An Unexpected Reunion

It's Not Much, But It's My Family

There were a quite few times Baekhyun had to pick up his boys from the kindergarten instead of Kyungsoo, like when his spouse has an emergent meeting with his client or too sick to even move. Usually, the father and sons go to a frozen yoghurt place and stroll along the river as they chat about anything, but today seems like he should make a change in the plan.

Minseok and Sehun are not crybabies at all (uhh, Sehun can be pretty whiny sometimes). They must have taken after Kyungsoo, as Baekhyun saw the other crying only three or four times since they met and regrettably it was his fault every single time. So the point is that his babies seldom cry and the scene of them sniffling has left him totally flabbergasted, Kris holding their tiny hands as he brings them to their father.

“Oh god, what happened?”

At the sight of his father, Minseok starts to wail as if he was holding back until then and this made Baekhyun rush to pick the elder son up.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Then he looks at the principal, “did they have a fight?”

“No, it’s not like that,” Kris assures as he crouches down to hold sobbing Sehun. “Actually, Minseok got his cheek bitten by Jongdae and Sehun was somehow very intimidated by Tao.”

“What?” The father’s stare hardens at the explanation and he turns his face to observe Minseok’s cheeks only to find a faint teeth mark on the left side. He feels his blood pressure rising in a rage – he is not very surprised with Sehun’s incident because the god’s sake, the boy even got scared from a giant Pooh plushy – and the only thing he wants now is to terminate this Jong-something kid. “Why on earth did he bit Minseok? Did this kid watch too much Twilight series? Does he think he is some kind of Edward the Second?” (Don't delve too much into about whether Baekhyun is a fan of the movie or not, because the answer would be pretty awkward)

“I’m sure Jongdae didn't have any ill meaning or intent to hurt Minseok and Tao as well.”

“Then what happened?



What actually happened to Minseok:


Contrary to how he behaves around his family, Minseok is quite reserved in front of a new people. It can take fairly long time for him to get close to others, but he would transform into an adorable dork once he opens up to them. So he was never lonely or cheerless in the kindergarten with his loving circle of friends next to him every minute. Still, there were few kids he couldn't make friends with and one of them was Zhang Jongdae.

Jongdae is a new student who recently came from China with his family, and his younger brother, Tao is in Sehun’s class. He can speak fluent Korean as one of his fathers is from Korea, but doesn't prefer to talk much other than times he absolutely needs to. The boy would usually play a toy piano or quietly read books as he sits at the corner of the room while the other children run around wildly. So Minseok hasn’t got a chance to speak to him despite the fact that they have been in the same class for almost a week.

Now, Jongdae is soundly sleeping on the floor – supposedly because the new book he was reading might have been too mind numbing – while others are busy getting ready to go home as some parents already came to pick them up. Minseok and Sehun have to wait a little more because today Baek dad is coming instead of Soo dad, so he was still lounging around when he found the napping boy. He cautiously observes the other, not wanting to go near someone who he is still beware of, but Jongdae starts to shiver because of the cold floor he is laying. After few minutes of pondering whether to approach or just leave him be, he decides to wake him up as he witnesses a suspicious liquid falling out of his nose.

“Hey, wake up,” Minseok softly shakes Jongdae's shoulder before quickly retracting his hand as if he has been burned. No reaction. The chubby cheeked boy tries once again. “Wake up or you’ll get sick.”

Finally, the boy opens his eyes slowly (after some violent pushing and pulling from Minseok) and looks at the other with a drowsy stare and mumbles, “…mpling…”


Jongdae pushes himself up with unsteady arms before cupping confused Minseok’s cheeks. “Dumpling…yummy,” …and then he bites.




What actually happened to Sehun:


Byun Sehun was having a very nice dream – a dream with a huge, rainbow-colored ice cream and dancing cows – as he wrapped himself around a warm One Piece blanket. It was not a time to take a nap, they already had one few hours ago, but he could sleep anytime or anywhere he want. There was a one time he dozed off while riding a roller coaster (it was children’s and less life-threatening, but still it was a roller coaster), shocking his parents who were watching him from the ground. In short, Sehun is a god of sleeping.

