The one

Gangsta Boy

“Krystal what are you doing? A failing grade? In Mathematics? Are you serious?” A furious Kwon Yuri lectures Krystal who has her head down low. “You always get high grades and I can accept some lapses but a failing grade? Why must you have one now that you are graduating? You shouldn’t fail! Now you’re down to the 12th place!” Driven by her anger she crumples the test paper and threw it into the bin. “Go to your room now.”



Krystal says nothing and just followed her father’s order. As soon as she opens the door, Yoona her twin sister who was already in her PJ’s smiled at her and she returns one as well before going inside the bathroom to freshen up.

When she returned, she was already in her own pajamas and climbed onto the bed and sleep but there was a sudden twist of the door knob that made her look at the door. The walking figure starts to make her way on her bed and taps her back.



“You know your dad right? You understand why she got mad at you like that?” The 18 year old nods. “Don’t worry, if she reprimands you- you know I will reprimand her right?” She smiles at her. “Soojung, I hope her scolding won’t put a note in your mind that your father doesn’t love you. She’s just like that because she knows how hurtful it is to not graduate on time and she just doesn’t want you to experience the same.”


“Yeah mom. I love dad and what she said was right… But can you tell him that I promise to do better?”


Jessica smiles at her daughter and kisses her forehead. “I will.”


It was 1 in the morning and a figure wakes up in the middle of the night from the bed and looks to her right to see her twin sleeping heavily. She slowly walked towards outside to peek at her parents’ room to see the two of them cuddled together sleeping peacefully. She goes back upstairs and from the door she could already hear some little rocks thrown at their window. She smiles and quickly looks out to the window where her lover was waving at her as the handsome figure leans on the motorbike.

She opens the window and leaps out by hanging one of her feet onto the thick branch followed by the other. She closes the window and walks pass by the huge trunk onto the other side of the branch that stretches outside of their lot.


“Hey… Hey!” Her lover turns to her, finally coming back to reality. “Mind catching me?”


The person opens its arms. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”


She smiles before jumping into her lover’s arms and wraps her arms around her neck. “You dozed off.”


“It’s not every day I get to see a fine lady escaping.” The latter grins. “Wish every princess had courage like you.” The latter laughs. “You’re good at the tree stuff.”


“Only because I learned from the expert.” She kisses the latter’s lips. “I’ve missed you.”


“And I have missed you more. Now c’mon, the concert starts at 2.” Both of the two hopped onto the bike. “Ready?”


Krystal smiles as she hangs on. “Of course stupid.”











I looked over to Luna who was already glaring at me. “What?”


“Don’t what me young lady. I thought we were here to see Vic unnie’s rehearsal?”


“We are.”


“Then why are you looking at the other side of the gym? Or should I say- why are you looking at Amber Josephine Lee?”


I rolled my eyes. “I did not look at her.”


“Whatever you say but word of advice?” She leans towards me. “Don’t make it too obvious. She already looked at you like 3 times now since we started talking.”


I tried to defend myself again but she just shrugs me off and continued to watch Vic unnie’s routine for the upcoming tournament whereas I went back to the loud cheering from the other side of the court where the indoor soccer girls’ team circled around her as she congratulates her again for another goal. I sighed to myself remembering the time where I first fell for her.

It was back when we were in grade school. The first time we ever met was the opening of the sports event in our school. The captain of different sports would move forward and hold one balloon and altogether we would let go of them. I remember I was so excited and mom and dad were there to take picture of me and my twin who was the captain for the track and field team. I remember being so excited and jumping all around and too much excitement caused me to clap my hands making me let go of the balloon that was given to me.

I was about to scream ‘Ah! My balloon!’ but it never happened because a hand was able to take hold of the string and when the figure turned to me, I originally planned to say thank you but when I saw her for the very first time, I blanked out. When she was young she had this short hair and she always wore a cap and would wear loose shirt, baggy pants and some good old pair of sneakers. She was there standing and handing my balloon to me and I was just there standing and looking at her.

