chapter 12

the lonely cue ball

On the Wednesday morning, Sowon, Yerin, Namjoo and Nayoung went to the cafe to meet the investigator since he mentioned about having more information over the phone. As they are waiting, Yerin asked, "Do you think you can make it for Eunha's match later?”

"I don't know, that depends how long this meeting will take." Sowon replied.

"So how was the trip to amusement park?" Nayoung asked.

"It went well in the end, that I really thought of giving up on the revenge." said Sowon.

"Don't mind me asking, what are you planning to do?" Namjoo asked.

"I'm just planning to find out the evidence if they were the one who killed my guardians and let the law take over. But during the process, I might hurt Eunha." Sowon said.

"Sorry to keep all of you waiting." said the investigator as he sat down.

"Don't worry about that. What new findings you have for us?" Sowon asked.

"The Yook family has been investing in properties for years and something went wrong recently, they are now quite short of cash." said the investigator.

"I see. You mentioned over the call that there are some changes in the shares, so what is it about?" Yerin asked.

"Yes, that's what I'm about to say. Because of the Yook family's situation, they already sold 10% of their 30% shares. According to my investigations, they will still need another 30% to clear their debts." said the investigator.

"If they still want their rights in the association, who will be the nearest available person they can get the shares from?" Nayoung asked.

"Right now, Mrs Jung is holding onto 20%, Mr Jung has just transferred 10% to Miss Jung. Most likely the Yook family will lay hands on them." The investigator replied.

"That explains why Eunha went to the law firm with her dad..." Sowon mumbled to herself.

"I'm very curious about the leftover 40% shares." said Namjoo.

"Speaking about that, I managed to get some information on it. When Sowon's grandfather is on his deathbed, he decided to change the will and set the 40% aside for the Kim couple to lessen the guilt in him. Since he doesn't want your generation to know about this exchange, the 40% will only be claimable by Mr Kim or Mrs Kim. One of the conditions stated, if no one claims the 40% by this year, it will be sold out to the public." said the investigator.

"This family is definitely screwed up. 10% is already out in the public and 40% will be out soon since Sowon's guardians are no longer around." said Yerin, shaking her head.

"I won't be able to give you any updates on the 40% since Sowon's grandfather set it as a protected will to prevent the family from doing anything to get the 40%." The investigator added.

"Sowon, your grandfather does know her daughters well." Nayoung joked.

"I'm never interested in the shares. I want to know who is exactly behind my guardians' death." said Sowon.

"I'm sorry that I still can't find any clues on it, but rest assured, I will try my best." The investigator apologised.

"Anyway, I need to take my leave first. If you have anything more, do let my friends know." Sowon said after reading the time on her phone.

"Get going, I think Eunha will want to see you after her match." said Namjoo.

"Thanks guys, bye." said Sowon and she left the cafe.

"The 10% of shares which is out to the public, did anyone buy it over yet?" Nayoung asked.

"No, I just got the first hand information this morning." The investigator replied.

"By hook or by crook, I need your help to get the 10% shares." Yerin stated.

"I will try my best, it shouldn't be any problem." said the investigator.

"Guys, time for us to dig out our savings." said Nayoung.

"This is going to be handy in the future." said Yerin.


"Hey! Spectators are not allowed to be here!" said one of the competition committee-in-charge.

"I'm one of the helpers today." said Mr Kim, holding his pass up.

While everyone is busy with their stuffs at the competition hall, Mr Kim went to search for Eunha and Jisoo's resting area. He then opened one bottle of mineral water at Jisoo's seat, pouring some clear liquid into it and threw Eunha's bottle away.


There are a total of three rounds in the competition and since it's only the second trial round, there are a total of 30 games conducted in the hall. As expected, Eunha lost to Jisoo for the first round although she has improved quite a lot but is still far from Jisoo's skills. The judge at their table announced for a 5 minutes break before the second round starts.

"This is the kind of privilege a pro-skilled player has." said Jisoo when she saw that there isn't any drink on Eunha's seat.

"It's okay, I'm not thirsty." Eunha replied, not bothered by Jisoo at all.

"I don't know what is so good about you that Sowon likes." said Jisoo as she sat down and drank the mineral water.

Knowing that Jisoo is trying to spite her, Eunha ignored her comment and looked around in the crowd, wondering if Sowon is around.

"The break is over, kindly get ready for the second round." said the judge.

Being absent minded about putting powder on her knuckles, Eunha got some of her skin scrapped off when doing the first strike. Although it was painful, she is pleased to see two snooker balls being sent in just by the first turn. At her second turn, she missed out by a little and the turn is passed to Jisoo. Eunha noticed that Jisoo is looking paler than before and she can't even hold the cue stick properly, hence breaking the rule by hitting one of the snooker balls instead of the cue ball.

