
The Pretty One II

L.Joe frowned and rubbed his temples. The numbers were swirling around in his head and he didn't want to solve another math sum when he knew the answer he got would be definitely wrong.

He sighed and eyed his phone, a sly smirk appearing on his perfectly structured lips. He reached over for it and flipped over to his bed, letting out a comfortable groan as his back hit the soft covers.

"Aish why doesn't this girl text me first?" L.Joe frowned when he saw no new messages from Chaekyung. He ignored the ones from Chunji which were bugging him for updates on the relationship with Chaekyung.

He frowned when he saw that Chaekyung's last seen was just two minutes ago but she didn't bother replying his previous message. He jutted out his lips (because he would never have let himself be called pouting), and typed a quick message to Chaekyung.

To: Princess

What are you doing now? I'm bored.

L.Joe played with his phone for a bit and perked up when it vibrated. He grinned when he saw that Chaekyung was finally online the same time he was and she finally replied his message within 5 minutes, for once.

To: Ariel

I'm catching up with homework since I wasn't able to last night because of SOMEONE.

L.Joe's eyes widened and he wrinkled his nose.

To: Princess

Hey that's mean! I apologized and you forgave me already didn't you? You're trying to make me die of guilt aren't you Lee Chaekyung >:(
PS. And didn't you say there isn't anything to forgive because I'm not at fault huh?

To: Ariel

I changed my mind, I've decided that you're at fault humph. :P

L.Joe chuckled in amusement at her cuteness. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed back a message. No matter what she said, L.Joe knew her tears were his fault and he wasn't going to let that happen again.

To: Princess

You can't do that! Yah Lee Chaekyung! You're my fake girlfriend after all you can't just ignore me T.T Fine, name anything and I'll do it (besides stopping the deal between us that's a no no) but that means you forgive me alright?

To: Ariel

Hmm...I'm studying now and I'm a little thirsty so...a cup of hot chocolate would be nice? ^^

L.Joe broke into a chuckle and shook his head. "This girl, so easily contented?" He got up from his bed and grabbed his leather jacket hanging from his chair, racing out of his apartment. In his hurry, he left his phone on the bed not realizing it was vibrating with another incoming message.




Chaekyung glanced at her phone again and frowned. Why wasn't L.Joe replying her messages anymore? After she joked about wanting a cup of hot chocolate, she immediately texted back to confirm that it was a joke when she didn't receive a reply. However, L.Joe's last seen was at her last hot chocolate message till now.

She frowned and scratched her head. He couldn't have taken her seriously could he?

She shook her head and laughed at that prospect. If L.Joe really did come rushing over with hot chocolate to ask for her forgiveness, it would be nice of him. L.Joe didn't do nice.

And not to mention when the notion was even slightly romantic.

Chaekyung laughed when the thought settled. "He would never do that for me." she snorted. "He likes your sister remember, Chaekyung? He wouldn't bother enough to com-"

A loud knock on her window made Chaekyung squeal in surprise. She lost her balance and fell onto the ground, sending papers flying. While lying on the ground, she stared at the window from her upside down view and her jaw dropped open when she saw L.Joe's smirk.

"What in the-" Chaekyung scrambled upright and rushed to the window, her eyes wide. "What are you doing here?" she opened the window and L.Joe hopped in, his sneakers landing surprisingly soft against the tiled floor. "Hot chocolate, because the princess called."

Chaekyung gaped at the starbucks cup and back out of the window. "How on earth-" she blinked down from the second floor. "How on earth did you climb up here.." she glanced at the cup on his hands. "Without spilling a drop?"

"That's not important." L.Joe flicked her nose and lifted his hands once more. "Hot chocolate is here." he raised his brows. "That means I'm forgiven right?"

Chaekyung stared at him, more than a little touched. He really did rush out there to buy her hot chocolate because she asked for it? Chaekyung didn't know why but her heart skipped a beat at his unexpected action.

L.Joe cleared his throat, feeling the heat rushing up to his cheeks and he looked away. Well, he did it to make her smile but now that smile was kind of getting to him. "Anyway don't think I didn't see you talking to yourself there." L.Joe changed the topic to safer grounds, poking her forehead. "And I totally should have taken a video of when you fell down!"

Chaekyung immediately pouted and huffed at him. "Aish don't you have anything nice to say at all?" she grabbed the hot chocolate and sipped on it, slurping loudly just to annoy him. L.Joe rolled his eyes and sank down on her bed, watching as she made a big show about drinking the drink. "You're so going to scald your tongue." L.Joe warned.

"How old do you think I am huh?" Chaekyung stuck out her tongue and drank her drink again, only to yelp and fan . L.Joe laughed and shook his head, flicking her head in amusement. "Predictable princess."

L.Joe laid down on her bed and watched as Chaekyung fiddled around her table top, finally finding a small box of tic tacs and popping one in in hopes of reducing the burn. "By the way," he finally spoke.

Chaekyung blinked, raising her brows. "I heard from that annoying Ricky," L.Joe bit his lip and looked at her. "There's a Christmas ball tradition in this school?"

