The Eighth

Gangsta Boy

Krystal forgot all of her shyness and instantly leaped towards Amber who luckily caught her in an embrace. Krystal wrapped her arms tightly around the tomboy’s neck while Amber’s grip settled on the latter’s waist. Krystal shed tears but it was now out of joy. She couldn’t believe that her plan was a success. Amber spun her around that made her giggle.



“Tell me this is not a dream.” Amber’s voice was muffled as her face was buried on Krystal’s shoulder.


“Nope, this is not a dream.”


“Good.” She hugs her even tighter. “Good.”



The broke the hug and suddenly Krystal felt something inside her system and this was something familiar because she felt this when Amber hugged her tightly when they were in the greenhouse. This sudden courage inside of her that makes her want to confess to Amber right on the spot is even getting more eager as the time passes by.


“Amber I-“ Suddenly her confession was stopped because Amber’s head was hit by a beer can. “OH MY GOD!”


“Argh!” She shakes the pain off. “WHO THREW THAT?!”


“YAH!” They both look down and there were their friends. “YOU LOVE BIRDS, COME DOWN HERE AND JOIN THE PARTY!” Choiza screams.






“I’ll remove mine when you remove yours pabo.” He smirks.



Amber was silenced with that and now all of her friends were teasing her. Krystal could feel that her senior was embarrassed and nervous and she knew that she had to help her out. But how could she when she also feels shy to re-assure Amber that it was okay to put her arms around her? That it was okay because she likes it? Good thing an idea popped into her mind.



She leans on Amber’s chest that surprised all of them, including Amber. “She can put it there if she wants to.”


“Aweeeee.” Her friends teased them.


Krystal looked up to see Amber’s shy face. “C’mon let’s go down and celebrate with them.”


Amber looked at her and smiled. “Okay.”



Amber and her band started performing songs and Krystal was there far beyond the crowd and just enjoying the atmosphere and sometimes she would also clapped her hands together as her body swayed along with the music. And even from her stand, she could really tell that Amber really likes performing. Her eyes sparkle even more than she was playing Tae-kwon-do, or doing soccer or basketball. And how she wished her father was here for her to see the good side of Amber and that she shouldn’t worry about a thing because Amber has been a good influence to her.



“Enjoying the party?” It was Donghae, Amber’s dad.


“Oh, Mr. Lee. Yes, I am indeed enjoying the party.” She gave the latter a formal bow.


“Just call me pops. That’s what everybody calls me.”


“I’ll try… Pops.” He smiled. “What about you? Are you enjoying the party?”


“Yes I am and by the way Krystal, thank you for organizing all of this for my daughter. I have been so messed up that I can’t even take care of my daughters.” He bitterly chuckles. “How stupid of me.”


“Don’t say that, I’m sure you had your reasons why you did some stuffs but that’s all in the past now and continually dueling on them won’t changed what has already happened. You just need to focus on the present and learn from your mistakes so you can avoid it for the future.” She smiles.


“I see now why my daughter likes you.”


“Pardon?” Krystal looked at him.


“Like as a friend. I get it now why she likes you as a friend.”


“Ahhh.” She chuckles in embarrassment. “I see.”


“You know what?”


“Yes sir?”


“There are only a few times when I was able to say that Amber was indeed happy… the first time when she won the championship belt, the second one when she scored the penalty goal, and lastly when she told me that she loves playing rubric’s cube.” He smiles at the memory. “Do you get what I am trying to say?”


“I-I am still not sure.”


“I only saw those smiles when she was still a kid. This is my first time seeing that smile of her as a teenager.” Krystal was stunned hearing that. “She had a pretty rough childhood you know, it wasn’t easy for me watching all of her dreams about family and love being crushed like that. But today I am still happy because even though she went through a lot of things, I know deep inside her she hopes that I would still be able to get back with their mom.”


“I don’t mean to be rude or something but why did it end up like that? I knew it was an arranged marriage but having 2 kids along the way must’ve meant something.”


“It did work Krystal-sshi. When Amber came to this world, it was then we realized that we were capable of forming a good family. And the love for one another just got stronger when Sulli came. I thought everything was doing so well until the merged business of our families got bankrupt and we started to lose our assets. And then this suitor appears with a lot in his pockets so I guess you know what happens next.”


“You can still get her back.”


