The Twelfth

Gangsta Boy

I blinked my eyes rapidly still unable to digest what she just told me. “M-me? H-h- I don’t understand.”


“From the moment I stopped that balloon from slipping out from your hand I knew it was you.” Having her said that made my heart beat faster. “I have been in love with you since we were practically in diapers and I wanted to confess to you but then my parents’ divorce happen so I was afraid of love.” She says. “And when I left with mom, all I could I ever think about was you no matter how hard I try to escape from it. I was already in love with you but it was too late for me to acknowledge it because I was in Taiwan and you’re here. So I thought I need to beg my mother to bring me back here so I could see you and I just kept on encouraging myself to just be honest and straight up confess to you but when I came back I saw how different we were.” She looked up to me. “We were so different so things didn’t go as planned. I was a coward of talking to you so I guess I could consider it lucky when you kicked me by the knee.” I laughed because of that memory.


“I mean… I- I don’t know. God Amber why are you doing this to me.” Literally I was on the brink of tearing up.


“Please say something. Something about what I just said to you.” Amber looked at me eagerly. “I know you want to say something to me.”


“W-w-what do you want me to say then?”


“I don’t know, I guess I was hoping that you’d say you like me too?” She stated in a obvious manner.


“I-I-I-… Amber I-“


The smile on her face faded quickly. “Ahhhh…” She trails off. “I get it, I came too late huh?”


I furrowed my eyebrows. “What are you talking about?”


He has your attention now.” I widened my eyes. “Well, I couldn’t blame it to you though, he’s everything that I am not.” She then gave me a faint smile. “It sure but uh, I wish the two of you well. I guess this is good bye for me too.”



























One more step and you’re dead.


She turned around. “What?”


I scoffed at her. “You should know better Amber Lee!” She furrowed her eyebrows at me now. “You can’t expect me to react that fast stupid! You know girls being one yourself, they need time to absorb all the big details and I am still having a hard thinking if this is a dream or not because I have lots of these.” We both look at one another. “You finally confessing to me after all the waiting I had to do… Finally, the person I love confesses to me.”


That made her widened her eyes. “What did you just say?”






“Heol?” I looked at her with great disbelief. “I think I deserve better than that don’t you think?”


“I mean-“ She was finding the right words to say. “You-you like me too?”


I shook my head. “Like is an understatement for what I feel for you. I am in love with you, so- so- so- in love that-“



I wasn’t able to finish my sentence because she starts making her way towards me very quickly that I was nervous so I kept on walking backwards until my back hit the wooden tree. She cupped my cheeks and instantly leans in towards me to seal my lips with hers.

And here I thought to myself that these things only happen in the movies or the dramas that I watch with my mother. You know when the girl widens up her eyes when the person she likes kiss her. When everything seem to slow down for a moment and when the girl finally realizes that all of this was real and starts to close her eyes to reciprocate the level of passion that the latter was giving her. And if this wasn’t romantic enough, an ice cream truck pulled over somewhere near us and it was playing a very romantic Taylor Swift song.


Walls of insincerity,

Shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you


Amber finally pulled away and I didn’t fail to notice the faint pink shade on her cheeks. “Well…”


I giggled at her but then looked away from being shy as well. “Uh, you want ice cream?”


She looked at me confusingly. “Ice cream?” I pointed at the Baskin’ Robbin’s truck that made her chuckle. “We’ll get to that but I want you to answer the note I gave you.” She had this little hope glistening from her eyes. “Will you be all mine?”


I smiled and intertwined our hands together. “I’ll have vanilla.”


“Amber?” I called to her as we went back to buying ice cream and chilled at the tree.




“Why me?”


“Why not you?” I blushed and leaned towards her chest more. “Any more question?”


“Why didn’t you confess to me earlier? You had a lot of chances when we were alone together.”


“I wanted to but my insecurities got the best of me.” She says. “And I didn’t want to rush you or pressure you. I mean, the moment I got back here you barely had s.”


I slapped her chest that made her gag on the ice cream. “BYUNTAE!”


“Hahahahaha, alright I am sorry about that but what I was trying to say is that I didn’t want to surprise you. You were merely a teen back then and I don’t like the thought of me being rejected so I just kind of kept it in. Remember the 7 minutes? I was planning to tell you that time but I really didn’t.”


“You really should’ve told me that time.”


“I know but I guess there’s a time for everything.” She smiles. “And then your father happened and then the other admirers appeared so it was just an add up to my insecurities. I mean, I am just me. Just Amber Lee, no riches, no anything and all I could offer you was my love.” She kissed the top of my head.


“Even if I don’t admit it Amber, even if it took you another 12 years to realize that I am the one for you, I would still be willing to wait. Even if you go through over and over again I will stand by your side and make you feel that you are never alone. I am willing to love you in secret because I love you. Simple as that.”


