The Second

Gangsta Boy












“You again?” A man in his early 40’s slumps back at his chair and looks at the person in front of him with disbelief written all over his face. “This is the 4th of the month.”


“So? If I come here next time will there be a discount or something?”


“Listen kid-“


“I’m not a kid.”


“Okay, YOUNG ADULT.” He corrects. “I’ve caught you fighting in grocery stores, alleys during 2 AM, bars and what not’s but this is too much. A mall? Seriously?”


“I thought it was the perfect arena to embarrass him.”


“Look, you’re still young and you need to focus on your academics rather than this. I know why you did this or you do this and I appreciate your effort but not all problems have this solution. Instead on getting even, why don’t you help her instead? She needs you now more than anything else.”


“Just give me my cell. I don’t like this kind of talk.”


He looked at the latter for a while before sighing. “Hey Park!”


“Yes captain?”


“The usual cell.”



Amber stood up and walked ahead of the officer like she knows the way like the back of her hand. Of course she would be familiar with the way. It’s the 4th time in a month of being here. Just imagine how many times she can be in trouble within a year. Arriving onto the specific cell she requested, the officer opens up the cell so Amber could enter.



“Forgetting something?” She then lifted up her hands.


“Ah, yes, of course I’m sorry.” He quickly unlocks the handcuffs.


“Officer Park?” The man turns to Amber. “Being a police man does not suit you.”


He scrunched up his eyebrows together. “Well, what do you think fits me then?”


Amber whispered. “Actor.”


“Believe her officer.” Another person joins their conversation. “She told me I’m better at being a jerk so here I am.”


“I-I should get back to work.”


When he left, Amber turned to the owner of the voice. “Really? You’re such a .”


“The last time I remember, hello started with an H.”


Amber grabs a pillow and throws it at him. “There, is that a better hello now?” Instead of getting pissed he just chuckled.


“Hello Amber.”


“Hello Choiza.”



Amber and Choiza first met well, here in the prison and since both of them didn’t have the money to be bailed out of here, they were always stuck together and they instantly clicked like 2 magnets pulling one another. However, Choiza’s case was a lot heavier so he was sentenced into a 5-year sentence and Amber would just come in and out like how a visitor would do.



“Who was it this time?”


“Some teacher at a university I guess.”


“Whoa, that’s amazing.”


“It would have been fine. Until she came home one night screaming her heart out, telling me how heartbroken she is because he already has a family.”


He looked displeased. “Now that’s nasty.”


“Tell me about it.”


“She always sees him without the ring so I guess it was not her fault.”

Choiza just nods his head. “How is she?”


“Trying to be strong, you know, as always.”


“Hey, I’m getting gloomy. Let’s talk about other things.”



It’s probably one of the good things about being in a cell with someone like Choiza. You are in prison but he’s so talkative that it doesn’t feel like a prison. It felt like the two of you were just simply hanging out on a one fine day and for about 2 hours all they talked about was how exciting their lives were as they said their individual dreams one by one, in hopes of turning them into reality some time later on. They would also imagine what if’s…  And just like always, Amber would always update Choiza what’s happening on the outside world.



Right after Choiza was sharing his dreams, Officer Park returned. “Liu?”




He opened the cell door. “You got bailed, come on.”


Amber was confused. “Me? Bailed out?”


“Yeah, a teenager is looking for you.”


Choiza smiled. “Looks like your sister has a lot of friends now.”


The latter just shakes her head. “Aish, jinjja.”


“Hey Amber.”




“I’m going to be out soon.” He smiles. “3 months more.”


Amber smiled when she heard the news. “I’m happy for you… Plus, I am so tired of updating you.”


“Which is why you need to be feistier and involve in more fights okay? You only got 3 more months to see this face.”


“We’ll see.” She waves. “See you.”


“Take care.”




Amber leaves her friend behind and follows the officer right in front of her to get back her stuffs and sign some papers before leaving the police station. Of course, before going to the front desk she still encouraged the young officer to involve in acting since she was pretty sure herself that he would be best in there and that just confused Officer Park.

She turns to leave the place and head outside to see her sister who would always bail her out whenever she’s in this kind of trouble. Although she’s pretty strong, she’s still nervous as hell because she knows she’ll receive a lot of scolding and probably a pinch in the ear.  Pushing the door, she calls the attention of the girl whose back was facing her.



Krystal?” Amber was sure surprised to see the latter here.


Krystal offered a soft smile. “Hey sunbae.”


“What are you doing here?” She was still confused. “Were you the one who bailed me out?”


“Yeah, I kind of did.”