“She won’t come home.” They were both silent for a while. “And ever since then, Amber was never the same even I was never the same. Deep inside of me I was worried because of what she has experienced. What if our breaking up made her not wanting to believe on anything anymore? And these past few months I regained hope again because she was really happy as she shared some of her stories while I was in treatment and I was so glad because my prayers were answered. But then she started going back to the same old Amber and I started to get worried again but now I feel happy and contented.” He smiles. “I may not have been the best father for them but I can be the best dad by protecting them to end up like me.”


“Even if things didn’t go well in your life, it’s still not considered as a messy one. You have two amazing daughters who love you truly. Consider yourself lucky because of that.” She says. “Despite all the negativity, they are still there.”


“I’ve done some bad things in my life Krystal. Maybe that’s why they criticize us so easily. Especially your family.”


“It’s only my dad who has a problem with her but I don’t care what she thinks, I don’t care what everybody thinks anymore. I can’t lie and I am done following someone else’s orders. Before I met Amber again, I thought I was okay with what I have but being with her made me realize it’s what the little things matter.”


“Cheers to that?”


Krystal made a toast with Donghae’s beer. “Cheers.”



The night continued to be an amazing night for all of them as they danced along and sing along with all the songs that were being played. And all the time, Amber and Krystal couldn’t be stopped from being touchy touchy with one another. Even though it earned a lot of teasing from their friends, they couldn’t really care because they missed one another so much.

But of course the night had to end and slowly all of the guests greeted Amber congratulations and farewell. Even though it was against Amber’s will, Krystal and Yoona had to go home so with a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug, Amber and Krystal separated ways. On the way home, they already planned something convincing to say to their parents.

Yoona opened the door first and it revealed Yuri and Jessica with their worried faces. Krystal then follows with her head hung low and she said nothing and passed by them as she heads straight to their room.



“What happened to your twin?”


“She went to Amber’s graduation’s party to apologize. Amber rejected her and that’s why she’s like that.”


“She rejected her in front of a lot of people?” Yuri asks.


Yoona shakes her head. “They talked privately and Krystal returned with a sad smile on her face.”


“See, this is why I told her to stay away from that kid.” Yuri sighs. “That kid, I’ll show her really.”


“No, this is all your fault.” Jessica counters. “If you would just let-“


“We already talked about this and we are not going to fight about this again.”


“Daddy’s right mommy, what’s the point of fighting when the damage has been done?” The couple looked at their daughter. “Amber already forgave her but she rejected the thought of them being friends again. So stop if you guys are just planning to fight because that doesn’t help the situation.”



Yoona follows her sister without forgetting to slam the door to add more intensity. When she got inside the room, she saw Krystal on the edge of her bed still with her head hung low. Slowly she approached her and sat beside Krystal. After a few moments of silence, a giggle came out of Krystal’s mouth and then followed by another one until they laughed so hard as they fall down on the bed. They laughed their hearts out which eventually slowed down as time pass by.



“You should’ve seen their faces.”


“I bet they were priceless.”


“They were and they were really guilty about it.”


“I feel kind of bad for hiding from them though.”


“Don’t worry, sooner or later we’re going to have to stop this because daddy finally came to her senses.” Krystal nods. “But I am happy for you twinny, finally all things are good.”


“I was just fortunate because she was able to forgive me.”


“So any more plans to surprise her?” Yoona was dumbfounded when she saw her twin furrow her eyebrows. “Don’t tell me you’re not planning to spend your summer with Amber.”


“W-w-well I don’t know. Maybe she already got some plans with her family.”


“Krystal Kwon, let me remind you that Amber Josephine Lee will not be in the school list anymore.”


She ruffled her hair. “Ottoke twinny? What about mommy and daddy?”


“From what I heard, daddy wants us to join her with their global tour. And that will be next week.”


“.” Krystal bit her nails. “Which means, I only have a week with her then?” Yoona nodded her head. “Well, what do you think I should do?”


Yoona smirks. “I heard Amber always wanted to go to this place.


Amber woke up with a smile on her face. Remembering what happened last night gave her a reason to start her day I hyper mode. She goes out of her room and saw her younger sister preparing breakfast while she sees her father by their dining table reading the daily newspaper.



“Good morning to our graduate.”


Amber kissed him on the cheeks. “Morning pops, morning Ssul.”


“Morning hyung!” Sulli placed the food on the table and kissed Amber’s cheek.


After saying grace, Donghae grabbed some envelopes. “Another graduation gift for you.”


“What’s this?” Amber was curious. “I already paid our bills.”