“And that makes me happy really.” She hugs me tighter. “And consider me lucky too, I found the right one for me within the first try. My first and last try.”


I couldn’t help but giggle. “I didn’t know you were this cheesy.”


“I didn’t know as well. I guess you just bring out new sides of me.” She chuckles. “And maybe because I love you.”


I looked up to her. “Say it again.”


“I love you.”




“I love you.”


I kissed her real quick and hugged her. “I love you Amber… I love you.”



She smiled at me and lifts my chin up to reconnect our lips once again. The pace was nice and slow and I couldn’t help but let out a smile while we were at it. It still felt surreal to me because here I am, FINALLY in the arms of the one I love. Finally, both of us met halfway through our journey. We did an Eskimo kiss and just continue to enjoy our silence as the time pass by. Amber even carved our names together by the tree and I knew it was corny but if this was one of her ways to show me how much I mean to her, then I don’t mind her being too cheesy to me.

Unfortunately Yoona called me and told me to go home because they are halfway through preparing our birthday dinner. It’s just a family dinner and we’d do all of the activities as a normal family until the clock strike 12 o’clock. It’s just one way of my family assuring themselves that they were the first ones to greet us on our birthday. Amber parked her bike a few meters. She leans on her bike and still we were here, hands intertwined with one another and stayed in silence.



“You really should go.”


I gave her a pout. “No.”


“Seriously Krystal you need to get going.”


“No, it’s our first day together. I want to spend more time with you.”


She smiles and ruffles my hair. “We can make that happen next time. Stop pouting you look like a cat and I like dogs.”


“FINE!” I let go of our hands and started walking away until I felt a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. That made me smile but of course Amber didn’t know it. “Let go, you said so yourself they’re going to wonder what took me so long.”


“How can I when you’re upset like this?”


“I am not upset.”


“Yes you are…” She stops for a few seconds. “When your father agrees with our relationship, I will spend more time with you I promise.” She rests her chin on my shoulder and hugs me tighter. “Although she might hate me again because I steal you too much from them. You are her princess after all.”


That made me smile. “Princesses need to have a prince to steal them away.”


“I am working on that.” She made me turn around. “I am still a servant for now, but don’t worry, I will work hard for myself to become the prince that you’ve always dreamed of.”


“It was only then you showed up I started of dreaming of them.” I smiled and hug her. “You’re making this walk to home very hard Amber.”


She chuckles. “This time things will be different now Krystal.” We both look at one another. “Because now I am not going to love you from paper notes slipped inside your stuff or from a distance.” She leans in to steal a quick peck on my lips. “I am going to love you every day, just like this.



We parted ways and upon entering the house I was still giggling and did some twists and twirls while laughing at the memory that just happened today. I went to the kitchen and saw my parents working their magic in the kitchen while my sisters bake on the cake. Our youngest just sat there on the high chair and continued to play with the toys. They told me to relax and get ready for tonight so I did what I was told and wave them all good bye while Yoona was busy preparing for tonight. She’s my twin, of course it’s her birthday too.

Finally picking my dress for tonight and getting freshen up, I grabbed my robe and lied down to surf the net. My phone vibrated all of a sudden showing a notification of text message from no other than the cutest person in my life, Amber Lee.


Just got back at the dorm. 5:44 PM


Grabbing some things for practice and then I’m off. 5:45 PM

Still here in our bed room waiting for them to finish dinner.

Surprisingly Yoona help even though it was her birthday too. 5:45 PM

Ah, so the Kwon family tradition is still the same. 5:46PM

I am doubting it’ll change. Not that I am complaining though. 5:46 PM

Shall we carry on the tradition then? 5:46 PM

Huh? What do you mean by that? 5:47 PM

When we’ll have our own family then. Kekeke 5:47 PM

Uh… Yeah. Omg hahaha 5:47 PM

Why do you act so surprised? Hahahaha 5:48 PM


Wasn’t it obvious that I was planning to marry you and

Have kids with you? 5:48 PM


I am so in love with you that I really plan on

Making you mine. 5:49 PM

Why plan when I’m already yours? 5:51 PM

Sweet. Smooth. Sweeth. 5:52 PM


Anyway, I’ve got to get ready. We’ll be heading to

Jeonju for the tournament tomorrow. I’ll see you when

I’ll get back by then let’s have a date shall we? 5:54 PM


I love you  5:55 PM




“Unnie! Time for dinner!”


“I’ll be right out!”


I love you 6:00 PM




I bit my lower lip to hide the happiness that I am feeling. Well, I am usually happy but being with Amber kinda makes me happier and more excited and by being that my family- especially my parents would really be curious and then they’ll ask me questions that I am too honest to lie about and the drama continues. So instead, I covered my face with the pillow to muffle my squeals and got dressed up for tonight’s family dinner.

