener, checked. Teeth cleaning at the dental, checked." Sowon said to herself as she stepped out of the lift in the shopping mall.

"Isn't that my nerd?" said Sowon as she took a second look at the table Eunha is sitting at. Sowon quietly crept behind Eunha who is so engrossed in her revision.

"Guess who am I?" said Sowon as she covered Eunha's eyes with her hands.


"Hey, not fun." Sowon said and took her hands away but still Eunha ignored her.

"I didn't know that my girlfriend can be so boring." Sowon teased.

"Who is your girlfriend?" Eunha finally spoke.

"Oh, I forgot that I don't have one." said Sowon in a joking manner.

Not knowing what to reply, Eunha let out a huff of a sigh and continued with her revison.

"Someone is upset." said Sowon as she sat down beside Eunha and looked at her. But still, Eunha didn't reply, instead her tears started to drop down, hitting onto her study notes.

"Are you crying?" Sowon asked not knowing how to clear the mess she just created. She then put her hand over Eunha's shoulder, pulling her in for a hug. Although Eunha was struggling to get out of the hug, but Sowon tightened her grip.

"I was just joking." Sowon explained as she hugged Eunha even tighter.

"This relationship really means a lot to me." Eunha said softly.

"Sorry for just now and this morning too." said Sowon. Letting go of the hug, Sowon took a closer look at Eunha's face.

"Crying makes your eyes puffy." Sowon said as she wiped away the tears for Eunha.

"I went to the lounge to find you but you weren't around." Eunha said.

"I went out for dental appointment after washing my car." Sowon replied.

"Something wrong with your teeth?" Eunha asked.

"No, just that after this morning, I felt that you don't deserve someone who smokes." said Sowon.

"Which means?" Eunha asked, looking confused at what Sowon has just said.

"I don't want to miss out on hugs and kisses just because you don't like the cigarette smell." Sowon replied.

"I still don't understand..." said Eunha.

"It just simply means," said Sowon as she leaned forward to kiss Eunha. Looking at how shocked the latter is, Sowon pulled away from Eunha's lips and laughed, "I will try to quit smoking from now on."

"Really?" Eunha asked.

Instead of replying, Sowon leaned forward and kiss Eunha again. This time round, Eunha finally understood as she returned the kiss.

"Excuse me, no public display of affections here." said Yerin who is standing a distance away.

"Yerin, I didn't know that you enjoy spying on people." said Sowon.

"If I didn't have to paste this poster, I will choose to avoid that scene." Yerin replied as she pointed to the poster in her hand and the heading caught Sowon's attention.

Snookers Association Recruitment

Sign up now!

"I am sure a lot of people will go and sign up. You don't have to paste this up." said Sowon.

"And I am going to be one of them soon." Eunha sighed.

"You? Play snooker?" Sowon asked, looking shocked.

"I don't but every year my parents will make me keep trying till the day I get in." Eunha replied.

"Stop frowning, people will think that I'm bullying you." said Sowon, trying to cheer Eunha up.

"Try to convince your parents?" Yerin suggested.

"It's useless." said Eunha.

"Don't think about it first. It is still early, come over to my place. Let's do something." Sowon said.

"Sowon, is your something... that thing?" Yerin asked.

“Hey, stop having those dirty thoughts." said Sowon as she gave a light smack on Yerin's head.

"Dirty thoughts?" Eunha asked.

But before Sowon can shut Yerin's mouth in time, the latter said, "I bet you still haven't done it with Sowon before."

"Done what?" Eunha continued asking.

"Let's go, don't bother about what she said." said Sowon.

"Have fun!" said Yerin as she smiled and walked back to the lounge.


"Are we going to your house now?" Eunha asked after getting into the car.

"Yeah, but before that let's do some shopping." said Sowon as she starts the engine.

Halfway through the journey, Eunha suddenly asked, "What is the thing that Yerin is talking about?"

"You don't have to really know…" Sowon replied, trying hard to put her focus on the road.

"Okay... what are we shopping for later?" Eunha asked.

"Something for my house and you." Sowon replied and poked Eunha's cheek.

"Why do you always like to poke my cheek?" Eunha asked in a being irritated tone.

"Because it's you." said Sowon as she brought Eunha's hand to her lips and gave a gentle peck on it.


After a quick grocery shopping, both of them went back to Sowon's apartment, each carrying two bags filled with stuffs.

"Why did you buy so many things?" Eunha asked.

Taking out the items, Sowon mumbled, "New toothbrushes, drinking mugs, bed sheets..."

"And you bought everything in pairs?" Eunha said.

"I am making my place a second home for you." Sowon replied.

"...why?" Eunha asked softly.

"Just to make you happier. So, I will be happy too." Sowon answered as she put the groceries in the fridge.

These simple words that came out from Sowon's mouth, made Eunha speechless because this is the first time someone actually cared for her happiness.

"Don't just stand there and do nothing... I need help with changing the bedsheets." said Sowon as she threw the old one on the floor.

And as Eunha walked towards the bed, she accidentally tripped on the old bedsheets and fell right on Sowon causing the latter to fall onto the bed. Even though it's not the first time both of them are on the same bed, but to have Eunha lying on top of her, Sowon started to feel warm and recalled what Yerin has just said. She stared at Eunha's neck, and wild thoughts are running through her mind. As for Eunha, she doesn't know what to do except to continue staying in that position.

"Baby, do you know that you are gorgeous?" Sowon said as she starts kissing her with Eunha feeling relaxed this time round, thinking that it is going to be like the previous time. But this time round, Sowon pulled away from her lips and begin to plant kisses on Eunha's neck, rubbing her back at same time.

Slowly, Sowon start to Eunha's blouse, which finally made Eunha asked, "What… are you doing?"

That question made Sowon stopped what she is doing and gently pushed Eunha aside.

"Sorry, I got carried away somehow..." said Sowon.

"Is that the thing Yerin is talking about?" Eunha asked as she sat up and buttoned up her blouse.

"Sort of..." Sowon answered, looking embarrassed

"I..." before Eunha continue speaking, her phone vibrated. She took out and read the message from her mom.

From: Mom

Eunha, I have already signed up for you. Have you asked your friend about it?

"Who is it?" Sowon asked.

"My mom, she just signed me up for the recruitment. And she wants me to ask you along." Eunha sighed.

"Silly, don't be sad. I will accompany you then." Sowon said and smiled.


"Are you sure that Sowon will sign up for this year's recruitment?" Eunha's dad asked.

"I'm not sure if she will, but as long as Eunha is in, she will definitely show up." Eunha's mom replied and continued, "I didn't expect my real daughter to be skilled in snooker."

"We have been treating Eunha like our real daughter too, dear, you should forget about getting Sowon back." Eunha's dad said.

"You are the one treating that piece of trash like your real daughter, not me. Since the investigator already confirmed that Sowon is our daughter, it's time to take her back and ditch that useless junk." said Eunha's mom.


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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..