“Not that pabo.” He chuckles.



Amber continued to scan the envelopes and saw different university logos all across the country and even some from Austrailia, New Zealand, Taiwan and China. She opened the letters one by one but still the content remained the same. All of them offered Amber a full scholarship with any course that she desires. Amber screamed in delight and the three of them group hugged. Amber also received a call from her mother and step dad saying congratulations and that the gift was already deposited on her bank account. Amber was so happy, this day couldn’t get any better she thought to herself.






“I’ll get it.” Sulli leaves the room for a minute and comes back with a package. “Hyung? It’s for you?”


“For me?” Amber grabs the swiss knife from the counter and opens it. “A bag?”


“Oh look, there’s an envelope.”




                                Congratulations! You have won a 1-week vacation in Jeju island effective today! With this bag, feel free to put all of your desired things and let us meet by the Gimpo Airport by 12 o’clock sharp.


-Krystal Kwon




Amber immediately dials Krystal’s phone number. “Hello?”


“Tell me you’re not joking.” That made Krystal laughed. “Seriously Krystal you cannot be playing with me right now.”


“Check the instagram pabo.” And quickly Amber scans the social website.




“It’s already 10 o’clock sunbae. I suggest you prepare your things and get ready.”


“Arrasso, I’ll see you later.” Amber still cannot remove the grin off of her face.


“Someone’s happy.” Donghae teases.


“I am going to Jeju! With Krystal!”


“We know hyung, Krystal called us this morning to ask for pops’ permission.”


“She seems a pretty nice kid plus it’s good time to spend with one another before you actually get busy with the college life.”


“Thank you! I promise that I’ll bring some souvenirs home” She kissed them both on the cheek. “I’ll just get ready.”



Amber and Krystal were busy on choosing what to wear for the rest of the trip. Both of them were really excited to be on this trip especially for Krystal because on their very last day, she plans to confess her feelings to her long-time crush.

12 o’clock sharp Amber saw Krystal with her luggage standing by the boarding area wearing a plain white shirt, ripped shorts and sunglasses to cover her face. Even if she’s only the daughter of the hallyu star, she looks like a celebrity herself.





Krystal smiled at her. “I’m surprised you arrive just in time.”


“I know right, it’s amazing for me too. Been waiting long?”


“No, I just arrived actually. Let’s go?”



Amber nodded her head and they boarded and walked towards the aircraft. Krystal actually lied. She was already there for 2 hours because she was hella nervous for this entire trip. She was even nervous on how to greet Amber when her senior gets there. It’s her first time travelling without her family members and was even more nervous because she’s the one who planned all of their activities. She just hopes that Amber likes what she has planned.

The plane took off and Krystal really feels sleepy because she planned everything overnight. She leans back on her chair and starts to doze off but all of a sudden she feels Amber’s hand guiding her head towards the latter’s shoulder. Amber probably thought that she was already asleep and to add more to the giddy feeling, Amber leans her head over her head. Now how is she able to sleep again?

After an hour or so, they finally arrived on the airport but they immediately stopped on their tracks when Krystal saw the paparazzis walking back and forth with huge cameras hung around their necks. She then remembers the call that her mother made to her when she arrived. She told her that Yuri assigned some security staff to guide her out of the airport. Maybe they had a source that she was heading this way and poof now they are all here. It has been minutes since they have been staying around the lounge area.


“So what’s the plan now?”


“You go ahead, I’ll follow you soon and let’s meet by the hotel 6th floor, room 910. My daddy really wants me to be stressed.”


“Chill, I thought we came here to relax?” Amber tries to lighten up the mood. “Don’t worry, everything will be okay. I’ll see you at the hotel?”


Krystal nods. “See you.”



So Amber grabs her stuffs and leaves the airport without even one reporter paying attention to her. As she hails a cab and got inside, from her viewpoint she could see reporters start to fuss around and flashes started to appear. Soon enough, she sees Krystal being protected by the airport guards and both now fans and reporters try to get a better picture of her. She shakes her head and tells the driver to head to the hotel and leaves the flashy airport.

Krystal soon followed and despite wearing sunglasses, Amber can see the grumpy look on her face. She was also escorted by the hotel security and were holding a lot of things. She decided to help the guards by getting all the gifts while Krystal enters the room. After saying thanks and closing the door, she was amazed as to how big the room was. It was bigger than their own apartment back in Seoul. It had a modern living room, a kitchen and 2 bedrooms with separate baths.



