4th Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura

Hina POV

I couldn’t believe who the transfer student was. I was screaming so loudly on the inside. First Aron, who is seated behind me, and now JR!

“Hello my name is Jonghyun but please call me JR.”

“OW!” I pinched myself to make sure it wasn’t a dream. I guess that was stupid. The whole class looked at me including JR.

“Can I please sit over there?” JR asked. He pointed at the seat diagonally right behind me.

“Sure. I was going to ask you to choose a seat out of the ones at the back. Anyways let’s get back to class.” We had both homeroom and first period with the same teacher. YAY. First period was maths.

Me, being a rebel; stealthily took out my earphones and connected it to my phone, put my phone back into my side pocket, slid the earphones through the bottom of my jumper up the left arm hole and made sure at least one of the earphones were poking out a little bit of my sleeve. I carefully inserted the earphone into my left ear with my hand covering to make it look like I was simply resting my head on my hand. I took out my phone again to press play then re-slid the phone into my pocket making sure no wires where sticking out. Maths is the easiest and the most boring. Our teacher never checks our work unless it’s homework.

“Homework is all the uncompleted questions on page 276. OK, class dismissed.” The teacher said. I quickly paused my music and slid the earphone up my sleeve a bit but didn’t disconnect it. I packed my things ready for period 2.

“Hey JR, why are you staring at her so intensively?” I heard Aron say to JR.

“I don’t know.” I turned around to see JR staring at me.

“Hi.” I said so it wasn’t so awkward.

“Hina! Nice to see you again. So do you have any friends?”

“So her name is Hina,” Aron mumbled

“Well...I have friends..... but not here.” Lie, I don't have anyone I could call a friend at this school. I'm not a very social person and it was easier this way.

“Is it possible for me to meet them? Cause I’m bored of these guys.”

“Hey that's so rude. If you’re gonna say that, say it when I’m not here” Aron pouted, it was cute.

“Mianhae.” JR sarcastically apologized.

“JR, I told you not to use Korean when we are here. You need to improve your English.” Aron said and JR finally turned to face him. This gave me a chance to…RUN!!

I ran as fast as I could until I reached my classroom for period 2. LOTE. At Pledis High there were 3 different languages to choose from (Korean, Chinese and Japanese) and you had to pick 2 to study. I chose Korean and Japanese. For this period I have Korean. Because I have Korean I don’t think JR or Aron are in it.

The teacher walked in and we began the lesson.

“OK so today, transfer students from Korea are going to help us during class. You can both come in and find somewhere to sit.” If this keeps up I’m going to faint from their hotness and never come to school again. Ok maybe I was exaggerating but seriously if I have all my classes with these hot guys my heart will go into overdrive.



I don't know if I'm changing hina's character this is so confusing. She sounds like a loner should I keep her that way???? Hmm....Please please please please COMMENT and tell me what you think of it...and SUBSCRIBE!!!


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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!