They immediately sang a happy birthday song and I blew the candles off. Mom prepared a full-course meal and being the proud daughter that I am, I posted it on my SNS. We prayed and started munching on mother’s delicious foods.


“Unnie, what did you wish for?”


I smiled to myself. “There’s nothing to wish really.” Yoona suddenly kicks my foot underneath the table and when I looked up I saw my parents’ curious stares. “It’s only because my life’s going so well at the moment that I couldn’t ask for more.” When I looked at Yoona, she gave me the You’re-so-in love-get-your--together-cause-mom-and-dad-will-skin-you-alive look so I quickly composed myself.


“That’s good to hear princess… Always assure that your daddy and I along with your sisters are here for you.” Mommy smiles at me and taps the top of my head.


“I know, which is why I am happy and contented because of that.”


“Uh, nobody wants to know what’s my wish is?” Yoona says all of a sudden. “We’re not twins for nothing.”


“No need unnie, twins usually think alike so I guess you want the same thing too.” We all laughed at Seulgi’s remark.


“That- and a nice wheel of Ferrari would be nice too.”



The rest of the dinner went pretty good. We had so much to talk about our own personal schedules and we also planned for winter trips. After dinner, daddy asked one of her friends if she could be the photographer of our family picture. Seulgi also suggested that we should go to the noraebang that we were regular customers. One of my most favorite things having birthdays is that we get to live a normal life.

Usually, whenever we walk at the streets, paparazzi or fans of my parents would hover over us and practically destroy the entire day but however, they seem to understand when my father posted something on her SNS that whenever it’s her birthday, mommy’s birthday or our birthday, she wants to have some normal living experience and thus, whenever we go out during birthday celebrations, people would only look from afar, respecting my dad’s decision even though all they want is pounce at us.

Anyway, going back, we sang our hearts out in the karaoke room after being there for 2 hours. We got some hot tea and daddy finally granted my wish to go to my favorite ice cream parlor that I’ve always wanted to go with them.

While we were at the ice cream shop, my sisters brought their gift to me and surprised me with my favorite perfume from France while Yoona got this rad RC helicopter and mommy surprised us with our first pair of diamond jewelry. Of course, I showed them off by posting it on my SNS because even I get to brag sometimes right? We waited until the clock strike 12 and they all greeted us again a happy birthday then we decided to all go home.





“Yes dad?”


“I left something important at the back of the car. Would you get those for me?”


“Sure no problem.”



When we went down back at the garage, we were surprised to see a beautiful silver Bentley with a huge red bow wrapped around the front and a dazzling red Ferrari having the same bow. We covered our mouths as we were in awe of its beauty when we both heard footsteps coming towards this direction. When we looked up, we saw my parents side-hugging one another as they gave me smiles.



“Well, a girl only 18 once so I thought you deserve this. Plus you both have been  very good daughters and students so I don’t see anything wrong with my gift.”


“Thank you so much!!!” I hugged my father tightly. “It’s so beautiful!” I looked back still amazed by the beauty of the car.


“Thanks dad! Wow I cannot believe I got this finally!”


“But don’t expect too much princess, that’s also my graduation gift for you as well.” She says. “That’s for you too kiddo.”


“Even if it’s up to my wedding gift daddy I’ll be okay with that!” Yuri smiled, delighted by her daughter’s reaction.


“Now go stand by your new babies I’ll post this victory picture on my SNS.” Yuri laughs. “I told the band that you’d like this, they only said one thing though.”




“That your mom wouldn’t be so supportive.” They both turned to Jessica with a neutral facial expression.


“Krystal, you need to have your license first and have driving lessons with your father or enroll in a driving school or have Yoona as an assistant for that matter. The last thing I want is to get a phone call from the police telling me you’re behind bars.”


“Eyyy, don’t be too much baby-“Jessica rolls her eyes and glares at Yuri. “Alright, I’ll shut up now.” So she continued taking stolen pictures of her daughter.


“A gift like this comes with a huge trust and a very big responsibility. You understand me young lady?” Jessica looks at Yoona. “Don’t think I am not giving you the same warning Kwon Yoona just because you already know how to drive.”


“Of course mommy! I understand the trust that you guys give us so don’t worry. We won’t brake it.”


Krystal eagerly nods her head. “I promise mommy.”


“Just let them be Sica, let them enjoy the first few hours of being 18 and the moment of having their first car. Twins, you can go upstairs now and enjoy sleep. Today’s been a fun day and it’ll continue to be.”


When twins kissed them both good night and left, Jessica nudges Yuri. “What did I tell you about spoiling our children?”


“That was only one time?”


“One time?” The latter said in disbelief. “You gave Yoona a Ferrari for her birthday too!”


“It was what she wanted since she was 8.  I waited for a decade to give her that dream car.”


