Ch. 7

Raising Baby Panda

Kris helped Tao into his school uniform and couldn't help but scream internally when he saw Tao in his little blue sailor unifom. After brushing Tao's hair and patting him down he walked him out into the living room where Chanyeol was sitting.

"Awww what a cutie!" Chanyeol bellowed as he stood up and ruffled Tao's hair.

"Yah! I just brushed his hair. Don't mess it up." Kris scolded as he tried to smooth Tao's hair. Turning around, Kris fixed Tao's small tie and jacket.

"Gege. Do I look ok?" Tao asked shyly as Kris finished putting on his shoes.

Kris looked up with a smile. "Of course you do Tao. You look very handsome." he said and ruffled Tao's hair.

Tao giggled happily. "Yah! Why is it ok for you to ruffle his hair, but I can't?" Chanyeol pouted.

"Because I'm his Gege."

"Well then what am I?"

Tao looked up at Chanyeol with wide eyes.

"Can I be Tao's Gege too?" Chanyeol asked as he bent down to Tao's level.

"But Kris is Gege."

"I know. How about Kris is Benben and Chanyeol is Gege? Does that sound ok?"

Kris frowned. "Yah! No. Chanyeol is just plain Chanyeol and Kris is Gege. None of this Benben nonsense. We should get going soon. You don't want to be late for your first day of school."

Tao let Kris slip on his jacket and the three of them walked out the door.

The car was filled with Chanyeol's booming voice the entire way to Tao's school.

"Alright Chanyeol that's enough. We're here at Tao's school."

Tao looked out the window at the large school."It's so big."

Kris parked the car and walked around to get Tao. Picking him up he supported Tao with his arm and smiled when Tao wrapped his arms around his neck.

Chanyeol whistled. "Dang. I still can't get over how large this school is!"

They found the head principal's office and walked inside. The principal was a middle aged women with few wrinkles. She had a stern look on her face until she saw two gorgeous, tall men standing in her office.

"Oh good morning. How may I help you two?"

"Hi. My name is Kris Wu. I recently enrolled my son Tao in school."

"Ah yes. I remember you. Let me get some things together." She walked to her computer and hit a few buttons. The printer printed off a sheet of paper and the principal picked it up. "Well my name is Ms. Ling. It's nice to meet you Tao." She said with a smile as she reached to shake Tao's small hand.

Tao was frightened and hid his head in Kris's neck.

"Sorry about that. He's a little shy." Kris said as he took her hand and shook it instead.

"Let me lead you to Tao's homeroom."

They stopped out front of a room marked A-24. "This will be Tao's classroom for the rest of the year."

Kris set Tao down. "Alright Tao. It's time to go to school now."

"Do I have to Gege? I'm scared." Tao's eyes began to grow misty.

Kris smiled softly. "Don't worry. My Tao is very brave. Right?"

Tao nodded. "Good. Now to go class."

Kris waved goodbye and waited for Tao to disappear into his classroom with the principal.

'He'll be ok.' Kris thought to himself.


Inside the classroom Tao trembled under the eyes of his classmates.

The teacher clapped her hands to call attention. "Attention everyone. This is your new classmate. Go on sweetie, introduce yourself."

Tao stepped forward. "H-h-hello. M-my n-name is T-t-tao."

"He talks funny."

"Why is he new?"

"His eyes look weird."

Tao's ears picked up the criticism of his classmates. He ducked his head down as the teached began to speak again.

"Alright. Thank you for introducing yourself. You can take a seat by Shangwei."

Tao followed her finger to a grumpy looking boy. Slowly he walked to the seat and put his little backpack on the ground.

Shyly looking over, Tao tried to make conversation with the other boy. "He-hello. My name is Tao."

"Shut up. You're annoying and I don't like you." Shangwei said with a sneer.

Tao looked down at his desk with tears in his eyes. 'Don't cry Tao. Do not cry. Kris Ge asked you to be brave.'

With the thought of Kris in his mind Tao took out his notebook and concentrated on the lesson. When the lunch bell rang everyone left the classroom. Tao stayed at his desk unaware what to do.

"Tao. You can go out for lunch now. Most all of the children like to go to the playground."

Tao nodded and went to find the playground. Seeing the restroom sign he went inside. He was almost finished washing his hands when hands pushed him to the ground. Looking up he found Shangwei and three of his friend standing over him.