Gladly, I was able to regain from my consciousness, quickly grabbed my balloon and turned around to my sister, trying my best to hide my blushing. But I didn’t wanted to be rude so I turned to her and called her attention and expressed my gratitude and all she ever did was to grin at me and say welcome to make my blush deeper than it was before. Finally when the balloons were released we all looked up to the sky while clapping our hands and when I wanted to look at her for one last time, she was already looking at me which made my heart beat fast for the very first time.

I remember that she was still into Taekwondo that time though but, speaking of that said sport, the second time I saw Amber was when she and I were classmates for only one class. It was presentation of our future plans that day and when I presented my dream to the class, one big and tall guy made fun of my dream and so did the others. I even remembered crying all day without telling my twin sister about it. When it was time to go home, I decided to wait for the second trip home because I didn’t want my parents to see my puffy eyes. I was swinging by the playground when all of a sudden I saw Amber making her way towards me and sat beside the free seat.


“I don’t know if this will matter. But there’s nothing wrong with your dream.”

“Really? You… You think so?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong with dreaming of getting married to the one you love, have kids together and be a good wife and mother until you grow old?”

“I think they want some more materialistic.”

“They shouldn’t judge your dream for being so simple or not being too materialistic. If that makes you happy, then go do it and never care what everybody says.”


“Amber. Amber Josephine Lee.”


“Krystal Kwon. Everybody knows you.”


“Yup. Wanna know why?”


“Because everybody thinks you’re beautiful along with your twin.” She paused for a while. “But I find you prettier than her.”

I blushed harder and lowered my head. “T-t-t-t-t-t-t-thanks.” She chuckled at my stuttering.

“Well, don’t worry about the bully. I’ll take care of him.”

“How?” I looked up to her and she just smiled before completely leaving me there.


Two weeks after, the bully transferred school because his pride was hurt when Amber beat him in front of the whole school while doing the tryouts.

Ever since then Amber would always check up on me and from 1 to 7th grade she always took care of me and we were almost in the moment where the two of us would be best of friends but she transferred schools and the communication just broke. She was back for junior high school but she was pretty much out of my league since she became the cool kid and all. And the first and last time I have talked to her was at a friend’s birthday house party.

We were caught up together, locked up inside the celebrant’s room and do 7 minutes in heaven. I didn’t know what she did with her first 3 minutes but I took that to look closely at her and I noticed that she has changed so much. Being only ahead of me for only a year she really looked pretty good. And for the remaining for the start of the 4th minute, she finally looked back at me.


“Long time no see.”


“How have you been?”

“B-b-b-b-been good. You?”

“Same.” She smiled at me. “So, did anybody bullied you for dreaming so simply while I was gone?”

That made me smile as well. “Nah… Nobody dared ever since my mom taught me her icy glare. Wanna see it?”

“Yeah let’s see it.” I did the glare and she looked damn nervous. “Remind me not to piss you off.”

We both laughed. “What about you? Still dreamed of being the world’s greatest taekwondo player?”

“Nah…” She waved me off. “I have a new dream now.”

“Really? Well go on. Tell me what is it?”

She eyed me for a while before smiling. “To be a singer and travel the world spreading love for music.”

I smiled. “I like that. It’s-“

“Simple.” We both said it at the same time.

“Jinx. You owe me-“


She stood up first and offered me her hand. “So? What did I owe you?” I asked her.

“I’ll tell you soon.”


But there was never a soon… She moved to senior high and I was finishing my junior high and schedules made it for the both of us to see one another. And when I switched up to senior high I was so happy because maybe then it can be the time I have been waiting for to be close to her again. But she was already graduating and being surrounded by cool kids and so busy that she barely gets to look at me.

I sighed again thinking to myself if she noticed that I already am in senior high and that I exist and that I am here, sitting here just a few feet from her and watching her doing the things she love. May it be math, music, sports, studies and all of that.






My friends have always known me for being too clumsy or too late to react and so when I hear Luna scream her lungs out and returns back to reality, it was all too late once again because I already see the ball moving towards my direction.