“If you were planning to give her that gift by 10 then you’re ing crazy.”


“Eyyy, no cursing on the house, only on the bed-ow!”


“And what are you planning to give Seulgi when she turns 18? A private plane!?”


Yuri seriously thought about it for a moment. “Well, when Seulgi’s 18, by then we could’ve afford a bigger and better plane-“ Jessica looked right through Yuri’s soul. “You know that I am only joking wife right?”


“I’ll kill you if I find out you’ve been spoiling them secretly.”


“You know I only spoil you baby!”



“Twinny, can you wait by the lounge first? Seohyun’s planning to call me so-“


“Yeah yeah yeah. No need to tell me her birthday gift so I’ll give you 10 minutes and I need to crash alright?”



My sister nodded her head and hurriedly went upstairs. I shook my head and tried not to think what kind of birthday gift her girlfriend gave to her but I do not have plans in knowing so I just sat by the couch, grabbed some magazine and spend my time looking at the next fashion trends. I probably spent 15 minutes now and yet she’s not coming out of the room so I just plan to barge in. It’s been my motive now seriously but I just hope that she’ll not be in- ughhhh nevermind.


Then I saw Seulgi coming out of our room that made me curious. “What are you doing by our room punk?”


“Uhh, I was looking for you.”


“Why?” I looked at her curiously. “You didn’t spy on Yoona didn’t you?”


She instantly shakes her head. “I need you to help me with something.”


“Well can it wait until tomorrow?” I said to her. “I am so dead tired today. You still don’t understand cause your 13.”


“Please? It’s kind of really important.” Seulgi looks everywhere. “It’s about Irene!”


“You’re just 13. You can’t bother yourself with love yet.”


Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows. “You were only 5 when you fell in love with Amber and yet you still talk about it until this very day.”


At the mention of my lover’s name I couldn’t help but blush. “That’s not the point, we were born in different generations. In my time, things were simpler back then so I am allowed to worry at that age.”


“All the more I need your help!” She practically begged. “You possibly cannot leave me hanging here”! She then starts to throw tantrums.


“Ssssh! Quiet Seulgi!” I hissed. “You’ll wake up the entire neighborhood!”


“Seulgi, quit bothering twinny she needs some sleep.” Yoona says as she comes out of our room. “Let her be.


I let out a sigh of relief and then furrowed my eyebrows. “Why are you so sweaty?”




“EW!!!!!” My face scrunched up. “I am going to sleep in the guest room.”


“NO!” Both of them disagreed at the same time.


“You two are weird.”


“Well… We aren’t your sisters for nothing right unnie?” Yoona immediately nods.


I then placed my hands on my hips. “Okay, you gotta tell me what’s up.”


“Krystal, you need to change clothes first. I’ll get the guest room ready for you.”


“Ugh, fine. Make sure to not touch anything unless you clean yourself!” I said before leaving the two behind.


“Unnie’s going to love it.” Seulgi says. “Don’t forget to tell Amber that she needs to throw another 5 dollars because I acted I threw a tantrum.”


“Child, Amber’s going to owe me for the rest of her life with what just Krystal thought of me.” She shakes her head. “Now let’s head onto your room. I know all about the do’s and don’ts when it comes to dating a Kim. Come child.”




I turned the door open and groaned in annoyance when Yoona turned off the lights. I clapped twice to turn it on but instead of the ceiling, the light came from the bulbs surrounding the entire room started to glow and as I was done admiring the sudden change of light, I see Amber standing there with a bouquet of sunflowers and chocolate box and a dog plushie. We looked at each others’ eyes and she smiled at she as she heads towards me.



“Now I don’t settle for second place and you know that but I’ll let this slip once.” She says still with a smile on her face.


“Amber what is this? What are you doing here? How did you even get in?” I rambled as I received her gifts. “I mean h-“ She stops me by kissing me on the forehead.


“Wanna know why Yoona volunteered to lock the door and Seulgi suggesting some noraebang?”


“What about the CCTV? Dad’s going to check them-“


“Yoona may have accidentally turned off the security system including the CCTV on your house.”


“Huh, and here I thought she was having video with Seohyun.” I shake my head. “And the lighting in the room?”


“May have tweaked it a little bit. I studied a little of electrical things back in Summer.”


I laughed. “Dork. Now I know why Seulgi suddenly had tantrums.”


“Glad that you’re finally catching up. I thought you were no brainer.”


I punched her playfully while she chuckles. “Thank you, well not just for this. For everything as well.” I said pointing to our surroundings. “It’s very beautiful.”


“Wait for this.”


She snapped her finger and the light starts to dim and the music plays a romantic song, which was one of my favorite songs called La Vie En Rose, a French song that I really admire because it was classic and the melody reminded me the feeling of having a morning stroll in Paris. Amber hands her hand to me looking at me with that charming smile of hers. I smiled back, placing all of her gifts down and let her hold me and pulled me closer as we danced slowly to the beat of the song.


