The Promise~

Face The Action!


Minhyun's PoV


I'm glad I made it to class extra early to read. Its hard to concentrate at home, so I prefer to do it here. It kinda since the kids outside are making such a ruckus...I wonder whats going on? I stood up and removed my slender black reading glasses. From the second story window I saw two figures about to brawl; don't they know fighting isn't allowed on campus? Wait, that's Baekho and JR! I rushed down to the courtyard as quickly as possible. What the heck is going on?


I was just able to stop before running into JR on the stairway and accidentally knocking him over. He looked more scornful than usual with a red mark on his face. Ren was obediently trailing behind him. Oh my...Ren has a black eye and his wrists look purplish.


JR, what--”

Nothing” he interrupted. Ren smiled and greeted me.

It doesn't look like nothing” I said carefully examining his bruised eye

I didn't hit him” JR stated

Then who did?!” I shouted a bit louder than I expected

My dad did...he didn't mean to since he was drunk...” Ren quietly said

Why the hell does everyone think I did it? Everyone always assumes I'm the bad guy” JR scowled

And what about his wrists?” I asked

...yeah i uh... I grabbed him too hard and I feel sorry. I really didn't mean to” he sighed

It's fine, really Minhyun. JR is taking me to the nurse for some cream for the bruising. I have some make-up to cover it up” Ren feigned a smile


JR lightly grabbed above the swollen bruises he'd left on Ren's wrists. I could help but feel sympathetic for Ren. Even if JR had hit Ren, he'd never tell anyone because that is the type of person Ren is. Many people don't know about the real headstrong Ren hidden behind a shy and kind exterior. He only shows JR because he thinks JR is the only person he can put all of his trust in. I really wish I could help Ren in some way since he's like a brother to me.


Shaking away the negative thoughts, I turned around and headed back to my classroom as the first bell rang. I heard heavy foot steps behind me. Afraid to turn around and see Baekho or Aron I continued onward quickly.


Minhyun-ah” I voice from behind said. I paused.


Did uh...did JR and Ren come up this way?” a voice I recognized as Aron echoed up the staircase.

Yeah...I just saw them...” I said as Baekho passed me without a glance

Don't mind him, he is just frustrated” Aron kindly smiled. I could my heart beat quicken and my breath become shallow

It...It's fine. By the way, I want you to know that, without a doubt, JR didn't hit Ren. He roughly grabbed his arms, but never hit him...” I trailed off

I'm not the one that needs reassurance. That's Baekho” he said. I turned around to face Aron.

You know why right?”

uhh no?”

You're more dense then I thought. Never mind then” I turned to continue up the stairway but Aron grabbed my arm

Don't tell anyone. Not even him” Aron pleaded

That he likes Ren?” I asked

Don't tell anyone. Especially not him, he doesn't know it himself yet” Aron lowered his head

...I won't Aron. I promise I won't” I don't know why I felt so emotional. I couldn't stop myself from being upset for not only Ren and Baekho but I also have to be upset for my half-brother JR too. A tear began to run down my face. Aron reached his arm out and wiped it off my check.

Ne, Minhyun. Don't cry. You shouldn't cry unless you're right here” Aron said as he gathered me in his arms and pulled my head onto his chest.


 “At a time like this I'd tell you I have feelings for you. But right now, everything is too crazy for me to confront my own feelings. I have to help Baekho and JR and Ren right now” I whispered to him


I understand. When everything settles down, let's confront each other like this again, okay?” he said 



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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p