Step-Brother's Pride~

Face The Action!

Minhyun's PoV


I feel so embarrassed after punching that, uh was Baekho his name?, guy for no reason. Gawh, here I am thinking I'm playing hero when those too were just goofing off. Oh well, I just gotta brush it off. Those two looked like really close friends. I hope me and the brown-haired kid Aron can become friends in our class. Maybe they'll take me up on my ice cream offer, so I should make sure I have enough money to cover all three of us.


Ne, good morning Minhyun” said a familiar voice.

Oh, good morning Ren” I paused “And JR”

Hi” JR said bluntly. Hyung really doesn't like me huh.


Hey, why are your cheeks all red, did you run into a girl or something?” Ren said with a smile, making up for the awkwardness between Jr and I.

Oh, uh I misunderstood a situation 'cause these two guys were wrestling in the halls so I punched one of them thinking that this kid was getting bullied haha” I laughed

Really? At least they weren't actually fighting huh. You could've gotten into some serious trouble if they were and you got involved.” Ren replied

I know, I know” I said while scratching the back of my head


Ne Ren, I should be heading down to my class really soon” JR said out of the blue. He was a senior so he'd have to walk down a flight of stairs to get to class.

Oh okay” Ren looked downward

Minhyun, turn around for a second okay?” JR requested

What, man you always do this to me but never tell me why” Nevertheless, I followed his command


All I could hear was the sound of JR's lips pull themselves off Ren's face and a slight giggle from him. I pretend not to know that JR just kissed Ren on the cheek. I feign ignorance to the fact that my step brother, JR, is gay and hes been dating Ren for a long time. I know, but I figure that maybe one day when we're day he'll tell me himself. Until then, I'll pretend not to know, for my brother's pride.


Anyway, I should probably head to class as well. Too bad Ren isn't in my class. Ren is a really nice guy , kinda to make up for JR's sourness. But that Aron guy I met earlier will be there, so I hope we could become good friends. Ren was nice enough to walk me to class (even though he is one classroom away from me, in 3-B). Hey, is't that Baekho guy in there too? Hm, maybe they'll meet and start talking. That'd be coincidental 'cause then we'd all pretty much know each other.

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p