 Hold me close and hold me fast

This magic spell you cast

This is la vie en rose


When you kiss me heaven sighs

And though I close my eyes

I see la vie en rose.


“How’d you know all about this?”


“I saw the playlist on your phone and this was placed under the favorites.”


“You’re very observant and yet here I am wondering how in the world were you not able to notice that I am in love with you the whole time.” I chuckled.


We both looked at one another. “I love you.”


I could feel the heat going up to my cheeks because of her sudden confession. “Stupid.”


I heard her chuckle. “You’re so cute.”


I pulled away. “You’re cuter. You have a match for today and you need to get some sleep but here you are surprising me when you already have earlier.”


“Yesterday to be exact.”


I rolled my eyes. “Whatever genius.”


“It’s because I wanna give you a surprise, because you deserve it and I love you.” She smiles.


“I love you.” I say back.


She spins me around as we continue to enjoy the music. “It’s funny how it all puts together isn’t it?” I furrowed my eyebrows. “I’ve always known that we had something special, something that could have been more than something earlier if only we acted on it. We’ve always known one another and grew closer as the time passed by. We’ve always knew that there was something but neither of us acted on it. But I guess in the end, soul mates will eventually meet for they have the same hiding place.”


I smiled. “So I am your soul mate?”


“Yes and more.” She says. “You’re God’s gift to me and the one that I’ve asked from Him, you’re the one I’ve been praying for and waited for a long time. You’re the one that I love and there’s nothing that you can do that will make me love you less. I don’t even know what I did on my past life to have someone like you today and I don’t even know how the hell did I won your heart. But thank you, thank you for allowing me to love you, for motivating me to be the best version of myself every single day. Thank you for coming into my life and for risking yourself just to stand by me even though I was even trying to fix myself because of my past issues. Thank you for being there and not being afraid of the darkness that I had and so on your birthday, I promise you, not to let you down. Thank you for being the sole source of my hope in my sea of sadness. Thank you for choosing me even if-“


I cut her off by kissing her softly. “Never for a second doubt yourself okay? To me you’re always more and never less.” I fixed her hair. “Because love, always see the good side of the people.” I smiled. “And I only see the good in you because you’re no evil.” I placed my hand on her heart. “And that’s why I choose you. And that’s why I’ll always end up choosing you.”


She kisses my forehead and pressed ours together. “I know we’re too young and it’s too early to say this but I know that you’re the one.” That made me smile. “I have love you enough to support that statement.”


I giggled. “Thank you for making this the best birthday ever.”


“Ah, but you haven’t seen my present yet.”


“I thought this was your present.” I said referring to the surprise.


She grabbed something from her bag. “Here.”


“A CD?”


She smiles. “I have to go now, I still need to prepare for tonight’s game.”


I pouted. “It’s too early.”


“It’s 2 in the morning and we leave at 4.” She pecks me one more time before heading out to the window. Before leaving she turns to me and waves. “Thank you for making me feel like it was my birthday too.”



She closes the window and I watch her as she escapes from our room while I sat down at the edge of my bed still trying to convince myself if what happened earlier was real. I covered my mouth and started screaming like a crazy fan girl. I looked at the CD that she gave me finding a small note that says:


It’s nothing compared to what your family, fans, friends, sponsors or admirers will give you but I really hope you like it. Happy birthday again princess! Saranghae!


I opened the case and grabbed my CD player and placed it there as I sat back on the carpeted floor, bringing my knees closer to my chest waiting for it to load. I then heard Amber’s voice from the background doing some sound check. Jesus I am so in love just hearing her voice makes my heart go faster than it usually is.



“Hey it’s me.” She mumbles nervously as I giggled. “Uh, happy birthday princess. I hope you like this little gift I gave you so basically it’s just going to be like a soundtrack, my top 10 confessions for you. Shall we start with track 1?”



Number 1 confession:

Before meeting you eye to eye for the very first time when we were kids, I already saw you from a distance that day. I even pulled my parents’ hands just so I could get inside the circle and hurriedly ran like literally ran like the flash just so I could stand next to you. I even pushed some kid because he was starting to stand by you. It’s a little bit harsh but yeah, I mean if I hadn’t- our paths would never cross.

“Mama! Papa! C’mon hurry up!” Little Amber said as she pulls them inside the gym.


“Amber you need to wait. Mama’s holding baby Sulli and you don’t want if she’ll fall right? She’s still a precious baby.” Donghae reminded her first child.


“But papa! I see a pretty girl standing in front already!” Amber pouts and still continuing to pull her parents.


Donghae could only laugh. “Where is she?” He asked as they arrived at the hall.