Chaekyung nodded, and hummed under her breath. "It's been ongoing for a long time because Principal Kim likes christmas a lot and everyone gets to dress up prettily!" Chaekyung brightened at the aspect. "Hmm I haven't thought of what I'd wear.." she tapped her chin.

"I heard something else," L.Joe eyed her. "Something about bringing a date?"

"Hmm?" Chaekyung answered distractedly as she opened her wardrobe. "Date? Yeah couples would usually go with a date but.." she trailed off, turning around to look at him. "No." she narrowed her eyes at him.

L.Joe frowned at her, slightly hurt. He hadn't even asked her yet goddamn. "Yah you're not even reserving any pride for me, Princess." he threw a pillow at her.

"I don't care about pride, I'm not going to do it!" Chaekyung huffed, throwing the pillow back at him. "I told you before didn't I!"

Searching his memory, L.Joe couldn't remember anything about her telling him that she wouldn't follow him to any dances. "You never said it before." L.Joe protested.

"I did!" Chaekyung gaped at him. "And I repeated it time and time again! Yah Ariel don't you listen when I'm talking?" she pouted and marched over to him, crossing her arms.

"I listen okay?" L.Joe shot her a look, throwing the pillow back at her which Chaekyung managed to hug just in time. It was strangely cute. "I swear you never mentioned about going to dances as my date." L.Joe frowned at her. "You're supposed to act as my girlfriend, isn't going as my date a given?"

Chaekyung blinked a few times, staring at him with a confused expression. A slow smile curled on her lips and she hugged the pillow tighter unconsciously. " you were going to ask me to the Christmas ball?" she asked teasingly. "Aww is Ariel Lee going soft now? Buying hot chocolates and asking girls to dances?"

L.Joe cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. "What did you think I was asking?"

Chaekyung shuffled around. She thought he would make her help ask Jaekyung to the ball instead. "Nothing." Chaekyung shook her head and smiled. "Nothing important." she let out a squeal and ran over to her wardrobe once more. "What color bow are you wearing? We have to match!" she flipped past her dresses.

L.Joe bit back his amusement at how easily she would forgive and forget. He sighed softly and turned to look at the wall where he knew Jaekyung's room was on the other side. He had wanted to somehow play the devil's role to force Chaekyung make Jaekyung go to the ball with him but...L.Joe glanced at the bright smile on Chaekyung's face. You gain some, you lose some. And it seemed Chaekyung's smile was more than enough.




"Oooh you're going to the ball with L.Joe?" Sungyeol's face dropped. "Waeeee who am I supposed to go with now?" he complained.

Woohyun rolled his eyes and whacked the giraffe's head. "Get your own girlfriend that's what." he smirked as he walked over to Yoomi and slung his arm around her. "We're all going as single men so what's the problem with that?" Sunggyu scoffed, munching on a cookie.

"Aish this hyung, always eating." Sungjong muttered under his breath. Sunggyu caught the maknae's words and instead, took a humongous bite from Sungjong's sandwich as revenge. "Bah!" he smirked, a piece of cabbage flying out from his mouth gracefully.

"Why would I want to go to the Christmas ball with you ordinary guys and be named ordinary as well?" Sungyeol harrumphed. Dongwoo shook his head. "Delusional." he muttered.

"Unnie, will you be going with L oppa?" Soomi blinked at Jaekyung. Bomi rolled her eyes and smacked her friend's arm. "Of course she is! They're inseparable. Look." she pointed.

L shifted a little further from Jaekyung and cleared his throat. When the others weren't looking, he gravitated back to Jaekyung's side as if he couldn't help but be there.

"What about you Chaekyung, is L.Joe taking you?" Hoya raised a brow at the younger Lee sister.

Chaekyung gave a bright beam and L.Joe bit back a chuckle. Stupid princess. "Of course he would be taking her, who else would he have as a date, Jaekyung?" Woohyun rolled his eyes once more.

"Of course not!" L immediately protested, grabbing Jaekyung's hand and raising their intertwined fingers. "I'm not letting go of this hand ever." he smiled tenderly down at Jaekyung.

"Spare us!" Sungjong shuddered, while the girls cooed in appreciation.

L.Joe scoffed inwardly at L's cheesy words and unconsciously glanced at Chaekyung to make sure she was alright. She was wearing a bright smile but L.Joe knew better because that smile seemed so much dimmer than the one before it.

Aish, why did both sisters have to fall for L?

The bell rang and signalled that it was time for class. Jaekyung looked up at L pleadingly. "Could you help me bring my books to the classroom? I need the bathroom for a bit."

"No prob." L tucked a curl behind her ears and took her encylopedia-thick textbooks. He turned around and saw Sungyeol eying him with a strange expression. "What."

"You just said you won't let go of her hand forever and always and now you did." Sungyeol teased. "You should have followed her to the bathroom~~" he sang.

The infinite boys stared at the tallest member for a bit before letting sighs one after another and striding away to class. Sungyeol pouted and stared as they went off without him. "Wasn't my joke funny?" he whined.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person