“You shouldn’t have done that.” Amber furrowed her eyebrows. “C’mon, let’s go back to the police maybe they can refund-“


“No.” The tomboy turns to her. “I am not going to get a refund.”


“If this is out of pity then-“


“Believe me it’s not.” She answers right away. “Just think of this as a repay.”


“A re-pay? For what?”


“When… When you saved me? In middle school.” Krystal couldn’t think of any other answer that would make sense besides the one she said.


It was a deafening silence between them until Krystal heard Amber saying- “You’re 10 years late.”


She now sees Amber with a soft expression on her face. “Better late than never right?”


“Does this repay come with a  dinner?”


She rises up a first-aid kit. “Plus this.”


Amber smiled. “My bike’s back at the mall, but I know a good place nearby so we can eat there.”


“Okay, let’s take a cab-“


“A cab? That’s very expensive!”


“So what can you suggest then? Walk?”


She shakes her head. “There’s thing called bus.




Before Krystal could say anything else, Amber drags her away and they waited by the bus stop where a lot of people were waiting for the bus to arrive which surprised Krystal. They stood there until the bus arrived. They fall in cue until they were inside the bus and since Krystal was a newbie to this one, she didn’t know what to do so Amber grabbed some rough change inside her pocket and placed them in and grabbed their tickets. She also ushered Krystal to their seats.

They didn’t talk to one another even until they were inside the street stall and bought two tteokbuki and some fish cakes. Amber paid for the dinner even though Krystal tried to protest and they moved out on the stall and settled on a huge oak tree in a middle of the park. They both thanked for the food and continued to eat in silence.



 “So, how does it taste?”


“It’s good!” Krystal nods her head enthusiastically. “What do you call this one again?”


“Tteokbuki.” Amber answers.


“And this one?”


“Skewed fish cakes.”


“Wow, it is sooooo good.” Krystal continues to munch on her food.


“Don’t tell me it’s your first time eating these two?” And when Krystal looked away with a hint of pink cheeks, she got her answer. “Really? This is your first time?”


“Yeah… And with the bus too.”


“Really?” Amber sounded so in disbelief. “ You must be that rich huh?”


“It’s not like that… My grandparents are so protective of us.”


“Hmmmm.” Amber nods her head.


“Sunbae… Isn’t it too dark for this place?”


“Don’t worry, it’ll get brighter.”



As if on cue, far from a distance an oak tree lights up as it was surrounded by Christmas lights. One glowed after another until their tree was also lighted up. Krystal then turns to Amber whose face has this ‘I told you so’ written on her forehead. She just shakes her head and grabs the first aid kit and starts to put ointment around Amber’s face.



“So it’s true.” Krystal initiates the talk. “All the… All- all the things that I heard.”


“Sadly, yes.”


“Oh.” Krystal was disappointed to hear her crush admit something like that.


“I’m sorry you had to find it out that way.”


“Do you always involve yourself into these kinds of things?”


“It’s personal with this one.” Amber starts. “My younger sister always had hots for older men and some of those men will use my sister’s innocence to their advantage.”


“Are you not against of her preferred men?”


“No way… Whether it’s 15 or 50 years of age difference, as long as it is love- then I can see no wrong in that.”


Krystal blushed at the word love. “Y-y-yeah.”


“But just kidding, 50 years is way off.” They both chuckled until it died. “Why’d you do it?”


“What did I do?”


“Why did you bail me out.”


“I, I just figured that if you’re there, and Sulli’s here outside- no one is going to protect her. I know what you did back there has a valid reason behind it. I wanted to bail you out to get the answer myself.”


“And are you happy with the answers you got? Are you satisfied?”


Krystal puts the gauze on Amber’s face. “I was honestly hoping that those rumors were not true and I can’t believe them until I hear those from you…” She said. “But now it’s confirmed, I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.”


“So after this, you’re going to pretend that this has never happened and just avoid me just like everyone else in school?”


Krystal was unsure but she felt like she heard some bitterness in Amber’s choice of words. “I would never do that to you.


“That’s what everybody told me too.”


“All I wanted to say is yes, the rumors are true and there’s nothing I could do about it because that’s your life and you make the choices. But no, I am not going to be like everybody else in the school or wherever you met them. I’m not going to stop here because no matter what they may throw at you, in my mind you will always be the Amber Josephine Lee that helped me back 10 years ago.”


Krystal’s heart was beating faster with her confession. And to her surprise, Amber looked away and started chuckling. “You still remember that day huh?”


“Why? Don’t you remember it?”


Amber shakes her head. “I knew it was 10 years ago, I just forgot what I did to protect you.”


