I Need You~

Face The Action!


Ren's PoV


I absolutely hate it here in the apartment JR took me to. It has all the necessities and is stocked with plenty of food for a couple of weeks, but it's so empty. I haven't seen or talked to anyone in two days. Although that seems short, this loneliness is killing me. I miss everyone's company. All I can do is sit inside this cage that confines me.


The text message I sent to Baekho before JR took my phone? I meant every single word. Ha, someone watching might think I've gone crazy, laughing to myself like this. I've created such a mess out there I think to myself as I began to cry again. There is a book next to me but the lights are off so I can't read it since the sun is down already. It's not like I'm not allowed to turn them on, I just can't. I'm too exhausted too, too exhausted to do anything really. So I've sat here since the time JR dropped me off yesterday. I probably smell awful since I haven't showered since yesterday morning.


I glanced up and finally uncurled my legs from the fetal position. It's time to stop being pathetic and be strong. I decided to take a proper look around the apartment. There was only a kitchen/ living area, bathroom. The odd thing was, there was a small room with just a piano in it. I sat down and dusted off the keys. Do I even remember how to play?


I scaled up and down through every key to see how much talent I've lost over the years. When I was about six, my older sister taught me how to play piano. She taught me a really sad song that I thought would be appropriate for a time like this. I began to play. My parents look up to Jin Ri, who is talented in everything. She is an awesome fashion designer and is currently working abroad with my mom. I always felt bad that all the pressure was put on her because she was the eldest and because she was a woman, she'd be forced to marry a man as soon as possible so he could lead the family. I was just the younger brother with no expectations.


Slowly, the pressure I applied to the keys lessened. Eventually, I stopped and let my head fall against the hard wood. I don't have the strength to hold my head up any longer. It hurts to have to think about why you even exist. Why I can't I just die!? It's only when your life falls apart when you discover that everything is meaningless, especially yourself. Especially me. In one of the cabinets, I'd found a large bottle of vodka. I drank the whole thing like water, even though it burned my throat and tasted like hand sanitizer. Why does my dad even drink this stuff? I don't even feel nuffin'.


Duuuuuuuddddeeeee I'm going crazy in here, laughing and crying to myself. I need out now. Stumbling and tripping over my own feet, I manage to pull the emergency phone JR got for me. Only his number was saved and as soon as it popped up, I called it.


H-hello?” said a groggy voice from the other end

JR, I need to get out of hereeee” I cried

What? But Ren.” He paused slightly, “It's two in the flippin' morning, you're just tired. Go back to sleep” He answered calmly and hung up the phone.


That was it. My only way out of here just ended our call. I could the rush of more tears building up but my tear ducts must be empty by now. I got a big headache and felt like vomit. Unable to stand straight, I sat down next to my school bag. I shuffled through my book bag to look for entertainment of some sort. Jr had pulled me out in the middle of school and I hadn't had the chance to pack a bag. He did bring a bag of brand new nice clothes, which were pointless because I have no one to show them to. I pulled out my daily planner. Suddenly I remembered that I had written Baekho's number in it. I skimmed to the page and quickly entered it into the phone.

hm?...Who is this?” A drowsy voice slurred


Ren?” I could hear him quickly sit up, “Are you okay”

No, not really. I need you to help me. Please”

Where are you now?”

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p