“Amber why don’t you go and freshen up? It’s been a long travel after all.”



She nods her head and goes to her room and freshens up. It wasn’t really a long travel for Amber but she just doesn’t want to add more stress to Krystal. She somehow feels kind of guilty that Krystal has to lie to her parents about their reconciliation but in the back of her mind she knew it was better this way because she can talk to her unlike the past days. And when Krystal offered this 1 week vacation into her favorite places in all of the Earth, she couldn’t say no. This will probably be the last week they’d get to spend every day together. When she got out of the bath and dressed up, she could hear Krystal’s voice in the living room and her father’s voice arguing  through loud speaker.



“But why? Tell me. Give me one good reason why you did something like that?”


“It was for your protection.”


“Who are you kidding daddy? You just wanted me to be stressed out so I could go back to Seoul even before I could spend a night here.”


“You did what again Seobang?”


“Mommy, can you please tell your husband that I really need this week alone?! If she brings me one more problem I swear I will not come to her global tour.” And even without looking, Amber can tell that she was in ice princess mode.


“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to your father and I’ll let the staff fix this. Sorry Krystal.”


Krystal sighs. “I just need a week all by myself. Why can’t she understand that?”


“Don’t worry baby, Mommy will fix this one ASAP. Enjoy your stay there, I love you.”


“I love you.”



Amber got out of her room and she sees the latter walking back and forth looking really stressed out. She pitied the situation Krystal was in. Yeah it’s good to have parents who can gave you everything but sometimes, it also comes with a big price. Finally the walking only stopped when Krystal sees Amber leaning on the door with her arms crossed.



“S-sorry. D-d-did you already freshen up?”


“Looks like you’re the one who needs to freshen up.” Krystal looks away in embarrassment. “Why don’t you have some sleep? I’ll wake you up in 2 hours.”


“O-okay. But be sure to wake me up in 2 hours. We have a lot to do.”


“No need to hurry Krystal, we have a lot of time.”


When I woke up, I looked at the window and saw the stars and the night sky already. I immediately went outside and smelled the delicious flavor surrounding the room. Amber turns around wearing that cute apron and of course she smiled at me with her -dropping smile.



I walked towards the dining table with a grumpy look on my face. “You promised to wake me up after 2 hours.”


“Oh I am so sorry, but I still want to be alive.”


“What are you talking about?”


“I did went to your room and tried to wake you up several times but you said you’d kill me if I try to wake you up one last time so I decided to go against it. And yeah, here we are.”


I blushed because I was so shy of the way I reacted. “I usually say a lot on non-sense whenever I am asleep.”


“I am pretty sure that was full of sense.”


“A-anyway, what’s that you’re cooking?”


“Since I didn’t have so much to do, I called Yoona and asked what your favorite dishes were. And boy, I was glad when she said pasta and sushi.” She said as she places the meals on the table. “Let’s eat?”


We said grace and proceed with the meal. “Sunbae, I’m sorry by the way.” She furrowed her eyebrows. “I would’ve gotten us the penthouse suite but some celebrity already made the reservation and I couldn’t use my name to make things different.” I said to her. “I’m sorry we’re stuck here on the 6th floor.”


“Are you being serious right now?”


“Why wouldn’t I be?”


“This room is probably bigger than our apartment and yet here you are apologizing?” She shakes her head. “It really doesn’t matter what kind of room we stay in Krys, probably because we’ll be spending most of our time outside but, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. But don’t worry, I don’t mind staying on the 6th floor.” She smiled at me.


We stayed silent for a while until I noticed she was looking at me. “You’re looking at me like that because?”




“Liar.” I said as I point my fork at her. “C’mon and just ask me.”


“Was it always this troublesome?” I looked at her, waiting for her to complete her question. “Having celebrity parents I mean.”


“Sometimes…” I trailed off. “I mean, you can’t enjoy all the perks you know.” She nods her head. “Let’s just say it’s less private when you’re engaged in this lifestyle. But we don’t worry that much, we have people for that.”


“People?” She followed up. “You mean like staff or a team?”


“Something like that I guess. But don’t worry, you’ll be able to understand this soon enough. With the talent that you have, I am sure you’re going to make it.”


“Seeing the situation you’re in right now, makes me wanna change my career path you know.”