"Well well. What do we have here? It's the ugly panda kid. You're gross. Why did you come to school so late? Are you stupid?" They asked as they began to kick Tao. His new white shirt was now stained with footprints.

"Stop. Please. Leave me alone." Tao cried as he tried to hide himself from their blows.

"Haha. What a cry baby." The boys laughed. One of them picked up Tao's lunch box and began to empty the contents.

"Yuck. What is this?" he asked as he held up a container of kimchi.

"That's kimchi. Gege likes it. It tastes good."

Shangwei opened the container and dumped the contents on Tao's head. They were still laughing when the bell rang.

"We should get back to class." They boys said. "Hey stupid. You better not tell anyone who did this to you."

Tao just huddled on the floor until the boys left the room. Then he broke into tears.

When he was finally finished crying to stood up and tried to clean himself off. His hair had kimchi stuck in it and his shirt was stained with brown and red.

Going back to the classroom he took his seat. Shangwei plugged his nose and laughed. "Ew the new kid stinks."

The rest of the class laughed and plugged their noses as well. The teached walked into the room and they stopped laughing. Tao tried to concentrate on the rest of the lesson, but found it very difficult. The final bell rang and they class flooded out of the classroom. Tao was dragged out in the mass of children as they left the school.

He spotted Kris waiting in the parking lot and broke free. He ran towards Kris as fast as he could. Kris smiled and bent down to pick him up.

"Gege!" Tao cried as he wrapped his arms around Kris's neck and hung on for dear life.

"Hello Tao. How was your first day of school?"

Tao was about to tell Kris all about his horrible day and how he never wanted to go there ever again. He lifted his head back to speak but stopped when he saw the dark circles under Kris's eyes and how tired he seemed.

"It was fine."

"That's great. Are you ready to go home?"

Tao nodded and buried his face in Kris's neck again. After putting Tao in the backseat Kris drove away. He noticed that Tao was silent so he glanced back worriedly at him until they got home.

"Tao are you sure that nothing is bothering you?"

"Yes Gege. I'm fine."

Kris gave in and stopped pestering Tao. Taking him into the bedroom he went to go help Tao change. He frowned when he saw the stains on Tao's shirt.

"What happened to your shirt Tao? Is this kimchi?"

"Oh sorry Gege. I spilled a little."

"A little? Tao is there something you need to tell me?" Kris said with a frown.

Tao noticed Kris's expression and grew worried. "I'm sorry Gege! Please don't be mad! I didn't know they would do it! Honest! Please don't hate me!" Tao cried as he clung to Kris's pants.

"Tao Tao. Calm down. I'm not mad. Now who did this?"

Tao sniffled, "Shangwei and his friends. They found me in the bathroom."

"Your'e being bullied?" Kris asked with wide-eyes. "Why? What happened?"

"I don't know. They don't like me. They call me names."

"Tao why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I didn't want to bother you. Gege seems tired."

"Oh Tao. I'm never too tired to help you. Please tell me next time."

Kris bent down and scooped Tao up in a hug.

"I will Gege."

"Good." Kris said with a smile.

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Chapter 15: lia is my secret pleasure..... there must be something wrong with me if I like things like this -_-
Besides I like the story /(*^^*)/
Chapter 15: Cute. -v-
As much as I love this story and all the romantic parts, I feel like Kris and Chanyeol should stick to only being a fatherly figure to Tao. Nothing overboard with the connection between Kris and Tao. Their connection as father like to son is so adorable so I kinda don't want them to become lovers or any of the like. Especially when you consider their age difference, I don't want to see Kris being told he's some sort of e.
Poor Chanyeol, but at least you'll end up having a cute lover (coughbaekyeolcough) in the near future. (;D
Kris, poor you but please don't turn into a pedo lusting over Tao. (O'-'O)
Tao. Uhh, just keep being Tao.*thumbs up* \(-`v`-\)
Anyways, I love your story and I hope you continue writing. Thank you for the updates!
llysjexo #3
Chapter 15: Author-nim please update soon <3 <3
You should really update this, but only if you want to, of course. :D
Chapter 15: The feels for all of these chapters, though...
Oh my god, bro...

This is the best TaoRis story EVER! I hope you update soon!
Chapter 14: I feel like your making chanyeol into a bad guy
yanaxx #7
Chapter 14: Uwaaah so cute! can't wait for the next update. :)