The Fifth

Gangsta Boy

We all looked at Amber who stood up and walks towards the stage and jumps on it instead of the normal getting on the stage type. She really likes to be a rebel in everyone’s eyes. The crowd was waiting for her to start performing but then a sudden knock on the door stopped her. The teacher told to come in and I saw Jong-suk oppa talking to the teacher. I was suddenly disappointed because the teacher already excused me so I had no choice to stand up and go by his side as we leave the room. But before disappearing, I gave Amber one last look and still she had this blank look on her face until the door completely closed. As we were walking towards the hallway I just sighed to myself.


Good bye Amber-sunbae. I guess this is where I should stop.


“So what happened after you left?” Yoona asked. “What song did she performed?”


“She performed nothing. She even got herself a visit to the principal’s office again but she kept on arguing that she did perform something.”


“And what was it?”


“She performed the sound of silence.”


My twin sister laughed. “That’s Amber alright.” She shakes her head.


“I thought you didn’t like her.”


“Well yeah, used to. But she’s pretty cool to be with and since Seohyun is friends with her, it’s no problem that I can be friends with her too.”


“Lucky you.”


“Zip this for me please.” I zipped up her dress. “Thank you.”


“Welcome.” I continue to busy myself with make-up.


“But have you ever wondered if you stayed? Did you think something different would’ve happened?”


I paused for a while to think. “No, I don’t think something will change.”


“Just think about it for a moment twinny. I mean, I get that you already accepted the fact that Amber may not like you in return but I am pretty sure that Amber is not the insensitive type you know? I mean, she gotta have the gut feeling that somehow this song is for her. After all, you were looking at her the longest right?” She pauses for a while. “Or maybe she’s that insensitive to not notice even that song.”


“I don’t want to stress myself tonight about her. I am done with her and that’s final. I wanna enjoy this night.”


My sister nods in agreement as we put on our heels and went downstairs to meet our dates for tonight. Seohyun wore a very beautiful gold sequenced gown that matched with my twin sister’s blue feathered gown. And then I look at Jong-suk oppa and he has this clean look that matches his classic tuxedo.



“You look nice.” I said to him.


“You look beautiful tonight Krystal.” He smiled.


“No, both of you look beautiful together!” My father chirps in. “Okay squeeze together for picture taking!!”



Finally after all the teasing, we left the house and went to our respective cars and headed for the venue. When we arrive there everybody was already settled down and I was amazed on how beautiful our school gym was so I complimented oppa for doing a job well done. From afar, I can see my friends already waving at me. Luna and Victoria had dates while Sulli decided to fly solo tonight. When I asked her the reason why, she just answered-



“Someone told me that I shouldn’t be going and looking for love. I should let love find me.” She looks at me and smiles. “Good thing come to do who wait right?” We both giggled on her answer.


“Ladies, here are you drinks.”


“Cheers for tonight?” Luna says.





The flow of the program was really smooth and the food was nice. The music was nice as well so all of us had fun dancing the night away even though they keep on teasing me together with oppa. I find it embarrassing but it seems he’s pretty cool with it and he doesn’t mind. After some dancing and eating, the principal stood up and announced the king and queen of the ball which was Suzy and Jong-suk oppa.



“And now let us welcome our school band to entertain us through the night.”


“Oh my gosh, this is going to be a boring night.”



The lights starts to dim and some were just talking with one another since all of us knew that the school band and I bet some already sneaked out to go out partying because they would rather be there than be here. But, all of a sudden when the light was turned back on, we see different musical instruments and I seem to be familiar with the designs but I just can’t put my name on it. But all of it made sense when I saw 3 good looking men that caught the attention of the whole student body that even the teachers were curious who the hell are they.



“Hey wassup everybody?” No one responded. “See, this is why the party’s boring here. No one’s hype enough to participate in simple conversation.” He looked at his band mates and they both nodded their heads. “Again, wassup everybody?” This time, there were responses and they were positive. “Much better!!!”


“Who are they?” Luna asks.


“The Outsiders.” Vic answers.


“You know them?” I asked in surprise.