“There!” She points at the girl with the pretty soccer uniform who’s standing alongside with someone who looks just like the person she’s standing beside with.


“I see you have your father’s taste Amber.” Ailee ruffles her daughter’s hair. “Go along then. We’ll be taking pictures by the benches. Fighting!”


Amber smiled and waved at her parents to run as fast as she could towards the center. Halfway through she starts to panic as the guy in the football uniform started to go to his position beside her crush’s standing point so Amber sprinted even faster and pushed off the little guy who scowled at her but she just smiled dorkily.


“Sorry.” Amber turns around and she sees her parents giving her a thumbs up at her who did not see what just happened.


Suddenly Amber notices that her crush’s balloon was going to fly sooner than planned so she instantly grabs the balloon of the latter. Amber laid eyes on her for the very first time and finally understood what her father meant by looking through love’s eyes. The girl said nothing and quickly grabbed the balloon and turned around seemed like she was talking to the person beside her. Amber scratched her head using her free hand wondering what did she do wrong. When she looked at her parents’ she sees her dad giving her a shrug. She shrugs as an answer as well but then someone taps her left shoulder only to see her crush looking at her again.


“T-t-t-thank you.” She says with a tint of rosiness in her cheeks.


Amber thought it was cute. “You’re welcome.”



They both looked at one another and Amber smiles again in attempts to charm her way towards her crush. Finally they heard the teacher announce for the balloons to be released and the crowd clapped along with the kids who happily saw them slowly slipping away from their hands. And now, Amber had the view of the girl who gladly looks up and was amazed at the amount of the balloons and probably she was staring too much and being caught in the moment too much to not realize that the latter was already looking back at her.


After that, the girl, together with the person who look like her went to the bleachers who Amber assumed was their parents. She looks up again to see her father and mother giving her an ok sign. Not knowing it was only the first meeting of the following hundreds.



“I remember pops being so happy and be all cocky when we went to the diner to eat. Mom just rolled her eyes because she hates it when pop’s all cocky and such. But yeah, just to clear things out, I fell in love with you first. So that years from now, when we’re married for a thousand years and teenagers will ask us who fell in love first, we’ll agree that it was me. I won’t fight with you like other couples do. I am not afraid to admit that I fell in love first because I did. I already fell for you when you weren’t even looking at me.


Number 2  Confession:

I stopped that balloon for you to notice me. I think it was a pretty cool move back then and I was too shy to talk to you or too star struck to think of a topic. I was just thinking inside my head like- Amber, get your together. Talk to her already! Well, of course I wasn’t cursing that time. I mean, I barely knew what mean- never mind. You get my point right?


Number 3 Confession:

And ever since I saw you that day, I’ve had this first love syndrome with you. It’s like falling in love with the first sight. You were very cute and I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You were to adorable with Yoona and I even remember when you changed your clothes you guys had matching outfits it was so beautiful- and adorable. Hahahaha, cute.


Number 4 Confession:

I’ve protected you from the bullies because my mom always told me that all that princesses wants is to have their very own knight in shining armor. Again I was too shy to think of a topic and I kind of you to want me then. Not in that-ual- what am I even saying- I- I really tend to embarrass myself to you. MOVING ON!

Number 5 Confession:

I missed you so much when I left for Taiwan. I even follow your parents’ social media accounts so that I could check updates on you. Well that everything change when you created your very own account which if I may add- was a very hard username to find. Are you even an alien? Littlemiscxxcutiepieofseoulsoctober1994. Seriously babe? Hahahaha you’re such a munchkin I love you.



“Stupid.” I mumbled to myself while blushing. “Argh why did this brought this up!?”


Now I know you’re embarrassed but there’s no need to be. Kids tend to post everything they do on social media. It made me happy because it kept me updated with you but sad because I wanted to do all those things with you. I even wonder if you miss me too.


Number 6 Confession:

I wish that seven minutes with you inside the cabinet lasted for 7 hours. Hahahaha… Maybe by then I would find the courage to confess to you right? If we didn’t die out of suffocation back then. Oh my God, what am I saying?



“Long time no see.” 




“How have you been?”


“B-b-b-b-been good. You?”


“Same.” She smiled at me. “So, did anybody bullied you for dreaming so simply while I was gone?”


That made me smile as well. “Nah… Nobody dared ever since my mom taught me her icy glare. Wanna see it?”


“Yeah let’s see it.” I did the glare and she looked damn nervous. “Remind me not to piss you off.”


We both laughed. “What about you? Still dreamed of being the world’s greatest taekwondo player?”


“Nah…” She waved me off. “I have a new dream now.”


“Really? Well go on. Tell me what is it?”


She eyed me for a while before smiling. “To be a singer and travel the world spreading love for music.”


I smiled. “I like that. It’s-“


“Simple.” We both said it at the same time.