We both laughed. “Pabo, it does get hard but I know you’re made for the music industry. And besides, it’s nice to know that there are people out there that appreciate your work of art. I’d like to be that as well someday you know.”


“You’re much suited as an actress I can tell.” She smiles. “And you’d get married to an actor who you once did a drama with or your current love team pairing or maybe a director or a producer.”


“I don’t know.” I started to play with my food. “I’ve always had hots for musicians.”




I looked at her and saw the confusion in her eyes. “Never mind, come on let’s just continue eating okay?”


“Do pabo yah!” Yoona screams through the phone.


“I know I know! But I did the right thing right? I know I shouldn’t be that obvious or maybe I should’ve been considering the insensitivity level of that person.” I lied on my bed. “Well happens and I’m pretty sure she’s already forgotten about it. So yeah screw it.”


“Plus you have a lot of days to spend together and I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of flirting involved and who knows? Maybe this trip will enlighten her mind and maybe she’ll be the one who will confess to you at the end of this trip.”


“No way, I’m 100% sure that if she’s interested in me, she would’ve made a move already.”


“Maybe she’s just shy because she’s only a simple person or maybe she’s shy or the fact that you’d probably reject her scares her.”


“If she does that then I’ll probably ask her to marry me.” That made her laugh. “Wish me luck for tomorrow.”


“I should probably say that to you on the last day.”


“Alright, save your encouragement for the last day.”


“By the way, mom already took care of the article. I’ve already released a photo of us 3 with Seohyun that is and that we are currently in Prague.”


“That photo was last summer, hope they won’t be able to notice about one thing.”


“They won’t, umma’s staff are jjang as always.” I hummed in response. “Alright twinny, I can hear Seohyun’s marching towards the room I’ll act asleep now and call me sometimes and give me updates in details.”


I laughed. “Whipped.” I placed my hone on the desk and sighed to myself. Hope everything will turn out well tomorrow.



Truth to be told I am quite relieved on how the day is going so far. Amber’s really enjoying the places that I’ve been bringing her to and we enjoyed hiking and exploring the island as well. The hiking was a pain in the but she would always converse with me so we get to know each other better and better. I would also call my sister from time to time to help me with advices and of course my friends too because I have so many ideas that I wanted to do so they help me straighten out my thoughts.

Right now, Amber and I are currently enjoying the heat on the beach and I can really tell that Amber’s enjoying her time here because there are a lot of bikini babes out there wearing they revealing and ravish bathing suites and I’ve been trying to get her attention so many times but she wouldn’t just budge! The hell’s wrong with this woman?! So because I was so pissed off I just excused myself even though she won’t hear me and went back to the hotel and called my sister.



“I REALLY DON’T GET WHAT’S GOING ON!” I continued on ranting while my younger sister, Seulgi is just looking at me. “WHY IS SHE OUT THERE LOOKING AT SOMEONE ELSE’S ?!”


“Why? Do you have one for her to look at?”


“YAH!” I threw a pillow on my tab. “Be at my side on this one!”


“Of course your majesty.”


“Ugh, I am running out of ideas. What should I do?”


“Well for starters you can change what you’re wearing.”


“No way, she told me that she likes women who are a little conservative, simple and modest.”


“A little conservative, but more on the vulgarity and boldness- I think that’s what she’s trying to say to you. She just wasn’t sure if saying something like that would be appropriate.” She says. “Think about it, who wouldn’t want a sizzling hot mamacita wrapped around her arm? I mean, if I was there I like women who are like that. And I bet that Yoona unnie likes Seohyun to be hot as well and now I am a hundred percent that Amber unnie wants a fine chick too. So say goodbye to your granny attire and grab your dirty MILF look.”


I want to face palm myself. “Where do you get your words Seulgi-ah? You’re bolder than me and I and I am starting to get worried.”


“As long as I am right then there’s nothing for you to worry about.”


“Oh right, should I be worried for Irene then?”


She instantly blushed. “Leave her from this topic!” She shoeed me off. “Now scram and change.”



I rolled my eyes at her and went to my bedroom to change. Out of all the bathing suits I have prepared, I finally decided to grab my high cut floral bikini. Mommy thought it looks beautiful on me and Yoona got the exact same thing too. I grabbed my sun block lotion and returned to Seulgi whose jaw instantly dropped on the floor the moment she saw me.



“Unnie, this is what I am talking about! Jjang!” She told me with two thumbs up. “Your abs are amazing as always I see.”