As he was enjoying his wonderful dreamland, his magnificent ice cream began to melt and dancing cows started to run away from him without warning. Soon his colorful heaven was destroyed by an aggressive earthquake, and that was his cue to jolt up from his sleep. Then what jumped into his eyes instantly froze him; a small face and body covered with a pitch-black hood and clothes, as the only visible things are two piercing eyes with unhealthy dark circles.

“…” The kid stares at Sehun intently, without any word.

“…” Sehun blinks few times to check if the other would disappear magically because this kid is seriously starting to scary him (the eyes, god, the eyes!). But then –





“So, that’s what happened…” Baekhyun mumbles as he tries his hardest to stifle his upcoming laughter.

“Yep, and actually – oh, they there are,” Kris waves to someone behind him and Minseok, Sehun whimpering some more as he buries his face into the principal’s chest. Baekhyun turns around to see four people approaching them – and he can’t honestly blame Sehun for having the scare of his life because this Tao kid looks like an assassin from a historical drama with his mask and everything – and his eyes widens in recognition as they get closer.

“Suho-hyung?” and he can’t help but gape at the male beside him in astonishment. “Yixing-hyung?”

“Baekhyun?” The male called Suho, who is holding a sheepish looking boy’s hand – Baekhyun assumes he is Jongdae – exclaims in disbelief. “Wow, I can’t believe it. We haven’t seen each other since high school, right?”

“Yes hyung, and,” he stops his words and looks at the two boys, “are they your children? With Yixing-hyung?”

“Hi, Baekhyun, long time no see,” Yixing gives him a warm smile, “and yes, they are our children. I heard that these troublemakers caused some troubles? Sorry about that, Tao watched too much ninja movies these days and I don't even know what's wrong with Jongdae.”

“It’s fine,” he chuckles before throwing a questioning look at them. “Wait, I thought you guys hated each other. Why on earth are you two married?”

The two men snort at the blunt inquiry. “Well, we didn't hate each other, at least not like Kyungsoo hated you, and the word ‘hate’ is too strong.” Suho answers and at the mention of how Kyungsoo loathed him at the beginning of their relationship (oh, those dark days…) makes Baekhyun force out a bitter smile. “By the way, are you still at contact with him?”

“What are you talking about, Suho? That kid couldn't wait to murder him in his sleep, why would they be still friends?” Yixing chortles at his own words, oblivious to the other’s darkening expression.

“I'm married to him…”

“What’s that?”

“Kyungsoo is my children’s father, Suho hyung…”

“What? But then that means – ”

A silence. An awkward silence. And then more silence.

“Well, I guess life is full of unexpected.” Yixing concludes.

“Excuse me,” Kris, who was standing quietly as he still held Sehun, interrupts the friends’ reunion. “May I ask how do you guys know each other?”

“They are my high school seniors,” Baekhyun explains, “we were really close but they graduated and went to an university in China. I knew they were coming back this year but didn't know they would return to this city.”

“It was a last minute decision to come back here,” Suho pats his children’s head softly, “We really missed you guys.”

“You guys should meet the others like Kyungsoo and Chanyeol!” Baekhyun suggests excitedly, ignoring a hot gaze from Kris at the mention of his friend, as he bounces Minseok up and down. “We can go to a camping or a park with the children so that they can get closer.”

“But I don't want to be friends with that ninja kid…” Sehun mumbles as he looks at Tao with eyes full of unshed tear, making the adults laugh at the cuteness.


“Can I also hang out with Chany - no, I mean you guys?” Kris asks nervously, ignoring Baekhyun’s ‘oh Kris…’ face.




Hello, this is goodnite! i'm sorry for the late update.

i'm not really satisfied with this chapter but hope you guys would like it?

pls do anticipate for how i'll develop the kids' love in the future chapters and krisyeol's 'hang out'.

the next chapter will be about baeksoo and their uhh, 'mistake'..

till the next time, my friends!

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eine08 #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute OMG!!
The flashback scences were somewhat sad but so cute!!
Lets have more of Lulu beating Baekhyun up >_<
peniruplastik #2
Byun Kyungsoo <3
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 17: The Byun make my day so cute!!
Chapter 17: You win a lot baekhyun ah...!!! Hehehehe
Chapter 17: this really warmed my heart, such a precious story <3
thecrud #6
Chapter 17: Finally, i was waiting, waiting, waiting n keep waiting. N finally!!!! Love u soooo much authornim