9th Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura


Hina POV

The night was seriously dragging on. I had been forced to suffer through my sisters constant flirting with JR, which was pissing me off beyond belief. Aron seemed oblivious to what was happening. He had occupied himself with picking at his over-cooked, burnt actually, food. My mum had attempted to make pecking duck which was a serious fail. The whole time my brother had been on his phone and my parents were chatting amongst themselves.

I examined JR’s face. He was currently stuffing his face with cheesecake which was our dessert. I smiled warmly as I watched him try to the cream of his nose. My sister whispered something into his ear which made his face light up and smile. I felt my mouth go dry. Why was my sister the one to make JR smile like that? Why do I care? I’m really confused. But my sister was acting a bit strange. I had never really seen her act like this. I mean she was literally fluttering her eye lashes and had actually rolled up her skirt to expose her legs. Furthermore, whenever JR glanced at me, she would give me a death glare. Why was JR so oblivious to this?

“Well, Aron and I might have to get going now,” JR spoke up. He stood up and bowed. “Thank you for having us.” Aron also stood up and bowed.

“Don’t go!” My sister cried out desperately. She stood up and her skirt unrolled. She gasped in horror. My brother and I couldn’t contain our laughter. Like we were practically howling like the wolves. My father’s expression was mixed with disgust and embarrassment while my mother looked confused. She had probably missed what had happened. Aron was shocked though JR smirked with confidence in his amused gaze.

“Sorry to disappoint, but we are leaving now.” JR turned his unwavering gaze to me. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.” He smiled easily which I returned.

“But-“ My sister began again. Desperate much?

“Mianhae,” JR spoke with a tinge of irritance in his voice. I couldn’t help but smile and when he saw my happy expression, he grinned.

“Ah! Hina, do you want to go to Fun City on Saturday (A/N sorry if you don’t know this place. It’s an entertainment complex) with us?” Aron asked with puppy dog eyes, they actually don’t work on me. Never in my life has or will puppy dogs eyes work on me.

“Sure, why not.” I heard my sister stomp up to her room.

“Bye bye.” I said as I got up too see them out.

Aron looked up and grinned cheerfully. “Bye.”                 

“Seeya!” JR smiled his heart stopping smile. I waved them off. Tonight had been one long night.



I really hope you guys all are enjoying the story. Please comment and subscribe!!!!! I WILL BE OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!! NOT LIKE I'M NOT OVER THE MOON ALREADY BUT I'LL BE CIRCLING THE MOON. NO GRAVITY? WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!! ;P


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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!