The Fourth

Gangsta Boy

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down

And out of all these things I've done I will love you better now



Their performance continued for 2 more songs until Amber suggested we need to leave since we would want me and my sister to climb up the tree the same time. By the time I got home it was already 2:35 in the morning. Amber and I said our good night greetings real quick before I head up to the tree and back to our room. I quickly changed to my sleeping clothes earlier and freshened up for sleep. Just as I was about to let myself be consumed with it, a sudden ring from my phone got my attention and it was even more interesting when it was a call coming from Amber.





“Hey. Are you about to sleep?”


“Not yet.” I lied. “What’s up?”


“You forgot to tell me about the performance.”


“Oh well, they’re pretty good. And probably other people knows it too since they are the crowd favorite for tonight.” She hums in response. “But I cannot fully judge them since they’re missing a member. Who knows what kind of impact that member could bring on the stage.”


“As expected from Krystal Kwon.” I chuckled. “Had fun tonight?”


I bit my lower lip because of happiness. “Yeah you can say that.”


“So are you convinced that coming with me wasn’t a bad decision?”


“Hmm… I’m still thinking about it.” I giggled because she just sighed as her reaction. “Also, I wanna say something to you.”




“I remembered how the last band performed and I always thought of myself being confessed at public you know.” I shared. “I think it’s really sweet.”


“And it’s pretty mushy too.” Amber says. “But hey, I can’t blame you. Your father proposed to your mom at their university and released a song about her during their concert and it was the very first love song of the band. So yeah, I can say it’s sweet too.”


“Of course it is. It’s somehow showing off and being brave enough to tell everybody that you love that someone. If ever I would be in mommy’s situation, I’d probably faint!”


“Hahahaha, if you’d faint then your partner would never know the answer.”


“I would say yes first and then faint.” Amber laughed again.


“Oh Krystal, you are such a fun company to be with.” She continues to laugh.


“Hey, since I am already here, I bet that you are not that warmed as you used to be huh.” I smiled and mentally slapped myself for the obvious flirting. “But you have your jacket right?” I nervously laughed.


“See that’s the reason why I called you.” She paused. “I need to hear a bit of your voice as I head home because your voice is better than what I’m wearing right now.”




“Good night Krystal.”


“G-g-g-g-g-good night.” I coughed. “Good night… Amber.”



She hanged up the phone and I found myself staring blankly at the ceiling while I hear the motorbike’s engine fade away. Slowly a smile creeps onto my face as I grabbed my pillow to muffle my scream and started to kick the rest of my pillows and move my body like a worm. I removed the pillow and pinched myself really hard and even slapped myself twice. When I opened my eyes and felt the beating of my heart, I once again grab the pillow and muffle my scream again. Finally after calming down, I hugged the pillow tightly and smiled very widely.



“Oh Amber Josephine Lee… The things you do to me.”







I smiled at the silliness of this mystery admirer and place the note inside my bag as I head out for my first class of the day. But there was really an odd thing about today because people continued to stare at me weirdly and every time I would look at their direction they would look away or pretend to be busy at their cellular phones. Hmm, maybe it’s just me.

Okay, I take it back. It’s definitely not me. Even Sulli already noticed it too and all the stares lasted until the activity period which means the hallways were more crowded and more people kept staring at me. I already asked Yoona or Seohyun but same as me, they were also blind with what the hell was going on.I was starting to get piss because I hated the attention which is why I let my sister have the spotlight. What the hell is going on?



“Krystal!” It surprised me when Luna and Victoria starts to make their way to me. “I think we know why the people are looking at you.”


“Huh? What are you talking about?”


“Allow me to do the honors Luna.”



We turned around and see Kai along with his squad. Well he’s actually the captain of the football team here in school. The group’s really popular here in school because of their achievements and because of their good looks there’s no doubt about that. Especially Kai since he is considered to be one of the campus crush in our batch but sadly to me, he never made an appeal to me because I was too focused on a senior hottie. Oh, I sound such a flirt!



“What are you talking about Kai?”


“I think you know very well what I am about to say Krystal.” His loud voice caught the attention of the majority in the hallway. “Do you remember when you escaped with a senior student an abandoned building so early like 2 o’clock in the morning.” Even though I was surprised that he knew, I still kept my composure and my silence. “Minors are not allowed to be out that late do you know that?” From afar I can see Seohyun, Sulli and Yoona coming close to us. “And may I remind all of you that it wasn’t just any senior…” He looks back at me. “She went out with Amber Lee.” Instantly there was fussing happened. “Why settle for a gangster Krystal? You’re beautiful and so close to perfection. You can have any perfect guy in your arms in an instant.”


