The First Disastrous Meeting

It's Not Much, But It's My Family



“Chanyeol-ah, life is truly unfair. High school is unfair. Cupid is unfair. Look at all those couples, why can’t I be like them? Holding hands, whispering sweet nothings, and occasional saliva exchanges. It’s my second year of high school but I'm yet to encounter those situations like in romance comic books. Should we make some clubs so that we would have more opportunities to meet new people? How about ‘Ou-Byun-Ran Host Club’? Never mind, I don't think I would favor people in drags, I don't want to get suspicious about my lovers’ anatomy every time I go on a date with them. But seriously, Seoul has ten million people living in it but why can’t I find the right one? Why can’t he or she find me? I want to feel it as well, Chanyeol, the feeling of having someone who is precious to you, the fierce pounding of a heartbeat when you melt into your lover’s hot gaze. On the second thought, I'm going to add ‘big eyes’ to the list of requisites for my ideal lover and also… well, that’s it, I should probably stop talking about my non-existent partner and screw the universe, screw this sandwich, and screw you, Park Chanyeol, for not responding to my serious problem, because I'm never going to find my destined one – oh, found it.”

“That was fast,” Chanyeol mumbles, finally, as he bites on his beef sandwich and can’t help but scowl at the taste. Eww, screw this, really.

“Who-who is he?” Baekhyun squints at the coal haired boy, who is walking towards them with a happy smile on his face. The two friends were sitting under a huge tree planted in a school playground (why is there even a playground in a high school, maybe it’s for immature students like Baekhyun) as they munch on their sandwich. It was a lunchtime and they usually preferred to have a simple lunch in the fresh air instead of eating sloppy soups in the crowded cafeteria. And Baekhyun had never been happier with their decision to change the lunch location a few months ago, until now.

Chanyeol raises his head and his face brightens at the recognition. “Oh, that’s Do Kyungsoo, my new neighbor. I didn't know he applied to our school.”

“You know that angel? And you didn't tell me?” The shorter asks incredulously. “What kind of friend are you?”

“Protecting-my-neighbor-from-Byuntae kind of friend,” he replies matter-of-factly and throws warning eyes at his friend. “He’s coming, behave.”

“Hi, Chanyeol hyung!” The boy, Kyungsoo, chirps cheerfully as he stands in front of the two sophomores. Wow, he looks even more enchanting up close; a heart shaped face, kissable lips, and wow, those bewitching orbs that draw in everything he gazes upon – 

“Hi, Kyungsoo, how are you?”

Baekhyun was pulled out of his trance by Chanyeol’s smooth voice and blinks his eyes a few times to properly concentrate on the talk between them.

“Pretty good. I saw you sitting here from the classroom so came to greet you. This is my first year in a high school so I'm pretty nervous and well, excited?”

“Good, good,” Chanyeol gives a sparkling smile at Kyungsoo but winces a little at the violent poking on the side. “Umm, this is my friend, Byun Baekhyun.”

“Nice to meet you, Kyungpoo – ” He mentally curses for fumbling the other’s name due to the nervousness. “I mean Kyungsoo, sorry. I’m Baekhyun, seventeen years old, slightly shorter than the actor Kim Soohyun, talented in singing, a favorite song is ‘What is love’ by EXO, a favorite word is ‘if nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?’, and I think I fell in love with y – ”

“Wow, hold there!” Chanyeol cuts off Baekhyun’s incoherent self-introduction before looking at the youngest with an apologetic face. “Sorry, give us a minute.” Then he turns around and hisses at the other. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I'm just trying to solve my problem!” He whispers back.  “And maybe trying to go out with him and marry him and have babies with him – ”

“Stop right there,” Chanyeol once again halts Baekhyun’s delusional blabbering and rubs his temple in distress before shuttering his friend's dream mercilessly. “It’s good to have a dream but unfortunately, you are never going to get him.”

“Hah, how can you be so sure?”

“That’s because – ” there is an overprotective stag with a wicked mind that would do anything to stop you from even touching Kyungsoo’s hair, he tried to inform him but was cut short by an animated yell.

