13th Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura


Aron POV

We entered the ‘entertainment complex’ to find these little kids running around. I guess we aren't the targeted age group but that didn’t stop us from purchasing an entry to laser tag. I mean if these attractions are meant for little kids, then that's fine with me since I’m still a kid at heart. We made our way to the entrance of the ‘stadium’ where our guns were. We had to put this life jacket like thing on that was attached to our guns on and colour coded. I guess it’s so when a person gets shot on part of the vest it deactivates the laser or something. I think this is a team thing. Hina chose yellow so I wanted too choose yellow to but then JR would as well but that's no fun so I chose red and JR chose blue.

“OK so there are some rules before you go in. No violence, you may help each other and have fun.” The host sighed as he said that probably because he’s said it too much. JR, Hina and I raced in looking for an opposition’s base. To defeat a base you had to shoot it a couple of times but the difficult thing was that it could also shoot lasers, rapidly.

Hina POV

Once I got in I went looking for a base since you would get more points if you defeated it. The whole arena was dark and the walls were painted black with neon splatters of paint that glowed in the dark. Aron had his back to me so I decided to shoot him and I did, because no light or sound came out of this thing I couldn’t tell if I shot him or if I needed to reload. I don’t even know how to do that.

I had just noticed my yellow lights turn off. I guess someone shot me. I turned around and ran for the figure in the distance hiding behind big cans that governed this place. I saw a big blue dot. JR? Definitely. I wanted to shoot him except I was temporarily eliminated. But I ran towards him anyway trying to forget yesterday.

“JR, why did you shoot me?”

“Cause if I don't there won’t be a war and it won’t be fun.”

“Well I’m still a newbie at this and don’t really understand how things work so don’t go hard on me. Ok?” We stood there in silence for a while.

“You know if you don’t know how to play you could always ask. Here I’ll teach you the basics.” JR held up his gun and showed me how the gun worked. When JR was in the middle of explaining my light turned back on and I quickly positioned my gun to shoot JR but in a split second I was out, again. I bet it was Aron. Suddenly I felt a flash of wind go right past me and when I turned to JR, he was gone. After Aron, I see. I run to see what the two are up to but wars gone down.


Aron POV

Like I’ll let JR have some lovey dovey time in here with Hina. Bring it on.


“Well you two were too close and I was bored, so why not ruin your moment?” I responded and I attempted to hit him. “Damn. Why’d you move?” 

“Uh, to dodge. Duh. KWAK YOUNG MIN I’LL GET YOU!!!” JR is so fun to tease. He’s so serious and angry. JR tried to shoot me three times in a row, and then I shot back and hid behind a barrel. It went on like this for a while.

Hina POV  

Ah man. They’re bickering and trying to shoot each other but failing. I feel so bored. Let’s just join this little fight shall we?

My first target was Aron, since he got me out when I was targeting JR. I pulled the trigger and SUCCESS. Aron was out. Then I noticed my light go off too. YAY! JR got me again.

“WHAT!? You can’t do this to me! I got Aron out for you JR, YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY.” I yelled in frustration.

“Hina, don’t lie. That was revenge for getting you out when you wanted to get me out.” How did JR figure that out? Aron skipped towards me and flung his arm over my shoulder.

“Hina let’s form an alliance and gang up on JR.” he whispered in my ear. I put my hand forward and he shook it. It was a deal. Hehe JR, you’re dead meat. 


I'm a little sad :'( I lost a subbie :'( But i promise to keep writing :) 

HIIIIIIIIIIIIII PEEPS!!!!!! RE-ENERGIZED.................... AND HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for another short chapter. PLEASE FORGIVE THIS HORRIBLE AUTHOR!!!!!! >-<

In a couple of chapters....well soon this story will get intresting....i think i use '....' too much. 

~TOFUFISHIE XOXO <---Is that creepy? =P

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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!