While Amber was still chuckling, Krystal starts to feel disappointed again that Amber forgot something so special for her. “Yeah, I knew you would forget about it.” She said with much bitterness.


“Hey.” Amber nudges her.


“What?” She snaps.


“Braided hair with bangs, white dress and some good old children’s shoes as tears stream down your face while you were holding onto your drawing and swinging by yourself.” They looked at one another. “How could I forget the adorable Krystal Kwon?”


That made the latter one blush so hard that she tried to laugh it off. “You… You-y-you ha-d me at that one.”


You always had me.




Krystal snaps her head back to Amber as they were both looking at each others’ eyes. The latter’s chuckling faded away and they were both wrapped around in silence. Amber finally realized what she just said and just looked away to scratch the back of her neck and for Krystal she finds her adorable. Being here with Amber just made her confirm her feelings for her and fell for her even more. She finally accepted that it doesn’t matter anymore if the rumors are true, because she knows now that despite of the entire bad image that was surrounding her, she was still the same Amber Lee.



“I-I didn’t mean it like that.” Amber says.


“Hahaha, it’s the first time you stuttered.”


Amber smiled as she looks back at her. “Guess I should stop hanging out with you then?” Krystal was suddenly silenced. “Nah, I’m just kidding!”


“Yah!” Amber just chuckled at her.


“So Krystal Kwon… Tell me more about yourself.”



“I’m home!”



It was Monday and Krystal was still reminded on what happened during the weekend. Every time she would remember the moment she had with Amber, it would automatically bring a smile on her face and even her friends were really curious about it and demanded a story but she wouldn’t spill. She knows her friends already had a clue as to why she’s so happy.

Her family was curious about it too. When she came home that night with a huge smile on her face, her twin was the first one to interrogate her. The next morning, her father also realized that she woke up a little early than the usual and asked her about it. Her younger sibling Seulgi asked about it too but still she wouldn’t tell. Even if Eunbi, their youngest sibling could talk still she won’t spill about it.



“Krystal? Is that you?”


“Yes mommy! I’m inside the kitchen!”


“Oh good! Kindly bring me a bottle of water please!”


“Copy that!” Krystal obeyed and hummed into a song she just jammed on her way home here as she gets inside her mother’s office. “There you go.”


“Thank you darling.”


“You’re welcome mom.”


Krystal was about to leave the room when her mother calls her attention again. “Let’s talk.”


“O…kay.” She sits right in front of her. “What is it that you want to talk about?”


“Well, I was going through some papers and I found this.” She hands the paper to Krystal and that surprised her daughter. “500,000 from Seoul police precinct? Since when?” Krystal was hesitant to answer. “Are you involved-“


“No… I used my credit card to help a friend.”


“So tell me more about this friend.”


“I bailed her out because I knew she wasn’t like that. She has some valid reason why she did it.”


“Her?” Krystal nodded. “What exactly happened that she ended up in the police?”


“She fought with a man.” Krystal looks at her mother who was eager to know what happened so she exhaled one last time before continuing- “Inside of a mall.”


Jessica was unable to absorb completely what her daughter just said. “So she fought with a man, who I assumed is a lot older than her inside a mall?”


“With his wife seeing the whole situation.”


“Oh Krystal…” Jessica shakes her head. “You’re friend is some kind of trouble huh.”


“But mommy, I only did it because I remembered what you said…” Krystal trails off. “That true love means looking past through the negativity and focusing on who the person really is.”


Jessica smirked as her daughter was still waiting for her to answer. “So is this friend is the special assignment?” Krystal was stupid to slip it out. “Are you for sure that what you are feeling for her now is true love?”


Faint pink shade could be seen on her princess’ cheeks. “M-m-mom!”


“I’m just teasing.” She taps her head.


“I’ll go ahead.” Krystal stands up.


“One more thing baby girl.” Krystal looks up to her. “You don’t need to worry about a thing. I won’t tell your father about this.”


“Promise you won’t tell daddy about this?”


Jessica nods and smiles. “Promise.”



Morning came and today’s week was the week where all the students would cram in efforts to have the passing score they need to survive another term in the school. From the school’s entrance hallway the Kwon twins dashed their way inside to have a serious study session with Yoona’s girlfriend, Seohyun. Krystal on the other hand went to her locker first to get her books and things while Yoona sprinted to the library for she knows how serious Seohyun is when it comes to studying all though she was a hippie chick. Krystal turns the lock code to open her locker only to find out there’s another note slipped inside it.