Then a loud thud sound echoed throughout the entire gym that even the gymnasts stopped their training. My closed eyes opened because I never felt the pain and when I looked down, I gasped and at the same time widened my eyes. For it was Amber who was on the floor holding onto her cheek for a moment and then stands up to pick up the ball to kick it to her team mate’s foot.



“Yah, why did you pass so long? How big does the court look to you?” She shakes her head and looks at me. “You okay?”




I noticed Amber looked at me confusingly. “Hey, are you okay?”


She was about to touch my shoulder when Luna barged in- “Yes. She’s okay. Thank you for protecting her.”


“No problem.” Amber gave me one last concerned look before turning to her team. “Okay that’s enough for today. Hit the showers, same time tomorrow.”



I waited until the last member of the soccer team left the room and then I started screaming on top of my lungs. And to avoid too much attention, I covered my mouth with my bag.


When it was time to go home, usually I would wait for my twin sister, Yoona to finish her training for the track and field team but unfortunately she already made plans with her girlfriend Seohyun. So I waited for our driver to pick me up but then I saw someone that stole my spot by the tree. I scrunched up my eyebrows and decided to tell him off so that I could rest peacefully there and enjoy my book.



When I got there the boy was sleeping softly and even letting out some light snores. “Yah, step aside this is my spot.” He didn’t move a muscle. “Excuse me mister!”






This man is getting onto my nerves so I decided to kick his knee. “YAH!”


He groaned and removed his hand that covered his face. “WHAT THE !?”




I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have done that… WHY DID I DO THAT?! I could feel the blush flowing throughout my whole system and I cannot bear with this! How come I did not notice! I should’ve noticed! Great move Krystal! Now she’s looking at you and probably ready to thrash some words at you! PABO YAH!



“Krystal right?” When she called my name I just looked up at her shyly and then she shows me her heart-captivating smile. “I knew it was you.” She chuckles.


“S-s-s-s-Sunbae!!! Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y- you knew i-i-i-it was me?”


“Hahahahaha still the same stuttering Krystal I see.” She just made me blush even harder. “Sorry I stole your spot.” She stood up and dusted off. “I’ll just look for some-“


“You…” I played with my fingers. “You can stay.” When I looked up she was still looking at me. “Let-l-l-l-“


Finally she decided to help me out. “Let’s sit together then.”


“S-s-s-s-sure.” We both sat together and leaned on the thick trunk. “Hey, I… I wanna say thank you.”


“For what?”


“When you dived and saved me from being hit earlier.”


“Ahhh.” She chuckles. “No problem. Wouldn’t want to hit that pretty face right.” I immediately looked away from her to hide my blush.


. Thanks for making my heart beat faster Amber. “W-w-w-well… I-i-s there anything wrong with you? I mean! Not mentally I know you are normal I mean, you are above normal I know you excel in all of your classes and even aced the exams and be the senior’s #1 in the school and the district and I know you have an upcoming tournament so I was trying to say-“


“Hahaha.” She laughed her heart out which was music to my ears. “Are you always like this?” I shook my head. “Well to answer your question I’m fine. This will swell tonight but I can manage.” She smiles at me.


“Don’t smile. Your cheek will hurt even more. Here, let me put this on you.”



Instinctively I grabbed a cool pack that I always have for Yoona to give after her deadly practice and I just happen to bring one for now luckily. I ripped the pack cover and just placed it immediately on her cheek. I didn’t remove my hand on the part where the pack was placed as I was very keen on making sure I hit the spot but then my eyes found hers and everything for a moment just stopped.

