The Thirteenth

Gangsta Boy

We both laughed quietly as she pressed our foreheads together and used her right hand to cup my cheek. She slowly leans in and sealed my lips with hers. It wasn’t the normal kiss that we usually do rather it was a simple peck yet I could still consider it to be magical as the others.



“I need to go. They’re practically going to wonder why the superstar of the team isn’t there.”


I rolled my eyes. “Show-off.”


“Hahaha, I just don’t want them to panic you know.”


I scoffed. “Yeah sure, gangsters aren’t that confident.”


She smiled. “I’ll see you when I get back?” I nodded my head.


“Don’t forget to bring home the bacon.”


“You bet.” She did her traditional wink that would swoon any girl.


But then again I thought of something. “On second thought, don’t bring home the bacon. Like, the individual bacon. Bring home the W.” She looked at me confusingly. “Just don’t be the MVP or the play of the game or something.”


Amber furrowed her eyebrows. “Why? I thought it was good that I have some personal credentials.”


“Because!!!” I pouted and lowered my head. “I don’t want girls to be all over you.”


She lets out a hearty laugh. “Krystal are you being serious right now? You’re going to be jealous of the girls who might want to have a picture with me?” I nodded my head. “Look, for some unknown reason they do want to have a picture with me but I don’t want them to think I am being rude to them just by following your request. I mean, if I tell them that my girlfriend asked me to refrain from taking a picture with you guys then they’ll think of you as someone so possessive. Do you want that?”


“They can think all they can for all I care. I am just worried you might meet someone prettier there.”


“Baby don’t let your insecurities get the best of you.” She says in a calming tone. “In fact, you need to be proud of yourself because they only get to see me during my games or have a photo with me when I have free time after the game. But you? You can get them anytime you want.” She smiles. “So don’t worry about the girls, I chose you and I’ll always stand by that decision.”



Eventually Amber left and I crawled back to sleep for hours until my alarm started making annoying sounds. Rubbing my eyes I grabbed my phone and got a good morning message from Amber saying that they have arrived and she’ll take a rest first not forgetting to greet me another happy birthday. My friends too greeted me and asked me if I could hang out with them in our house which I gladly agreed. When I went down I saw lots of boxes given by our sponsors and surprisingly I got a few birthday presents from the fans as well.



“Good morning twinny!”


“Good morning guys, mother.” I smiled at them and sat on the table.


“Mommy cooked all of your favorite dishes. Are you excited to eat them all at once?”


“Thanks mom, and yes Seulgi I am more than prepared to devour them all.”


“Have you seen the gifts that the sponsors gave us twinny? They are UH-MAY-ZING!” She clapped her hands. “Mother has to tell you something by the way.”


“Yoona, I told you I’ll be the one to tell her.”


“Sorry mom, just got a little excited.”


I looked at them confusingly. “What’s happening? And why are you so fidgety?” I refer to Yoona who kept shaking on her chair.


“I have some good news princess. Two good news actually.”


“Okay, so what is it?”


“First good news, Etude house wants to sign you and your sister as their new youth ambassadresses.”


“OH MY GOD REALLY?!” My sister and I shrieked. “Etude’s like my religion!” I squealed.


“Me too! I was so excited when I heard the news that I was literally jumping!”


“Okay okay, that was definitely a good news.” I smiled. “What’s the other one?”


“Oh! Oh! I haven’t heard this one.” Yoona says.


Mom just smiled at us. “Your father finally agreed to give me investment to establish my very own modeling agency.”



The three of us screamed in delight as we started dancing and congratulating mom even our youngest sister was so happy that she started lifting her spoon by her own and started screaming. She really wanted this for a very long time and I am so proud of her that daddy was finally convinced to give her a chance. With her skills and her various connections, I am sure she’s goddamn ready for the modeling industry.

