The Third

Gangsta Boy

Morning came and the same routine happened although I was pretty much sleepy because I only got a few hours of sleep but I had to study today since it’s English and as much as I love it, I really hate the memorization it’ll cost me too much time. The good thing is I only need to teach Sulli a few because we pretty much covered everything last night. Sulli and I met by the hallway and we head straight to the library to join Yoona and Seohyun.



“So the answer would be…” Seohyun trails off.


“Ohhh! I know! It’s Dendrophobia!”


“That is correct and the fear of open spaces?”


“Agoraphobia!” Sulli beamed.


“Wow, Krystal step aside cause Lee Sulli is about to steal the spotlight.”


“That would be meaning stealing your rank am I right Seo?”


The four of us laughed. “I’ll just go and grab a dictionary to study.”


When Sulli left the table, the first one to react was my twin sister. “Wow, she’s a monster. Who knew she was a English genius huh?”


“I think Seo’s nervous about the results.” I added.


“Tell me about it.” We chuckled. “Who would’ve known that there’s still some good stuff even though you fought with your BFF’s.”


I instantly looked at Yoona who chuckled nervously. “I slipped.”


I just rolled my eyes. “We just had a little argument no biggie.”


“Which lead you to hanging out with Amber yesterday and you even got to hang out with your future sister-in-law. So on which side do you lean towards more? The positive side? Or the negative side?” Seohyun teases.


“Both.” I answered. “I just wished they would be okay with me liking Amber you know.”


“So tell me Krystal, how does it feel when you’re sleeping with you crush’s jacket on?” She smirked.


This time, I glared at Yoona who just covered . “Sorry.”


I blushed but I quickly regained my composure and had a comeback for her statement. “You tell me Seo. How does it feel to wear my sister’s clothes even her as you cuddle all night long. Or is it just you wear I’m confused.” Now it is my turn to smirk at their blushed faces.


“Yah!” Yoona reacts. “I cannot wait for the renovation to be done so you can have your own room!”


“Hahahahaha. Sorry twin, I slipped.” I playfully winked at them.


“Hey guys.” Sulli chirps in. “What did I miss?”


The three of us looked at one another before Yoona says- “Nothing Ssul. Let’s get back to studying.”



The week flew by so fast that I wasn’t able to notice that today was the day of the results. I looked at the Calendar and started to feel excited again because a month from now, it’s going to be December and you know what that means! – CHRISTMAS!

Monday morning came and after the short announcements and a few classes given by different teachers, all the students huddled up in the center hallway all are excited and some are probably nervous to find their current ranks in the school. I was trying to get my way when I accidentally bumped on someone and I was surprise to see that someone was Luna. We both looked into each other until Sulli called my attention so I turned back and went to her. It’s been already a week since the quarrel but I am not going to go to them first until they realized their mistakes.  I will never make the first move.


“Congratulations!” It was the first thing that she told me when we met.


“Rank 2.” I said to myself with a little hint of disappointment on my voice.


“Hey.” It was Seohyun standing beside me. “I only aced Korean History that’s why I was able to retain my position.” She said. “We used to be subjects apart but now, it’s only a subject apart. Keep it up Krystal and maybe one day I might be nervous again about the results.” She smiled.


“Yeah twin! It was a real nail biter this time since you both aced on all subjects!” She cheered me up. “I already texted mommy and daddy about the results and they are really proud of us.”


“Including you?” Her girlfriend jokes.


“I’m still on the top 10!”


“Yeah, by being the number 10.” Seohyun shakes her head. “Even Sulli is ahead of you.”


Yoona’s normal eyes went to deer eyes mode. “Really?!”


“It’s only in the top 5 but yeah.” Sulli shyly admits.


I immediately hugged her. “Congratulations Ssul! From rank 45 that’s an amazing leap!”


“Thank you so much Krystal, I couldn’t have done it without you.”