“Jinjja? Then that’s good then.” I smiled. “I’ll go back now so wish me luck.”


“You need no luck. You’re going to get her attention on this one.”



On the way back I decided to call Amber and ask if she wants some drink. Gladly she answered she wants a fresh coconut drink so I headed over to the bar and ordered two of them. While waiting I decided to check myself on my hand phone and took some selcas. But as I looked at the photos I saw some people on the background starts to look at my direction and suddenly, there’s some random buff guy sat beside me.



“One beer please.” He says and then turns to me. “And you?”


“Excuse me?”


“I feel that I should buy you a cool drink because you’re way too damn hot.” He smiled after that.


“Th-thanks but-“


“No thanks, she already have our drinks.”



I look to my right and saw Amber’s grinning face and then I looked at the other direction, I saw her hand wrapped around my waist and from there I knew what Seulgi told me was right. Our drinks arrived and Amber grabbed one of them still her hand around my waist. She gave the buffy dude a slight tapped and placed the other coconut drink on this front. When I looked back at him he just scoffed and shook his head. Even when we were back on our spot I was still in the highlight moment that I didn’t know what recently just happened so better to ask Amber about that.



“Yah, what are you thinking?”




Amber shakes her head. “C’mon have your drink.”


Ottoke!? We are even sharing the same drink!? “Uhhh…”


“Don’t worry I don’t have any sickness with me.” I just playfully hit her.


“By the way, what did you say to buff guy over there?” I asked as I had my drink.


“Oh that one? I told him that we’re a couple enjoying our vacation and I told him not to check out my girlfriend like that-“ She wasn’t able to finish her sentence because I threw up on her face!


“Ottoke!? Sunbae I-“


“You know, I think this is the very first time someone threw their drinks directly on my face.” She chuckles.


I immediately grabbed the face towel and removed the mess I made. “Mianhe, jinjja mian-“


“It’s alright.” She smiles at me. “Ah, now that I remember, what happened to the rash guard and speedo shorts?”


I rolled my eyes on her. “What’s the use of those if you’re planning to ignore me?”


“Did you say something?”


“Anni.” I said innocently.


“Look, I only said that to him because judging what you decide to wear now he and probably every guy now on this island is going to hit on you.”


“Every guy? Aren’t you a bit exaggerating?”


“Exaggerating or not I am just concerned.”


I silently scoffed to myself. “Concerned or jealous?” I said to her and when I turned to look at her again she gave me this weird look.


“All right that’s it.”


I furrowed my eyebrows. “What are you talking about?” She then lifted me like a sack. “Yah, YAH! Where are we going?”


“I think that I am always talking to myself whenever you’re zoning out so a cold dip might wake you up.”


“What?! Are you kidding me!?”



Before I could even more protest, she immediately threw to the water and it was freezing cold despite the heating weather. I could hear above the surface that she was laughing and probably enjoying her victory over me. I couldn’t let her win so I just kicked her foot hard enough to make her loose her balance and fall as well. Now I immediately stood up to see the hilarious situation that she’s in. But being competitive as I am my victory was short lived because she pulled me and dragged me down. When we both got up and looked at one another to kill one another by looks.


“Your hair.” She said as she try to hold in her laugh.


“What?” I asked irritatingly.


“Your hair… It’s full of sand. HAHAHAHA!” And of course to save myself from embarrassment, I threw a ball of sand to her hair.


“HAHAHAHA! HAHAHA-“ The water’s wave was so strong that part of it when straight to my mouth that caused me to choke and cough.


She laughs as she offers her hand to me. “Alright, stop with the childish games and let’s freshen up.” I looked at her. “C’mon.”


I took her hand but suddenly she lets go of me, making me fall onto the water. “AMBER LEE!”





After spending the entire afternoon playing around the water either by ourselves, riding the Jet ski, banana boat, parasailing and even with the Iron Man thing. It was super fun only because I get to spend all of those memories with Amber. Moreover, I love it when she’s being super protective of me and it just made me want to giggle and kiss her cheek for being too sweet.



“Here are your orders.”


“Thank you halmeoni.”


“Thank you for the meal.”



We’re currently enjoying our ramyun at a beachside convenience store. I think she wanted to avoid the fancy restaurants that I have been constantly bringing her too. Heck I remembered when she almost threw up the water when she saw our bill for the first time we ate delicious steak. She said it was their monthly rent. But of course high quality do come with a high price right? Appa raised us like that.