Eventually mom called Etude and told them that we would meet them today and she thought that it was a nice strategy to for us to post about the upcoming meeting with Etude house and how my mother wanted for us to say that we are members of the pioneering models of her agency and she was right, Etude even congratulated us by commenting on our post saying that they were even more excited while hearing this news. Fans as well and friends and family congratulated us. See, told you my mom’s gonna do big in the industry.

While Seohyun called Yoona to congratulate her for the good news, I decided to talk to my mom about this thought that has been bugging me since last night.



“Come inside dear.”


“Hey mommy? Are you busy?”


“No I’m not. What’s up? Sorry for the messy table. I have a lot of planning and arranging to do.”


“Oh sorry I think I came at a bad-“


“Non-sense, family always comes first. So tell me.” She was done arranging her files. “What’s up?”


How the hell am I suppose to start this thing? “I was just curious, what did you do to make daddy agree?”


“We basically decided that your baby sister will be the last member of the family and so she told me last night that Eunbi will eventually grow up and I would have nothing else to do so she finally said yes and invested in my modeling company.”


I smiled. “That’s so sweet of daddy. That guilt tripping for years finally paid off huh?”


“YES!” My mom exclaimed. “I mean, it was so unfair of her to have all the things she wanted, do the things she could do but then I on the other hand do not have anything else!”


I nodded my head in agreement. “When you and daddy were young adults did you had some insecurities yourself?”


“Definitely, your father’s popularity back in the day sky rocketed and they were famous internationally and mostly the fans would really gush on her since she’s the lead singer of the band.”


“Typical.” I said which my mom nodded.


“When we publicly announced that we were a couple, a lot of their fans made me feel like I was nothing compared to your father’s past lovers or to them as fans saying that they could give anything that Yuri wanted and that what the hell did Yuri saw in me in the first place and they told that our relationship was pure PR and all that stuff and most of them gets through me so I get a little bit lowkey possessive towards your father.”


“Like how?”


“Whenever there was a fan or they would go to a fan meet they would obviously would want a picture with her and I fear that Yuri can fall for someone else or some fan would catch her attention and realize that the latter is much better than me.” My mom smiled. “We would always get into random fights all of a sudden and she’ll end up being mad at me because I was jealous for some low and petty.”


I gasped. “Dad’s a bit harsh don’t you think?”


“Then I triggered her by asking if we could switch position and she just went silent by then I could tell that she was raging inside.”


We both laughed. “Serves her right!”


“She then told me that it really didn’t matter who or how many girls would want to catch her attention. It also didn’t matter to her if someone out there is better than me or one fan catches her attention. What matters to her is that the content of her heart which was me. To her, I was the only thing that mattered to her and everyone else is just a blur. All that mattered to her is the fact that she loves me as much or even better as I love her and that out of all the pictures that she pictured with, the picture of the two of us will always stand out. Because I am the only thing that matters to her.”


“Aweeeee she’s so sweet!” I gushed. “So what happened next?”


“I blushed and we made up. It was hard controlling a habit of mine but I eventually got over the jealousy thing because now I know that the moment she placed the ring on my finger in front of our family and friends and of course God, it was a proof that I am the only girl in her life. And you and your sisters are a follow-up proof on how I am, indeed the only girl in her life.” She smiled. “Do you understand dear?”


“I do.” I said smiling at her.


“Your father’s right Krystal. Someday, someone will come into your life and will show you that you matter and that you’re the only one that will matter.”






Speaking of. “Mom, I’ll go ahead. I had a great time talking with you.”


“Okay dear, prepare now. We leave in an hour.”


I nodded my head answered the phone call on the way to our room. “Hello?”


“Hello? Krystal?” Amber’s voice sounded like she was dead tired. “Sorry I just finished my personal training.”


“No it’s alright, I kind of figured out that you’re going to do some training to get your groove on.” I smiled. “I hope that I am not disturbing you.”


“Of course not, don’t ever think that you’re a nuisance.”


“I need to open up to you about something.” She hummed in response. “I thought about what you said to me earlier this morning before you left.”