I know that’s probably really cliché but what can I do? Maybe this is what you really feel if you’re so in love with someone that so out of your league and having this kind of moment with them is something so important and memorable that you wished time will stop for a second or so to make sure you have a very good glimpse of them. And that’s what I feel right now, with her looking back at me with those black eyes, rosy cheeks- well it’s only cheek now since the other one is covered but you get my point right? And her messy hair, her pointy nose, her intoxicating smell that I could inhale forever. But it wasn’t about that made my heart race so much. It was about her reaching her hand out to tuck some strands of my hair behind my ear before saying-





Instantly I removed my hand and distance was quickly evident between the two of us. It was Sulli whom is my batch mate and the younger sister of Amber. She eyed the two of us discretely but she let her eyes linger for me for a little longer before turning her attention back to her sister.



“We have to go home. Mommy has been texting us non-stop.”


“Of course…” She nervously scratches the back of her neck. “We should.” She answers. “You wouldn’t want mom to get mad at us.” Sulli and I looked at her as she picks up her bag when her books fell. “Oops, my bad.” After she finished picking up her book her practice shirts fell. “My bad again.” And followed her tumbler. “AISH JINJJA!”


Sulli started chuckling. “Seriously? You’re such a goof.” She shakes her head while I try my best not to gush at her sister’s cuteness. “Are you done dropping your stuff?”


“Y-yeah.” She coughed. “Let’s go home.”


Sulli nodded before turning her head to me. “Thank you for hanging out with my sister. I bet she was goofy as hell.”


I smiled. “Not really. Just a little.”


The Lee siblings laughed. “Well I guess I’ll see you around.”



I nodded my head and stayed there in my position waiting for them to not to see me before I my fan girling mode. And just I was about to release it- Amber turned around and called my attention that made me look at her.



“You owe me a snack.” She smiled before letting herself be dragged by Sulli.









Yoona looked at her sister as she was walking back and forth in a much faster speed like some kind of person analyzing something with all the matching hand gestures and talking which sounded like a foreign language to her which it was well, sometimes. Her sister was fonder of speaking English than her and being the typical twin sister that she is, she just shakes her head one more time before stopping her sister from further fan girl type of actions.



“I need the old Krystal Kwon please, the one who speaks human language.”


Finally the latter twin stops. “Okay.”


“See? Now this is the language I can understand.” She lets go o her and sits back on the couch. “Again, who is this she that we are talking about?”


Krystal on the other hand looked at her twin like there were five of them. “Are you really into Seohyun that you forgot about my love life?” She shakes her head in disappointment. “We are talking about my one true love- Amber Lee.”


Now it was Yoona’s turn to look at her twin like there were five of them. “Amber? Amber Josephine Lee?”


“Well duh?” Seriously Krystal couldn’t believe the reactions that she’s getting from her twin.


“What? Out of all the girls and boys in school you could’ve fallen for, you chose Amber Josephine Lee?”


“Wae? What’s wrong with falling for her? In fact let me correct that. What’s the reason to not fall for her?” She counters. “She’s really nice, very adorable and funny- not to mention she’s a very talented individual. Do you know that she actually plays 4 different instruments? PLUS! She’s so cool. PLUS PLUS! She’s taller than me, PLUS PLUS PLUS! She’s very handsome! Can you imagine the kids that we would have?”


Yoona snaps her fingers to bring her back to reality. “I am once again losing my human sister. Stop with these delusions about her?”


“They are not delusions! They’re facts!”


“Well then Ms. #1 fan girl, if she’s really all nice, funny and adorable to your eyes why does the majority say the other side of the coin?”


“And I presume that you are included in the majority?”


“Look, remember the time when she was suddenly gone? Did you ever found out the real reason why?”




“Well, here’s the real reason. The reason why they left was because her parents filed for a divorce and it was approved and her mother soon married a billionaire businessman in Taiwan. And you know what the other thing is? Her step father is willing to adopt her to get rid of her biological father’s surname to fully erase him from their lives.”


“So? That doesn’t mean anything.”


“Doesn’t mean anything? Amber was so attached to her father that she chose not to be by her step dad’s side and went back here to be miserable together with her father. And that’s not the only thing bad about her life. There have been talks about her being a member of a street gang.”


“And you believe that?”