She looked around again to see if there was someone watching her. This is the second time that she got a letter from her mysterious admirer and she really can’t wait until this mystery is solved. Again just like the previous letter, she finds the thought of it sweet. But if ever this person would find the courage and confess to her in person, she would just apologize and kindly reject the guy because she as her eyes on someone else, even if she won’t look at her way.

Grabbing her books she heads up to the library to be with Yoona and Seohyun who were studying very diligently. Up until now, it’s still unbelievable that a hippie, care-free person and kind of a rebel type of girl like Seohyun would be their batch’s number 1 student when it comes to academics. You just can’t really judge someone based on the outside appearance. She greets Seo hello and starts to study on her own to catch up with them.




“Krystal, do you have your answer now?” Her twin says lazily.


“I have one. It’s 6.45 right?” She looks at Seohyun for an approval which she immediately gets. “Yes!”


“No fair! I have been studying it for an hour now and yet you got it immediately on your first try?”


“Sometimes, you just can’t have it all.” Krystal winks.


“High five!” Seohyun agrees. “Come on babe, you really think that you can have the athleticism, the beauty, the body and the brains?” She shakes her head. “You’re thinking too much.”


“Yah, may I remind you guys I am at the top 10.”


“Yeah, being the top 10.” The two girls giggled while Yoona just pouted.


“I just pray that my nieces or nephews won’t get their mental ability from you.”


“Yah!” Yoona hissed a little louder this time as she throws a paper on her twin sister that just laughed. “Just get out of here will you? I’m tryin’ to focus here.”


“While I wait for us to proceed with the other subjects, I’ll just grab a book to read.”



I left out table and let the two of them help one another especially my sister who easily gets frustrated whenever she’s the only one not being able to get the correct answer. While my sister gets mentally drained, I will let my mind relax for about 20 minutes and that would be reading my favorite book.



“Where is it, where is it…” I looked through different shelves to find it. “Aha, here it is.” I smiled to myself as I grabbed the book and scanned the pages. “Now where was I? Ah yes, page 347.”



I really like reading this story that I found last summer while I was doing a summer workshop and after reading the first chapter, I was already in love. It happened in the year of 1967 and a war was about to happen in Korea. The young couple was too in love with one another but there were a lot of factors that were stopping them from being together like social status in life. Eventually, the two of them broke up and while they were both devastated, the woman chose to continue on with her life while the man joined the army and he was so motivated to move on from her love life, that he refused to go back and continuously devoted his time in the military until he saves another man from almost dying at the expense of his foot. When he comes back home, he finds out that the man he saved is the husband of her first love. I really find it interesting and so I hope that-



“So this is the technique for getting that A huh.” I didn’t have to turn around to know the owner of the voice. I am not her number 1 fan for nothing but I can’t look around because I might not be able to hide my smile. “So is there a hello greeting from you hidden somewhere in your throat?”


I turned around to face her and immediately noticed who hot she is wearing that plain shirt and messy hair of hers that made me swallow a huge lump on my throat. “W-w-hat?”


That made her smile somehow. “Hey.”



She then looks at the book I was holding. “Ah, I remember this book.”


“Y-you do?” She nodded her head.


“I read it when I came back. The classroom was a bull place to stay in so I looked for some good books around here and they were all crappy and old as our librarian-“ She was unable to continue her story because I covered .


“Your voice is too loud… Remember she loves walking around.” I removed my cover and I could hear my heart beating faster because my hand was able to touch her lips. , I am so stupid!


“Yeah, like she’s gonna caught some random teens making out in secluded areas of the library. What is this 1980’s where everything’s corny and mushy?” She shakes her head. “So back to my story, overall it’s a really great book. The ending part is actually where- oof!” She was rubbing now the part where I lightly punched her. “You do know how to punch.”


“Pops used to be a boxer. Daddy made us enroll in boxing classes.”


“Just remind me not to mess with you.” We both looked at one another. “But seriously, that’s  a good book.”


“You finished it?” I sounded a little more surprised than I intended.


“Of course, the story is so goddamn good. I appreciated how the word love was described in this book. And I just find the man stupid you know? He thought that he moved away from the girl and just focus on other things is going to make him free from the past.”


“Isn’t focusing yourself to other things or moving away is like somehow allowing yourself to move on?”


“What? No way!” She has this great disbelief written on her face. “Okay let me ask you one thing. How can you forget your true love? I mean, if there is even a way possible, how certain are you that you will be able to move on?” I wasn’t able to answer. “See? This is my point. How can he move on from his true love? How can he walk away from something that’s so real? You simply don’t walk out on facts and the fact that he’s still in love with her. He will always love her and that’s a fact right there. The lie on the story is that if you kept yourself busy on other things, you will be able to move on from your true love so he went to military and all the things just to keep his mind clean of her and that the he thought his real goal was to be a soldier and forever serve the country, like his father did. But no, that’s not it.”