“I said a lot of things to you earlier.”


“You know, with me being all jealous and stuff.” I trailed off.


“Ah about that one okay now I get it so what did you realize?”


That you’re the only one that matters.” I heard silence from the other line. “And that I should never doubt you because I am the only one that matters to you.” I said in a soft voice. “Or at least I am trying to be-“ I chuckle.


“Stop ok? Stop thinking about you’re still trying to be the only one who matters because you already are.” She finally spoke. “Without you doing anything you are the only one that matters to me.


“Stop being so sweet.”


“You will- and always will be the only one that matters to me.”


I smiled. “I know that now. Sorry for doubting myself in the first place.”


“Don’t be, we all are working really hard to be the perfect match to one another right?”




“Now I really have to win this individual award because my girlfriend’s going to be an ambassadress of a very popular brand not to mention she’s one of the pioneering of what’s going to be the top modeling agency in all of Seoul.”


I giggled. “Stop.”


“When I saw you posted I couldn’t be more happier for you. Congratulations pretty. So what’s the name of your mom’s agency?”


“House of J.”


“Good thing you signed with your mother, now I won’t have to worry about you doing y photo shoots with men because I know your mom won’t allow something like it.”


“It’s going to be even dope because I get to work with Yoona and Seulgi. I am really excited for my mom though, she really wanted to do this for a really long time.”


“That’s good thing princess. Trust me, to be the first one to always buy the things you advertise.” We both laugh. “I love you.”


“I love you.” I smiled.



So the rest of the days and weeks for the couple were really smooth. Krystal would always find it sweet whenever Amber would go out of her schedule or won’t mind the distance between their schools just so she could pick up Krystal and have dates before sending the girl home or whenever there was a play that Krystal would be playing a role, not minding whether it’s a minor or major but Amber would always come through and bring her flowers. Krystal too was no different in showing up for Amber’s events even wearing the latter’s jersey in order to support her girlfriend who have been getting attention from media people. It was really hard for the both of since they were making names for themselves individually and with all the hectic schedules that forbid them to meet not more than 15 minutes or phone calls that last 5 minutes maximum lately they even feel like they were idols because as much as possible they were not having dates in too public places for the fear of having caught on cam and be the headline next day.

But today, Amber won’t mind all of the hindrances that is in front of them now because she has only eyes on one thing, and that is to make her 100 days with Krystal the best out of everything.

She wanted to make it up for everything that Krystal has given her. She remembers on her first month, Krystal gave her brand new keyboard and an acoustic guitar and following some expensive musical recording gear while she settled with couple stuffs that weren’t that showy so she thought for this memorable day, she wants to step up her game which is what she’s doing now.



“Everything’s ready bruv?” Eric sits on the edge of her bed.


“Yup, thank you for doing this Eric, it means so much to me.”


“Well it was actually an easy thing to convince the board of cancelling classes for a day in order to honor the faculty staff. I just told them that we’d do a university wide cleaning to lower the chances of getting sick inside the university that would cost us expenses and being businessmen as they are, they went ah-huh real quick.”


“What did your father told you?”


“He was even happy that I was showing interest in this university.” He rolls his eyes. “But yeah, at least I gave back the favor that I owe you.” He winks at me.


“I told you calculus 3 is an easy thing.”


“Yeah for a nerd like you it’s like basic math.” Erich shrugs as he carries the bag on his shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”



Amber gives him a nod with a smile and he walks out of their room. Amber sighs to herself and re-focuses on her plan through the day. She goes through the checklist one more time and smiled. Now all she needs to do is to get herself ready and wait for Yoona to drive her girlfriend there.

Meanwhile Krystal was stuck together with Yoona who has been all energetic the moment that they left the house. Her twin sister apparently wants her to come along with her date with her long time girlfriend and seriously and Krystal couldn’t help but feel jealous because she was planning to spend this day with her girlfriend in order to honor their 100 days together as a couple but unfortunately Amber had 6 days or for the entire day. She couldn’t hide the disappointment she felt when she heard about the news but she knew better than to come in between Amber’s future dreams so she has to be an understanding girlfriend.