We both smiled while we were all being congratulated by other students. While the four of us decided to head to the cafeteria for some lunch, there was a sudden commotion with the seniors and we both looked at each other and tried to get some story but they were all huddling together. Suddenly, there’s a space open for the four of us to fit in and from our view we could see Park Bogum, the senior’s rank 1 students as well as other students who I assumed are part of the top 10 were continually complaining.



“I just cannot accept that she’s number 1!”


“She just jumped way too fast!”


“It’s really unbelievable! She’s always absent in our subjects!”


“Uh, could y’all move the out, I’m trying to get a sight of my rank here.”



We looked at the owner of the voice who was none other than Amber wearing her all black fashion which really look so damn good on her and her all famous all-while converse sneakers. All the other seniors made way for her and what was more awesome is that even when they were already gossiping about her she didn’t give any . Playing with a bubblegum in she starts to move her head down of the paper where usually the lowest ranks can be seen and there was a sudden confusion in her expression so she looked up and up and up until she moved to the last part of the paper. She even leaned in closer and there was complete silence over the hallway until she steps back and looks at Bogum.



“Don’t worry man, there’s next term. Sorry to steal your spot by the way.” She grins.


All of a sudden Bogum’s face scrunched up and he suddenly punched Amber in the face! “Steal? More like bribe your way through the top spot! You think your act would make us help to think that you did not cheat?” He scoffs. “How much did your mommy’s sugar daddy gave to the school this time huh? Maybe your mom sold her body and ed every board of Directors in the school. Was your sister included in the party too? I bet so, since she prefers old and hairy maybe she even started to blow your retarded father’s-“ He was unable to speak because Amber stood up and walked closer to him.


You just cross the line you motherer.” And she was about to punch Bogum when Sulli called her out.


“Hyung.” Sulli and Amber looked at each other for a while. “What he said was not true so it’s just a waste of time.” Wow, damn Sulli is a strong chick.


“Fine… But I challenge you.” She points at Bogum. “And since you all are doubtful of my capabilities I challenge the top 10 of last term to take the tests again with me.” Everyone started to gossip. “If they win, I’ll run around around the campus and never to continue my schooling here next term.”


“.” I mumbled.


“But if I win…” She stares at Bogum once again. “You motherers will walk around for the rest of the day until your parents pick you up from this school with only socks to cover your and a box for the girls. Of course, I get to spread this over social media.”


“Are you ing insane?!”


“If you are so certain that I cheated then this little dare wouldn’t be too much right?”


“What is going on here?”


“Fine.” Bogum shakes Amber’s hand. “Deal.”


Amber smirks and looks at the Principal.  “Madame, I demand a re-take now. 11 students please.”



While the top 10 including Amber were busy re-taking the exams, the four of us along with some students well, the majority of the student body decided to hang around in the cafeteria waiting for the result. Even the lunch lady was surprised at the sudden increase of students hanging out here. While Sulli and Yoona were getting our snacks, Seohyun and I were left here and I took this opportunity to ask her about some stuffs.



“Hey Seo, I want to ask you something.”


“Shoot. Just don’t ask me about our life because your sister will kill me.”


“No way.” I laughed at her boldness. “Well, knowing you I know that you have more friends outside this school rather than on the inside I was wondering…”


“If Amber and I have some common friends?”


“Yeah… Something like that.”


Seohyun looked around before looking at me. “Okay promise me you won’t tell about this to Yoona alright? I know you two have some deep twin connection but I need you to promise me never to tell her because I need to be the one who will tell her.” I nodded my head instantly.


“I promise.”


“I hope that you aren’t going to freak out but Amber and I are actually friends.”


I paused for about 20 seconds before laughing. “Okay Seo, that was a good one you caught me there.”


“No I really am serious. Here’s a picture for proof.” She gives her phone to me and shows a picture of her and Amber with a bunch of other people. “Now do you believe me?”


“HOLY !”


“Shhhhh!” Seohyun immediately stood up and apologized on my behalf. “Seriously Krystal?”


