A Lullaby

It's Not Much, But It's My Family

Sore throat. Headache. Sweating. The awful symptoms Kyungsoo notices first thing in the morning leads him to assure that he indeed has a cold. He groans as he rolls over on his bed, shared with his poor excuse of boyfriend, Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. It's been almost three months since he got pregnant with Baekhyun's child but he is still mad at the guy for knocking him up. Don't stress over it, Kyungsoo, what is done is done, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down as he opens his eyes slowly. The blinding sunlight peeks through the white curtain, making him squint. The nineteen years old wonders how he managed to catch a cold when he was cautious as a burglar over his health and Baekhyun keep eyeing on his every move (but seriously, the idiot doesn't need to follow him to a toilet, that's just invasion of a privacy). Speaking of, where is that guy?

"Baekhyun," he grimaces at how hoarse his voice sounds, it sounds worse than a hangover frog. "Baekhyun!"

In a millisecond, his boyfriend burst through the bedroom door, wearing a frilly pink apron (the present Baekhyun bought for his lover on the Valentine's Day, which earned him a silent treatment for a week) and holding a wooden spatula. The elder's cooking skill increased immensely as he took the charge of making breakfasts instead of Kyungsoo, insisting that "I have a huge responsibility now and by the way, who's going to cook for me if you become a whale-sized who can't support his own weight?" Baekhyun should be glad that Kyungsoo's hormone level was still on normal; if not, he wouldn't be standing in front of the younger now, with the ridiculous apron and very much alive, because you just can't call a pregnant person a whale or a thing that weighs more than an anchovy for that matter. 

"What's wrong, Soo?" Baekhyun frowns worriedly as he sits next to his lying boyfriend. "What's wrong with your voice?"

"I think I caught a cold - "

The minute Kyungsoo said it, the elder's eyes got wider than him and he was pretty amazed by it because the only time it happened was when he told Baekhyun that he is pregnant. But his amazement was short-lived as the other started to freak out, yelling, "omg, Jesus, Buddha, holy banana" and "our baby is going to drown!", so he had to call out to him quite few times to get his attention.

"Baekhyun, it's just a cold and I didn't even know you believed in so many gods and no, our baby is not going to drown because the baby is living in the water." He tries to calm him down but can't help but moan at the pain in his throat when he speaks.

"Oh no, stop speaking, Kyungsoo," Baekhyun says hurriedly before reaching out and the cherry cheeks, wincing at the flaming hotness under his hands. His lover leans into the touch like a cat as the coldness radiating from his hand is refreshing on the heated skin. "What should we do? What should I do?"

"It can be trickier than a normal healing because I can't take a medicine," Kyungsoo mumbles, trying his hardest not to fly to a dreamland as he instructs what to do. "First call to Jongin to tell him I can't go to class today. After that bring me a iced towel and make some porridge and..." Just stay by my side, he swallows the unsaid words because he doesn't even know where that came from. Just he's foggy brain talking, he concludes. Then he stares up at Baekhyun with the slightly glistening orbs. "Well, get on with it."

"Got it." He kisses him on the forehead lightly before disappearing from the bedroom with a whoosh.  



Kyungsoo was having a hard time falling asleep after eating the porridge; his body was beyond exhausted and demanding him to just shut the system down but his stubborn brain was not helping at all. 

"Baby?" Baekhyun brings a new wet towel, the old one turned into a shriveled rag due to a human-stove Do Kyungsoo, and puts on the burning forehead. "Still can't sleep?"

"Hmm," Kyungsoo whimpers before asking, "sing me a lullaby, Baek."

The elder looks a tad bit surprised at the request because every time he sings ("Teenage Dream" or "I Got A Boy" most of the times) some heavy stuffs hit him square in the head, no doubt Kyungsoo throwing pillows or shoes. Now the boy is asking him to sing, and well, it just proves that the younger secretly loves his voice. Baekhyun beams fondly at his stubborn lover before opening his mouth.

"If I should stay," he begins, "I would only be in your way,"

The sick male smiles faintly and closes his beautiful eyes as he lets his boyfriend's soothing voice invade his mind. The song is truly corny, (first teenage dream and now this) but when was Baekhyun not cheesy? Actually the elder is much more self-composed than before since he found out their upcoming baby, thank god. However, despite the inner complainment, Kyungsoo would never miss an opportunity to hear Baekhyun's enchanting voice conveying a melody filled with raw emotions. Nevertheless, he hopes the other would sing different songs other than repeating "the way you " because if he hears that phrase one more time, he's going to file him for a ual harassment.

The husky, yet smooth vocal of his boyfriend was slowly but securely drawing him into a peaceful slumber but then suddenly -

"Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnd aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh wiiiiiiiiill aaaaaaalwaaaays loooooooooooveeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Kyungsoo jerks awake as a loud vibrato echoes through the room. He turns his head with a difficulty only to see Baekhyun singing with all his might; turning redder than him, who has a fever, and neck veins popping out.

"...Baekhyun," he speaks in a croaky voice.

"Youuuuuuuuuuuu, ooooooooooohhhh,"

"Byun Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo shouts and that unfortunately makes him go into a coughing fit. The elder finally realizes that his lullaby is not working at all as he frantically gives him a cup of water. "You can't go all Beyoncé to a sick, sleep-deprived person, you dimwit." Kyungsoo snarls at him after he caught his breath.

"Oops, sawry~" He apologizes sheepishly as he takes the empty cup and puts it on the nightstand. "I have to go to class now, can you stay at home alone until I come back?" 

But Baekhyun was not able to stand up as a warm, sweaty hand grabbed his wrist, hindering him from leaving the bed. "Don't," a weak voice comes from the plump lips, "don't go...stay, with me..." 

Kyungsoo blushes, or maybe it was just Baekhyun's wishful thought, but clutches on him tighter as if never wanting to let it go. The elder's heart explodes with an overwhelming love and endearment toward the younger as he witnesses a rare affection coming from him. Without any extra thoughts, he tumbles into a blanket before cradling Kyungsoo in his arms. The owlish male sighs in content and snuggles into his chest as a familiar scent and warmth fill his senses. Baekhyun's lips lift up on their own at the adorable sight; who cares about a university or final exams if you have a boyfriend like this boy? Now, he is gladly going to commit himself to pamper his too-cute, spoiled lover.





Hello~, this is goodnite(*^ω^*)

This chapter was about baeksoo pregnant with their first child, minseok, and as always, baekhyun is an idiot haha(≧∇≦)

The song baekhyun sang was "i will always love you" by Whitney Houston, a truly legendary one...

There will be more about their first pregnancy in the future chapters, involving their reaction at the news and possessive older brother. (Might write how minseok was made (rated m) as well, if u guys would like haha)

Tnkyu so much for all the subscribers, voters, and those who left awesome comments!

P.s. btw i love teenage dream and igab, they r awesome \(^o^)/

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eine08 #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute OMG!!
The flashback scences were somewhat sad but so cute!!
Lets have more of Lulu beating Baekhyun up >_<
peniruplastik #2
Byun Kyungsoo <3
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 17: The Byun make my day so cute!!
Chapter 17: You win a lot baekhyun ah...!!! Hehehehe
Chapter 17: this really warmed my heart, such a precious story <3
thecrud #6
Chapter 17: Finally, i was waiting, waiting, waiting n keep waiting. N finally!!!! Love u soooo much authornim