“Jinx. You owe me-“




She stood up first and offered me her hand. “So? What did I owe you?” I asked her.


                                                                                                           “I’ll tell you soon.”                 



Number 7 Confession:

I told my team mate to hit the ball in your direction so that I could protect you and be your knight in shining armor again thinking you remembered that I did that 8 years ago to remind you of our good old days. I’d also hope that I’d gain your attention and find me dashing.






My friends have always known me for being too clumsy or too late to react and so when I hear Luna scream her lungs out and returns back to reality, it was all too late once again because I already see the ball moving towards my direction.

Then a loud thud sound echoed throughout the entire gym that even the gymnasts stopped their training. My closed eyes opened because I never felt the pain and when I looked down, I gasped and at the same time widened my eyes. For it was Amber who was on the floor holding onto her cheek for a moment and then stands up to pick up the ball to kick it to her team mate’s foot.



“Yah, why did you pass so long? How big does the court look to you?” She shakes her head and looks at me. “You okay?”




I noticed Amber looked at me confusingly. “Hey, are you okay?”


She was about to touch my shoulder when Luna barged in- “Yes. She’s okay. Thank you for protecting her.”


“No problem.” Amber gave me one last concerned look before turning to her team. “Okay that’s enough for today. Hit the showers, same time tomorrow.”


Number 8 Confession:


Vic and Luna hated me that much only because they caught me red-handed slipping something inside your locker, thinking that it was there so I could prank you wherein fact, I was just there to slip one of the notes I used to give to you.




“Okay Amber, slow and steady but quick at the same time so that no one will catch you.” Amber finally slips the note inside Krystal’s locker. “Now I hope that it will be enough to brighten up her-“


“Hey, what are you doing there?”


Amber looked and saw Luna and Victoria glaring at her with her intense stares. “.” Amber mutters to herself.


“I said, what are you doing there? That’s Krystal’s locker.” Luna walks towards her. “Look I know your reputation here and honestly you don’t deserve a sunbae address because you act like a 3rd grade. Prank everyone in this school except Krystal. She’s actually pretty good and she has done no harm to anyone. So please leave her the alone.”


“Uhh…” Amber was internally dying. “So I can play a prank on you guys? You said everyone else beside Krystal right? Should I play a prank on her twin too?”


“!” Vic punched her and left together with Luna.



“I had to ice my cheek for three days. Jesus who knew Chinese people can punch huh? But then again, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen ain’t Chinese for nothing right?”


Number 9 Confession:


I really, really, REALLY get jealous like REALLY JEALOUS whenever you’re with Jongsuk or Kai. I was also mad at myself because it just hits me hard knowing that I could never ever compete with them. That no matter what I do, I can never have you.



“Amber seriously you need to calm down.”


“Calm down? Did you hear yourself Henry?! CALM DOWN!?” Amber kicked Henry’s sofa again.




“Amber you can’t really blame Krystal for hanging out with Jongsuk right? I mean, you practically pushed her into making her go with him.” Minho says.


“Yeah man, I mean you could’ve just ask her but instead you being the that you are encouraged Jongsuk to ask her instead so whose fault is that?”


“WOW SCOTT! Even you?! I really had to hear that from you? I thought you were on my side!” Scott shrugs. “Ahhh this !”


“Calm down Amber, there’s still a lot of ways to be with Krystal on that stupid dance.” Minho suggests. “I mean, we are not the named The Outsiders out of nothing.” He wiggles her eyebrows.


“Yeah man. I mean you hit my couch but he’s very forgiving. So any plans gang?” Henry says as she puts an arm over Amber’s shoulder.


“I do have something.” Amber says all of a sudden. “I’m going to steal her tonight.”


“Atta boy!!!” Minho started making weird noises.






Number 10 Confession:

“Okay, for my last confession, this is really going to surprise you really oh my gosh how am I suppose to say this. Uh… Okay, okay I got this here goes nothing.”























I heard your confession to me when we were in Jeju. I was only acting that I didn’t because I was literally like- LITERALLY panicking inside and because I know that you deserve the best confession ever in your entire life.



My eyes went wide as I rush to my CD player and replayed the last part for about 10 times until it finally sunk to me what Amber said. She actually heard my confession that oh-so-stupid confession of mine when we were done from our morning hike and enjoyed both the breakfast there, the one that I actually poured my heart and soul and was even more frustrated when she really didn’t hear a thing. I was kinda angry at her because it really took all the courage in my system to say it for her to ignore like that.



 “Krystal come here and join me! Everything is so beautiful around here.”


“I’m glad you like the place.”


“And the wind here is no joke.” She chuckles as she fixes her hair. “Come and-“


“Sunbae.” I held her by the arm. “I-I- I have something to say to you.”


“What is it?” I breathed heavily for the last time and braced myself.