“It’s really not hard to believe when she’s got that type of family background and not to mention she’s sometimes late or even doesn’t come to school for the entire week. Sometimes she shows up with bruises in her face, arms and even feet. She’s so hard-headed, she fought with a lot of kids when she was still in Taiwan, and has been kicked out from different universities all over Asia. And the only reason why she’s still here in our campus was because her step dad donated a huge sum of money that the school couldn’t afford to kick her out.”



Krystal was the number supporter of Amber Josephine Lee there was no doubt about that. She knew Amber down to the simplest details she knows but with all of the things Yoona just said to her left her stunned and speechless. She starts to form questions in her mind like- Is this true? Should I believe this or what? Did she really come from that type of family?  That she is involved in a lot of fights? A member of a street gang?



“You know our parents especially dad when it comes to protecting us.” Yoona stands up to give her a tap on the back. “There’s a lot of people out there. Don’t settle for someone like her because I know that you deserve better than this.”



Weekend came and all Krystal could do was to think about the talk she had with her twin sister. Again to confirm things, she also spoke with Seohyun and also said the same thing even her friends and classmates. It was confusing the hell out of her and she didn’t know what to do other than lying in the bed all day having these kinds of thoughts inside her mind so one Sunday afternoon, she decides to talk to her mother about it.



“Mom? Can I come inside?”


“Of course dear!” Her mother said in a louder voice as she finishes the final paperwork and places them on the desk beside the bed. “Sorry with all this mess. I am so busy this week honey… I mean with all the projects for your dad and the things that I have to consider first, plus the invitations from various events from different Asian countries for Seulgi’s junior high graduation, your youngest sister’s upcoming recital and academic year beginning I-“ Her mother sighed.


“Mom, remind me not to be  a mother of 4 daughters, be the manager of my husband’s career and be a role model to the public plus be an artist student of Seoul Institute of Arts when I grow-up.”


Her mother lets out a chuckle. “Your father took Yoona and Seulgi outside. Why didn’t you join them?”


“Because there are the daddy’s girls plus you know me and baby Eunbi always favors you over dad.”


“Guess there’s still perks of having 4 children huh.” Her mother then taps the free space on her bed. “What do you want to talk about?”


“You were probably asked about this a million of times and I have an idea that you would be answering the same questions however I still want to try…” She trails off as she looks at her mother who was waiting for her to begin her question. “When you married dad, you probably heard some things about her right?”




“So now I ask you, mother what was the worst type of rumor you have ever heard in your entire life?”


“Before we even met your father, she already had some bad baggage that she has been carrying and I knew it because I knew her better than anyone else. Even that’s when all of the other girls that drool over her say.” She starts. “But when we were together, I’ve heard some really bad rumors but I tried to shake it off. However the worst thing that somebody said, directly to my face was Yuri told her that she would never take someone like me so seriously. That she would never love again and would wait for her past lover to come for she is only capable of loving that woman only and I know it may sound so simple but it was Earth-shattering for me. I know that I am only a fan and she’s way out of my league but I did get my hopes up you see…”


“Did anything changed even after hearing that?”


“I tried to distance myself but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. A few days after I finally realized that I shouldn’t give a damn about those rumors even if it were true. I want to prove to that woman and everyone else that she is capable of loving someone who can see her worth and accept her as a whole, the real her when the curtain falls down and the lights are turned off. I didn’t give up on her and look who’s right now.” She ends with a smile as she looks at her daughter who looks troubled. “Wae? Are you stuck in a similar situation?”


Instantly, Krystal’s cheek turned into a shade of crimson. “No!”


“Well why are you suddenly asking me these questions?”


“It’s homework… For- for Literature class.” She denies. “Any conclusions mommy?”


“Well all that I could say is that, it doesn’t matter how many rumors you hear about the one you love. May it be good rumors, false rumors, bad or even terrible rumors. What matters most you and are you willing to believe the rumors that has been surrounding the one you love. But if you do believe them, then I guess you are not the right person to love him or her.”


Krystal furrowed her eyebrows. “Why? I mean, how can you say that?”


