Ren's Recap~

Face The Action!

Ren's PoV


I was alone, hidden in a secret room inside the cafeteria. It feels like I got shot in the chest and my throat is on fire. As much as I could, I muffled the sounds of my shaky breathing and whimpering. These tears aren't for the pain and humiliation Baekho's caused me. No, they're for the pain and humiliation I'm causing myself. Even if it's selfish, I just want someone to put all my faith in. Someone I can tell the truth to because I can't seem to be honest with myself. My dad kicked me out the day before school started. I would've gone to my mom but she is abroad right now. I'd spent the whole night looking for a place to sleep until the time when JR and I meet up to go to school. We'd gotten there so early, JR and I sat under a larger tree and talked for a bit. Without realizing it, I guess I must've passed out on him. He could tell I was tired, just not to what extent.


That's when I saw Baekho for the first time. A beautiful person with a young personality. He and a friend had managed to wake me up. I was surprised when they thought I was a girl. Though I thought it was more shocking that when JR placed Baekho's hand on my chest and he didn't feel my heart beating so fast it might burst. I dragged myself to class and got to meet Baekho as my classmate. Even though, it was difficult, I forced myself to stay awake. He must've been thought I was strange for staring at him (haha). I was so happy when lunch time came around because not only had I not eaten the night before but Baekho invited us (JR and I) to eat with them. After school we'd hung out and had ice cream. Then I went to Baekho's apartment with him. Even though I was super nervous, I'd accidentally passed out from exhaustion on him. I remember my head falling onto his shoulder, then onto his lap. I slightly remember him singing too. Then I came to when JR furiously grabbed my wrist and dragged me to an alleyway. Even though his grasp on my wrists were bruising them, I promised JR that I'd never like anyone other than him, since I feel something more than a crush on Baekho. I've never felt like this toward JR, it was different, like a warm blanket had wrapped itself around my heart. I really want to be with him even though...even though he obviously likes girls.


That thought triggered more tears and another session of silently hating myself. I really hope JR doesn't know I'm not in class right now, cause he'd come searching for me in a millisecond. I didn't want to end up explaining everything, like why I slapped him after he asked if we could have and that my dad had punched me when I asked if I could come home. He was so drunk that'd he'd forgotten he'd kicked me out and grounded me for running away.


Ren” I deep voice said beside me. I was hiding behind a counter in the middle of the room

No, please just leave me alone” I whispered back

You have to, she knows” His tone was serious

Your mom” I looked up at him. He could see that my eyes were red and puff but didn't say anything about it

Yeah, remember that place I got in case of an emergency?”

No!” I stood up, “I don't wan to go!”

Unless you have a death wish, you're coming with me” He dragged me by wrists again, which still hurt. I really didn't want to be held up in an apartment, but I'm so exhausted that I let myself be pulled by him. I sent a quick text to Baekho. JR grabbed it as soon as he heard the “ding” sound that goes off when the message is sent. It read:


Baekho, I'm not sure how long it'll be before I see you again. I'll be okay, I promise. Don't look for me because I'll be hidden deep into the city. It's for my safety that I have to go. I know it's only been a short while that we've known each other, but when I return let's go on a date :)”

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p