"Friends" For Now...

Face The Action!

Baekho's PoV


Aron and I had just returned home after a long day. We didn't really have a casual after school conversation, it was kinda forced. I feel absolutely awful about what I said (indirectly) to Ren, I just didn't want that guy to think I'm gay, 'cause I'm not. Ren is just really pretty so my mind is probably confusing him for a girl...or something. Whatever, all I know is that there is something about him, I can't put my finger on it. Aron was also silent on the walk home. 


The only noise was the sound of the new game I picked up on the way home and a singing group that was renting the apartment next to ours. They're actually really good singers, but it's so annoying coming home to them always singing this one song, “WWHHHHYYY SO SSEERRRIIIOOOUUSSS? *other stuff I can't understand* DDAA JAALL DOEEELL GEEEOOOYA”.


So uh not to be intrusive, what happened to Ren? I thought he'd join us for lunch today” Aron asked

Knock Knock

I swiftly got us to answer the door. JR was here...

Heeey guys” He awkwardly smiled. I felt bad but I closed the door on him

DUDE! What the hell? I try and be friendly, this is the treatment I get?!” He shouted


Aron shoved me aside and reopened the door, welcoming that guy in. I don't like him, like at all. I understand Aron is trying to be nice but I wish he wasn't here right now.


What brings you here?” Aron smiled offering tea or coffee

Well uh...I'm kinda in a predicament. I just needed to get out of the house for a few hours. Ya might if I chill here?” He asked

I'm fine with it, what about you Baekho?” Aron said nudging me

Sure. I just got a new game and I've been waiting to play it so don't mind me” I trailed away

Haha, don't mind him” Aron sighed, “He's just grumpy”


Suddenly, “WWWHHHHYYY SO SSEERRRIIIOOOUUSSS? *other stuff I can't understand* DDAA JAALL DOEEELL GEEEOOOYA” came from next door. Seriously. Their voices sound fine. Shut up already. My phone vibrated on the table. I accidentally left it at home today. Oh it was Ren (We'd exchanged numbers yesterday).


“Baekho, I'm not sure how long it'll be before I see you again. I'll be okay, I promise. Don't look for me because I'll be hidden deep into the city. It's for my safety that I have to go. I know it's only been a short while that we've known each other, but when I return let's go on a date :)”


I texted back, “Are you sure your okay? Be careful. Please come back safely and soon... Arn't you dating JR?”


A vibration came from across the room. I turned around and saw JR had Ren's phone. We both stared at each other for a few awkward moments. Aron was busy making tea for us to notice. Slowly I turned around and un-paused my video game.


Is there anything you'd like to tell me Baekho?” He crept up behind me and whispered in my ear

Uh...” He must've seen the message Ren sent me, unless he sent it to me to trick me.

Stay away from him. I've been nice to you because I don't wanna look like the bad guy. But since Ren isn't here, I might not be so nice” He hissed

Really?” I turned around, “You're going to punish me for YOUR boyfriend flirting with me? What would everyone else think if you did something to me?”

I don't give a damn about what everyone thinks about me.” He grabbed my shirt

Guys stop!” Aron rushed over and pushed JR away


Seriously what the hell is wrong with you, you're acting like a paranoid psycho! You're so clingy to him. It's no wonder that Ren doesn't like you” I shouted

Baekho! Why are you--” Aron started to say

Clingy? I'm only clingy because I have to protect Ren from boyfriend leeches like YOU! I thought you were all about liking girls?” JR interrupted and Aron had to hold him back


THAT'S ENOUGH. Both of you are acting stupid! I thought we were all on good terms?!” Aron shouted at both of us

We WERE” JR frowned

Until someone got a little hurt that his boyfriend likes me more” I mumbled

Okay, I tried to be nice” He got up into my face, both of us insult each other back and forth


Knock Knock

Aron answered the door. JR and I stopped bickering momentarily to see who it was. Some skinny blonde kid stood there.

Excuse me” He started, “My name is Taemin. I live next door to you guys. I don't mean to intrude, but is everything okay? We heard yelling coming from over here and were concerned” He smiled

Yeah. Just a little disagree meant between those two” Aron laughed

So are you telling us to shut up?” JR talked down on him


Excuse me, but I do believe you shouldn't talk that way to someone older than you like that” Another blonde came in

Dude, we're 17. He's like 12” I laughed

Actually” Taemin cleared his throat, “I'm 19”


OHMYGOSH” We heard a voice running doing the hallway. It was Minhyun. Why is he here?

You're the guys from SHINee!” Minhyun squeeled

Yeah haha. I guess we're kinda popular now huh” Taemin looked at the other blonde guy

You're welcome to come in if you'd like” Aron offered

Nah, we gotta get back to practicing. We have a concert soon so sorry if we've been noisy lately. I hope you guys settle your argument” Taemin waved good bye


By now, the flame between JR and I become quiet. JR and I would probably fight again soon, but for now we'll fake getting along...

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p