Our Relationship?~

Face The Action!

Minhyun's PoV


Was Ren the one in his room?” I asked again I could hear Aron swallow hard, carefully planning his words.

Just tell me, am I right?”

Yeah...” he quickly turned around and grabbed my hands again, “But he had to! You can't just lock a person up like that!” He shouted

You can if you're trying to protect that person from getting hurt!” I shouted back, shaking off his grip


Minhyun! Where are you going?” Aron grabbed my hand again

You can't just...” I turned around to face him, “You can't just rescue someone that doesn't need saving” I said quietly. “Why is Baekho with Ren? How did he even find him?”


Ren called him in the middle of the night, so Baekho went to get him. Ren was really drunk. He couldn't just leave him like that by himself.” He explained

But nothing happened between them?” I asked

I uh...I don't know. I went back to bed but Baekho helped bathe Ren” Aron admitted


Are you stupid?! Why did you just go to bed?!” I yelled at him. I felt bad, but...

I'm tired of this! I'm tired of this situation Baekho has created and all this drama! I just don't want to be part of it anymore. I'm pretty sure nothing happened.”


I placed my head in my hands. Why are things like this? Why can't things just be carefree and lighthearted, not all of this drama. I admitt, I'm tired of this as well...


Aron placed his hands on my shoulders, “Let's not worry about them right now. You're with me, so you shouldn't be thinking of other people” he smiled


I can't help but smile when Aron says stuff like that, “You say that like you like me or something” I teased. His face went completely red and he turned around quickly.


You act like you don't know” I whispered

Stop that!” Aron shouted

What's wrong?”

Why do you keep doing that? Every time I try and say something nice, you make it weird! Seriously.”

I make it weird?”

Yeah, when you say stuff about liking each other or dating. It's weird. We're just friends, so it's really weird so cut it out” He scoured

Aron...I thought...”

Besides, even if you feel like that towards me, I defiantly like girls.”

You sound like Baekho” I pouted

Don't say that! Minhyun, you're my good friend” He clenched his fists


You say that like you've never felt something between us!” Why is Aron being like this

Felt something between us? When?!”

On the staircase after JR and Baekho fought because Ren was bruised. The only reason I haven't tried pursuing you is because I'm wrapped up in their stupid crap!”


On the staircase?”

When you said that we should wait to confront each other like this until after they solved their problems!”

Obviously you misunderstood me” Aron harshly said, “Confront each other like lovers? But we're not!

I don't like you”


I haven't known you for that long, but I can tell you're lying to yourself. I can tell you like me. And call them what you want, but we basically go on dates together” I can stop my tears at this point


Dates? Wow, you're really pathetic. I can't hang out with you just as friends nnnoooooo, apparently we're dating. I'm not the one lying to myself. Do I need to start calling you “honey” to help keep your fantasy alive? Wake up! We're both guys, how could you even think about stuff like that between us?!”


I like you!” I cried

Tell that to someone who cares, like a girl perhaps!” Aron began towards his apartment


Your pride is worth more than our friendship, our relationship?”

There was never anything between us!”

YOU'RE AN -HOLE” I screamed before storming off

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p