Some Things Never Change (Part 1)

It's Not Much, But It's My Family

Baekhyun wakes up with a shock that equals to an elephant stomping on his stomach and a school bus running into him right after. He groans in a sudden pain striking through his body and opens his sleepy eyes slightly to peek at what has caused all this fiasco.

“Baek dad!” A cute voice that is filled with brightness calls out to him and the father automatically smiles without confirming whose voice it belongs.

“Good morning, Minseok-ah,” Baekhyun spreads his arms to hug his eldest son but he hears another ‘dad!’ He lets out a chuckle at his over-energetic sons before embracing them gently, even though his head feels like it’s going to explode because of a hangover. “Good morning to you too, sweetie,”

The boys let out a giggle and Sehun opens his mouth with an uncontainable excitement to say the magic word that he couldn’t stop thinking about it for a week. “Are you ready to go to the Park?”

“Park?” The impact he received first in the morning seemed to have erased all thoughts from his mind. Baekhyun blinks his eyes and stares at them blankly, not able to notice darkening expressions of his sons. “What park?”

“Have you lost all of your memories because of all the trash you drank last night?” Kyungsoo walks into their bedroom as he breathes out an annoyed sigh at his husband before bending down and picking up Baekhyun’s untidy clothes on the floor. The elder would always remove and throw away his clothes messily whenever he had too much drink. “That’s why I told you not to drink last night.”

Still confused, he turns to ask the boys but he finally remembers what day is today when he sees how sad they look. “Oh, the Seoul Amusement Park!” Sehun and Minseok’s face lightens up instantly at that and they start to pull his arms in attempt to get him out of the bed. Baekhyun is saved by his husband, who has shooed their sons from their room as he orders them to get ready for their family outing. The elder doesn't even have a time to get relaxed, as Kyungsoo throws him his clothes and yells at him to wash up. He groggily stands on his feet and heads for the washroom, pretending he didn't notice the younger muttering, "boys..."   



"We're here!" Minseok exclaims eagerly and starts to dash off as soon as he finds the brightly colored gate of the Seoul Amusement Park. Ignoring Soo dad's yelling at his brother to stop running, Sehun releases his hand from Baekhyun's hold and runs after his brother excitedly. The boys spot their hero, Pororo the Little Penguin, standing near the gate and rush over cheerfully before calling their fathers to take their picture with the character. Kyungsoo walks over to them as he pulls out his phone to take his sons picture, looking at the screen fondly. As he stares at his husband’s handsome profile, Baekhyun remembers the first time he came here with Kyungsoo.


Almost… it’s almost there… come on, Baekhyun, you can do it... Just one more inch…

“What are you doing.”

Kyungsoo scowls at his boyfriend before jerking his hand free from the other’s gentle hold. Baekhyun drops down his hand slowly with a dejected look on his face.

It was not too long since they have started dating, and the younger was still very cautious about dating Baekhyun. He was getting anxious that Kyungsoo was already regretting his decision to accept his confession when the elder brought him to the amusement park, which the younger defined the place as "a hell filled with little devils and immature adults".

“Never try to hold my hand in public.” Kyungsoo spats out, “I hate those cheeky, love-dovey couple stuff.” Leaving some harsh words, he starts to walk towards the amusement park without looking back.

“Am I the only one who realize that this is supposed to be a date…?” Baekhyun’s words fail to reach Kyungsoo before vanishing into a thin air.


“What are you doing?” Kyungsoo calls out to his husband, who is still standing at the gate. Come on, he says as he reaches his hand out to him.

Baekhyun gives him a bright smile before capturing his hand into his own. He looks at their entangled hands fondly as he feels his chest filling with bliss and love.



The Byuns entered a souvenir shop first, a request from Minseok who always wanted to get a headband since his classmate showed him off the one with a teddy bear.

“Woah!” Sehun exclaimed as he was welcomed by numerous colorful headbands with animals and cartoon characters. “There are sooooo many of them!”

The brothers started to search for the ones they want but there were just too many of them. “Do I get only one?” Minseok asks his parents hesitantly as he takes two headbands, one with kitten and the other with dinosaur.

Baekhyun glances at Kyungsoo’s face before replying, “Sure, you can have both of them, Min-ah.” He watches the boy contentedly as he squeals in happiness and runs off to the cashier, Kyungsoo following behind. Then he looks down at his youngest son and sighs. “But not five, Sehun.”


Kyungsoo grimaces at the sudden feeling of something squeezing his head from the sides. He raises his hand and touches the object to guess what has Baekhyun dumped on his head without permission.

“What is this.”

“It’s a Pororo headband!” The culprit who put the source of Kyungsoo’s irritation on his head exclaims excitedly. “It looks just like you.” Baekhyun stares at his boyfriend fondly, amazed at how a person can be cute with a menacing glare on one’s face.

But there is no answer from the other. “Kyu-Kyungsoo?”

Without further ado, the shorter male rips the thing out of his head before snapping the guiltless headband into two pieces. Then he shoves the disfigured Pororo into Baekhyun’s hands and marches out from the souvenir store.

 “…Am I still in the phase of unrequited love?”



Baekhyun is brought back from the old, somewhat bitter memory by his husband positioning a puppy headband on his head. “Looks not too bad.” Kyungsoo, who is wearing the one with Pororo, tells him casually as he smiles mischievously.

The elder male gives out a warm chuckle before cupping his husband’s beautiful face in his hands genlty. “It looks just like you.”





Hello, this is goodnite, long time no see!

I'm very sorry for the very very late update. I have been trying to graduate my university earlier than I'm supposed to and been pretty busy... I'm not sure if I can update more often but I will try my best, I promise.

This is a part one of the amusement park chapter, and I will do my best to finish the second part in upcoming few days. I'll give you some spoilers; more young Byun couples' memories, a haunted house and Luhan. Yes, Luhan, haha.

I would be more than happy or delighted if you can leave me some comments, subscribe, or vote.

P.S. please do pray for my successful graduation TT

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eine08 #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute OMG!!
The flashback scences were somewhat sad but so cute!!
Lets have more of Lulu beating Baekhyun up >_<
peniruplastik #2
Byun Kyungsoo <3
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 17: The Byun make my day so cute!!
Chapter 17: You win a lot baekhyun ah...!!! Hehehehe
Chapter 17: this really warmed my heart, such a precious story <3
thecrud #6
Chapter 17: Finally, i was waiting, waiting, waiting n keep waiting. N finally!!!! Love u soooo much authornim