And she has to be an understanding sister too having to endure Yoona’s never ending try to hit the high notes to the songs Like Mariah while be all fidgety.



“Your loving takes me higher! You set my heart on fire! When you touch my body, got me singing like Mariah!”


She groaned and looked at her. “Why are you so happy?”


“Am I not allowed to be happy?”


Krystal rolled her eyes. “Okay, why are you so happy?”


“Hahaha, I am just kidding twinny! You need to loosen up a little bit.” She chuckles. “Seohyun called me last night and told me that her dad and our dad agreed that we should start preparing for our engagement and wedding once we graduate college. Isn’t that amazing?”


“What exactly? That you’re getting married to her or the fact that her father and Seohyun is starting to rebuild their relationship?”


“Both actually.” She smiles.


“You’re really getting married right after graduation?”


“Well I’m planning to propose to her once we graduate college and we’ll wait another 6 months tops before we start planning for the wedding.”


“That’s amazing.”


“Can you try and mean it though?”


“I can’t when I am excited and jealous for you at the same time.” Krystal sighed. “I just wish that I have dad’s support like you have in that way, I won’t have to sneak out just to have dates. The guilt is really killing me to the bones.”


“I’m sure than you have mom’s support. It wouldn’t kill you that much if you tell her.” Yoona suggests. “When I started my relationship with Seo, I talked to mom first before opening up to dad. It made everything easier.”


“I already hid something long and I can’t disappoint her.”


“Don’t worry about a thing sister, I am sure mommy would understand as to why you’re hiding it from them. Mothers always do…” She smiles. “Now don’t be a downer! You need to cheer up because you’ll get to see your amazing girlfriend later and it’s going to be a very amazing 100 days!”


“Not to mention it’s going to be my only 100 days.”


“Aweeee you’re so ing cute!!!”



Krystal smiled at the thought of spending time with Amber later on even if it’s late at night just to celebrate their special event together. Her past days with the tomboy were nothing but happiness and yes petty fights were involved but nothing that a quick kiss and cuddle couldn’t fix. As she looks out at the window, she has hoped to spend more than 100 days with the person that has been the reason for her smiles today.

She was probably too focused on her thoughts with Amber that she hasn’t noticed that their car has come to a full stop. Blinking her eyes she looked around and realizes that they were inside Amber’s university that made Krystal look at her twin sister with confused eyes but the latter just shrugged before pointing at Krystal’s 12 o’clock direction, she sees Amber wearing a simple black tee with a denim jack, ripped jeans and Vans Old Skool sneakers. Her hairstyle’s a bit messy but Krystal never really cared anyways. With carnations in her hand and that charming smile of hers, she thought Amber just got from a cozy and street type of photo shoot.



“You really think I’ll let you be a third wheel for the entire day?”




“Save your stuttering later.” Yoona gets out of the car and opens Krystal’s door.


“What does this means?”


“It means happy 100 days stupid.” Yoona chuckles. “Yo Am, I am going to leave now! She’s all yours!”


“Alright take care of my baby please!”


“Hell yeah! I won’t crash it promise!”



Yoona kissed her twin sister and waved Amber farewell one last time before disappearing in the view. Both of them stood like a tree and Krystal was still trying to understand the entire situation because in all honesty she still couldn’t describe it. Amber on the other hand noticed that her girl was in a trance so she chuckles and started walking towards her girlfriend who seems to be in deep analyzing and even though she was already standing in front of her, the latter didn’t notice and Amber found another reason why Krystal is so adorable in her eyes. So instead of shaking her, she just kisses her forehead that brings Krystal back to reality.



“Geez, this zoning out of yours seems really creepy now. You’re usually out for 10 seconds but man, that lasted for a minute.” She laughs.


“I thought you had exams.”


“That’s what I would like you to think though.”