“If perfection includes you in it then I’d rather spend her time with a gangster than be in a room with you for 30 minutes you airhead.”


It was obvious that he got pissed on what I said. “Why? Is it because you already gave something valuable to her? Like maybe I don’t know- your ity perhaps?” He even emphasized the word ity.


“You !!!” My sister was about to launch herself onto him but his friends stopped her. “Let me go!!!”


Kai turns his attention back at me. “Is that true Krystal? That you surrendered to a poor, lowlife gangster?” He walks closely to me until my back hit against the wall from all the avoiding. “Would you mind if I check to see if she penetrated enough?”



It all happened too fast for all the people who were witnessing the event. Especially for Krystal whose last vision was Kai’s face leaning closer to her. Krystal even thought to herself that having Kai kiss her would be the biggest humiliation she would be facing and she would probably tell her parents that she needs to transfer school so she just closed her eyes to prepare herself from the embarrassment until a loud banging sound made her open her eyes and that was only when she saw Kai’s face being slammed continuously to the lockers by none other than-



A-a-a-Amber.” Her voice croaked.


“You ing piece of !” She turns Kai around and punches him without mercy. “Who told you that you could speak to a woman like that? Have you got no manners?!”


A friend of him started to walk towards them. “YAH! What do you think you’re-“


She instantly snaps on him. “Take one more step and try to save your friend I swear to God you will end up worse than him.” The dude instantly backs away. “I hope your girlfriend gets disrespected like this or worse than this.” She pulls him up. “Or better yet Kai, allow me to do the honor huh? I could check if you penetrated her enough once she returns from France. Would you like that?”


“You ing prick I swear if you-“ He was unable to speak because Amber slams him again to the locker.


“You can’t even protect yourself from me, what makes you think you can protect her?” Her smirk disappeared as she held him tighter by the collar. “May I remind you that you are also a minor and you can also be reported because you were out late at night. Even if you reported her that she was seen with me just so you can get at me back, I could easily tell the police dudes that you’re a ing psychopath who stalks Krystal everyday and I was simply there to protect her. And trust me little guy, you would never like a day inside the prison. Take it from a person who’s been in and out.” She bangs him one last time. “Try to disrespect her one more time and I’ll kill you.” He lets go of him and kicks him by the stomach. “Anyone who posts this on social media or even starts gossiping this, you’re gonna end up like him. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with a gangster like me.”



After the little speech Amber made, she grabs Krystal by the hand and they left the hallway and walked a little far from the main campus inside the green house where Amber lets go of Krystal as she walks back and forth with continuous cussing coming from . him, to hell with him, he deserves to be killed all these talks and walks were Amber’s ways of calming her down.



“A-a-a… Amber.”



 Krystal’s cracking voice grabbed her attention and instantly, Amber pulls Krystal closer to her arms and hugged her tightly as the latter cries in her arms. While Krystal was screaming her heart out, guilt starts to crawl on Amber and her heart ache with every tear that comes from Krystal’s eyes. If it weren’t for her, Krystal would’ve never faced that kind of embarrassment. None of this would’ve happened.



“I’m sorry Krystal this is my entire fault. None of this would’ve happened if I didn’t invite you in the first place. I’m sorry for making you feel afraid.”


“I was so scared Amber… I just imagine the thing he could’ve done to me right there.”


“Shhh.” She comforts. “Krystal, I think it’s better if I stay-“


“No.” The latter looks at her instantly with tears in her eyes. “You can’t stay away.”


“I am the reason all of this.” Amber reasons out. “If I stay away then maybe-“


“Did you regret inviting me?”


“What?” Amber looked at her with disbelief. “Of course not. It was the best night of my life, I could never regret something like that.”


“If you stayed away, then your warning that you would kill him the next time he would do that to me was nothing but a lie.” She looked at Amber with much bitterness. “You said you wanted to know me better, you promise to be there for me. So tell me, how the hell are you suppose to do that when you’re far away?!” She punched Amber’s chest. “Are you ing insane?!”




“I was so scared out there. You promised me something very important so I need you to man up and own that promise. Keep that promise.” She looks at her. “Protect me and don’t stay away from me.”