“Because true love means seeing that someone is still worth loving even if they are facts or rumors. Despite of all the negativity you will stay. And you will decide to stay because you love them simple as that.”




Krystal pondered what her mother said and she knew her mother made sense. Well, Jessica always does. If she cannot accept the possibility of these rumors being true, just like her mom said-maybe she is not the one for Amber after all.

ANDWAE. Krystal says in her mind after coming to the conclusion. She can’t accept that there’s a possibility that she might not be the one for Amber. Imagining walking down in the aisle someday and looking up not seeing Amber Josephine Lee on the other side makes her stomach curls and it made her want to throw up.




“So did my princess get the answer?”


“Huh?” She looks at the latter. “What answer?”


“For your Literature class. It’s your home work right?”


Krystal stares at her mom for a moment and realizes it. “Yes! Yes the home work.” She tried to chuckle it off. “Bye mom.” She gives her mother a kiss on the cheek and leaves the place.


Jessica watches as her daughter walks away from her. “Like mother like daughter I guess.”



Monday morning has arrived and Krystal and Yoona decided to be in school earlier than others for a good morning jog. After finishing it Krystal says to her twin that she would just meet her in the shower area as she skips her way to her locker to grab her things. As she grabs and pulls her bag something fell from her locker and so she bends down to grab the piece of paper and opens it.









Krystal furrowed her eyebrows and looked around as slowly few students were inside the hallway grabbing their things. She re-reads the note once again and couldn’t contain to stifle her chuckle at the cheesy statement. It was her first time to receive an admiration letter because her twin sister was always on the spotlight for both looks and attitude. Her? She was only stunning by looks but some were afraid to approach her for her defensive mechanism to give the other people her cold aura. But she’s fine with her sister being in the spotlight. She doesn’t want to be in there either.

Turning back her attention to the letter, she leans on the wall and looked once again to the students around her to see if someone was looking at her direction but the students were too busy with their personal matters.














































“Looking for someone?”




The sudden intrusion in her thoughts caught her by surprise and the letter fell out of her hold. She was about to snap at the mystery person but her hand stopped at mid-air realizing that mystery person was Amber who wears a plain white shirt, over-sized checkered sleeves, ripped jeans and old pair of sneakers. Suddenly, she felt as if she was running a marathon basing it on her heart rate as of the moment and sweat starts to form on her forehead and it really didn’t helped her when Amber starts to chuckle.



“Let’s put this down.” She refers to the hand that was stopped in mid-air as she guides it down. “Wouldn’t want others to think of me as a weirdo for talking to a statue right?”


“Y-yeah.” Amber smiles at her. “S-s-s-unbae, you’re early.”


“My sister wants to prepare for her exams today. So she went together with me.”


“Went together with you? Meaning you are this early? Always?”


The tomboy senior nods her head. “I just like the silence of early school hours.”


“I see.”


“What about you? What brings you here on an early Monday morning?”


“Morning jog with my twin.”


“Ahhhhh, I see.” She nods her head again. “You left something on the floor.” Amber used to point at the paper.



Krystal immediately bent down to grab the paper but it is really difficult to get a hold of it especially when she only uses her hand to tap the floor to feel the paper for she was looking at Amber’s pouty lips. Amber on the other hand wondered why Krystal was taking so long to get the paper where in fact, the paper was in front of her all along. Once again Amber found the latter’s stupidity adorable so she decides to bend down and grab the paper herself.



“Love is like this you know.” Amber says. “Sometimes people focus too much on the other parts of the person where in fact, they should be focusing their eyes and see the person as a whole.” She then hands the paper to her. “And when they finally do it, sometimes it’s a little too late.”


“A little too late?”


Amber smiles. “Because when they finally realize it, someone was already ahead of them.”


There was a silence between the two of them but- “SISTER!!!”


Both of them looked at Yoona on the other side of the hallway. “I got to go.” Krystal says.


“See you around.” Amber just gave her a nod and left the hallways as well.



