Face The Action!

Aron's PoV


I think I'd like to be in a group with you” Minhyun had whispered to himself

Me too” I told him


I said that I'd like to be in a group with you as well” I smiled at him. I couldn't help but notice his surprised expression kinda attractive. A guy can call another guy pretty without having a deeper emotional meaning behind it right?


Yeah haha. That would be great. Maybe if we get a few more members or something, we could form an all high school member group.” Minhyun looked at his shoes


Seriously dude, if we got people together, we could do it” I said enthusiastically


He looked up into my eyes. After a slight pause he nodded his head in agreement. We had finally reached Minhyun's house. It was much much bigger than I expected. Minhyun explained that JR's mom and his dad got together, so they lived together as step-brothers (even though JR didn't show much interest in him). He showed me upstairs and where his room was, which also ridiculously big. We started our homework and finished in about a half hour. Minhyun was really smart and flew through most of the problems I had trouble on.




My phone vibrated violently against my pocket.



Dude, are you with Minhyun right now?” Baekho whispered

Hm? Oh yeah, why?”

Well... uh...just hand the phone to him” he said slightly louder

Um, hello” Minhyun called into my phone


I couldn't hear Baekho's side of the conversation, so all I heard was from Minhyun:

Yeah...Oh okay. He fell asleep on top of you? Uh, don't wake him 'till I get there. I'll drop Aron off on my way...Yeah, no worries...Seriously, it's fine. He gets crabby when he wakes up. Just stay there, be over soon. Okay, bye”


What happened?” I asked as Minhyun handed the phone back to me

Oh, he fell asleep on top of Baekho while they were doing homework” He replied

Who?” I asked

Ren did. On Baekho” Minhuyun replied

Oh, okay. So we're going to head over there now?”

Yeah, if you don't mind, my butler can drive us”

Sure, no problem since we finished our homework and stuff already” I said satisfied


As we headed out of his room Minhyun confessed, “To be honest, I was kinda worried leaving Ren and Baekho alone together”


Well since they'd be alone. Together. And since Ren is dating JR, but might have feelings for him, something might've happened.” He was relieved

I heard a voice behind me saying "WHAT?!" simultaneously as me. Uh oh, that can't be good...

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p