“I just saw them once performed but it was from afar. But as far as I could remember they had-“


“So my name’s Henry, I am on the piano slash the second guitar, Minho is on the bass by the way and that would be Scott right there behind the drums. And of course, we would never forget the person who got us in here inside in the first place.” He smiles. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the main vocal and lead guitar of our band- Amber Lee!”


Amber then appears from the backstage rocking that unique patterned-suit and a new haircut. “I know you guys hate the school band so I thought we’d kidnap and hide them for a while for tonight so you can have some real fun.” She smiles. “And since I got myself into trouble in my music class for introducing the sound of silence to the class, I am going to show tonight what music really is.” The crowd cheered her back. “So come on, stand up and gather around and let’s have some fun!” She looked at her band mates as if they were counting 1, 2, 3 and they started their music that invited the crowd immediately.


Soft kiss and wine

What a pretty friends of mine

We're finally intertwined

Nervous and shy

For the moment we will come alive


Secret Valentine


Most of them were surprised that Amber could sing and moreover that this band was legit. They probably thought that this is just one of Amber’s gimmicks to ruin our winter ball but no she wasn’t playing at all. It didn’t took long for the crowd to fall in love with them and started bobbing their hands to the beat of their music. My friends and I were on the back as the other students started jumping around getting hyped.



“They’re amazing!!” Luna screams.


“I know!!”


“Your hyung is jjang Sulli-ah!” Luna screams to the hyped Sulli.


“I know too!!”



We'll write a song that turns out the lights

When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside

Don't waste your time

Speed up your breathing

Just close your eyes

We'll hope it's not for nothing at all


When the song ended the crowd started to cheer more. “You guys probably want more right?”




“Okay but we need some confidence boost because this is one of the biggest crowd we’d ever performed yet. Ladies and gentlemen are we awesome?” Henry asked and the crowd started to cheer more. “Now that’s more like it.”


“And I hope for the second song, you’d enjoy it as much as the first song.”


Amber suddenly changed her guitar and Scott changed into a more modernized system and they started grooving together. The melody of the song captured us once again even though that the song was in a slower tempo than the previous song. When Amber started to sing the first few lines I can see that girls started to adore her. Especially when the 4 of them sing a particular line together in harmony, all of the girls turned into fan girls. And it even got more when they started to interact with the crowd.



So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me

Cause you might around and find your dreams come true with me

Spend all your time and your money just to find out that my love was free

So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me

It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me


All I could ever do was to focus on Amber and how much she’s enjoying the moment of the performing thing and I know now that she was serious when she said to me that she found her new passion in music and that she wants to do this for the rest of her life. I know she’s going to be successful with it because right now, in that stage everyone can see how genuine her smile is and she’s letting all of her protective walls down and let people see that she’s not really that bad.

 Although I find it kind of sad because now she’s able to show this side of her to everyone else, there’s nothing separating me from them. There’s nothing more special about my friendship with her unlike before but now it’s just plain old friendship kind of thing. Maybe, I wasn’t that special to start with it was just all me thinking these kinds of thoughts. Stupid Krystal, just move-on from her already… You promised that you would yourself that you would when you finished dedicating that song for her.



“Alright everybody that was our second song. Was it cool?” Henry got to smile because he heard the endless screams of the girls. “Now boys, you know now how to get through these hearts okay? I hope we gave you good advice here.” Henry winked again which caused all of the girls to react. “So do you think it’s a bad thing to fall in love with us?”


“NO!” The crowd even started to say I love you’s to them.


“Does anybody think it’s wrong to fall in love with Scott?” Some shouted no. “With Minho?” Again the same reaction. “How about me?”


“NO WAY!!!!”


 “And of course, how could we forget to ask… Is it a bad thing to fall in love with our leader, Amber Lee?”


“NO! IT’S NOT!!!!!”






“Yah twin why are you not shouting?”


“It’s already obvious. No need to shout.”


“Yeah or else, Amber might notice her.”


“But Amber’s really insensitive so…”


“Awww…” All of them pouted.




Amber shakes her head as she playfully shoves Henry who only laughed. “Okay guys, our third song is one of the important part of our performance today. Here’s the part where the four of us cringe but we need to have a slow song for all the couples and dates that are present here right? Probably some boys are so happy because they got to have their crush as their dates and girls, shout out to your night of romance as you dance with your oppa or dream sunbae.” The boys cheered this time. “But before all that romance thing, Amber’s going to be a er and say something first.”



