A Rival?

It's Not Much, But It's My Family

Baekhyun exited a flower shop with carnation in his hands and skipped along the street, unable to contain his excitement. He was on his way to meet his dear boyfriend, Kyungsoo, who he hasn't seen for weeks. They went to a same highschool but Baekhyun graduated few months ago and now was a freshman in an art university. It's been quite hectic weeks as the newly graduated had to move into a new apartment to live alone and Kyungsoo being a senior as well as elected as a student president. As everything was starting to settle down, he decided to make a surprise visit to their highschool, hence the flower bouquet(he knew Kyungsoo loathed having treated like a girl, but what is the fun of being in relationship without a little bit of teasing?).

It took literally Baekhyun's last two years of highschool to make the younger his lover. He has never seen a person as stubborn and dense as Kyungsoo, and he had to sweat blood to just make the other understand that 'yes, I like you, not in a very healthy way'. The younger didn't nod his head even after the constant pestering and romantic approaches(actually what he thought was romantic). It was a graduation day that something miraculous happened; when Baekhyun was about to give up and confessed for the last time(the 1275th time, precisely), the stubborn as a rock Kyungsoo, the love of his life, accepted his heart. 

That's why you can't blame him for charging like a bull toward Kyungsoo when he saw his future husband(yes, he is hopeless) being kissed all over his face by some guy at the school gate. The college freshman felt a slight hurt as the younger was not even resisting, giggling even. Struggling not to lose his cool, Baekhyun peels off him from the guy before locking the slightly smaller body in his arm. "Baekhyun!"

Then he glares at the other guy with the eyeliner applied eyes, making sure it looks extra menacing, and trying not to falter at how gorgeous the guy is. He is tall but has a lean figure, feminine features mixed with a virility, and beautiful, soft doe eyes that radiates kindness and hospitality. Now those orbs are shooting arrows at Baekhyun, and the two stare at each other for a while until the taller opens his mouth.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Who the hell are you?" Baekhyun returns the question. 

"Baekhyun - " Kyungsoo tries.

"Give me a second, babe," he says, oblivious to the younger's disgusted expression. "I'm his boyfriend, and you don't have any right to touch my lover with your filthy hands, let alone kiss him."

"Oh, really?" The guy shows a daring smile before crossing his arms across his chest. "But I'm sure Kyungsoo loves me more than you and vice versa."

"Well, excuse me, I'm the one going out with him and I'm the one Kyungsoo goes on date with." Baekhyun speaks indomitably. "You stand no chance against us, ."


At the word , the tallest throws away the fake gentle smile and replaces it with a nerve-touching smirk. "For your information, I'm the closest to Kyungsoo and know everything about him, every single small detail that you would never know." Then he leans forward to whisper, "Even the number of his moles inside his thighs."

"Hyung!" Kyungsoo yells at the guy, and Baekhyun wonders if it would be a good idea to crush those doe eyes so that the other won't be able to see his boyfriend's mole anymore. As he clenches his fist, the younger warns him. "Don't you dare hit him."

"But I have the right as a boyfriend to punch this e who ually harassed you!"

"Oh my god, he did not harass me and he is certainly not a e!"

"Why are you defending him!? Do you possibly like this guy more than me?" Baekhyun feels like crying at the possibility.

"Of course I do like him!" Here it goes, his lovey-dovey days with his Kyungsoo now a mere dream. He no longer can kiss or hug him as he is now officially dumped now. The younger is dumping him now, right? There is no way to explain why he lost to this other than Kyungsoo is breaking up with him. Baekhyun waits for his next words, no doubt along the lines of 'I fell in love with him while you were busy with your college' or 'I don't like your eyeliner anymore", but what he hears is unexpected. "He's my brother!"

"...come again?"

"I'm telling you he is my older brother, you !"

The guy, no Kyungsoo's older brother, raises his hand for a handshake and Baekhyun reluctantly takes it. "Hello, I'm Do Luhan, and it's very nice to meet you." He thinks his hand is going to get smashed by the unbelievable strength Luhan possesses. 

Baekhyun swallows his saliva before asking, "...may I call you 'brother-in-law'?" That earns him a scowl from Luhan. "...or 'your majesty'?"






Hello, im done with the latest chapter! 

I have introduced luhan as kyungsoo's overprotective older brother and u can't possibly hate him haha.

Baekhyun is a derp as usual( ̄^ ̄)

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eine08 #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute OMG!!
The flashback scences were somewhat sad but so cute!!
Lets have more of Lulu beating Baekhyun up >_<
peniruplastik #2
Byun Kyungsoo <3
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 17: The Byun make my day so cute!!
Chapter 17: You win a lot baekhyun ah...!!! Hehehehe
Chapter 17: this really warmed my heart, such a precious story <3
thecrud #6
Chapter 17: Finally, i was waiting, waiting, waiting n keep waiting. N finally!!!! Love u soooo much authornim