Amber moves closer and wipes the tear off of her face. “I promise.”



Once again, the two of them had this magic moment that they would only experience in brief moments like the first conversation they had by the park, the river park conversation, the drive home, the rooftop performance, the tree climbing practice and the late night phone call. And this moment by the green house is also one for the books.



“I promise to not stay away from you Krystal Kwon. I hope you remember that.”


“Amber, I need to tell you something.” Krystal’s rapid heartbeat was making her lose control of her emotions. “I’ve been keeping this with me for a really long time.” Krystal never thought that she would be the first to confess. “Amber I-“


“Krystal?” It was her friends’ voices. “Krystal? Amber? Are you guys in here?”


“Yeah we’re here.” Amber answers on their behalf and after 2 minutes all of them were there.


“Twinny!” Yoona rushes to her sister. “Are you alright?”


“Yeah I am okay.” Yoona hugs her immediately.


“Don’t worry twin, I’ll make sure that Kai will have a very miserable life here in our school!”


Krystal smiled at her twin sister and then turns to her best friends. “Hey you guys.”


“Hey.” Both of them answered in unison.


“Krystal I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry too.” Vic adds. “It was so mean for us to say thing like that. I hope you can forgive us too Sulli.”


Sulli smiles at them. “Usually I take an ice cream as an apology gift but yeah I’ll let this one slide.” We all laughed. “So are you guys friends again?”


The three of guys looked at one another. “Definitely. But this time, you’re included too.” Luna smiled at her.


“Hey.” This time while the girls were busy, Yoona taps Amber. “We don’t usually talk but I just wanna say thank you.”


Amber smiled. “No problem.”


“I really appreciate what you have done earlier. I am in debt of you.” Yoona smiles. “Friends?”


Amber took the hand Yoona offers and shakes her hand. “Bro’s.” And that made the two of them smiled.


“Amber-sunbaenim, thank you so much for protecting Krystal.” Luna bows down.


“We apologize for misunderstanding you and for being judgmental too. We hope you can forgive us.” Vic bows as well.


“We’re all cool don’t worry.”


“Alright, so who wants ice cream?”





They all hanged out together for the very first time and surprisingly all of them instantly clicked and they even went to karaoke together where they were just all out and just had completely fun before eating all the beef at a restaurant and said their farewell. And of course, to catch up with the old times, Luna and Victoria including Sulli decided to have an instant sleepover at Krystal’s house.



“Krystal, where’s Yoona?”


“She asked to stay at Seohyun’s house to help her girlfriend watching over Seo’s sibling Joohyun  while aunty Tiffany is at work.”


“I feel Seohyun. It’s not easy growing up with a single parent. And just imagine the immediate burden that aunty Tiffany feels.”


“Tell me about it.” Krystal agrees. “She grew up with a grudge to her father.”


“Wait, who is Seohyun’s father again?” Sulli asks.


“Her father is aunty Kim Taeyeon. Usually I call her uncle though.” Krystal answered. “She used to be my dad’s manager but she left the country and being the first kid, it was really hard on Seo. After all, she grew up being a daddy’s girl.”


“Kim Taeyeon as in the Kim Taeyeon? The CEO of Krispy Records, the first Asian recording company to establish a branch in Europe?” Sulli gasps. “Daebak.”


The three nodded their heads. “That Kim Taeyeon.” Vic says.


“Okay, so what movies are we watching again?”


Luna smiled. “HORROR.”



After watching 3 different horrific movies, the four of them played games and decided to get to know one another  and of course they did some girly girl stuff together until they touched the topic of love life and Krystal knew she was about to put on the hot seat which was really nervous because Krystal doesn’t know if Sulli already knows that she has a huge crush for Amber.



“So how did it feel earlier Krystal? When you felt that Kai was about to kiss you but never happened because Amber was there to save you?”


“Yeah, was your heart about to burst?” Victoria added. “What’s the feeling of being dragged away by the Amber Josephine Lee.”


“S-s-s-top it you guys!”


“You guys hugged didn’t you?” Luna teased. “C’mon tell us the story.”




































The three girls were screaming their hearts out while Krystal just buried her face on the pillow while the other three continuously fanning themselves and then they would go back to squealing again and pushing each other around. Krystal on the other hand finds the situation funny even though she was really shy about telling the story to them especially when Sulli and Victoria re-enact the scene at the garden earlier.