Just then, Sowon managed to come in time to watch the second match and she noticed Jisoo's drop in performance too. Rubbing her chin, Sowon said to herself, "I doubt she will lose to Eunha on purpose."

Having the rights to decide the cue ball position because of Jisoo's foul play, Eunha managed to send in one snooker ball but missed out on the second turn due to the slight injury on her knuckles. Upon seeing Eunha's performance, Sowon laughed to herself, "How many times do you want to hurt yourself? It hurts me too, silly."

When it comes to Jisoo's turn, it seems that she has gotten weaker than before. Although she did not commit any foul play this time round but she just sent the number 9 ball into the pocket which the rule stated that the opponent will win this game with immediate effect.

"Due to the rules, I hereby announced Eunha as the winner for the second round." The judge announced. Just when he is going to set the balls back to the original position for the third round, Sowon climbed over the short fence and held Jisoo in time when she saw that the latter is about to faint.

"Are you okay?" Sowon asked. Because of this big commotion, the organisers and directors came over to check on Jisoo.

"She must have added something to my drink." said Jisoo, pointing at Eunha, which left the latter dumbfounded.

"Sorry Miss Jung, we might need to do a search on you and your bag." said one of the organisers.

"But I didn't do anything." said Eunha.

"Sorry, but it's our duty to do that." The organiser replied. After running a search on Eunha and her bag, nothing is found. Yet, the crowd is already discussing among themselves, which made the directors shook their heads.

"Who would leave evidence behind after doing such despicable act?" said Jisoo.

"The results will not change. Eunha is still the winner for the second round." said Mrs Jung, representing the board of directors.

Upon seeing this, Mr Kim, who is standing among the crowd started to shout, "This is so unfair, just because she's her daughter!" which made the spectators follow after him.

Hearing all those bad comments that are made on her, Mrs Jung couldn't tolerate any more longer and she shouted out loud, "She's not my daughter from the start!"

The competition hall went silent upon hearing the statement made by Mrs Jung and Sowon hung her head low, letting out a sigh.

"I... am not your daughter?" Eunha asked softly, not believing her own ears.

Despite being stopped by Mr Jung, Mrs Jung continued by saying, "I didn't know you will go to such an extent just to win. Yes, it's not too late for you to know. The blood that is flowing in you does not belong to the Jung family."

"Do you really have to break this family up?" Mr Jung shouted at his wife.

"... Why didn't you tell me before?" Eunha asked, looking at Mr Jung.

"Stop it! What do you gain by telling this ugly truth to everyone?" Sowon shouted.

Instead of hearing from Mrs Jung, Eunha turned around, looking at Sowon and she asked, "And you know about this all along?"

"Eunha, I can explain on this." said Sowon.

"Did you even intend to tell me if nothing happened today?" Eunha asked.

"I..." was all that could come out from Sowon's mouth.

"This is how much both of you love me." said Eunha pointing at Mr Jung and Sowon before running out of the hall.

"Can you accompany your friend to the medical centre?" One of the helpers asked before Sowon can get out to chase after Eunha.

Sowon has no choice but to agree and as she walked out of the hall, she saw Mr Kim standing among the crowd smirking at her.

"Why is that delivery man here?" Sowon asked herself.

"Everyone, the board of directors decided to investigate this case till further notice. Please stay and enjoy the rest of the competition. We apologised for any inconvenience caused." said Mr Yook.

"We need to talk about this later." Mr Jung said to Mrs Jung.


As Eunha got out of the hall, she just kept running and at the same time wiping her tears. Sungjae, who is making his way to the competition hall, chased after Eunha when he saw the latter crying.

"Eunha!" Sungjae shouted but Eunha did not stop running.

"It's oppa! Will you stop running?" Sungjae shouted again which finally made Eunha stop.

"Oppa..." Eunha went into Sungjae arms and cried out loud.

"What happened?" Sungjae asked.

"I'm not my parents' daughter. I don't belong to this family. Everyone knows it except me." said Eunha, breaking into a new set of tears.

"Where is Sowon? Isn't she with you?" Sungjae asked, not wanting to mention that he knows about the truth too, afraid that it will hurt Eunha further.

Instead of replying to Sungjae's question, Eunha shook her head, saying, "Oppa, I... felt like going home."

"Let me send you back." said Sungjae.

"It's okay, I can take a taxi." said Eunha as she flagged down a coming vehicle.

"Call me if you need me." said Sungjae and Eunha simply nodded before getting into the taxi.


At first Eunha told the driver to bring her home but having to pass by the shopping mall, Eunha asked to be dropped off there. After paying the fare, she went in the shopping mall and took the lift.

"Eunha?" Yerin called out when she saw Eunha coming into the lounge.

"Where is Sowon?" Namjoo asked.

"Would you please give me a cup of water?" Eunha asked, ignoring about Namjoo's question.