Amber smiles and Krystal felt her knees grew weak. “Where are the students?” She looks around. “There’s practically no one here.”


“Let’s just say there’s some perks when you room with the president’s son.”


“You did this for us to celebrate?”


“I remember you wanted to tour with me but we couldn’t so I thought a university date can be really convenient for us, knowing we’re the only people here.” She shrugs. “And I remembered promising you that I’d take you some place nice but then I remember we couldn’t date in public besides this isn’t the best university in Seoul for nothing so here we are.” She finishes. “Are you happy?”


“With the fact the you just fulfilled my wish, the fact that you’re rambling or with the fact that whatever you do I just find you so romantic?”


Amber grins so wide that her eyes started to disappear. “With everything I guess.”


Krystal thought that words are not enough for a response so she hugs the latter. “I’ve always wanted to know what are your university activities for a day so yeah consider me happy.”


“Well then Ms. Krystal Kwon allow me to be your guide and who knows by the end of the day, you will decide to enroll here too.”


Krystal giggled. “We’ll see.”



Hand in hand they walked towards the huge hallways of the building that Amber frequently has classes on. They got inside an empty classroom and she told Krystal to take a sit on her usual spot as she pretends to be the teacher which Krystal laughed so hard because Amber sent her a video one time and she resembles so much of her resented professor. They went through a few more rooms and floors, Amber carefully explaining the things she’d do in classes then they headed towards the cafeteria where Amber prepared a delicious meal and by that Amber means burritos and tacos with nachos. Krystal couldn’t be happier that she got her cheat day.

After devouring satan’s dishes, they went back to the entrance where the car was parked. Krystal was even more confused when Amber threw the keys at her. She shot her a confused look before realizing what was going to happen next.



“AMBER! NO!” Krystal throws back the key to Amber.


“C’mon you don’t need to worry about a thing I am here.” Amber throws it again. “Ey, nice catch.”


“Are you talking about the keys or being my girlfriend.”


Amber smirked. “Remind me to step up my game because you’re getting smoother every time we meet.”




“Now there’s the Krystal I know.” She laughs. “But don’t worry, consider me lucky for catching you too.” She winked at her and then enters the car which Krystal followed soon enough.


“Seriously Amber I cannot do this.”


“You do realize that you have an actual test in 3 days. All we ever did was read manuals.”


“I’m scared… Daddy’s going to kill me if I scratch this car.” She shakes her head. “I-I can’t do this.”


“Hey, hey relax.” Amber places her hand on Krystal’s thigh. “It’s going to be okay, I am here and we’re going to give this a try. Don’t worry if you really aren’t up for it, then I won’t push you. I just want to see you try.” She steals a quick kiss from her. “Whenever you’re ready.”



Krystal looked at Amber before having a deep breath. She really didn’t want to do this now but she sees Amber’s efforts and that she had really plan this one. If she really rejects the offer, Amber would smile at her but she knows she’s going to be disappointed and be hard on herself for making her uncomfortable. Closing her eyes, she starts to remember all the things that she reviewed together with her girlfriend and having the top scorer of that test as her girlfriend, she knew that she is in good hands.

Amber glanced at her who’s practically checking everything is in place and she lets out a sigh of relief in silence because she thought that she has messed up. For the past weeks that they have been dating, Amber finds it adorable whenever Krystal looks so focused on something and she wanted to chuckle and about it but she didn’t want to die today so she just suppresses it.



“You know, just because you’re the top scorer of the test last week doesn’t mean you have to laugh and look down on me like that. I am not that noob.”


“I wasn’t laughing.”


“Sure Jan.”


“Seriously I was only going to chuckle because I find you so adorable like my own kind of stuff toy.” She pinches Krystal’s cheek.


“How about I stuff this in your mouth?” She shows her knuckle.


“, I didn’t know this side of you baby- OW!” She rubs the part where Krystal just slapped.


“Wait ‘till I pass this examination , I’ll be scoring higher than you.”