“I promise to not to stay away from you Krystal Kwon. I hope you remember that.” And they went back to squealing again.


“So if we didn’t appear, you would’ve confessed to Amber?”


“Huh? Confess to hyung?” Sulli looked at me. “What were you planning to confess Krystal?”


“Uhhh…” I looked at Luna and Victoria back and forth. “Listen Ssul, I haven’t really been honest to you about something.”


“Well, better late than never.” She smiles. “So may I know what is this about?”


“Sulli I… I kinda have a huge crush on your sister.”


“See kinda huge is an understatement.” Luna conflicts.


“Like she has this big amount of love for your little sister.” Victoria teases again.


“Oh. My. God.” Sulli exclaimed. “Since when did you had a crush on her?”


“Probably since ever.” Luna answered.


“Yeah, your sister is her first major crush and love at the same time.” Vic shakes her head. “And will probably be her only love.”


“Ottoke Krys…” Sulli has this worried expression on her face. “I don’t know how to say this but-“ Suddenly I felt really nervous. “Well hyung is… Hyung has left some unfinished relationship back in Taiwan.” She confesses. “And there wasn’t a closure so I am not really sure what’s their real score. Maybe they had the closure they needed or not I really don’t know.”


“Oh.” I looked down. “So she had a girlfriend huh.” What the hell, I sounded so bitter and that’s bull.


Suddenly we heard Sulli giggling. “What’s the matter Ssul?”


“Sorry- I’m sorry.” She started laughing. “I’m messing around.”


“YAH!” I threw her a pillow but still she smiled. “That’s very unfair.”


“I cannot believe that you are that deep in love with my sister. Hahahahahaha!”


Suddenly Luna and Victoria joined Sulli in the laughing again. “Yah, now the three of you are ganging up against me? Now that’s really unfair!”


“But jokes aside Krystal. I really think you’re the perfect match for my hyung.” She smiles. “Just don’t stutter too much. I don’t want my nephew or niece to get that mannerism and do that in front of his/her crush.”





Then they watched romantic movies and ate and of course they chatted. It was even late night now and they were all in their respective beds until Luna opens up a topic for them to talk about.


“Hey, Amber did pretty amazing today right?” The other girls nodded. “What did you think about it?”


“I think it was pretty cool of her to do something like that.” Vic says.


“Yeah she’s really that protective to the people she cares about.”


“Of course I find it hot that she was that protective of me.” Krystal says in her dreamy voice. “That’s definitely plus points there again.”


“See this is where the problem starts Krys…” Luna says. “It would’ve been alright if only the four of us well, even including Yoona and Seohyun that what Amber did earlier was hot and so oppa but no. The majority of the school was there and most of the school’s population is girls. And we, as women to be look someone that could protect us and be there for us. We need the sense of security that our partner can provide. And what Amber displayed earlier was the main thing that we were looking for.”


“So you’re like saying that hyung’s heroic act earlier will make her famous in school?”


“Indeed. No doubt, tomorrow will be very different and very difficult for her because she doesn’t want to be the center of attention. She’s also a genius because she leaped from #141 to #1 imagined the effect on that with the girls…” Luna trails off. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Krystal will be angry tomorrow because there will now be a lot of fan girls surrounding her future partner…”


“Guys cut it out…” Krystal contradicts. “Even if they find it cool that Amber is a genius and a oppa material, still they have put inside their minds that she’s a gangster and they’re afraid of that. So I think tomorrow will still be the same.”


“Okay Krys… Don’t tell me that I didn’t remind you.”


Morning came and Krystal was the first one to be up and went down to the kitchen to see if her mother already prepared some breakfast for them but then she sees a note placed on the fridge and says that Jessica followed Yuri to Bahamas for another Music Video shooting. Krystal sighs to herself and since she cannot make breakfast, she called her all time best friend.


“Hello McDonald’s? Yeah, I’d like to make an order please.”



Soon after Seulgi came rising up and gives her older sister a kiss and asked if Krystal could change Eunbi’s diaper. It was an easy task for Krystal since she used to do that all the time with Seulgi. After cleaning her sister up, she carries her down and tells Seulgi to hurry up or she’ll be late for the school bus. She then opens the door to their room and started waking up her friends which was a complete fail because they were all drowned in their sleep.