“Sunbae, I like you.” She furrowed her eyebrows. “I really really like you and care for you. Ever since I had a sense about love, you are the first person that comes to mind whenever I’d think about that word. I started to fall in love with you when we were kids that are why I was always stuttering whenever we’re talking. And I still do…” I nervously chuckled. “But I started to fall for you even more when we started talking again, when we started hanging out even longer. You always make me feel nervous and my heart always beat so fast whenever you’re near and you always make me stutter to the point that it’s really embarrassing already.” I laughed. “I was also hurt during the time when you encouraged Jongsuk to ask me out and you kept on telling everyone else that we’re just friends because deep down I know I wanted us to be something more than that. You couldn’t even describe the hurt I felt when you said you are falling for someone else.”


“So I decided it was better if I just bury these feelings I have for you but as the days go by it was just so impossible so that’s why even though when everyone else is against it, even if my own family is against it, I still want to choose you. Because I love you sunbae, I really do.” I looked at her with much sincerity. “Can’t you tell that I am in love with you?” Amber still looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed. “I’ve love you every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year since I’ve known you… And no matter how hard I try- you always seem to be inside my head.” I looked at her. “I like you sunbae, I-I- I really do.”


“What did you say?”



Now remembering it all the cringy words that I’ve said, I jumped onto my bed and muffled my screams. God! It was really embarrassing! I can’t even bring myself to remember all those words! Amber’s ringtone on my phone started to ring and without moving from my current position I answered her call.



“I hate you.” I said to which she just chuckled. “How can you not say to me all those things?!”


“You know me and confrontations and how much I at them. Don’t you like it though?”


“Of course I like it. Everything that’s giving by you I will like it.”


“This is one of the proof that you like me first!”


“EXCUSE ME!? I MEAN- SQUEEZE ME?” I try to sound offended. “From what I remember Miss Lee- YOU confessed to me that you like me first! You even saw me before I saw you! What happened to being always honest to people who will ask us after we get married and be together for a thousand years huh?!”


“Hahaha, I was just playing with you babe. I already confessed to you so no point of hiding it.” I hummed in response. “Krystal, before you go to sleep I want to ask you something.”


“What is it?”


Will you be my girlfriend?


I giggled. “I already answered it already dork.”


“That was me questioning you to allow me to court you. Now it’s for the main event.”


“So I get you to sing to me, and confess to me in person to court me but you’re only asking me VIA PHONE CALL to be your girlfriend?” I try to sound disappointed. “And here I thought I deserve the best confession?”


Well if you can look at the window you’d realize that I’d never left.



I widened my eyes and opened my window and she was literally there like sitting with feet dangling by the edge of the branch hiding herself behind the branches and leaves. She smiles at me and I shook my head as I went outside my room and crawled slowly to be near to her. Now facing one another and still holding our phones with stupid smiles covering our faces.



“Hey cute reaction by the end by the way.” She still says over the phone.


I laughed and ended our call. “We’re so stupid.”


“I still find us cute though.” We both chuckled and now silence was all that was evident. “So…”


“So I thought you already left.”


“Correction, I just hid myself only because I was too embarrassed with my gift for you.” She lowers her head and says the following in a soft manner. “Your sisters gave you your fave perfume from France that costs our monthly rental, your mother’s gift is like worth 10 pieces of my bike- brand new.” I laughed. “And your father’s gift…” She started fanning herself that it made the both of us laughed. “It probably cost me my entire life.”


“Silly you!” I playfully slapped her.


She intertwined our hands together. “And I at confrontations.”


“You do. And I do too so it’s just makes us even more compatible to one another.” I giggled.


“So Krystal, still considering my question? To be a gangster’s girlfriend?” Once again I laughed and she just kissed my hand. “No seriously answer my question.”


“With all of the things you’ve both done and said to me today, you think I am still going to reject you?” I smiled. “Then you doubt yourself too much.”


“Maybe I am, not all gangsters are confident you know.”


“Well then you need to be confident. Even with your gift, Amber it may not be like what my family gave me or even my friends, fans, admirers or even sponsors will give me but trust me- this is the best birthday gift I have ever received because you alone is the most amazing gift I have ever received.” I kissed her hands. “Your gifts and surprises just made everything about you being my birthday present even more perfect.”


“You and your words.” She chuckles.


“So never doubt yourself especially starting this day you tough kid.”

































I leaned in to kiss her softly and look deeply in her eyes before smiling. “Because you got yourself a girlfriend you gangster.


I hope I made ou guys happy. And thank you for all those congratulatory messages for my feauted story Black. I was shock to death seriously but still thankful for you guys mwa! I love you!!! Special shoutout to my baby girl who inspired me to write this fluffy update. Mwa! Happy 11th and i love you so much! Tell me guys, did I make you happy with this update?


DonkeyASS is walkin' out!:)

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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
12 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)