Suddenly Amber makes her way down the stage, the spotlight on her and starts to make her way to the sea of people but the nerve-wrecking part was she was walking towards us. I was so blanked that my friends had to nudge me to pull me back to reality but I just remained calm because I don’t want myself to start expecting again. I am tired of expecting something from Amber.



“Jong-suk I really wanna say that I like what you have done to this place and it’s really dope man. So why don’t we give him and the student council for doing a good job right?” All of them started clapping their hands. “But Jong, I am afraid that I am going to be a jerk and steal your date tonight.” She looked at me and my eyes widened.




“My sister doesn’t have a date tonight so I am just being the bigger sibling looking out for her. Plus, it’d be weird for us to dance together knowing that we have the same bloodline.” She smiles. “And as student council president, I think you can address my concern right?”


Jong-suk was unsure of how he would response. “Uhhh… Well…”


“C’mon man, it’s just one dance. I promise to return her to you.”


Oppa looks at me. “Are you going to be okay with this?”


I nodded my head so oppa said yes to her proposal that made her smile. “Thank you.”


“You’re welcome.”


There was complete silence as Amber walks closer to me and the spotlight was on us this time. She looks at me straight in the eye and says- “Hey.”


The crowd suddenly made some teasing sounds. “H-hey.”


Amber looked at Henry and gave him a small nod. “Alright everybody occupy this big gym, grab your partner in the most romantic way you can think of and let’s begin.”


Henry and the starts to play the music. “W-w-what’s the matter?”


“Krystal, this is the part where you put your arms around my shoulder.”


“Y-y-yeah, yeah I know that.”



When you smile, everything's in place

I've waited so long, can make no mistake

All I am reaching out to you

I can't be scared, got to make a move


While we're young, come away with me

Keep me close and don't let go


I thought Henry was going to sing but surprisingly Amber did the singing while we danced and the most awkward thing was she was directly and only looking at me. By the time we got to the chorus part, she suddenly grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to her that caught me by surprise and caused me to shriek which made her smile. I looked at the people around us being all romantic to one another and even the teachers who used to be pissed off and looked like they were going to punish Amber big time even danced along with their dates. I even saw our music teacher danced with the principal.



I'll hold my breath, falling into you

Break my fall and don't let go


Inch by inch, we're moving closer

Feels like a fairytale ending

Take my heart, this is the moment

I'm moving closer to you


I looked to my left and I see my friends dancing happily with their dates along with the music and even Jong-suk oppa continued to laugh together with Sulli. I also saw my twin sister and Seohyun and my twin’s hand going down to Seo’s which Seo did not let her which resulting for her to pout. And after all looking of my surrounding I looked at this person who’s singing right in front of me and this person caused me too much sadness for the past week, the reason for my broken heart and yet here she is standing and dancing along with me as if this was her way of making it up to me. So now, how can I stop myself from expecting when Amber does things that always make me fall for her.



“I’m moving closer to you…” The crowd cheered loudly. “Krystal!” She says without the microphone.




Spend the rest of the night with me.”


And all the walls I’ve built for the past week came crumbling down. “Okay.”



She smiles at me before throwing the mic back to Henry who immediately distracted the crowd as we drifted off to the gym, her hand holding on tightly with mine. We headed off to her bike and went away from the ball into the busy streets of the city with me wrapping my arms around her tightly. Honestly I really miss the feeling of being this close to her and for goodness sake it’s only been a week that we haven’t talked and it feels like a month.

We stopped by the wine store and went through the back door of the shop, revealing a small series of stairs leading towards the underground. Amber was about to drag me but I stopped.


“Wait a minute. Is this what I think this is?”


Amber thinks about it for a while and laughs. “No, no it’s not.”


“W-w-w-wait.” I stopped her again. “What about Jong-suk oppa? You promised to him one dance right?” Instead of immediately answering she just smirked.


He’s damn stupid if he thinks I am letting you go."