I gave her the peace sign. “Sorry.” And then I went back to looking at the picture. “, you guys are really friends.”


“Told you so.”


“How long have you guys been friends? Why don’t the two of you talk here in school?”


“We’ve been friends recently and to answer your second question, Amber and I both decided to keep it as a secret because she always wanted to have that loner vibe all throughout high school and as for me, your twin sister will probably kill me.” She shakes her head. “I find Amber’s reason to be completely ironic because outside the school she really has a lot of friends. And whenever they’re seen together with Amber, they’re automatically labeled as gangsters. Stupid people are getting rampant these days and I am starting to get pissed. School but we need to get a ing piece of paper.” She sighs. “The system’s ed up.”


“I understand but you need to do it for your family, remember?” She nods. “So… Is Amber really friendly?”


“Well you should know Krys. I mean, you guys are friends now right?” I instantly blushed. “Oh wait… Yeah I forgot, you’re the future wife. Sorry for putting you in the friend zone.” She laughs.


“Hey, stop with the teasing already.” I pouted.


“Don’t worry, if Yoona’s okay with my friendship with Amber, I’ll make sure she’ll be able to agree with Amber as your future lover.”




“Hey guys, what were you talking about?” Yoona asked.


“Nothing, just about the results.” Yoona nods her head.


“Speaking of results… Sulli may I ask you, did Amber really study for this week’s exams?”


“Anni. She always comes home late and smells beer. On weekends, she would stay all day inside the house.”


We all furrowed our eyebrows. “So does it mean that she cheated?”


Sulli laughed. “Hyung’s IQ is about 155. She just wants the rebel type of image.”


“Shut up.” Yoona was the first one to react. “Shut. Up.”


“She’s always the number 1 student when we used to live in Taiwan and she’s Taiwan’s representative for the Nationals.”


“No freaking way!” My twin reacts again. “How come Seohyun didn’t see her?”


“She went to compete with the collegiate division. She said that the high school division was too elementary for her.”


“Let me guess, she won the Nationals too?”


“And she even aced it all.” Sulli said casually.




“She’s that intelligent and whenever she’s at home, she would play a lot with her rubik’s cube collection. She has about 89 of them with different shapes and numbers. When we were young I was the one responsible of disarranging them but she always get to fix it. Now she’s practicing fixing the cube blindfolded.” She shares. “The rumor about the only reason that she’s still in this school was because of our stepdad is not really true. She’s the legit number 1 student in their batch.”


“Makes sense… She needs to be in the top 1 for this term and the second to qualify for next year’s regionals.” Seohyun remarks.



Suddenly the door opens and the top 10 went outside first looking a bit exhausted while Amber, being the last person to go out of the room seemed pretty relaxed and when she saw Sulli she immediately smiled. Sulli went to her and they talked for a while when all of a sudden she hugs Amber and then Amber said her farewell and left the place to go to the bathroom while Sulli returned to our table.



“I am the worst sibling ever.”


“Wae? What happened?”


“They had to re-take everything right?” We nodded. “Then there’s Math. Earlier this morning I forgot my calculator back at home and I had Calculus so I asked if I could borrow hers and I haven’t returned it yet.”


So she took the exams without a calculator?” Seohyun gasps. “This is her ending. I just hope the odds are with her.”


“Okay students settle down! I have the results with me.” The principal says and we were all silenced. “And the results are---“


“ .” Sulli mumbles.


“Please, please, please…” I whispered.



























































Amber Josephine Lee is still the number 1 student.”



The whole place was silent and Amber just looked at Bogum with this huge smirk on her face. Using her index finger, she motioned the top 10 to follow her and when they disappeared, the whole room started buzzing as if this was the bee hive.



“OH MY GOD! Thank you!”


“Okay Krys, maybe daddy will consider you dating her since she’s the number 1 student in our school now.” Yoona spoke. “Imagine all the babies you can have!”


“Could you shut up? With your loud voice, the whole school might know!” I glared.