The whole day Krystal only thought about what Amber has said to her and somehow, she re-connects it with what her mother has told her over the weekend. What if she focuses too much on what other people say about Amber that she’s not able to see the ‘real’ Amber? And what if when she finally realizes it, someone is already there and it’ll just be too late for her.

The bell rung noticing the students it was the end of the day and they bid farewell and grabbed their stuffs. All the things running through her mind was confusing the hell out of her and she came to a decision that she needs time to relieve herself from all the drama so when Luna and Victoria offered her if she would want to go with them to the mall, she couldn’t say no. And she did not regret it because they were having a great time doing all the girl stuff and she was unable to think of her dilemma for that day and that made her happy.

But all of that happiness disappeared when right in front of them a man flew out of the restaurant and destroyed some decorations located at the ground floor. The three of them were shocked to see that but they were even more surprised to see Amber walking outside from the restaurant with a bruise and cut on her face as she slams her fist onto the man’s face which caused gasps from the crowd. Sooner, the security people of the establishment dragged Amber away and forced her to come with them. Their hands were wrapped around Amber’s arms firmly but before leaving, Amber looked up to see Krystal with a shocked look on her face. She then shakes off their holds and told them she would come willingly as she leaves the place.

After a few minutes a woman walking towards the direction of the man and slaps him on the other cheek and calls him a cheater before leaving the place too as they assumed her ‘boyfriend’ chased her down. The people that surrounded the place soon left the place as the three women stood there for a moment still stunned with what has happened.



“Wow…” Luna was the first one to react. “That was some intense action.”


“Tell me about it.” Victoria agrees.



While the two talked about how intense the recent situation was, there was Krystal who was there still shocked about what happened. There was only one thing inside her mind and that was all the rumors were true. That Amber was this and Amber was that. The past few days, she was trying so hard to believe that all of them were not true and that they were only making a bad image of Amber Josephine Lee but now those rumors turned into truths.

However, remembering that the truth, she also remembered other things. The one Amber and her mother, Jessica told her.


True love means seeing that someone is still worth loving even if they are facts or rumors. Despite of all the negativity you will stay. And you will decide to stay because you love them simple as that.

Sometimes people focus too much on the other parts of the person where in fact, they should be focusing their eyes and see the person as a whole and when they finally do it, sometimes it’s a little too late.



“No.” Krystal mutters.


“Huh?” Both Luna and Victoria turned to their friend.


“Did you say something Krystal?” Luna asks.


“Nothing.” She looks at them. “Listen, I remember I forgot something to buy. Why don’t you guys go ahead and I’ll just catch up okay?” She didn’t let her friends ask more and leaves the floor.


“Krystal wait!” Victoria sighed.


“Let her. We can never let her force to stay with us anyway after seeing that.” Luna taps her friend on the back.


Krystal then halts a cab and gets inside. “Where to?”


“To Seoul Precinct please.”




And yes, I know it's you. Hahahaha!



Heyyyyy wassup guys? So basically I know y'all are shocked to see another story from me. But I'll explain this quick okay? 

So this story is inspired by none other than, my love for my babygirl♥ ( DONKEY YOU'RE BEING MUSHY STFU) oh yeah right sorry for that one folks. So I decided to give this one out on our special day since this is the gift that I thought of being a perfect gift for her since she always would wonder why all of my writings are angst when I am in love with her. So clearly, I have been saving all of this fluff inside of me and saving for this special day. 

So basically again, I am writing another mini-story book and I hope this can be finished by 6 or 7 chapters. Hahahaha don't worry folks, throw the towels, you might need your pillows to muffle your screams in pure happiness.




Don't you find shy and stuttering Krystal really cute? And Amber being all oppa is freaking awesome hahaha. Anyway like I said, no angst, just fluff. Many subscribers already! I am very happy that y'all miss donkey. So why don't you comment down below ands tell me what do you think of my fluffy story? 


PS: Happy 7th babe. I love you ♥


DonkeyASS walkin' out!

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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
22 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)