Chapter 5 - KangIn

The Beauty of Sapphire Kingdom

Well HellooOOoooow. . .!!

It's Chapter 5 chingudeul ^^

Here we go!


He fainted.

I carried his limp body to the bed. He's breathing quietly.

I never thought he is so fragile. I did make him scare, did I? I was threatening his life to only for bluff.

Now, I want him to be embraced in comfortable bed, but of course I failed to do so because this is only my hunting camp's bed.

I watch him in a short distance.

I kneel beside the bed, watching him sleep in serene.

I gulped to his rosy lips; I wanted to taste it so bad from the first time I laid my eyes on him.

That'll make me unmanly to do something inappropriate to someone unconscious,

but I already scared him and there's nothing manly for threatening a weak person either.

So, why not?


I approach and brush his lips with my own. I his lower lip and it because it’s the most look delicate.

I stop, to look what i have done to his now swollen lips. It feels so good.

They're wet, sweet and tender, I shiver in lust. You see, just a simple act and I already question my own self for this passionate feelings.


I examine his silky dark raven hair, sharp nose, long eyelashes, flawless skin; he sure is one fine good looking boy.

“Dong- hae- !” I whisper his name with an interest. 

That is his name right? Donghae?

I've heard his brother calls him so.

Donghae means The East Sea right? Even his name sounds lovely.


I wince for they all seem contrary to his big brother and I don't see his brother as an ordinary citizen either.

I've seen him somewhere before, only I can't remember too well. He reminds me of something I dislike.


What is it?


Or more likely, hatred.

Then suddenly, everything seems clear when slightly of memories runs through my head.




How can I not remember those mocking eyes?

How can I forget that chubby cheeks and small lips who insulted me in a way of arrogance?

How can I forget those muscles and filthy hands which trap me on the ground and punch me with none merciless?


Siwon, how can you be so blind? Maybe the dark of night indeed blinded you.




I remember how he such a er to my big brother Heechul.

He is Heenim comrade for bullied me. I was like twelve for Sapphire sake!

Both of them make one famous disgusting couple back then.

But what is he doing in here?


I know his father had resigned from Secretary of Defense, and along with his family they withdraw to their homeland.

Later then I heard news, his father died in age.

So, that means this is his homeland.

But I can't remember he has a little brother? All I know he has a big brother and a younger sister, never knew he has a little brother.


He said he’s coming back for Donghae, I am waiting him as Donghae’s brother, but as for Kangin not even in a century.

I sense he will come back by force, an ambushed maybe.

For I know he must’ve looking for some kind of reinforcement since I have troops and not the mention my General Eunhyuk.

He knew he can’t handle them all by himself. I have to retreat myself, don’t need those troubles.

After all I only took hunting soldiers, not the frontline soldiers.




“YOU THERE!” I shouted to the one of the night watch soldier.

“Ye- yes Sire?” He bowed and walks towards me.

“You will tell the General, we will leave now! As in right now!” The latter seems confused with my sudden command.

“I SAID NOW!” I shout in fury. He startled but leave soon to do my command.

“What an idiot!” I muttered.




I've been awakened by one of my man when I only slept for a moment.

This has to be good, but Oh. . . How-  I-  was wrong.


Hunting supposed to be men's excitement and honor game, but to Siwon it's not, while lust is.

He is that leader with no determination and I have no respect of him. He’s never being my favored for he's a coward figure.

His father, the King before him is one of the prestigious and the most I respected man on this land.


However, by Siwon's father last wish, I was bound for promised to protect the throne on Siwon's behalf,

which until now I still don't understand as to why his father pointed him as his descendant rather than his big brother, Heechul.


And to add more of my disappointed to him, we now heading back to the Capital in rush. Siwon’s behavior somehow worried me.

Probably because I know the cause. That big fellow, the beautiful boy’s big brother, whom we caught and released, is no commoner after all.

Because one moment I saw Siwon wildly confident, the next thing I know he’s face full in anxious.


Siwon is holding the unconscious boy in his embrace while riding the horse. I don’t know, as to why I  watch him by envy.


We didn’t rest from yesterday and by the next early morning we already see the Gate Capital.

Though seem exhausted, but I can see the troops breath in relief now. 


The Gatekeepers are surprised by our early returned from hunting.


And after we reach the palace, Siwon then dismissed all of us and rush back to his residence along with that small limp body.


Wonder. . . 


Will I be able to see him again? Will I?

. . . 



I guess I’ll stop here for this chap.

It’s still long way journey ^^

I just hope I didn't bore you with lousy story

. . .

and Oh..thanks for reading :))))))


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Chapter 32: I love the interview of Unnie and Kyu,Hae,Won and Hyuk.^_^
But something I don't understand.I'm so sorry for being such a stupid dongsaeng.I really don't understand some chps cause Unnie dosen't write whose's POV is it so when they talk about themselves in some chps,it's kind of confusing :)
Who is actually tied up when they reach Donghae's home,where Yoona is? Who is the five guests that came alongside with Hyuk? Is kyu having m-rated scenes with I don't know,someone (?) Isn't Siwon follow alongside with Hyuk and the others? Who is Minho and Jonghyun to Siwon? How can Siwon orders Minho and Jonghyun to search for Hae when he is kidnap by Hyuk?
Chapter 19: I know I'm annoying but once again,I have some questions to ask about this story,Unnie.^_^
Hope Unnie don't find me annoying?
First,Kyuhyun is Siwon's cousin.I know that.At chp 19-Guest,who is the one that wave to Siwon when the white carriage reach Siwon's land,Sapphire? Is it Kyuhyun or Yunho? The taller male standing beside the man that wave is Changmin? Kyuhyun/Yunho's brother?^^
Sorry.I'm just a bit confuse.Hehe^^
Cho_Mori #3
Chapter 59: Aw~~ so cute
czaizcomei #4
Chapter 59: wow nice story to end it again. i guess you really concern about your subscriber..
czaizcomei #5
Chapter 58: congratulation for your finale.
Thank you authornim...
hyungjulio #6
Chapter 58: And I now announce you as an author to this fic, the royalty among us.
Chapter 58: The words are so beautiful....
And Donghae will surely be happy with Siwon...
Im so sad that this story has end.. :'(
hyungjulio #8
Chapter 57: So the honeymoon hasn't end yet eh. Okay-okay. Excited for both of them.
Chapter 57: Author-nim you are the best I'm sooooo happy that my name is on this great great fic yeah *jumping* I love you please next chap ❤❤❤
Chapter 57: This fanfic is the best I don't won't it to end please carry on with the other fic of yours if you have time please :)