“I’m just glad that Amber and I are not batch mates otherwise I’d be saying good bye to my scholarship.” Seohyun adds. “She jumped over a hundred students and she proved them wrong not once, but twice. And the second time, there wasn’t even a Calculator involved.”



While Seohyun and Yoona were constantly talking about how amazing Amber was and then there was Sulli who joined the lovers’ conversation, I got a text from Amber to meet me by the old gym. I texted her what my reply is and told the girls that I would just be spending my bathroom time and headed towards the old gym. She gives me another text to walk around another path to the old gym which confused me but I still agreed. While I was making my way I could hear my heart beating fast because I am not stupid enough to know the reason behind her text. Of course it was about the dare that we agreed and I must accept the fact that I lost and so I must agree on her consequence. Geez, what did I get myself into?

 From the other hallway I could see the top 10 students embarrassed faces and they were continuously arguing. I thought to myself that they were probably blaming Bogum for what happened but really there was no one to blame. Even I was surprised about the results. When I turn my attention back to my own way, I saw Amber with her signature move which was leaning her shoulders onto a wall. We looked at one another and even from this distance I can already see the smile on her face oh how red her lips are. I wonder though if they taste good as they look. KRYSTAL!!!!!


“Correct me if I’m wrong but were you staring at my lips?”


SHE SAW THAT?! “D-d-dream on!” I playfully pushed her to hide my embarrassment. “Why did you want us to t-alk here?”


“Don’t play innocent with me Krystal Kwon, you know what’s the reason behind why I asked you to be here.” That sent chills to my spine. “It’s just a simple request you know, it’s nothing big. It’s not even big enough to be counted as a consequence.” She leans closer. “All I ask, is for you to… Come to a show performance with me.”


I furrowed my eyebrows. “P-performance?”


“Yeah.” She pulls herself back. “There’s a rooftop performance tonight made by some college hippy students and I was wondering if you’d like that sound trip since your dad is a music lover.”


“W-what time?”


“11 pm.” I widened my eyes. “Is there a problem?”


“My curfew’s at 9…” I answered but she just chuckled. “Seriously it’s 9.”


“To think that you even have a curfew to begin with it’s just so…” She laughs. “But I understand, having famous parents comes with a price.” I nodded my head. “Do they check your room?”


“Huh?” I was confused for a second. “No they don’t. Not until morning when it’s time for breakfast.”


“Ever climbed a tree before?”


“You’re weird sunbae.” But still she was looking at me like she was waiting for my answer. “I’ve tried it a few times back in the day.”


Instead of answering something or saying something she just smiled and said- “Come with me.”


“What are we doing here?” Amber dragged me back to the park where we first officially talked deep.


“I’ll be teaching you something important.”


“What would that be sunbae?”


“I’ll teach you how to climb over your window, balance your way to the other side and jump.” She grins but I still don’t quite get it so she shakes her head. “In short Krystal, I’ll be teaching you how to escape your house tonight.”


“Are you nuts?!” She shakes her head. “You just suggested me to escape and see this performance with you.”




“My parents will kill be if I get caught!”


“If you get caught.” She corrects. “Which won’t happen by the way because that’s the reason why we’re here.”


“Can’t we just watch other performances?”


“They only perform there so…”


I sighed. As much as I want to join Amber, I can’t. “Listen, I really want to be there tonight but I just can’t. I’m scared of getting caught, being grounded…”


“Okay Krystal, this is my final blow in convincing you.” She says seriously. “Come with me tonight for the first and if you still don’t like it then I’ll stop bugging you to join me in these things.” She looks at me in the eyes. “I swear, I will never ask you again.”


Here goes nothing I guess. “Just promise me I won’t get a scratch from jumping.” Hearing that from me made her grin. “You need to promise me.”


She even crossed her heart. Such a cutie. “Promise.”


I can’t help but smile as well. She’s just so full of charisma. “Well come on, we don’t have all day!”