“I’d like to see you try.”


Krystal scoffed. “Alright where are we going?”


Amber taps the GPS device in the car. “Just follow the directions.”




After a few minutes, they were still not moving. “Well?”


She turns to her. “What.”


“You don’t expect us to be magically teleported to the facility right?”


“I don’t know how to start the car.”




Amber could only chuckle and started instructing Krystal what to do. Sometimes, Krystal would really get it right and would immediately boast to Amber but most of the time, she’d panic and Amber would get a beating after laughing her off. The 10-minute ride towards the building took them 45 minutes and additional 30 to park the car in Krystal’s precise decision.



“Did you think I did well?” They both looked at one another and laughed. “Right I get that…” She looks outside and then back at Amber. “University indoor pool? Seriously?”



She just receives a shrug and they entered the facility. Deep inside, Krystal knew what this means and she can’t help but smile because Amber remembered that she always wanted to go to a water park but then of course her schedule is the hindrance of it so she’ll just send some pictures of crazy slides that she would like to try and imagine herself being there.

And she was probably too focused on her own thoughts again and she hasn’t noticed that Amber’s hands were already on her hips. Before she could even react, Amber already pushed her towards the chilly water. As she wipes the water to clear her vision she sees Amber laughing while holding her hand phone. Groaning due to annoyance she splashes Amber with water only for the latter to avoid it and continue laughing but after having enough, Amber puts her phone down and jumps towards the pool in a cannonball making Krystal’s anger disappear all at once.



“You were like a little Llama jumping towards the river for a bath.” Krystal almost choked some water because of her excessive laughing.


“And you were like a stunned cat.” The couple continued laughing until Amber noticed something that she quickly looked away. “Uhhh…”


“What’s up? You look like you saw something inappropriate.” She chuckles.


“M-m-maybe I have.” Amber was still not looking in her direction.


“What are you talking about?”


“You chose the wrong day to wear a black-laced bra babe.”



Krystal looks down at her own attire and she noticed what Amber was talking about. Well it wasn’t her fault actually she didn’t know that they’d go for a swim today so she thought it was normal to wear a black bra underneath her white cropped top. She looks at Amber who was looking anywhere else except her and for some unknown reason, she found Amber’s attempt to really be a gentleman was so adorable but suddenly her mind thought of something like a pay back.



“Amber can you it?”


Amber’s eyes looked like they were going to fall out any minute. “W-w-what? U- it? W-w-why?”


Krystal tried so hard to control her laughter. “Because it’s uncomfortable and plus it’s a pool it’s kinda weird to wear a crop top right?” She turns around but her head looking to her right to see a vision of the tomboy. “Please?”


“O-ok, right. I-I’ll take it off for you.”





Amber slowly walked towards Krystal’s standing point and trailed her hands upward towards the zipper of the top slowly pulling it down, exposing the sun-kissed back of the teenage model. Amber mentally cursed because Krystal in tan skin was so ing turn on. She wanted to thank and curse that beach photo shoot her girl recently had in LA. Feeling her body was clouding her mental thoughts, her hands went down by the latter’s waist, pulling her closer and bringing her lips on Krystal’s shoulder.

Krystal thought it was still a game that she’s winning until Amber’s lips came in contact with her bare shoulder. The second that I happened it ignited something inside of her and even though it was for some unknown reason, she liked it. Shifting her head towards the left as Amber moves her lips upwards, she knew to herself that she’ll soon find the reason for this ignition inside her system is.

Giving more access, Amber took the shot and kissed every spot of her girlfriend’s neck making sure a spot didn’t miss and even slightly on some places, excited to find out where the latter’s weak spots are and after all much of the kissing, she finally found that spot when she kissed behind the earlobe as she playfully bites the bottom part of Krystal’s ear. It caused Krystal to squirm making Amber mentally smirk as she thinks found it.



“Amber.” Krystal sighs.