The door bell dinged and she knew it was about the McDonald’s delivery so she grabbed some cash on the kitchen counter left by their mother and paid the man. She places Eunbi on her own seat and she starts preparing for their breakfast. She heats the water to be mixed with Eunbi’s food and she had some fresh juice to accompany the pancakes she ordered.



“Wow… You are so ready to be a mother unnie.” Seulgi chirps in and starts to eat. “Ow! Now what was that for?”


“Say grace you pabo.”





“Seulgi, kindly get the door for me please?”


“I am in the comfort room!”


“Ugh.” Krystal said in annoyance and it didn’t help when Eunbi started crying. “Just a second baby, your food is almost ready!”


“Waaaaaaaa!” Eunbi’s wailing was a huge pain in the head so Krystal hurriedly places the food but since it was still hot, she carried her younger sister in her arms.




“COMING!” She groaned in annoyance and started banging on the comfort room door. “It’s almost 7! Finish your business!”


“I’m trying so leave me alone!” Seulgi banged the door too  as a response.


She hears the door bell again she wanted to ruffle her hair but Eunbi was already doing it for her. She walks to the door and prepares herself to scream whoever is on the other side of the door. “WHAT!?”




Quickly she slams the door and hurries up to place Eunbi on the accent table while she looks at herself in the mirror. She gasped as she found herself really unattractive! Her hair was messy, she hasn’t brushed her teeth yet, bare face and all that ugly thing!!!! She looks at Eunbi who just laughed at her situation but then she hears the doorbell ringing again so she hastily arranges her hair and goes back to Amber.



“G-good morning sunbae.”


Amber furrowed her eyebrows. “Didn’t you have some baby with you earlier?”


“Huh?” Krystal then looks at Eunbi who was about to jump. “AH!! BABY!” She rushes to get back at Amber who has her charming smile already. “You mean this baby?”


“Yeah… That baby.” She chuckles… “Cute PJ’s by the way.” Once again Krystal slams the door.


“Great! Just great!” Krystal whispered as she face palms herself.  “Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!”


“Hey, I don’t know if this would matter but uh…” Amber says from the other side of the door. “Sulli loves PJ’s and so I get to see that design every night and uh… Her bare face as well. So you don’t need to be shy…” Still Krystal remained silent. “And…”


Instantly she opens the door and gives Amber her icy glare. “And what.”


“And uh…” She was blinking way too fast. “You’re cuter in your bare-face.” This time Eunbi jiggles her toy. “See, even your sister agrees with me.” She smiles at Eunbi. “What’s your name baby girl?”


"We like to call her Sinba."


“Hello there princess Sinba.” Amber cooed. “Can I carry her?”


I nodded my head. “Be careful though, she doesn’t easily warm up to people she’s not familia-“ Krystal was unable to finish her sentence because she already sees Amber and Eunbi getting along just fine.


“You were saying?”


She shakes her head. Even the child was captivated by her charm. “What brings you here?”


“Oh! I have something in my bag. It’s Sulli’s clothes for today.”


“You shouldn’t have, I can let her borrow my clothes.”


“And then people would notice that so the label gold digger is such a match for her.” Amber says. “I really appreciate it Krystal but I just don’t want my sister to get bullied.”


The latter nods her head. “I get your point.”


“UNNIE!!!!!!” Seulgi screams and appears in front of them. “Oh. You have a visitor.”


“Hey kid, my name’s Amber.”


“OHHHHH! SO YOU’RE AMBER THAT-“ Krystal quickly covers .


“Sorry, she’s an eavesdropper and a rascal. Don’t listen to every word she says.” She let Seulgi goes and glares at her. “What do you want?”


“I need money.”


“Money? You have your weekly allowance!”


“I told mommy in advance I’d ask for double because I am treating Irene unnie every day.”


“What? And mommy agreed?” Seulgi nods. “That is so unfair!”


“Don’t worry unnie, what I am investing now is for the betterment of our two families.” She grins and gets the money from Krystal. “There’s the bus! Good bye hyung!”


“Alright kid, do well in school!” They both high-fived one another and Seulgi left. “Wow, your house doesn’t get boring huh?”


“Having four wild girls can be a bit too much to handle sometimes.”


Amber laughs. “Well, I’ll get going too.” She hands Eunbi back. “What did she mean for the betterment of the two families?”


“Seohyun’s younger sister is Irene. And my little sister has been in love with her ever since.”


“Ahhhh.” Amber laughed. “That’s nice.” They both looked at one another. “Okay so I guess I’ll see you at school?”