“Copy that maam!”



We spent the whole afternoon of her teaching me some simple techniques to get out of the house and basic steps of crossing the tree. She even gave me a demo of it but I laughed in the end because when she jumped down she had twigs and leaves all over her head so I had to help her remove the twigs and leaves and that was not the only thing she did to make me laugh.

But behind the laughter, I always seem to notice the simple mannerisms of her. How she would fix her hair like every 10 minutes or wipe her sweat with the use of the hem of her shirt or with the back of her hand or how her eyes would disappear whenever we would crack up even when her voice disappears after 10 seconds of laughing. And the more that I am with her, the more that I am falling for her which is crazy because I don’t even know if she’s going to like me back or if this is just pure friendship to her.



“Okay so now this is the moment we have been waiting for.” She walks closer to me and holds me by the shoulders. “Go climb up that tree and walk on the other side where I will wait for you.” She then moves on the other side of the tree. “Whenever you’re ready.”



I let out a huge sigh before starting to climb up the tree which has the same form back in our house. When I was up top I just imagined that I was back at my gymnastics class when I was 10 years old and the mission was to go across the other side which was the easy part but now, I am standing here on the other side of the tree, with my feet unable to reach for the ground. I looked down and I looked at the possibilities. It was getting dark, so I can’t see clearly what’s down below.



“Hey, it’s alright. Don’t worry I’m here.”



While she was down there I cannot help to think to compare this situation to my feelings for Amber. It feels like I am on the edge of the building or a cliff doubtful whether I would take the jump or not. In my heart I want to jump and take the risk and just fall ahead even deeper than what I am feeling for her. But my mind says to be afraid of the lack of light down below for there might be things that I might be unable to accept and regret my decision.



“Hey… Hey I know that you cannot see me but I need you to listen to what I have to say because I can’t say it later ‘cause we’ll get caught but…”
























































“I’m here. I’m here to catch you even if it breaks every bone in my body Krystal. I would never do anything to hurt you.” She pauses for a while. “You need to trust me. I’ll catch you once you jump.”



And from there, I finally made my decision.






 Have you ever felt that feeling like your heart was pounding so hard? That little moment where you make the decision and yet you don’t know what will happen? It feels as if you are floating, just floating there and waiting to find the answer. It’s nerve racking, it feels going down from a rollercoaster or jumping from a cliff and waiting for yourself to be dive in the water.



“There we go… That wasn’t so bad was it?”



Even when I was already in her arms, I still find myself feeling floating. I was still closing my eyes because I was still afraid and then this magical moment happened, something amazing. When I decided to open my eyes, I saw the trees behind us glowing and I looked back and saw the alley of trees already shining. But then I turned my attention to this person who’s holding me and I felt that everything else was a bit brighter than they used to be.



“S-s-s-unbae, you look hurt. Are you alright?”


“Beside you gripping on my neck like you’re about to choke me, then I’m okay.”


“Omo!” I loosened my grip around her. “I’m sorry sunbae.”


“Don’t mention it.” She stares at me for a while. “Hey, is it just me or are your eyes glowing?”


“H-h-h-huh?” I blinked fast. , did my eyes show her what I feel inside?


“Or maybe it’s just a reflection of my eyes glowing every time I see you?”


Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
to fall


“Wow…” Amber looks around. “I think they have installed new speakers in the trees now. They don’t usually have music remember?”



Or maybe it’s just a reflection of my eyes glowing every time I see you?



I have died every day waiting for you

Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

I’ll love you for a thousand more






“You okay?” I nodded my head. “You look like you passed out.”


“N-no I’m fine. You can put me down now.” She complies. “T-t-t-thanks sunbae.”


“You sure you’re okay?” I nodded again to give her an assurance. “Well, besides the fact that you screamed for about 1.79 seconds and gripping on my neck like I’m a rope, you’re cool.” She looks at me. “I think tonight’s escape is going to be successful.”


“I… I wouldn’t be so confident sunbae.”