“What is his true goal then?”


“To stop all the bull and just be with her.” She answers. “ The girl is his reality, his goal.”


“So that’s the fact then? The girl was his ultimate goal?”


“The fact is the girl is her home. And he will always come back to her.”


We were both silenced by her statement. “I’ve thought a home was built on walls and a warm ambiance inside it.”


“Someday you will realize that a pair of arms can be warmer than four walls.”


We just continued on staring at one another until I decided to look away. “I’ll tell you if I can agree to your statement once I finish reading the book.”


“I can’t wait till you agree with me.” She smiles.


“Krystal?” It was Seohyun’s voice and it made us look at her. “Oh, there you are.”


“Y-y-yeah. What’s up?”


“Yoona’s looking for you and she’s up for another sample test. Plus she can’t wait to beat your this time.”


I just shook my head and turn back to Amber. “Well, you heard her.”


“I really can’t compete with a sibling and plus, it’s a twin.” She shrugs.


“I’ll… see you around I guess?”


She was walking backwards already with a nod. “Yeah sure I’ll see you- WHOA!”





The whole library was shook surprising me, Seohyun and the rest of the students as Amber accidentally stumbles upon a shelf and God only knows how long it has been there so the shelf fell one after the other exposing us to the students who were there to spend their time studying. The silence was crushed by stilettos walking towards our direction, Mrs. Bum has this unexplainable expression on her face as her eyebrows were almost the verge of combining together. With one exhale she says-





 “Yah, what was the exam all about?!”


“I didn’t even understand a thing!”


“What about you Krystal? Don’t you have anything to say about how horrible the exams went?”


“You just had to ask the number 2 highest ranking student in our batch huh Luna?”



As Luna scratches her head when she realized what she just did, I just shook my head and invited them for an ice cream date because clearly, their heads need a major cool down. When we got outside and they talked about how difficult the exam week is going to be, I found a person sitting by the principal’s office and even from afar, I know who is person is. I wanted to go over and talk but I know it would make these two very suspicious so maybe I should divert them first before heading there.



“Hey, why don’t we freshen up first?”


“Great idea, who knows we’ll meet some fresh meat over there.” Luna and Victoria agreed to one another.


“Okay, you guys can go ahead first I just need to make a call.”



After making sure that the two of them have entered the comfort room, I started to make my way towards her. She has her backpack as her support for her head and it looks like she was sleeping so I doubt whether to continue what I plan but then the slight movement of her shoulders gave me the idea that she was not really sleeping at all. I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and sat down beside her which caught her attention and looked at me confusingly. Still, without saying anything I offered her my handkerchief.



After taking it, she looked at me direction again. “Why?”


“I know how much she loves you. And I know how much you love her.”

She looked at the handkerchief. “You know.” I sniffed.


“I can be that protective too when it comes to my younger siblings.” I said. “Especially Eunbi. Boy when she grows up, she’ll cause the three of us major problems!” I shake my head. “But even though it’s going to be a major problem, it’s my job to make sure that she finds someone who can stay with her even if hell breaks loose.”


“I know it’s hard for her…” Sulli trails off. “To be both a parent and a sibling to someone who’s immature and to gullible as me and I hate it everything people misunderstand her actions of protecting me. They just can’t understand the weight she’s carrying right now. She has to cater to me, my studies, her studies, my stupidness, her choices in life, medication of our dad, the new family…” She sighs. “People just don’t get that she needs to grow up fast so that she can take care of me and dad and she needs to act as if she’s every day okay when in fact she’s not. She’s not being strong for herself, she’s being strong for me and for our family because she knows if she breaks down, I would crumble to pieces because I am so dependent on her.”


“Sulli, you don’t need to always rely on Amber, you can be strong yourself and I know that you can do it because just like your older sister I know that you are strong. So I suggest that you don’t go walking around dangerous streets and offering a pure heart as yours. They don’t deserve your heart and we both know that you deserve better. Don’t go looking around for love, keep your heart safe inside yourself. Love yourself as you are, be independent and wait for the right moment. Let love find you.” I tapped her knee. “Good things come to those who wait right? But greater things come to those who prepare.” I smiled.


“You know what Krystal? Hyung was right about you.”


Just mentioning Amber’s name all of a sudden made me blush and choked. “M-m-m-m-e? W-w-w-y-y- what did she said about me?”