Krystal nodded her head and Amber left their house. After a few minutes the girls were already awake and they all ride on Krystal’s car while Eunbi gets to be in Day Care center. When they arrived, they got to their lockers and gathered together in the hallways. They were already headed for their first class until they heard some loud noises inside the cafeteria so they all went inside.

What is happening really shocked the 4 of them. They see 7 girls completely arguing with one another all with chocolates in their hands and a very confused Amber who kept on looking back and forth and try to stabilize the situation.



“Oh you guys are here finally.” Yoona along with Seo appears.


“What the hell is happening?”


“Amber got a taste of popularity.” Seohyun says. “The moment she stepped inside the school different girls were already hovering over her. She kept on accepting different kinds of gifts that her locker was even full of gifts. She was even asked out for the winter ball multiple times.”


“And this one, is also included in those multiple times.”


“ALRIGHT STOP! STOP!” Amber screams. “NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU GUYS BICKER OR EVEN KILL EACH OTHER, I WILL SAY NO TO ALL OF YOU TO BE FAIR. Thank you and please leave me alone!” Amber quickly leaves the place and now the girls still continued to quarrel.


Krystal looked at Luna who has this victory smirk on her face and mouthed- “I told you so.”



Hours passed and I was thankful that the day is almost over. I still cannot get over with what has happened. My friends were right, they will really indeed notice Amber’s characteristics that’s so partner material and Luna was right, various girls were over her in hopes to get her attention. Some even asked her to be her date!!! Some audacity and courage they have!!! Luna was right about one thing too, the whole day I was just pissed because even in class they would continue to quarrel and they would talk about different techniques just so they can get Amber’s attention. I never knew some of my classmates could be this desperate!

I opened the door of my locker and just placed my things there, not minding if they were properly arranged or not and slammed the door before heading out to the gate where I will wait for my twin sister to finish her shower business and for our drivers to pick us up. I plugged in my earphones and bobbed my head back and forth to the beat of the music to calm my mind. This sure was some day…

Suddenly, someone grabbed me by the shoulders and my defensive skills took over so I grabbed the person’s hand and threw him to the ground using my full strength. Now the only problem is that person wincing in pain right now is Amber.



“Oh my God Amber!” I tried to help her but she waved her hand.


“No, don’t worry it’s fine… I’m fine.” She stands up to dust herself off. “Wow, I thought you only knew boxing huh.”


“Forgot to tell I just graduated in defensive summer camp.”


“Alright this time, I will alarm my phone to remind myself never to mess with you. Like, literally.”


I re-arranged my hair to look presentable to her. “So, what’s up?”


“I just planned to give you this.” She hands me a piece of paper.









I widened my eyes as I looked at her. “Are you…”


“I am what?” I handed her the paper. “Oh this? You think I’m your admirer?” She laughs. “No… I don’t like cheesy stuffs like this. I found this on the floor after you were destroying your locker or as if you want to destroy your locker.”


“Oh.” I grabbed the note back. “Thank you.”


“By the way, it’s even mushy than before.” She chuckles. “Anyway, winter ball is just around the corner huh?” I nodded. “They even called it a night in the ice castle. It’s dope though.”


“I see.”


“So have you found yourself a date?”


Suddenly, my heart started to beat faster… Is she planning to ask me out? “N-no. Not yet why did you asked?”



Before she could say anything, someone called my name from afar and when we turned our attention turned to him, he started to make his way towards us. It was no other than Lee Jong-suk oppa. He’s the president of the student council and the president for the theatre arts club as well. I’ve met him once outside the school because our parents happens to be very good friends especially daddy and his father. Uncle Lee.



“Oh oppa, what brings you here?”


“I…” He was still catching his breath. “I just came from the student council meeting when I saw you standing here.” He says. “I wanna say something to you.”


“Ok go ahead.”


He finally catches up his breath and looks at me in the eye. “Krystal, will you be my date for the winter ball?


“W-w-what?” I said in surprise. “W-w-why me?”


“Actually, ever since the first time we met, I really like you and I am sorry if this one came too sudden but I just want to tell you now that I really like you. “I would be really happy if you will decide to go to the ball with me.”


“Well…” I looked back at him and then I took a glance on Amber.


He must’ve noticed where I was been looking because he turns around and sees Amber there with much sarcasm on her face. “Oh hey man, wassup?”