She guided me downstairs and there was an old fashion door at the end of the hallway and she knocked in some kind of pattern. The door opened slightly and Bruno appeared and this time, he immediately smiled on us and before letting us go, he once again reminded me to be cautious of Amber’s lady killer charms. She grabbed 2 glasses of wine from the tray of one waiter as she guided me onto a table which had a mat and a box as a table and a simple candlelight as an ornament. Together with us are a few people looking at the person standing on the stage. I look at Amber and suddenly realized that she brought me to an underground spoken poetry gathering.



“Why’d you bring me here?”


“I wanna help you find your mystery admirer.”


That made me laugh. “You think that he is here in this establishment?”


“I think this is where he gets his cheesy statements.”




She then gives me a shrug. “Who knows, maybe I’m just trying to give you an excuse because I just want to spend more time with you.”


My blush instantly crept in my cheeks so I shoved her hard. “Stupid.” I mumbled to myself.


“But seriously, whoever your secret admirer is better change his tactic of sweet poems. It makes me cringe.”


“I think it’s really sweet.” She just scoffs. “Wae, do you think you’re better than him in writing poetry?”


“Hell yes.” She took a sip of her wine. “But I don’t wanna do that, you might end up falling in love with me instead.”


I wanna scoff at her and say too late for that. “Hmmm, I’d like to see you try Am. Maybe yes, maybe no…” I took a sip of wine as well. “Who knows.”


It took her a while to answer but she says- “Okay, challenge accepted.”



She suddenly takes off her coat in a pretty bad-, hot and steamy way to me. The stage was empty and the people were just conversing with one another and probably they were just waiting for someone who will stand up and recite something tonight. She takes a gulp of her entire drink as she heads up for the stage. She tapped the microphone and gave me one last look before turning her attention to the audience.



“Hey guys, my name’s Amber and some of you may already knows me and some may might not but tonight, I wanna share to all of you a thought that I am pretty sure we have all experienced.” She paused for a while and then smiles. “It’s about love.”


Love. It’s a feeling of deep admiration

To have someone who feel the same

Someone who caught your attention when they came

And someone who gives you goose bumps every time they say your name

Love. Someone who sweeps you off of your feet,

           Someone that gives you butterflies every time the two of you meet,

And someone who promised never to leave.


Love. It’s staying all night laughing and talking even if there’s nothing funny,

It’s starting your every day feeling bubbly,

It’s singing to every song on the radio, having your date by the patio,

Just don’t ask me about dates cause I’ve never been into one, yo.


Love. It’s your inspiration for poetry and songs,

It’s when you pray your relationship won’t go wrong,

It’s the one you have been praying to God all along.

Love. It’s the person you stand inside the church with and say your vows,

It’s having the honey moon, saving money and having your dream house.

It’s to see your children and family grow and grow old with your spouse.



I saw the crowd saying their awwe’s and I guess I could relate with them. Amber started the poem really smoothly and I think they can generally describe love that way too. I look at her with a glass of wine in my hand and I could really see that she was really nervous and I find it adorable though.


But what about me? What is love for me?

Someone whose parents’ marriage was arranged,

Two reckless teenagers bounded to be one to change,

A chance to love, have a family, to have a sense of responsibility,

To have that dream house and a beautiful life,

But how can I have my idea about love when my parents argue like they were never husband and wife?


How can I define love when I see my parents screaming at each other,

Got divorced and had myself a step father,

Be a parent and a sibling to my younger sister,

Tell me, how am I suppose to describe something everlasting when I grew up to the thought that nothing lasts forever?


So don’t give me the crap, the butterflies and the bull.

Those family goals, marriage goals and relationship goals I ain’t stupid.

I don’t know love and I’m cool with it.


Hearing Amber saying such things made my heart hurt a little bit. It really saddens me that she grew up with that kind of family background and being judged by her past. So I guess I can’t really blame her if she views the world in a very different way. She really had a rough childhood. But deep inside me, I hope that Amber doesn’t give up on love. I hope that she would continue to hope for love so that she can see that I am here. I will love her more than she’ll ever know what love really is.


But all of that changed when I came back,

Saw her rollin’ out in some expensive car like a Cadillac,

Her skin was white, her lips were red and her hair was black,

And since then, everything I knew about love changed like that.


