Chapter 22 – Visitors

The Beauty of Sapphire Kingdom

I think I’m not that concentrate typing this chapter


Why? hmmm . .??

But, here it goes anyway . .

typing . . . in lazy mood





“. . .Majesty. .  .!!!”

“Your Majesty. . .Highness!!”


I hear lousy noises and someone is calling from the outside and the knocks are really annoying.


I feel so warm or hot to be exact and I breathe a sweet scent; I smile;

don’t need to look for I know who it belongs; it’s Donghae’s scents and I love it very much.


I may be the happiest man for having the love of my life cuddling me closely.


But I can’t no longer stand the heat, My Gosh!!

It’s too damn hot; I open my eyes and watch Donghae is in asleep while breathing heavily.


He sure sweats a lot.




What’s happening?


I caress his cheek and I put my forehead against his; he’s having a fever Siwon.

His body is heating up and that’s where the heat comes from.


“Donghae! OMo! My love!” He didn’t answer me nor does he open his eyes.

“Ng. . .mm..!!!” He’s murmuring something.

“Donghae, love!!” I keep calling him but he refuse to wakes up.


I need to call the Palace Physician, “Donghae! My love please open your eyes! Don’t scare me like this!”

I kiss him; hug him and whispers to his ear try to wake him up.


I sit and place his limp body in my embrace; the heat sure is killing me;

I keep pats his cheeks; I wanted him to gain his conscious so badly.


“Whoever is behind the door just come in already!”


It’s the bloody Ryeowook and he’s bowing and he looks confused, “Your Highness, it’s getting- late

and the guests are already coming and I- I- OMO!!! Omo! Omo!” He closes his eyes with his both hands

and turns his body around; I know why he does that, well Donghae and I are both right now.


“Ryeowook will you stop acting like that and find me the palace physician! Donghae is having a fever.”


“Well, what are you waiting for?” I roar, he quickly takes his leave and rush to the door.

Ugh!! I just don’t understand as to why I haven’t really fire him?

Maybe because you’re still related to him Siwon and he’s still part of your family; from your mother’s part.

Right! Whatever!




I pat his cheeks again and I make him sit at my lap; I wipe his sweats and I call out his name over and over.

Suddenly he opens his eyes, “Donghae!” he blinks his eyes lazily then he closes them again, I frowned.





“Ugh!! This gown is killing me Shindong Hyung! Change it with mine will you!” Shindong widen his eyes and shook his head rapidly.

“No- Sungmin ah! It won’t fit into my body anyway and besides you look beautiful in it.” The chubby boy nags and then smirked evilly.


I think I want to laugh real hard right now; the girly boy actually wears the gown I gave him, hahahah. .  .

Yah Leeteuk ahh!! You’re absolutely brilliant by pretend to be the guests.


I heard from the local news that Siwon is throwing a mask party in honor King Yunho Cassiopeia

and this idea just showed up. We knocked out few guests from list party and now we’re in the ball room acting like them.


Well, I was real-ly- surprise to that chubby boy’s strength and what more surprised to me came from that girly boy;

he actually knows Kungfu?

He said it’s the chinese martial arts. Wow?!!


Watchaaaa….!! He did these weird moves and Uhm-- also yes this odd weapon which

there is two twin weird sticks and uh- that- I- don’t know what the name is?

It’s just so rare and odd.

In other words they are really helpful; I now understand why Kangin insisted to take them with us.


Inside the ballroom,


There are so- many people with masks and they’re chattering, dancing, drinking or eating and bla bla bla,(sorry xD)

So how are we supposed to find Donghae then? Besides I’m not really sure where they kept Kangin?


The dungeon Leeteuk ah! The dungeon. Ah yes!

Usually that’s the intruders ended up, I just hope I was right.


We- I mean me, the chubby and the girly look boy split in two directions;

they both search for Donghae while I rush to the dungeon, why?

Simple, because I’m the one who knows where it is; but I’m alone; this will be a very hard mission.


Suddenly when I walk into this hall I saw someone.


Omo! It’s him! I know him.


Yah! Leeteuk ah! Try to act natural! You have mask right now, don’t worry!

Pretend you’re the guest tonight, yes you are the guest.





Those gestures; that height; that pale skin and that pointy nose even with the mask, no doubt I know who it is.

We are in the east hall where this visitor walks pass me and I guess he thinks I don’t recognize him?


I sudden grab him and push him behind one of the hall’s pillar;

he struggles while I trap him to the pillar prevent him from escape from my grasp.


“Mmmphh!!” I force his mouth to keep in the silence.


“Pssstt . . .!” I use my point finger to press my own lips to tell him not to make any noise.

“Leeteuk, don’t make noises. There are guards everywhere.” He stop struggles and winced.