“Good.” She replied instantly.


“Wait.” He looked at us back and forth. “Amber, you were no planning to ask her for the Winter Ball right?”


“Uh…” C’mon Amber. Just answer the question!





























Hahahaha, just kidding. No I am not asking her. You can have her yes.”


Oppa immediately turns to me. “So I take this one as a yes Krystal?” I forgot how I told him my answer but it made him smile and reminded me we have practice tomorrow for the winter dance. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


I just nodded my head and gave him a small smile before he jogged back inside the school, Amber and I were completely alone again and no one dared to speak. All that I remembered was her last line and the minute that she gave us her answer, my throat felt dry and felt like I was shot right through the heart. I feel so hurt and I am starting to fear that my tears may give in any time soon. And she really wasn’t much of a help since she continuously teased me and oppa together. From afar, I can see Yoona jogging her way towards me and I was just tapping my foot to control my anger. I already told her many times that I don’t like what she was doing but still she insisted on teasing me. And while she was having fun with the teasing- I was fuming inside because I kept on remembering her last words.


“Hahahaha, just kidding. No I am not asking her. You can have her yes.”



“Just imagining the two of you being sweet and romantic with one another-“


I used my bag to hit her in the stomach. “WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!” I said. “YOU’RE SO ING ANNOYING!”



I turned around and luckily the car parked right there. I even bumped into Yoona and she said something out of annoyance but I didn’t care. I head straight to the car and it took a while before Yoona could enter. During the ride home, Yoona didn’t try to ask me something because she always knows that she would just be rejected because she knows that I am the type of person who easily doesn’t open up. When we got to our house, I went to our room, threw my bag somewhere and jumped on the bed with the sheets to cover me.

I breathed heavily and I knew my tears were already falling because my vision starts to get blurry. My heart felt so heavy like it’s been chained with weights. You’re so pathetic and stupid Krystal. How can you ever accept the possibility that Amber can like someone like you? That she was going to ask you out for the winter ball? And to even think that you thought that she was your secret admirer?! Have some shame!



“Krystal?” It was Yoona’s voice from the other side of the door. “Can I come inside?”


“No.” I said out loud.


Still I heard the door opened and the edge of my bed sank. “Krystal.”


I remove myself from the cover. “I already told you! I do not want you to come here! Why are you even here?! Are you here to watch your twin sister’s stupidity take over her? I get it Yoona! I totally get it! I get that she will never look at my direction, she will never be interested into someone like me. I am not but just a junior to her! Like a little sister while here I am, head over heels in love with her!!!!” I bit my lips from crying even more. “I’m stupid, I get it. No need to rub it in my face.”


“Krystal, do you remember what mommy told me when I was in your situation too? When she shared that she sees herself in my situation?”


“Yeah. She even said that she cried as much as you did because she was starting to expect that maybe daddy has fallen in love with her too.”


Yoona nodded her head. “Remember she also said that she finds herself stupid too because it was so impossible that dad would have an interest in her.”


“It’s too late for that to me now…” I said. “There’s no escape for me now twin… I already took the jump because I thought that down below she’s there to catch me.” My eyes starts to get watery again. “Even if it breaks every bone in her body. But why does it feel that I am about to land on the concrete ground?”


She moved a little closer to me. “We all experience that Krystal. Someday, some way, you have to get your heart broken just like everyone else.”


I hugged her. “But it hurts to much twin… It hurts big time.”


“I know… But I know you’re strong too so you can move on from this.”



The following day classes flew by just like an ordinary day. When activity period came, Jong-suk oppa came to my class and personally picked me up so we could head to the gym where the practice for the Formal winter dance was happening. It was embarrassing because some people kept on looking at us together and some girls already looked at me like they were about to bite my head off. I thought it was really going to be awkward since I am the only junior joining them but oppa always made me laugh and made me feel comfortable instantly and it was only during those times I get to forget my problems. As days passed by, I learned to slowly accept that Amber will never like me back. Gladly, I have so much positivity because of my family most especially my sisters and my friends.

It was our music class today and mister Oh decides to have his recital to be merged with his other class in the auditorium. And while we were walking towards the venue, I mentally cursed. I need to remind myself that I should never go into vacation during school days so I don’t need to perform alone. Sulli and I settled on our seats and started to busy myself in preparation for my recital. I need to focus on this song because it’s an original song and I need to offer every amount of feeling I have on this song because this song will be my first and last song dedication for Amber.