"Have you been crying?" Nayoung asked upon seeing Eunha's puffy eyes.

"Quarrelled again?" Yerin asked as she gave Eunha the water.

"Yerin, how does it feel like to be an orphan?" Eunha asked.

"It wasn't too bad for me since I've never seen my parents before." Yerin replied.

"Do you know... I always love my family despite being neglected by them. They always say that parents will each play a bad and good role. I always believe in that. No matter how my mom treated me, dad is always there to give me love. In my mind, this is what a family is and I will never let anyone hurt them. Yet... they have to be the one to hurt me. As for Sowon, I thought she's a gift from heaven because God felt that I deserve better. She told me she loves me, dad told me he loves me yet everything is just a lie... Everyone is lying to me. Tell me what's the point of living on?" said Eunha with tears flowing down her face.

"Eunha, you're the only one who knows how much your family and Sowon loves you." said Yerin. Being sensitive enough, Yerin knows that Eunha might be aware of the truth, she sent a message to Sowon below the bar counter so that Eunha will not see it.

To: Sowon

Eunha is in the lounge now. Please come here asap.

"I need to go to the washroom." said Eunha.

"Let me accompany you." Yerin insisted, afraid that something might happen to Eunha.

"Don't worry about me. I just want to wash up." Eunha replied and left the lounge.

"Do you think she knows about it?" Namjoo asked.

"I guessed so. I have messaged Sowon about it already." Yerin replied.

"Eunha doesn't look okay to me." said Nayoung.

"Aish, I just don't feel safe to let Eunha going around alone." said Yerin.

"Let me go and check on her." Namjoo said as she went out of the lounge.


After waiting for a short while, Namjoo came running back to the lounge and shouted, "There's no one in the washroom, and I found Sowon's pendant in one of the cubicles."

"Here comes Sowon." said Yerin when she saw Sowon entering the lounge.

"Where is Eunha?" Sowon asked.

"She was here a while ago and told us that she is going to the washroom to wash up. Namjoo went to find her, afraid that she might do something foolish, yet no one is in the washroom, except this." Yerin replied, holding up Sowon's pendant.

"Maybe she just went home?" said Nayoung, trying to cheer Sowon up.

"She once told me that she will kill herself if she's happen to be the kid being exchanged..." said Sowon and having to be reminded of her own words, she took the pendant from Yerin's hand and dashed out of the lounge.

"Namjoo, Nayoung, follow Sowon. I'm afraid that even nothing happens to Eunha, Sowon's heart might not be able to take it. I will stay here in case Eunha comes back." said Yerin.


"Sowon, where are you going?" Nayoung asked when Sowon left the shopping mall without her car.

"I'm going to Eunha's house. That's the place she will go. The place that she lived with her family she loves and it is also where I asked her to be my girlfriend!" Sowon replied as she started to run.

"Sowon, slow down. Don't forget about your health." said Namjoo when she and Nayoung managed to catch up with Sowon.


"This is the place I used to call it home." said Eunha as she entered her house. She then went to her room and took out all the photo albums and the book Sowon gave her. Sitting on her bed, Eunha smiled with tears flowing down as she reminisced all the moments while browsing through everything.

"Sowon-ah, now you can begin your revenge without worrying for me. Just that... I can't bear to see my family being hurt, even if they are not mine in the first place..." said Eunha as she reached out for the penknife on her desk.

Pushing out the blade, Eunha closed her eyes and slit her wrist.


"Sowon, it's locked. I don't think Eunha is at home." said Nayoung when they reached Eunha's place.

"She's inside!" Sowon shouted when she saw the shoes that Eunha wore just now.

"But no one is answering." said Namjoo after pressing the doorbell a few times.

"Something bad must have happened. I don't care, I have to climb in." said Sowon as she climbed over the fence and jumped onto the waterpipe that will bring her to the balcony of Eunha's room.

"Sowon, are you crazy now?!" Nayoung shouted up.

"Let's follow her up." said Namjoo knowing that nothing can stop Sowon.

When the trio managed to get up to the balcony, they saw Eunha lying on the bed with blood dripping down from her wrist. Afraid that she might be too late, Sowon picked up one of the flower pots and smashed the glass panel that separates the room and balcony. Sowon rushed into the room despite that shattered glass bits are all over the floor, she picked up the penknife and shouted, "Eunha, wake up!"

"Nayoung, call the ambulance now!" Namjoo instructed.

"Sowon, let go of the knife blade!" said Namjoo when she saw Sowon holding onto the penknife tightly.

"Eunha... Is this how much my heart worth to you..." Sowon said and fainted.

"Sowon!" Namjoo and Nayoung shouted.



authors note: thank you for all the comments that you all have given, it really keeps me going. and please don't kill me! *runs away*

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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..