18th Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura

Hina POV

“So…what’s Aron’s stuff doing here?” I ask.

 “He’s at the airport with dad to pick up his family and the Kwak’s will be staying here until the 3rd as freeloaders.” Mum explained. “His parents will use the guest room, his sisters will sleep on these couches and Aron will stay in your room.” Mum continued.

…….Huh? “Mum…… What are you saying!? Do really trust Aron? Ya know…… I mean you know when a girl and a guy are alone in one room…” I tried explaining. This is very very awkward but my mum seemed oblivious to the atmosphere building up. Maybe it’s all in my head……

“Of course I know, you pumpkin! But, I don't think Aron will have any interest in you, that’s why I’m letting him stay. And also, you already have JR!”

“Isn’t that all the more reason he shouldn’t be in my room!?” I screamed in frustration.

“What are you talking about!? JR is MINE!!!!” Misa growled as she stormed down the stairs.

*Knock, knock* “Coming!” mum yelled. She opened the door to a seemingly irritated Aron.

“So where’s the girl you like?” His mum asked right out in the open. There was a short silence and I pictured an imaginary tumbleweed rolling by. Lucky tumbleweed…..

“Yeah, where?” the youngest of his sisters repeated eagerly.

“Whatareyatalkingabout?” he said quickly.

“My motherly intuition tells me she’s in this house.” His mum says scanning the room.

“Hello Mr and Mrs Kwak. Aron said you didn’t book a hotel room. So I’ll let you stay here.” Mum said.

“Are you sure that’s okay? I mean, we can always go find one now.” Mr Kwak spoke politely.

“It’s fine, we all love having guests in this household,” said my dad with an easy smile. It was true, he loved guests. We all stood there for a while and I was starting to get tired from standing and bored from the silence. “I’ll just go get the luggage.” Aron finally said.

“I’ll help.” I said trying to avoid talking to his parents. It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that Aron’s mother was staring so intensely at me……. I followed Aron out of the house to see dad trying to unload 4 jumbo sized suit cases.

“Dad, go inside. I can do it.” I said as I took the suitcases off of him. My dad hesitantly walked inside the house. “Aron, how in the world did you manage to get these suitcases in here?” I asked, amazed. I mean these suitcases are HUGE!

“Well it’s called muscles.” He pulled up his sleeve to expose his biceps.

I poked at his large muscles. The moment our skin made contact I was sure I saw his face completely spaz out. Like his head snapped right towards me and his eyes widened. Uh….. What did I do now?

“Are you sure that’s not just baby fat?” I asked to break the silence that had fallen upon us.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” He said sarcastically. “I mean I do go to the gym after all…...  How ‘bout we start bringing the suitcases in now?” Aron said.

“Hang on a second. Aron I’m thirsty. I’ll go get us some water.”

“Why don’t you bring a suitcase with you. It’ll be more efficient.”

“Fine.” I sighed, the only reason why I offered to get us a drink was because I wanted to go and watch the CD thing JR gave me. I walked towards the boot of the car (trunk) to pull out a purple suitcase.

“Hina, don’t!” Too late. Aron had warned me a split second after I yanked it out of the boot (A/N the trunk). “That’s the heaviest suitcase.” I see why he tried to stop me. I fell. first. And to my dismay, Aron bursted out into laughter. I grabbed Aron’s leg and tried to pull him down with me but instead I ended up almost pulling his chinos down.

“What are you DOING!? Aron screamed as he tried to keep his pants up.

“Hahaha sorry…..” I said. This was really embarrassing. His face was flaming red as he struggled to get away from me. I laughed at his face but he shot me a glare and sighed. “Here you go.” He had lifted the suitcase upright and held out the handle for me so I could drag it along. I was trying my best to heave this purple beast up the curb and along the concrete pathway in my front yard to the door of my house. Since the top of the suitcase reached my stomach I gave up on dragging and pushed it along instead.

By the time I got up the stairs Aron had zoomed by me 4 times meaning he’s already getting the last suitcase out of the car.

“Finally done!” he yelled, “So waddya wanna do now?”

“I’m gonna go to my room and clean up before you dump your stuff everywhere.” I walked off.

Aron POV

Great, I’m sharing the same room as Hina. I wonder if I’ll be able to cope. I probably will if I can cope with Baekho’s frightening sleeping habit.

“Aron! Since you’re just standing there, help me bring these suitcases to the guest room, including you’re sisters.” Hina’s mum said. I grabbed the handle of two suitcases and Mrs.Fujisaki led the way. As I walked past a particular room, I was able to overhear something.

Hina POV

 I have finally finished cleaning my plain but matching room. It was a white painted room with wooden floorboards. There were windows opposite the door with wooden blinds. My bed and bedside table were chocolate and against the wall beside the door. My desk was glass with a plastic mat thingy from IKEA on top so that anything solid wouldn’t bang against the glass. There is a chocolate book shelf next to my desk in between the windows. My wardrobe was beside the bedside table.  But as I looked up at the ceiling, I froze. Above my bed, staring down at me, was a collage of posters of JR’s face. Damn MISA!!!! It’s all her fault that those posters are stuck there! But really I actually like staring at JR’s face sometimes…… Sometimes I even talk to the posters…… Great, way to sound like a loner… I should never let him see my room. Definitely.

I have finally finished cleaning my monstrosity. Although people think girls are very neat and stuff, the majority of us are messy. I love it when my room is clean because it looks so nice and pristine…… If only I could be bothered keeping it like that. I walked over to my desk and opened up my laptop. Unfortunately, I don’t have a TV in my room. I inserted the disc into my laptop and it loaded.

“Um…I decided to do this because I knew I wouldn’t have time to say a proper goodbye. So bye bye, air hug.” It was JR, he moved forward and hugged the camera.

“Hey JR! Whatcha doin?” JR’s eyes averted to the person who had squatted down beside him. I couldn’t see who it was but it sounded like Baekho.

“KA!” JR said and pointed to the (his) left. I heard ‘Baekho’s’ dragging footsteps and a slight pout. Then a door slam.

“Sorry, it’s cuz I’m currently in the lounge room. Anyways I’m really sorry. Manager told me about a couple of hours ago. I know I could of texted you but I only remembered that option now. Too late. Anyways I already started filming this so whatever.” JR just stopped talking for a while. His face froze as well.

“BOO!” He suddenly yelled. ”Did I trick you? I bet you thought, ‘JR this is stuffed up’. Well actually I couldn’t think of what to say. Ya know, when you have sooo much to say but then you’re in front of a camera and you don’t know what to say at all? Yeah…… Why won’t anyone respond? It’s like I ask a question and want a response but all I get is silence.” JR started spazzing his arms and just went out of control. “Sorry again. I should really stop apologizing. Hina. You know what? I love you.”


Hey guys, whats up? Chapter 18!!!!! WOOHOOOOOO YEAH! LALALALALALALA

:) :D O_o XD (: ^-^ =) =3 X3 ( o3o) >U< >.< <3 FACE...... Like what i did there? :)

~TOFUFISHIE :o KEKE..... mwahahaha :)

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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!