
My Life With Mr. Arrogant (Sequel to: Marrying Mr.Arrogant)
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The next day you felt someone shook you gently. You opened your eyes slightly to see Hoya looking at you. “Yes?” you said with a croaky voice. “You need to get up” You pouted. “Why? Aren`t you suppose to me at work?” you sat up and looked at him. He shook his head. “Monkey Funch are having a party since Jisu is back, and we are invited” he said a little irritated. You blinked; you were suddenly wide awake now. “Why are we invited? I thought you guys were enemies?” Hoya just shrugged. “Just get yourself ready” Was the only thing he said and left. *That was weird* You tilted your head to the side.

After getting yourself ready, you went down to the living room to see Hoya sitting on his couch. “I`m ready” you smiled. He didn`t seem to have noticing you arrive, since he was in deep thoughts. “Hello” you waved your hand in front of him, making him snap out of his thoughts. “Is something wrong?” you asked him, but he just shook his head.

You walked outside to Hoya`s car. It was quiet, and you were feeling uncomfortable. *Is everything alright with oppa?* You looked at him, but he only focused on the road. You puffed your cheeks and looked out of the window. As you arrived to the Monkey Funch Company, you looked at the building with wide eyes. *Wahh....It`s big* You got out of the car still looking at the huge building not so far from you.

Hoya saw how you were looking at the building, amazed. He cleared his throat, making you look at him. You smiled sheepishly, and hooked your arm around his. You both walked inside, and you were stunned at how the Company was on the inside. “It`s really beautiful here” You blurted out, making Hoya snicker.

You both walked inside the huge ball room, or it looked like one. There were a lot of people inside, and they all looked like high classed people, just like Jisu. Hoya held your hand, so that you wouldn`t get lost. You noticed Hoya`s parents sitting on a table not so far away. “Yeobo, your parents are there” you pointed at the table, and Hoya smiled. “Are they invited as well?” You asked Hoya, while he was taking you to the table.

Before he got to answer Jisu appeared in front of you and Hoya. “Hello, nice to see you, it`s been a while” Jisu smiled to Hoya. Hoya gave him a small smile. Jisu looked at Hoya`s hand being interlaced with yours. He looked at you, and his eyes widened. “So, she is your lovely bride?” Jisu asked amused. Hoya nodded, he didn`t seem interested to talk to Jisu. “No wonder she`s a beauty” Jisu winked. You blushed at the compliment, and Hoya pressed you closer to him.

“How come you don`t have a wife or a girl on your own?” Hoya snapped at him. “Because, I have to much work to do, so I don`t get the time to look for a lady” he pointed out. “I own a Company myself, and I have a lovely wife, and I seem to have good enough time for the both of them” Hoya said with a smirk on his face. “Oh,

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Chapter 46: glad to come across a story like this
great job!
jenn44 #3
i can't believe what love can do!
blurzpoo #4
Chapter 46: The ending was sweeet
XtraClassy #5
Chapter 46: Glad they are finally at peace with that evil Nara gone! Love all the chapter sequel is fantastic. Thank again for giving me a chance to enjoy another well written fic

Now I of to the next chapter
Chapter 46: Aww nara i hate you so much
theother88 #7
Chapter 30: hoya must learn something omg.
yamada_salsa #8
Chapter 12: what is she doin going out at the night. In -,- so early