“Don’t worry, I know it will be successful.” She grins at me. “Oh, and one more thing. When we’re at the venue tonight, please don’t call me sunbae. We wouldn’t want them to think that I am a bad senior right?”


I still can’t look at her straight in the eye because of what she said earlier and my voice seemed to be absent so I swallowed a huge lump on my throat before glancing at her. “So what should I call you then?”


“Call me Amber. Dinner’s on me c’mon let’s go.”


“She just totally asked you out on a date.”


“No she didn’t.”


“Okay, so what is it to you then?”


“It’s just a consequence that I need to comply.”





I turn to look at Seulgi, my younger sister who was squinting her eyes at me for some unknown reason. Since our parents are out for an awarding ceremony, I was at task to watch over these two daredevils. Well, actually it was Yoona and me and since she was so damn tired from practice, I took the charge to watch over Seulgi and Eunbi. All of my siblings know about my love interest and I am just glad that Eunbi is unable to speak… Oh dear, the things she might be able to say.



“I am serious about it. It’s nothing but a deal.”


“Even if it’s only a deal, she didn’t need to flirt with you earlier.” I furrowed my eyebrows so Seulgi stood up and went closer to me. “Or maybe it’s just my eyes glowing every time I see you.”


Hearing that line again made me blush. “S-s-shut up!” She laughed at me so I playfully pushed her.


“I didn’t know Amber was a vampire.” She laughed again. “See, this isn’t only a deal.” Even Eunbi screamed suddenly. “See, even Eunbi is on my side on this one… Just accept the fact that she asked you out through a deal so she wouldn’t be so embarrassed if she got rejected by you.”




“See you’re even blushing!!!”


“I am not blushing!”


“Yes you do!”




“YAH!” Eunbi screams again.


“See you’re even teaching Eunbi to get mad for no reason.” She shakes her head. “So, are you really escaping tonight?”


“Yeah… I think so.”


“Unnie, do you think when Eunbi and I grow up, we will be as reckless as you are now?”


“Yah, I am not reckless okay, this is just happening one time.”


“I wouldn’t say something like that unnie. Don’t you know what you have right now is very important?” I looked at her, waiting for her to continue her statement. “I read a lot of books from our library and they all wanted the same thing you know? The fairytale kind of love story…” She trails off. “But I know that’s not what I want. I want something reckless, something young. A reckless type of love has something to do with being impulsive and spontaneous as if doing these things are the only assurance that you are alive. Do dangerous things to hear the fast beating of your heart, to breathe deeply and those choices become valuable memories. The reckless love is so raw and unedited that they’ll be stories of happiness not of regret and I think that’s beautiful.” She then looks at me. “So please don’t say that this is only happening once unnie. You have a reckless love right here. Cherish it, hold onto it. You have the type of love that everyone is looking for.”



The door opened and I saw our parents looking fabulously together as they hold their hands with smiles on their faces and look at us. Daddy kissed us one by one and carried Eunbi in her arms while we were the ones who kissed mommy. We talked a little bit and looked at the trophy that my dad won during the night before greeting each other good night and went to our different rooms.

When I got inside, my heart starts to beat faster than usual. I let out a breather before going into our closet and dressed up quickly. I just grabbed my stripped long sleeve and folded it into ¾ sleeve while I grabbed my faded denim shorts to match my all white sneakers. I freshened up, arranged my hair and just in time, after I finished putting my perfume I heard some ticking by the window. I immediately looked outside of the window and saw Amber waving her hand as she smiles at me and I just waved back and motioned her to wait.

I looked back at my twin sister who was sleeping very quietly which was odd cause usually she was snoring whenever she’s hella tired but that’s the least of my concern now. I leaped out and head straight outside. Just like we practiced earlier, Amber quickly caught me in her arms and we both smiled to one another.


“I cannot believe I just did that.” I breathed heavily. “I still cannot believe I was able to escape.”