“What?” She whispers huskily sending shivers to her spine.


“Don’t do that.”


“Oh you mean this?” She that spot again and the latter groaned. Whether it was annoyance or something else, she still was unsure.


“Babe!” Amber just chuckled at the pet name.


“Sorry. Can’t help it you know, I always had a thing for sun-kissed people.”


“Instead on that spot, why don’t you put your mouth where it really belongs?”


“And where would that be baby?”


Krystal turns around and cups her cheeks. “And here I thought you were really smart.”



Krystal crashed their lips together in a hungry, deep and air-consuming type of kiss that will surely leave the both of them breathless. Krystal’s hands moved behind of her girlfriend’s neck as if she was the only oxygen that enables her to breathe while on the other hand, Amber trails hers down as well, groping Krystal’s that made her release a sound that was so unfamiliar with her but Amber knew what it meant, Krystal ing moaned. She thinks to herself- and it will be the death of me.

Pulling for some real air, they both look at one another panting so hard from that heated kiss and like in an animated movie, Krystal would have a light bulb over her head suddenly shining bright. Now she understand what kind of fire is igniting inside of her and that made her mentally smile because finally, she can relate to what Yoona was saying whenever she goes home through the window, hair’s messy, lips swollen and ripped top.

They both smiled before closing the distance again and this time with even more boldness, hunger and passion than earlier. They were like possessed of something but they didn’t mind because being possessed by this something is the most pleasurable thing in the world right now. Amber pulled Krystal’s thighs up and she got the message wrapping them around Amber’s waist as she pushes her to the wall before pulling apart making the other one groan. But that groan swiftly disappears as Amber removes her top and pulling away a little to admire the view that’s in front of her.



“Am I allowed to say- I’m lucky?” She says as she eyes her from head to toe.


“Hahaha, I won’t be so sure about that.”


“Oh yeah I am sure babe.”


“You can’t say that… yet.” Amber furrowed her eyebrows. “And I think I can help you with that.”


Krystal s her shorts, removing it from her body and leaving herself in her black set underwear. “Now I am sure that I am lucky.”


“Who knows baby…” Her tone was a little playful. “Maybe it’s just the chlorine blurring your vision.”


“Oh hell no.” She shakes her head frantically. “Actually my eyes are burning because you are smoking hot.”


Amber was about to kiss her again but she places her index finger in the latter’s mouth. “And you think you’d get to kiss me just like that?”


“I didn’t remember you complaining earlier so why not?”


“An eye for an eye missy.” Krystal smirked.


“Oh, I get it.” Amber gives her a smug look. “I guess you leave me no choice then?”



Amber also pulls the tee and jacket allowing for Krystal to see that toned chest and the tattoo her girl got on her heart section. Her eyes travelled down to toned abs then focuses her vision on her ripped arms that was trying to pull down the pants. Looking at Amber who is wearing a sports bra and black undies made Krystal’s heart want to pop out of her chest and , Amber just had to have a messy hairstyle at this moment.





“Now am I allowed to say- I’m lucky?”


Amber laughed. “And here I thought I am the dork here.”


“ I’m lucky.” Krystal mumbles.


Amber smiles. “ I’m lucky.”



Although they were stepping it up as they closed in again, their hands were determined yet careful. Hands roaming all over each others’ bodies, groping s, groping hair, groping that would make either of them moan, grunt, sigh or shut up or bite the latter’s lip. Amber got so daring as she kisses Krystal’s neck while groping her making the latter bite onto her lip as her hands gripped down Amber’s making and certain it would really leave a mark tomorrow. Amber trailed her hand on the strap of Krystal’s bra slowly trailing them half-way as she does the same thing with the other. She tries to take mental notes as to how turn her girlfriend on by kissing those weak spots. Finally arriving at the part in between Krystal’s mounds she on it and s on the latter’s mounds. The feeling was indescribable for Krystal but she kept anyway but the pleasure was too much for her that she bit Amber’s shoulder.