“I thought she was joking around when she said you were adorable but she is so spot on.” Sulli giggles. “I thought you were this cold hearted but I should know better now.” She smiles. “Thanks Krystal.”


“W-w-w-w-what? S-s-s-she s-s-aid th-th-that I’m… a-a-a-d-or-adorable?”


“Hahahahahaha… See? This is why you’re adorable.”


“Hey Krys, who is that you’re talking-“


“Hey guys.” I immediately stand up. “Already done?”


Luna and Victoria looked at Sulli from head to toe. “Yeah let’s go.”


“O-okay.” I turned to Sulli. “I’ll see you around.”



Sulli just gave me a nod and a small smile before I left with my friends as we head out to the gate and wait for my driver to arrive. Apparently, Yoona is staying the night at Seohyun’s house so it’s me all alone again. After getting our orders, we sat in our usual table and ate in silence.



“First you bail out Amber and now you’re comforting Sulli?”


“She was crying and I only did what I had to do. Anyone could have done that.”


“What are you now the guardian angels of the Lee’s?” Vic said. “Don’t include me to that anyone Krys, I won’t do it… She’s not worth my time.”


“My time too. They’re such a fantastic combo, a gangster and a gold digger.” Luna scoffs. “No wonder God made them siblings.” Even though what they were saying is already rude, I still try to remain silent because I’m afraid of the possibility of our friendship being broken. “And you know what? From what I’ve heard, Sulli’s even doing a part-time job.”


“Really? What kind of job?”


Luna leans to Victoria and says- “Pick-up girl.”


Okay, that’s the last straw. I stabbed my spoon onto my ice cream and looked at them. “Yah.”


“What?” Luna looked at me. “I’m just saying what I’ve gathered.”


“What you’ve gathered, is a complete rumor. That’s not the truth.”


“Oh yeah? So what is the truth then about your future sister-in-law huh Krystal?” She challenges me back.


“She works at night by the coffee shop right next to a freaking strip club.” I then used my phone and showed them a picture of Yoona and Sulli. “Yoona’s a regular there so she sees Sulli 5 times a week.” They were unable to speak after that so I grabbed my phone and put it inside my pocket. “I am sick and tired of all the people who bash Amber and her younger sister like they’ve all done us wrong. So what if Amber’s a gangster? So what if Sulli prefers older man? So what if they have that kind of family background? Suzy’s mom re-married 5 times and have 4 step siblings each with different dad but just because she’s the campus crush no one dared to call her mom a gold digger and she even has a boyfriend who’s been in and out of the prison yet no one dares to insult her when she has insulted everybody.” I then turned to Luna. “And what about you huh Luna? Onew’s family is also poor as but yet you don’t want us to judge him because you know yourself Onew hates it when he’s being judged. So you gave them a decent apartment and acted as if they won some lottery just to stay your boyfriend is living well.” I turned to my right. “And don’t you remember? 2 years ago you called me crying and desperately pleaded me to tell my father not to push through the deal so that Nickhun’s family could have that deal just so they get to save their bankrupt asses.” I scoffed as none of them dared to answer back. “You don’t want me to judge your ed up love lives but here you are judging mine and her younger sister. Tell me, is this friendship really is? ‘Cause if this is the real thing then I don’t want to be part of your circle.”



I grabbed my things as I head out to the street to calm myself just by walking. I was thanking God that I was able to stop myself from creating a scene or else daddy will be really mad at me for doing that. I grabbed my phone and texted my driver not to pick me up and continued to walk down the sidewalk as I continue to reflect on my actions. I even start to feel guilty about what I did to them but then another part of me wanted to be proud of myself for finally standing up against their rude comments.





I turned around and removed my headphones as I see an all black motorbike. I didn’t even have to wonder who this person is, or what the plate number is. Even before the driver pulled up the helmet, I already knew who this person was.



“Wanna go for a walk by the river?”




“Here you go.” Amber places down a bunch of food on their wooden mat.


Instantly I grabbed some cash from my pocket. “Here’s my share-“


She shakes her head. “It’s on me.” Still I insisted of paying her. “My step father recently gave us our monthly allowance.” She re-assures me.


Since I can’t beat her on her stubbornness I decided to let this one go as well. “I guess he’s still trying his best huh.” She just answered me with a shrug. “I think you really should give him a chance.”


“He’s a good man for my mom but I just can’t leave my dad knowing his situation. Especially 3 months from now he will undergo an operation. I know my dad’s like everybody else say about him but no matter how rude he has been, he will always be my father and I will always be there for him.”