Amber hands me the helmet. “You did great I am so proud of you.” She smiles. “Ready for a night of pure epicness?”


I smiled at her and grabbed the helmet. “Ready.”



She revved up her engine and in an instant we were already away from our house into the streets down to the neighborhood of Jung-gu down to a deserted alley where she stopped a few blocks away from an abandoned building. Being the gentleman as she is, she helped me get off of the motorbike and we went inside an old fashioned elevator as she pressed the 15th floor.

And even if there was no conversation going on between us, I can sense that she keeps on looking at me. I wanted to look back but I just can’t. Maybe she’s not checking me out. What if she’s a bit worried because I am overdressed? Or, what if she’s a bit embarrassed because I am underdressed? Oh my gosh, I should’ve asked her what type of outfit would be okay for this event! Stupid Krystal again!



We walked towards the only door on the floor which was scary because it has a lot of keep out tape and danger. Amber then gives it a series of knock like a pass code. The door opens up and I see a big buff dude with a monotone facial expression. He then gives Amber this look and he gives the same to me. I thought he was about to say off but when she grinned at her, the man laughed as he welcomes Amber in a tight hug. I was hella nervous because I thought we were busted.



“Missed seeing you around here Bruno.”


“Me too, I missed this job.”


“Alright, try to keep your cool next time okay? You know police men.” The man nods. “This is Krystal by the way.”


“You mean, your date for tonight?”


“She’s just my friend Bruno.” She shakes her head and laughs.


“Nice eyes you got there Amber.” The man teases again.


“Yah!” She playfully punches Bruno.


“Hahahaha.” Bruno turns his attention to me. “Krystal, a little heads up. She’s a little flirty to everyone once she is really drunk so I advice you to let her stay close to you and be cautious.” He eyes Amber up and down. “Looks like she’s dressed to impress.”


“HA HA HA HA. C’mere Krystal let’s enjoy the night.”



We immediately went to the bar and she ordered us drinks. I took a sip of my drink and she really had a good taste and it’s non-alcoholic as well so a very good choice. She talked to some people but luckily there weren’t girls hovering over her yet. We got to settle ourselves by the table as 2 people got up the stage and introduced themselves. The first song title was really long like I’m James Dean and you’re Audrey Hepburn. It was a very nice song and I saw some people bobbing their heads to the music while I busy myself looking at the amazing view and the cozy ambiance that the place was giving me.



“Feeling okay?”


“Yeah.” I answered. “You picked a nice drink. Is this what you ordered to every girl?” I try to joke which was successful because she chuckled.


“Bruno’s just messing with me. Actually, this is the very first time I brought someone with me.” She looks me in the eye. “So consider yourself lucky.”


I rolled my eyes to hide my blush. “Whatever.”


“Hahahahaha… So, first impression on the song?”


“Isn’t that too long for a title?”


Amber laughed. “I actually like the meaning of the song.” She takes a sip of her drink. “He keeps wondering was she was still keeping up with him when they both know that she deserves better.”



They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me



“Aweee, that’s sweet.”


“Bet you never listen to music like these.” I shook my head. “Oh really?”


“I’ve been raised up to a musical family so I know some genres like these.” Amber nods her head.


“Have you always been a music lover?”


“Of course… Daddy would train us during the weekends and mommy would join too so it was kind of a family tradition to me. And besides, music is a very powerful thing. Up until now, I am amazed about the things music can do in a person’s life.”


“You might find this weird but I am actually a huge fan of your father.”


I fake gasped. “So you’re just befriending me because of my father?” I try to sound offended which was effective since she widen her eyes and started explaining to me so I just laughed at her. “I’m playin’.”


She lets out a sigh. “Aish, jinjja.” She laughs too as she shakes her head.


“My daddy’s songs are a bit old for our generation.”


“I know, but I like the way your father deliver the message of the songs. It was so direct to the point that even before the first verse you would know what she was trying to say, even after they’ve changed their music genre because your dad fell in love with your mom.”