Through her I realized that hearts were capable of beating even faster,

It’s boomin’ in my system like a mothering firecracker.

I feel that I just wanna be there for her and protect her.

You know, like the servant and her master.


But also through her I’ve realized that love needs to consider a lot of things.

Because while I’m here with rags, she’s out there with her blings.

My whole life is even cheaper than her mommy’s diamond ring.

How can I be her everything when to her family I’m just nothing?


But I’ve also learned that love is a mixture of test and opportunities,

So please turn your back and notice me,

We can look at each others’ eyes and maybe you’ll see,

It’s cheesy as but I know we’re meant to be.


So maybe love is like that, love is like this,

For some it might include a diamond ring while mine’s just a simple kiss,

You have your relationship goals while I have my bucket list,

But if there’s one thing we have in common, it’s this:

Love will always be a risk.


Love is more than a feeling, it’s a decision.

When arguments heat up, you need a little separation.

When all things cool down, you need confrontation.

Because love is more than just a feeling, it’s a foundation.


It’s about two people wanting to stay,

And I’m not talking about just one day but I’m talking about every goddamn day.

Despite of every argument, every crap, and every problem that comes along the way,

Despite of all the bull, the rumors and all that they say,

You must decide to stay, so that love will stay.


The rest of my learning about love might still be a blur,

But I expect some guidance from up above sir,

You may have your personal descriptions about love but,

Love for me,

Is her.


The crowd clapped their hands and before coming back to our table, she was even congratulated by some of the people who also spoke a while ago and probably some of her friends that knew her. The moment she returned to our table she remained standing up and just offered her hand to me. It made me look at her but she just said nothing and continued to offer her hand like that so I took it as she lead me towards the center of the place as other people were doing it as well. Amber grabs me by the waist and that made me shriek a little and wrap my arms around her.



She was still chuckling about my sudden shriek. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”


I still have my flushed cheeks. “Haven’t you had enough dancing already?”


“I know, but it wasn’t the way I wanted us to dance.”


She always say things that make me blush!!! “W-w-what about now?”


“Hmm... Not really.”


“H-how should w-we dance then?”


“Like this.” She pressed our foreheads together. “Just like this.”


Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up

I need your loving hands to come and pick me up

And every night I miss you

I can just look up

And know the stars are

Holding you, holding you, holding you



“So, how was the spoken poetry?”


“It was alright.” I decided to .


“Oh c’mon. That was obviously better than your admirer.” She says. “I laid the whole nine yards right there.”


I laughed. “I was just messing with you. It was really nice, I like it.”


“You think so?”


I nodded my head. “It was amazing what you did back there. Letting us know that you view like that.” I then remembered one line from her poem. “So love for you is her huh…”


She chuckled. “That her is still a mystery.”


“That doesn’t sound too mysterious to me.”


“Well…” She trails off. “There’s this someone I really like though. I’m just not sure if this is the legit thing.”


That just broke my heart right there on the spot. “O-oh.”


“Plus it’s really impossible for us to be together.”


“Why? Is it because she’s rich?” She nods her head. “Amber, you’re rich too. You are rich of humor, knowledge and adventure. You always take good care of everyone who’s important to you and protect. I hope that whoever you like will see beyond the social status and look that there’s something more that money can ever afford.”


























Like you said, love will always be a risk.”



On the ride home, I thought about what she said to me earlier about her liking someone else. That really hurt me but I’ve come to realize that loving also means hurting too… We need to feel pain in order to feel great love. And this is my personal pain with loving Amber. And if that girl doesn’t see how special she is, then I will be here for her, and she will never get the chance of hurting Amber for the second time ever again.

We arrived at my house and she parked outside the gate. I gave her the helmet and said my farewell. Suddenly, she grabs my hand and that made me turn around and looked at her with wonder.



“Let me walk you to your door.”


I was shocked with what she said but I just agreed. “Okay.”


She got off the bike and even opened the gate for me. “I remembered I stole you away from your date so basically that makes me your date now so I guess I need to be a gentleman and see you off properly.”


I laughed. “I’m glad you remembered that.”


The long walk towards the door suddenly became shorter all because she’s with me. “Well, here we are.” I nodded my head. “I hope you had fun.”