I smiled. It’s nice to know that even though Amber’s a tough one, she’s soft-hearted when it comes to family. “It’s nice to hear that from you sunbae.”


“You know what’s the other thing that is nice to hear?” I looked at her, waiting for her answer. “When you defended us in front of your friends.”



I suddenly felt my whole system just shut down and I was there staring blankly at her. She smiled at me before bashing her eyelashes and I find it really adorable. Oh my gosh, how can I not notice that she was in the same establishment? I then start to flashback on how I looked earlier if it was still attractive in her eyes. I really tried to hide my smile but that instantly faded away when I remembered one of the lines that I spoke earlier.



“You don’t want me to judge your ed up love lives but here you are judging mine and her younger sister. Tell me, is this friendship really is? ‘Cause if this is the real thing then I don’t want to be part of your circle.”



Quickly I recovered and my system was back on track. “YOU WERE THERE?!”


Amber looked at me confusingly. “I wouldn’t have heard you if I wasn’t there.”




“Just heard enough to know that you were defending me and Sulli.”


“How enough is your enough really?” I was dying to know. I just can’t confess like that!!!! “Tell me what was the last line that you heard.”




“Don’t think about lying sunbae. I know whenever someone’s lying.” I squint my eyes at her.


She chuckles. “When you were mentioning about their ed up love lives. I left after hearing the Nickhun thing to get my motorbike.”


“Wait- how close were you?”


“About a table away.” She nonchalantly answers.


“A TABLE AWAY?!!” I covered my mouth again. “Oh my gosh.”


“You weren’t that loud. I was actually proud of you because you defended us without causing a scene.” She even clapped for me.


“Promise me that’s the last line that you have heard.”


“I would never lie to you.”


I sighed in relief and grabbed a can of soda. “Thank you for this.”


Amber eats a snack before turning to me. “So what now?”


“I don’t know… They’ve been my best friends ever since middle school.” I looked down and played with the soda can. “We even have Saturday Pilates class and afternoon tea on Sundays.”


“That’s what rich people do on their weekends?” I glared at her. “But yeah, I understand your point.”


“Just because we’re a little-“


“Are you sure that you’re only a little above us? Krystal you’re probably wearing a 50,000 won socks, your shoes are probably worth half a million won and that must be a designer bag. So I am not sure that you’re a little above us is the right term.”


, how did she get all the prices right? “Okay okay.” I rolled my eyes. “Even if we have different social status that doesn’t give them the go signal to insult you or your sister when you both did no harm to them. You even help these boys passed their exams right?”


Right there, I wanna bang my head for being so talkative. “Wait Krys, how did you know that I helped them passed their exams?”


“I-…” I looked around in order to avoid eye contact. C’mon Krystal, think. “Luna told me about it.”


“No one knew about it so I know it’s a lie.”


“I…” Wait, how can you say to your crush that you are stalking them without coming out like a creep? “I was also there when I saw you three. I was preparing myself for the exams and that’s when I saw Onew grabbing a lot of books and I was confused because he was never found in the library.” Amber nods her head. “Why were you helping them anyway.”


“They were the good boys in class so I wanted to prove to them that I am still a good kid even though I am labeled as a gangster.” She says. “Actually, ever since they passed, the three of us kind of became friends.”


“How come-“


“I never wanted to show to anybody that I can be attached to someone. And they weren’t ready to sacrifice their social status in school so we kind of keep it as a secret.” She turns to me. “And even if you know, it must remain a secret okay?”


“Okay, whatever you heard from the ice cream parlor must remain a secret too.” I said. “They may be rude, but they still are my best friends.”


“Promise.” She smiles. “Don’t worry Krystal, real friends come around and I’m pretty sure soon enough they’ll understand where you’re coming from.”


“I know they only say stuff to protect me from being near to you. But that’s what they are wrong. There’s nothing scary of being near or being associated with you sunbae. I see you as a good person and not the rumors they try to fill you with.”



Amber just let out a small smile before looking at me and we kind of just talked with the use of our eyes. Suddenly, my vision got blurred because she splashed me with water! I shrieked  immediately and she was there laughing her off. She then removed her shoes and jumped into the water and splashed me once again!



“Sunbae that’s so unfair!!!” I wiped the water off of my face. Thank God I wore waterproof today!


“Come in here and get your revenge then!” She does it again and this time, I was fueled with determination.


“That’s it!”