“Don’t yell, you’re going to be ended up caught by the guard too, just like Kangin.” He seems confused;

how do I know? Well, I just guess that.


“Hmmph! Mmmm . .??!!” Maybe I should let his mouth go now; I don’t understand what he’s trying to say.


“Yah! How did you recognize me Eunhyuk ah?? Even with this mask?

And why did you help me? I mean why you said you don’t want to let the guards caught me?”

Ah, so that's what it means? But I think very long words for just hmpph??


“Oh, I don’t know! Maybe the way you walk or the way you panic or the way you cheers in a completely wrong situation?

Been years but you still the same, so I can tell it’s you right away. I still wonder why I can’t recognize Kangin back then,

maybe because he gains those muscles. Hmm?”

I do keep wondering that till now, you know?


“What are you doing in here Leeteuk? Are you trying to find Kangin?” He nods quickly.


“He’s not here anymore Leeteuk ah!” He smirks, wait! Why is he smirking?

“You- are- lying- Eun-hyuk- ah--!” He pointed at me and tilted his head while chanting his words.


I sighed and roll my eyes, “Are you being serious?” Gosh! He really is never change?

“You know I always been serious, I always do, you’re the one who never serious, Leeteuk.”

“But why Kangin’s never came back to us?” Is he asking or talking to himself? I can’t tell which?


“Because he’s been sent to the border; exiled; it's the same border with Heechul and will you keep your voice down!”

Remind me who’s the real intruder here?


“And Donghae? Where is he? Is he alright? I just hope he is, the kid never listens to me.”


“He’s in-the- in-the-ah in-the-ah- in the Siwon’s bedroom.” Eunhyuk, I can’t believe you stammered just now.

Why does it feel so hard to say those words?

“Ow! Omo! Omo! I do hear from Kangin, Siwon actually caught our Donghae forcing him to marry Siwon.

Siwon is so silly-- “Leeteuk!” I call him; I don’t have time for this chatter.


“I mean how can a man able to married another man, and- and- “Leeteuk!” I keep calling this chatterbox; he’s still the same,

likes to talk that much.


“Leeteuk, this is not the right time for that! We need to rush to Siwon’s bed room now and I know where it is. Follow me!”

“Omo! Of course!” At last he follows me. Thank goodness.


- - -

There’s another silhouette stands besides the other pillar watching them running through the hallway,

“Eunhyuk, you're a traitor?



To be continued. . .



Maybe because it’s like the intermezzo or sort of??

OH I dunno..


But many thanks for the subscribers and also the comments

They keep me to write the story

I almost gave up because I thought you won’t like it


It’s all for you...for you... anyway



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Chapter 32: I love the interview of Unnie and Kyu,Hae,Won and Hyuk.^_^
But something I don't understand.I'm so sorry for being such a stupid dongsaeng.I really don't understand some chps cause Unnie dosen't write whose's POV is it so when they talk about themselves in some chps,it's kind of confusing :)
Who is actually tied up when they reach Donghae's home,where Yoona is? Who is the five guests that came alongside with Hyuk? Is kyu having m-rated scenes with I don't know,someone (?) Isn't Siwon follow alongside with Hyuk and the others? Who is Minho and Jonghyun to Siwon? How can Siwon orders Minho and Jonghyun to search for Hae when he is kidnap by Hyuk?
Chapter 19: I know I'm annoying but once again,I have some questions to ask about this story,Unnie.^_^
Hope Unnie don't find me annoying?
First,Kyuhyun is Siwon's cousin.I know that.At chp 19-Guest,who is the one that wave to Siwon when the white carriage reach Siwon's land,Sapphire? Is it Kyuhyun or Yunho? The taller male standing beside the man that wave is Changmin? Kyuhyun/Yunho's brother?^^
Sorry.I'm just a bit confuse.Hehe^^
Cho_Mori #3
Chapter 59: Aw~~ so cute
czaizcomei #4
Chapter 59: wow nice story to end it again. i guess you really concern about your subscriber..
czaizcomei #5
Chapter 58: congratulation for your finale.
Thank you authornim...
hyungjulio #6
Chapter 58: And I now announce you as an author to this fic, the royalty among us.
Chapter 58: The words are so beautiful....
And Donghae will surely be happy with Siwon...
Im so sad that this story has end.. :'(
hyungjulio #8
Chapter 57: So the honeymoon hasn't end yet eh. Okay-okay. Excited for both of them.
Chapter 57: Author-nim you are the best I'm sooooo happy that my name is on this great great fic yeah *jumping* I love you please next chap ❤❤❤
Chapter 57: This fanfic is the best I don't won't it to end please carry on with the other fic of yours if you have time please :)