“Of course, I hope you had fun as well.”


“There’s never really a dull moment with you Krystal.” She said as she looks at me.


Instead of looking back at her I just looked somewhere else to hide my blush. “Y-y-you should say that to the person you like.”


“I do like you.” That made me look at her. “You are the only one who cope up with all the s that I have in my life.” It was followed by long pause. “Hey Krystal?”





She was about to say something when suddenly, the door opened up and it revealed daddy on her bathrobe with her straight-face mode on. The door was even widely open and it revealed my mother as in her sleeping attire as well. Both of us immediately froze and deep inside I was really nervous. This is the first time that they would meet their future daughter-in-law. Jesus Krystal now is not the time for that stuff!



“G-good evening.” Amber greeted them but daddy said nothing and looked at the clock as it strikes 3 AM. “I mean, good morning.” She coughed for a while and rubbed the back of her neck. “My name’s Amber. Amber Josephine Lee and I-“


“Yes, I remember you very well Amber.” Daddy spoke. “You used to be Krystal’s best friend before right?”


“Ah yes.” Amber smiles. “I just wanna take this opportunity and say that I am a huge fan of you.”


Dad only nodded and gave her a polite smile. “Well Amber dear it was nice seeing you once again and be all grown up. Thank you for taking Krystal home safely.” Mommy smiles at her and shakes her hand.


“Ok… No problem.” She nervously smiles back. “Well, I should get going… It- it was nice meeting you.” She bows down. “Happy Christmas break Krystal.”



I smiled back at her and greeted her same. We all hear the gate being closed and an engine fading away from the house and this time I swallowed a lump on my throat and looked at my father once again and I knew for sure that I was in big trouble.



“You came out with Jong-suk and then come back with Amber?” I bit my lower lip. “I’ve been calling your phone but you wouldn’t answer and your twin wouldn’t do the same thing as well so I decided to call Jong-suk’s father to ask for his number and from him I found out that someone named Amber Lee took you from him. That’s why he’s drunk as .”


“Yeobo…” Mommy grabs her arms to try and calm her down.


“So, tell me. Where did the two of you went?”


“We just went to a poetry café daddy.”


“Stayed there until 3?”


“N-no… We drove around the city as well.”


“This will be the last time that I will be seeing her from stepping inside our house. You are never to be friends with her or even be involved in her life ever again.”


 That made me furrow my eyebrows. “But why? She did nothing wrong.”


“I know people like her Krystal. So just be a good daughter and simply follow my rules. Don’t try and disobey me.” She said in a very serious voice. “We’re flying to America tomorrow and spend our Holidays there. You and Yoona will be grounded so that means no cell phones or any type of media for you twins and that’s final.”


“But daddy!!!” I tried to throw a tantrum but she just turned around and went straight to their room.


“Don’t worry Krystal, I’ll try and convince your father. You know how she loves you and she can be a bit over-protective sometimes.” She kissed me on the forehead. “Go upstairs and get some sleep okay? I’ll see you in the morning.”



But Jessica wasn’t able to convince Yuri as Krystal finds herself fastened to a first class seat with the view of the clouds. She should be happy to see her grandparents who they only get to see only once a year but she, alongside with Yoona had their worried faces throughout the whole ride. They tried to look happy in their grandparents but when they got inside the room, Yoona places her luggage in a very careless way as she starts to walk back and forth.



“This is bad twin, this is seriously bad.”


“Tell me about it.”


“No… Like SERIOUSLY bad.” Krystal looked at her twin. “Because the last time that I was with Seohyun, she got a surprise visit.”


“Who was the visitor then?”


Uncle Taeyeon.”


Krystal’s eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, that is bad…”


“I’m so sorry twinny, I wasn’t able to protect you because I was busy caring for my girlfriend.”


“It’s not only you who has a problem.” Krystal slumps back on the bean bag chair. “Daddy wants me to completely remove Amber from my life.”


“What?” Yoona exclaimed. “Now that’s crazy.”


“I wanted to ask daddy about it. I want to know why she asked me to do it…”


“Maybe she just wants to protect you because she doesn’t know Amber that well.”


“That could be the reason.”