I immediately removed my shoes and we continued to laugh and play by the river and  even the elders that were in there before us started to look at us gladly they were all just glad to see young people enjoying the park as well. Since we were already drenched in water, I decided to go home but Amber had another plan so we stopped by to visit Sulli to the coffee shop that she was working. She was such a sweetheart and she even let me borrow her clothes. Even Sulli’s boss was an adorable healthy guy and even let her talk with us for a while since it was not the rush hour for their store. Like me and Yoona they also bicker sometimes because Amber is such a bully but whenever Sulli would strike back, Amber would be instantly silenced. It was fun talking to the two of them and knowing that they are strong despite of all the bad things people say about them.

I even got the chance to tutor Sulli for a while and we both agreed that the two of us will hang out from now on. She even thanked me for the advice and even for the defending thing and I really blushed hard because she told me that it was no problem to her if I would be her future sister-in-law. Stupid Amber, why does she have to tell the story to her younger sister?

When we said good bye Amber drove me home and while we were still on the way I cannot help but smile because today is probably one of the memorable days. I have proven myself strong because I was able to defend my love and my future sister-in-law in front of my friends, I have Sulli’s clothes, Amber’s jacket and my arms wrapped around her as we head home. I remember the first time I rode this motorbike and it was such a funny experience because it was my first time and every time I would scream my heart out Amber would just chuckle and revved up the engine even more.



She parked outside of the house as I got off. “Thank you for giving me the ride home.”


“I hope you had fun today.”


I nodded my head. “Don’t forget to study sunbae, it’s still exams week.”


“Okay mom.” We both laughed. “I know myself that even if I didn’t study I would still have a higher grade than you.”


That made my eyebrow arched. “Oh really now? Wanna bet on that one sunbae?”


“Winner gives the consequence once the results are out?”


“Game on student #141.” I smirked.


“That’s student number 1 for you student #2.”


“Whatever, bye.”


“Krystal?” I turned to her. “You might want to return my helmet back?”


I blushed in embarrassment as I hurry to remove the helmet and give it back to her. “Here.”


She chuckled. “See this is why I tell you that I am going to win.”


“Just go home.” I whispered. “Stupid.”



She waved at me one last time before leaving and I was heading to the house while humming a love song once again. I was even hopping on the way to our door when I stopped and silently cursed as I see a black BMW sports car parked in the garage. I looked at my wrist watch and I let out a curse again as I saw it was already 12 midnight. I entered the house and just as I expected- daddy was there standing with her crossed arms and straight face. As nervous as I am now I still went over to her and kiss her cheek hoping to ease her but I still failed because the stern look on her face didn’t even moved.



“You missed family dinner.”


“Yeah, I didn’t know you were coming home from the tour today so I’m sorry about that.”


“Krystal, it’s still exams week correct?” I nodded my head. “Then why are you coming home at 12?”


“I met a new friend. Her name’s Sulli and I wanted to cheer her up and myself as well so we went to the river and played for a while then we moved to the coffee shop where she works so while waiting for her shift to end I decided to study there and tutor her on the way home.” I answered. “Look she even lend me her clothes.”


“Hmmm… What happened to hanging out with Luna and Victoria?”


“We had a little misunderstanding that needs more than a day to fix. But don’t worry daddy I can handle this, our friendship is stronger than this.”


She nods her head. “Well it seems that you have studied enough.”


“Of course.”


“Come here.” Daddy pulls me into a tight hug. “I’m sorry for being so strict in your academics and in your life some times. I just want you guys to have the best in life. I’m sorry too for not being able to help my children study as well.”


See? She’s the best dad in the world. “No worries daddy. You love what you do and we need to be the bigger person here and understand your passion.” I smiled. “I love you daddy and I understand you.”


She kissed my forehead. “I love you too princess.”


“I just hope Yoona will forgive me for taking Seohyun’s spot for today’s term.”


“Hahahahaha… That’s my girl.”



She lets me go and waved good night before entering her room and I went upstairs to enter mine. When I was about to doze off to sleep, a sudden beep on my phone caught my attention.


I hope you sleep well with my jacket.


“Omo.” Then it was followed by another beep.


I got your number from my sister. It’s not too sudden right?

Alright I already sound like a creep so I guess, good night Krystal.


With a huge smile on my face I typed as fast as I could and pressed send. I snuggled her jacket before letting myself be consumed with the sleepiness.













































































Good night sunbae.

You thought that I was going to prolong the next update? Well, think again! HAHAHAHA

I really find stuttering Krystal very adorable! And now, she even decides to continually love her despite the rumours! How sweet!


See, I am capable of writing fluff!!!! (ish) even though I cringe at some parts! Hahahaha. What do you think of this update huh? You think it's a cutie too? Comment down and let me see  how you think of me writing fluff! :)

See you next update!


DonkeyASS walkin' out! :P

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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
22 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)