
Face The Action!


Jr's PoV


I felt bad leaving clean up to Ren and the others, but I was assigned to erase the chalkboards and white boards in my classroom since teachers were too lazy to to it themselves. I had enjoyed eating lunch on the roof rather than the dusty unused staircase Ren and I usually eat lunch at. I don't understand why Ren likes that place so much. I don't want to be rude so I haven't said anything to him about it. Ren doesn't know that I get really nervous in closed tight spaces. I also get uncomfortable when there is a large group of people surrounding me, so I try to avoid crowds. People see me as a cool anti-social person always trying to separate myself from others, but in all honesty I'm just claustrophobic.


By any chance, is Chansik in this class?” asked a stranger from the entrance of the classroom

Uh yeah I think so, but he is probably out at lunch still” I replied

Oh, okay. Could you relay a message for me?”

Sure” I wasn't thrilled about being a messenger hawk

Tell Chansik: you've got a callback from “Jin-Young” He said with a smile


I shouted “Alright” as the stranger rushed off. He must've been one of the collage boys trying to recruit a high school-er. At this school, you're expected to join a group. In this group you can complete song projects which is expected before you graduate the college. Which is why many college students form groups with their buddies so they can graduate. Some groups decide to even allow high school students to audition to be in their group. Once you form a group, you have access to the many recording booths, assistance from vocal and sound trainers on campus, and you can sell the songs you make for profit.


Since it's the beginning of the year, it isn't “Open Season” yet. I call it that because later in the year, many college groups compete in a free-for-all to grab high school students to join their group. That time of the year is really chaotic like a fisherman trying to scoop up fish with a net. Ren and I haven't joined a group yet. Ren has been offered many times because of his looks, but refused because they won't take me as well. Oh well, they're missing out on a great rapper.


People started filing into the classroom as the late bell rang. I looked for “Chansik” on a name card on one of the desks. It wasn't too difficult because everyone else is named Kibum, Choi, Jong, Kim, or Lee. This guy was actually really skinny and seemed that he'd look like a noodle as soon as he started dancing. He seemed really excited about his call back and talked about how nervous he was since out of the five members, he was the only high school-er. He said their official group name was going to be something like, “AB14”...or like “B4A1”...something like that, I don't remember exactly.


Anyway, the clock slowly ticked away until the end of school, which meant I had to go to work after. I don't have a difficult job, I work under my father as a paper filer (one of the most uninteresting things I've ever done). I get my own office space though and the pay is great. My back gets so sore from constantly bending over to reach the lower drawers. Stretching out my back, I looked out the window. Ren and everyone were out by the ice cream stand laughing about something. I wished I could've gone down there, but I still have work to do. Maybe I'll head down there later and join them. I didn't think about this later, but I was actually really excited to hang out with them and discuss unimportant matters without a care. A long smile grew on my face.

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p