“Daddy fell in love so much with mommy that she changed the way they would make music.” I smiled. “I still find it the smoothest move of all time and I think no one can beat that.”


“I know…” She nods in response. “So Krys, are you enjoying the place?”


“Good evening everyone my name’s Kim Min and I’m going to perform Ocean eyes. Hope all of you will like it.”


“Holy .” I mumbled to myself. “That’s aunty Hyoyeon’s daughter right there.”


“Hyoyeon? You mean The Girl Getters’ drummer Hyoyeon a.k.a. your father’s band mate?” I nodded my head. “Whoa, holy .”


“She’s got an amazing voice.”  I said. “But back to your question, yeah I do like the place.”


“So you did not regret going here?”


I tried to act as if I was thinking. “A little bit more to convince me.” We both laughed. “But seriously the place is awesome. I was even expecting a different vibe you know.”


“Like what vibe?”


“Well since I figured out that you’re a gangster you’d bring me to an underground club and then when we’ll enter there’s going to be booming sounds and a loud crowd which are either high or wasted already. People to the side smoking weed and looking pretty scary with all of them covered with tattoos. Drugs is also going to be present and I’m going to have a very uncomfortable night.” She laughed at my answer. “What? I am pretty serious.”


“There are a lot of things that you don’t know about me.” Gee, thanks for rubbing to my face the obvious part. “But then there are also a lot of things I don’t know about you either so I guess it’s just fair.” She says. “But I would really like to get to know you better Krystal.”



We both looked at one another as the crowd clapped for Min’s performance. The closed distance between us disappeared as she drags me to the center where a lot of people were crowding in. 3 guys went up to the stage and started to set up their instruments. Luckily Amber was able to place the two of us into a very good spot so there’s plus points for her.



“Wow, there must be a crowd pleaser huh?”


“Yeah sure they are.” She says. “There’s another reason why I brought you here with me too.”


“And what would that be?”


“Being a daughter of a legend, I want you to judge their performance and tell me if they suit your taste.” I nodded my head.


“Yo wassup everybody?” The crowd cheered back. “My name’s Henry and these are my bro’s, Scott on the drums, and Minho on the guitar. Usually he’s on the bass but since the Llama is not here on the stage, I think it’s my time to shine.” The crowd laughed. “So our performance for tonight will start with a song called Lego House.” He looked at his band mates. “Oh and by the way, we’re called The Outsiders.“ He smiled which made some girls giggle. “1, 2, 3-“



I’m gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house

If things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings

But there’s one thing on my mind

It’s all for you



“Hey, what did you sister ate for dinner?” I looked at her. “Yoona I mean.”


I furrowed my eyebrows at her randomness. “She didn’t eat anything for dinner. She just slept early because she was tired from her practice.”


“Ahhh maybe that’s the reason why she’s very hungry as of the moment.”


“What are you talking about?”


“I am…” She turned me to a certain direction. “Talking about that.”


“Holy .” My sister is here! On the same venue as mine and she’s eating Seohyun’s face! “Oh my God! That explains the silent sleeping!”


“If I were you, I’d take a picture to counter her blackmail.” She suggests. “In case she has any evidence against you.”


“Good idea.”



I look at our surrounding and everybody was feeling along with the music and the chill vibe was instantly replaced with the romantic one. Couples starts to appear and be all affectionate with one another which was really awkward since I am starting to feel that only Amber and I are not in a relationship. And the coldness of the night wasn’t really helping me. Damn I forgot that we were going to a late night performance… So much for looking nice Krystal.



Suddenly, I felt something being put around me and I looked at Amber who didn’t have her jacket on. “Hey, you didn’t have to.”


“I know… But I wanted to.” She answers. “You should be warmed.”


“W-w-what about you? It’s really cold you know.”


“Not really.” She shrugs.


I furrowed my eyebrows. “How come?”


She leans closer to my ear and whispers-























































Just having you here with me warms me enough.”


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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
12 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)