“Oh, I remember!” Kyungsoo looks like he can’t hold his sheer excitement as he bounces up and down. “Didn't you sing at the school festival last year?” He stares at Baekhyun expectantly and when the older nods in affirmation, he squeals in delight. “I came to see the festival, because I was debating whether to appy here or not, and was totally captivated by your voice. You are truly talented, Baekhyun hyung.” He beams and Baekhyun vaguely thinks there would be no perfect time than this to wear sunglasses because it is too bright. “It’s not a lie to say that you kind of contributed to my decision to study here.”

“Would you bear my children?” Words were out of his mouth before he could process what is going on.

“Pardon?” Kyungsoo raises his eyebrows, very sure that he misheard, but Chanyeol catches every word and gives him a dirty look.

. “No, I mean, uhh, would you marry me?” Oh my G-dude, murder me.


. . “Okay, no need to hurry. Would you go out with me?”

The wide-eyed boy stares at Baekhyun in utter disbelief, mixed with slight disgust, adoration from a few seconds ago completely gone. “I'm sorry, but I’m straight.”

“What?” It was his turn to gape at the boy with disbelief. “No, you can’t be straight! A pretty, cute, and squishy person like you can’t be straight!”

“Did you just call me pretty?” Kyungsoo growls lowly and Baekhyun gulps unconsciously at the other’s dangerous tone. “Is this some kind of a sick prank on a freshman?”

“No, I really – ”

But he was having none of that. He forces a smile on his face as he says, “Sorry, Chanyeol hyung, I need to go now.” Then the youngest shifts his gaze to glare at the other. “I hate being called girly names and someone making fun of me but you just did both. Please don’t come near me or talk to me again because I don't like you.” After giving him the one last threatening look, he turns to wave at Chanyeol. “See you later, hyung.” Kyungsoo whirls around and marches toward the school before disappearing around the corner. 

Like that, Baekhyun’s first love at sight was gone like a wind.

“That was fast.” Chanyeol mutters again, but with a different meaning.

“It’s fine, I'm not going to give up. Even if I have to start from a normal friendship – ” more like a stalker-and-a-victim relationship, he ignores the taller male’s remark as he goes on. “I’ll definitely marry him and make a soccer team with our children.”

“You know what, sometimes I get very confused if you are fearless or just a plain moron.” He shakes his head in an irritation. “God, I'm telling you, you will never be able to go out or marry him and you can do nothing about it.”

“And I'm asking why are you so sure?” Baekhyun bites as he crosses his arms over his chest.

That’s because, Chanyeol starts but stops at a mid-sentence. Why should he not sit back and enjoy the upcoming show, “Byun Baekhyun Gets Castrated By A Raging Deer”, with popcorns in his hand? The idiot doesn't need to know that Kyungsoo has a very overprotective and possessive older brother. That older brother, who went to study in a Chinese university, would rush or even swim over from anywhere if some guy starts to bother his precious younger brother. And who knows what would happen to the guy if he gets caught. Chanyeol grins at the different possibilities of the outcome from Baekhyun pursuing a wrong, very wrong, person. “Never mind, just do whatever you want.”

At his friend’s words, a satisfied smile blooms on his puppy-like face as he hugs the taller. Chanyeol peels off the other as Baekhyun begins to formulate various strategies to approach Kyungsoo without getting a kick in the . Sadly, never in a million years, he would’ve guessed what was the true meaning behind his friend’s smirk. 

Don't forget to invite me to your funeral, Byun Baek.






Hello, this is goodnite with the new chapter!

This is what happened at their first meeting and it's not pretty because of someone haha.

The next chapter would be about little byuns' puppy love as promised.

Thank you very much for subscribing, voting, and leaving awesome comments!

Till next time, my friends!



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eine08 #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute OMG!!
The flashback scences were somewhat sad but so cute!!
Lets have more of Lulu beating Baekhyun up >_<
peniruplastik #2
Byun Kyungsoo <3
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 17: The Byun make my day so cute!!
Chapter 17: You win a lot baekhyun ah...!!! Hehehehe
Chapter 17: this really warmed my heart, such a precious story <3
thecrud #6
Chapter 17: Finally, i was waiting, waiting, waiting n keep waiting. N finally!!!! Love u soooo much authornim