Maybe I was to engross with the preparation that I didn’t noticed that the other class already went inside and the merged recital already started. When I looked up on the stage, I see Taemin and Eunhyuk oppa dancing into some dance break of a pop song while people were cheering for them. I started to cheer for them to until I remembered one specific detail. They both belong to class 4-C. And that class is Amber’s class…



“Krystal Kwon you’re up.” The teacher says and they all cheered.


“Go Krystal!” Sulli cheered louder.



I went up the stage and I was internally shaking because it was really a nervous recital. Bull! Okay, Krystal, relax… Keep clam, there’s nothing to be worried about because knowing Amber she will never-



“Ah… As expected from my favorite student, Amber Josephine Lee. Just in time to see Ms. Kwon’s performance.” Amber said nothing and sat on the farthest corner of the room. “Don’t expect that you got the number 1 rank there’s a difference on my impression to you now.”


Amber just rolled her eyes. “Focus Mr. Oh, we have a lot of students who wants to participate.” She sarcastically says. Of course, if we wouldn’t participate, we would get automatic zero for the following quiz.


“Ms. Kwon you can start whenever you’re ready.”



Amber and I looked at one another but I immediately broke our contact and sat on the piano chair. I calmed myself down one last time and shook my hands. I guess fate wanted me to sing this song whole-heartedly with her listening to every song that comes out from my mouth. Might as well gather all the courage I have in me today and look at her even once just to let her know that this song is for her.



“Good after noon everyone, I am Krystal Kwon and today I would be singing somebody special.” The crowd clapped their hands once again and I start to place my hand over the piano keys and just closed my eyes to let my emotions take control for the song.



Now tell me do I wish too much?

Is it cause I kick it and I drink too much?

But the truth is I wanna live too much.

And you're the type of girl I'd like to give too much, till it's enough.

Please tell me I'm close to your type

Not cute but I know what's right

Not sweet but I know what's nice

And I could make you laugh and smile all night


And once I got the confidence, I opened my eyes and I saw the crowd’s reaction to my song and I was happy to receive such positive feedbacks like bobbing their heads saying aweee’s and clapping their hands too.


Might mess up and say the wrong lines

And I tend to say things at all the wrong times

But I'm confident that we're so right

Even with these flaws I'm not the wrong guy

Off bat, I could say I'm not book smart

But I'm smart enough to protect your heart

Dump your past it belongs in the junkyard

Let's hook up all we need is a jumpstart


I wish I was somebody special… Special in your eyes.”



For the continuation of the song, the people started to wave their hands and I try to interact them as much as I can. I was already comfortable with the performing thing and I was just thankful that I was listening to daddy when she taught us on how to entertain a crowd. I even interacted with my teacher and he was also bobbing his head to the beat. But of course, they reactions matter to me but there’s this specific someone who I really wanted to see her reaction as I perform this song. I glanced at her earlier and she was there sitting there with a blank expression on her face. Finally I breathed and got the courage to look at her direction as I sing the next parts of the song.



Not buff but I know my loves strong

Not rich but I'll write you a love song

What you're getting is a part of me

And that right there is the heart from me, yeah.


Surprisingly that caught her off guard and still I didn’t stop there from looking at her. I don’t care if some people would already notice me looking at a certain direction. She needs to know how I feel and she needs to know it now. So that I can let go of this stupidity of mine and accept that we’re really never going to be more than junior-senior relationship.


I don’t really know how to say this but…

You’re the only song in my playlist, love.

Get a little closer when we hug

But what I’m feeling might be too much…       


During the chorus part, the students joined me in singing the lines and I repeated it one more time and I didn’t take my eyes off of her until the last key faded away inside the room. Students stood up and cheered for me which diverted my attention to them. I gave them a formal bow and returned to my seat.



“You were amazing!!!” Sulli said happily.


“Not really.”


“Are you kidding? The song is so cutsie and I really like it! Was that an original?” I nodded my head. “You need to record it! Show it to your daddy so she can let you sing it!” I just shook my head and laughed.


“Well that’s Krystal Kwon proving everybody that she deserves that surname and be called as one of the daughters of the legendary singer Yuri Kwon.” I blushed while the students laughed. “Alright, seniors you are getting beaten by some young blood and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to see blood on your grades right?”






























I’ll do it.”


Hi. You didn't expect this right? :)

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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
22 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)