“I’m pretty sure that daddy will let this one slide since it’s Christmas twin. You don’t have to worry, maybe if you’ll just tell her how great Amber is, she might change her mind right?”


Krystal sighs. “Okay… Do you know where is daddy now?”


“I remember that she’s with baby Sinba and the dogs outside the patio.”




Krystal nods her head and got down the stairs, down to the patio where she saw her father sitting down on one of the chairs with a mug on the table and a lot of sheets in her hands with a pen tucked in her ears. She shakes off the nervousness in her system as she opens the sliding door and sat on the vacant seat. Both of them are now watching Eunbi as two other dogs played with her in the snow. Krystal could even see how happy Eunbi is.



“Daddy?” Krystal’s voice cracked. “A-are you still mad at me?”


Without even looking at her daughter, Yuri answers. “Honey, you know I can’t hold any anger against you.” She said as she takes the mug and drinks from it. “Or any of my children.”


Krystal smiled a bit and knew that there was a hope for her. “T-then will you let me-“


I will let this one slide if you promise me to never to talk to Amber ever again.”


Suddenly, all the hope Krystal had in her slowly came crashing down. “Why do you hate her so much?”


Krystal never meant for herself to sound so bitter. “I would’ve been alright if it’s just friendship.”


“But we are friends! We’re just friends!”


“Are you sure it’s purely friendship?” Yuri finally looks at her. “Then, let me rephrase the question. Do you see her as a friend?” And this time, Krystal was unable to respond. “See this is where things get complicated.”


“I am willing to stay as a friend.”




“Yes because I believe you cannot and you must not force your feelings on someone.” She paused for a while. “Daddy, all I ask is one chance for you to see how great Amber is as a friend. She looks after me, she makes me laugh, she makes everything comfortable. I feel that I can be completely be myself whenever I am around her.”


“My answer is still no.” She went back to her work.


“Please daddy!” There were already tears in Krystal’s eyes as she holds her father’s hand. “Please…”


“You always listen to me.” Yuri looks at her once again. “And look what she has done to you now.”




Krystal was really hurt that her father reacted that way towards her love life. Yuri returns to her work and she just dashed her way out of the Patio and out of the house towards the cold winter streets of San Francisco. She was so jealous as she remembers how supportive Yuri was when she found out that Yoona likes Seohyun or how she teases Seulgi to grow up fast and marry Irene but when it comes to her, her daddy completely shuts down the thought of the possibility that Amber and her can be lovers.

While walking, she thought to herself that she wanted to continue her friendship with Amber. Even if it was purely friends, Krystal was happy with it because she can be with Amber and she feels that Amber is slowly opening up to her. She even thinks to herself that with just a little push, Amber can forget about the person she likes and focus on something that’s real, something that’s right in front of her, and that Krystal Kwon. But on the other hand, pursuing this friendship can break the bond with her father and there is also a possibility that things may never be the same way again. She sighed to herself as she finds herself in a very deep dilemma.

Suddenly, a few meters from the bench she was sitting she sees a telephone booth. She thinks about it for a while and looked from above as if she was asking for a confirmation. She figured out that if she cannot decide on her own, then she must decide based on a sign. She didn’t believe these kind of superstitious stuffs but now it seems like it was all she could rely on.

As she walks towards the empty telephone booth, she finally came up with a sign. If Amber picks up her phone, she must throw away all the inhibitions she has inside her mind and simply follow her heart. But if Amber doesn’t pick up she must break her heart one last time and do what she needed to do and let go of Amber. Along with the trembling hands she reaches deep inside her pocket two-one dollar coins. She inserts the other one, but then she hesitates whether she should do this or not?




“No Krystal Kwon, you need to do this. For yourself.”



She breathes heavily and drops the second coin and proceeds with dialing Amber’s phone number. Now, the most painful part of this decision is to wait for the phone to ring. The first ring has passed and God knows how fast her heartbeat went. The second ring followed then the third ring, and she already starts to tap her foot because she starts to be a little impatient as usual. This will probably be the longest minute of her life. And just as when she was about to give up-























































Another update! Yey for me :)

The poem that Amber spoke was written by yours truly :)

I Hope this story would get much love as my other stories though :(


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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
22 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)