“!” Amber winced making both of them stopped.


“Oh my gosh I am so sorry!” Amber was still grunting in pain. “Baby I’m sorry.”


Amber chuckled. “Who knew you were such a feisty chick.”


“I’m sorry.” Amber was still groaning in pain. “I didn’t mean it I’m sorry.”


“It’s alright don’t sweat it.” They kissed again. “I’m actually glad it happened.”




“Because if we ever continued, I’d break my promise to my parents.” Krystal furrowed her eyebrows. “I promised them I’d bring you pure in front of them and everyone else when we get married.”


Krystal smiled seeing Amber being all cutesy and stuff. “And if I wasn’t would you marry me still?”


“Yes of course!”


“Even if you weren’t my first?”


She thought about it. She was so adorable. “Yes because great love can see through the mistakes of the past.”


Krystal laughed and wrapped her arms around Amber’s waist. “Guess there’s perks of me being a huh, makes your parents love me more.”


“I want something more intimate than this, more special and when we’re both ready.”


“You don’t like doing it here?” Amber blushed. “C’mon you can tell me.”


“Well I want it to be really special and we can do it in the pool after our first time.”


I arched my eyebrows. “God I am getting married to a athlete ottoke.”


“S-shut up!” Krystal continued to laugh. “Seriously.”


“Well if it helps, I like it when we do it on the pool.” She leans in to whisper. “When we go to the water park.”


Amber’s eyes widen. “Heol.”


“In the mean time, why don’t we play tag?”


“Huh?” Krystal suddenly splashed water on Amber’s face.






Now with changed clothes, Krystal finds herself being blindfolded as Amber guides her. She tries to imagine where the latter would’ve taken her but she knew it was somewhere high with them having to use the elevator and the stairs. Amber removed the blindfold and Krystal found that they were in a emergency exit hall with a door a few doorsteps within their current stand.



“Should I go open this?”




I waited for Amber to open it up for me but she stands there. “Wow and here I thought I have someone as gentleman as you.” She rolls her eyes.


“It’s going to soooo cliché when I’ll do that.” She chuckles. “Go on, open that door.”




“Spoiled .”


Krystal shrugs. “Fair enough.”




Krystal opens the door and she was in awe with the first look. It was a balcony garden with all the light bulbs and a very comfortable set up with matching dinner for 2. She heard some footsteps and slowly fading away as she sees Amber stopping right there beside her with a smile that immediately puts a smile on her face too.



“I am just an ordinary person Krys. I still don’t have enough digits in my bank account yet to prove to your dad that I am capable of giving you the life that you deserve which is why I brought you up here, to see the world and one day, I will be able to give this to you.”


“You don’t need to do that.” She held her hand. “I grew up where the world can be mine in one snap of my fingers. And then I have come to realize something while I am falling in love with you.”


“And what is that?”


“I learn to grow with the fact that the world can’t always mean material things. I found out that the world can be someone else’s arms.” She paused. “You don’t have to give me something that I already have Amber… And with you being my world-“












































The stars are even envious because it is only I who gets to revolve around you.


“How can you be so amazing?” Amber hugs her. “No fair you know, I was going to make you feel touch and be all emotionally happy that you won’t be able to do anything but cry.”


Krystal laughed. “We can always take turns.”


“I promise to remember that.”


“Happy 100 days princess.”































Happy 100 days dork.


Hello :) How are you liking my fluff so far? I know you guys are not used to it sorry about that hahahahabut yeah I only tried something y here because I wanted to try if I still got my game strong I think that this should be an innocent fick but if you say otherwise then let me know we can compromise with that hahahaha.I am finally graduating guys so happy for myself but especially it means I'd have more time to write. I hope you guys stick around because I really have a  lot of stories to share with you guys and I am so excited and I really miss your comments but don't worry I'll keep working hard to give you good updates. Have a nice weekend and start the week right. See you guys soon


DonkeyASS is walkin' out! :P

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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
22 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)