But I didn’t wanna spoil the moment plus the ramyun we’re having right now is the best one I have ever had.



“How do you like the day so far?” She asks me.


“Besides you continuously pissing me off? This day couldn’t get any better.” I smiled sarcastically at her. “What about you? How do you like the day so far?”


“I had fun.” She answers shortly.


“Sunbae…” I looked at her. “I heard from Sulli that you actually received a lot of scholarship letters from various universities.” She nods her head. “Waaaa, it must be flattering isn’t it?”


“Yes it is…”


“So, which university are you planning to attend to?”


“Honestly I really want to go to the Australia university because of its credibility and reputation but I thought of appa and Sulli and wonder how Sulli is going to balance school, work and taking good care of our father. I am the breadwinner after all.”


“If you’re deciding to enter here, then what course are you planning to attend?”


“Maybe a director or a producer? I heard they got really good pay slips.”


“Hmmmm… Makes sense.”


Or maybe I could be a musician. Since someone told me they always had hots for them.”


I snapped my head towards her. “What did you just said?”


She smiled and ruffled my hair. “Nothing, let’s just continue eating arrasso?”


Amber wanted to go for a walk by the beach so after dinner we decided to stroll a little to see if anything catches our attention. I really couldn’t focus because it was freezing cold and I didn’t had my jacket or any piece to cover myself on plus there’s an additional factor of my hand kept on bumping hers. Every time we touch I get so flustered that she might look at me as If I am a tomato.



“Ah it’s nice…” She says out of the blue.


“Huh?” Then I got what she said when we saw an old couple walking by a distance. “Awee, that’s sweet.”


“Nice to know that some people do keep their promises. I like that.”


“You’re probably going to end up like them.” I said to her. “I can see it in you.”




I nodded my head. “I think that you really wanna be with someone and you want that relationship to be the last relationship that you enter.” I looked at her. “You wanted to be everything your parents weren’t to you.”


That made her smile. “I guess you got that one right.”


“That’s a relief then.”


“A relief? Why?” She looked at me seriously. “Yah, you think that I am not a man of my word?”


“Not like that!” I shook with both of my hands. “It’s, it’s, it’s-“ She ruffles my hair. “Argh, stop with the teasing!” I playfully pushed her.


She laughed at me. “But deep inside Krystal, it does scares me though.”




“Because of what I saw in my parents… I don’t want to get attached to anyone because in the end it’s going to destroy me. It will because I will place 110% of me into someone in hopes that she’d take of it and that she won’t do anything to break that promise.”


“Love’s a risk sunbae.” I told her. “Everything’s a risk, not doing anything is a risk as well.”


She smiled. “Yeah maybe it is.”


“I know it scares you but wouldn’t it be nice to have someone beside you to encourage and support you? Not as a friend only but as someone special?”


“I might bore that someone though.” I looked at her and waited for her to continue. “It’s because I am just me. Do you get that?” She looks at me. “I am just a normal person with no rich money to buy a mansion or an expensive car or a luxurious beach villa or a forest cabin. I am just me and because of that I only crave for the innocent moments and simple things in relationship. Holding hands, hugs from behind, kisses on the forehead, piggybacks, street dates and telling someone how much they mean to me. That’s really all I want.”


“Don’t worry sunbae, Whoever that someone is, I’m sure she’s going to be alright with that. That fact that she’s doing it with you is already enough for her.” I smiled at her.


After a little way she nods her head. “Maybe I’ll give this ‘love´ a try someday. After all at the end of the day we all just someone to choose us… Over everyone else, under any circumstances.” She looks at me. “Right?”















































I smiled at her. “Right.”


Because it's the 8th of the month ☺

How was your New Year guys? I hope you like my present :) Tell me what you tink about how the story has been progressing. I kinda miss your comments so yeah Donkey's been a little clingy lately with all your comments. Kekekekeke. Anyway see you on the next update!

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Chapter 4: Should be stayed for original characters, I mean not necessarily to put all seulrene on kryber's fics 😔😔😔🤧😮‍💨
ssgsperera #2
Chapter 19: Please write a sequel author..
Thank you
22 streak #3
It's been years and I'm still waiting for sequel..
Chapter 19: So much of heart aches authornim TT
Chapter 19: So much of heart ache reading this...
bro i smell some trailer sequel here
Adesta123 #7
Chapter 19: Author? You just gonna leave me hanging?? ?
Restless_Soul #8
Hi mam :)