The Prince's Princess

The Pretty One II

"I didn't know you were so cheesy, L.Joe." Dongwoo teased at lunch.

L.Joe cleared his throat in embarrassment and pretended not to hear. The after effects of singing that song was huge, because all the girls labelled L.Joe as the perfect boyfriend even after all his work at being distant and rude to the rest of the girls. Now that they saw how sweet he could be, they chased him down despite hie attached status.

The guys however, teased L.Joe for being utterly whipped. L.Joe was slightly surprised at the description they used because he never thought himself as, ahem, whipped. He was just..well...trying to make Chaekyung happy. Was that called whipped huh?

"And that was such a cheesy song you chose as well, Miss Right." Sungyeol cooed. "You should have sung something like Destiny or Paradise or something."

Woohyun snorted. "Like the others are any better."

Yoomi slapped her boyfriend's arm. "Who are you to judge, oppa? You didn't even do anything of the likes when it was our first month!" she pouted. Woohyun sighed and proceeded to pacify his precious girlfriend while shooting L.Joe daggers for raising the standard so high.

L.Joe scoffed and ignored him. Who cared if he raised the standards and expectations of all boyfriends if he could make Chaekyung happy huh?

He glanced beside him and saw Chaekyung biting back a smile, looking adorable as she focused on her food. He grinned and tapped her right shoulder, causing her to turn to the right. She didn't see anyone and turned her to the left to pout at L.Joe who poked her cheek. "So easy to fool." he teased.

"That was such an elementary school joke." Chaekyung complained. "Childish." she huffed.

"That's because you're easy to fool." L.Joe laughed and ruffled her hair.

They looked back at the table and found everyone staring at them with meaningful smirks. "Oh Sungjong ah, don't you feel extra bright today?" Hoya shuddered. Sungjong pretended to shudder with a grin. "Hyung, don't you think my face is changing to become more like a lightbulb now?"

Everyone laughed and Chaekyung blushed pink. L.Joe didn't let it bother him because well, he was L.Joe. No other people said would bother him if he didn't cared about them.

"Anyway, are you guys free over this weekend?" Sunggyu suddenly asked with a strange unreadable expression. "As far as I know the seniors and juniors have no tests due next week and even if there's something on for the weekend, cancel it alright?" he commanded authoritatively.

"Why, what's the big occasion?" L asked innocently, adding salt into Sunggyu's wounds. 

The eldest gaped at his friends in horror and disappointment. "Wait, don't you know what's going to happen over the weekends? How could you guys not know I'm so disappointed!" he groaned.

"You're such a big baby of course we know, it's the old man's birthday." Hoya rolled his eyes. "You underestimate your status in our eyes dude." Sunggyu looked at Hoya, a little touched. Awwww.

Hoya cringed at the look on the leader's face and he grinned. "And you've been talking about your birthday chalet since forever. Yakking, more like. How could we forget when it was like a mosquito buzzing incessantly by our ears?"

Sunggyu decided to stay ignorant of the dancer's statement and eyed the rest with a warning gaze. "Better clear up your plans for the weekend for my birthday chalet alright? I'm only reserving my time for you guys so all of you better turn up!" he warned. 

"Alright alrightttt." everyone chorused.

Sunggyu grinned contently at the response and settled back into his seat. L.Joe glanced at Chaekyung beside him and leaned closer. "Are you going?" he raised a brow. Chaekyung blinked. "Didn't you hear Sunggyu oppa? He wants us all there, of course I'm going." she frowned at him. "Aren't you going?" 

L.Joe settled back into his seat and grinned at Chaekyung, ruffling her hair. "Now I know I'm going." he smirked. A few words from him was able to lure a pretty blush out on Chaekyung's cheeks and L.Joe felt a rush of pride that he was able to cause such a reaction from her





"I want to go home to finish that drama I'm watching, can't we just split the cost and you buy the present?" Chaekyung pouted. "Or I'll buy it another day. I want to watch that drama!" she complained.

"No, we'll buy the present today. What would Sunggyu hyung think if he heard you choosing a mere drama over his important birthday present?" L.Joe warned. "It isn't just any drama, it's a drama with So Ji Sub!" Chaekyung shrilled, offended. She crossed her arms and pouted at him. "Fine let's just get this over and done with!" she huffed and stalked off, striding past stores and searching quickly.

L.Joe gaped at her and let out a breath. "I really don't get girls." he muttered under his breath. "I prepared an event for her in the morning, sang a love song for her in front of everyone, find a lame excuse of buying a present so I can spend the rest of our month anniversary together..." he glared at the back of Chaekyung's head. "And she chooses So Ji Sub over me?" he growled inwardly. "I"ll show you how much better I am than some stupid So Ji Sub."

He ran to catch up with Chaekyung and reached for her fingers, linking their hands together. Chaekyung did a double take at their hands and stared at him with wide eyes. "Yah what are you doing?" she tried pulling away but L.Joe held on tighter. "I thought I saw one of your fanboys in one of the shops, better keep up the pretense princess." L.Joe sang, tapping on Chaekyung's nose. Chaekyung eyed around them in alarm and tightened her grip around L.Joe's fingers, darting closer to him. "Is that so? I don't see them." she whispered.

L.Joe's grin grew wider as Chaekyungs shoulder brushed his, and he shuffled closer to her discreetly. A strange sense of satisfaction filled him as he walked on with her, as if they were a real pair of couple.

Chaekyung glanced up at L.Joe and caught him grinning to himself. She raised her brows in confusion. "What are you laughing about?" she asked curiously.

L.Joe ruffled her hair and tugged her closer. "Nothing."





"Should we get this for Sunggyu oppa?" Chaekyung frowned at a leather bound planner. "Pretty professional looking don't you think?"

Chaekyung looked around for her faux boyfriend in the gift store and saw that he had drifted off to the other end of the store, looking engrossed in whatever he was looking at. Chaekyung huffed and crossed the store to him, an idea popping into her head. She grinned slyly and crept as quietly as she could, tip-toeing behind his back. Steadying herself, she bounced up and tried to surprise L.Joe by grabbing onto both his shoulders.

To her surprise, he turned around at the last moment and instead of clinging onto his back, she clung onto his front. Her eyes widened and before she knew it, L.Joe wrapped one arm firmly around her waist and trapped her against him in a death grip.

"So scary." L.Joe pretended to gasp. Chaekyung shot him a look and hit his arm lightly. "No need to tease me when I know I failed being stealthy." she muttered.

L.Joe laughed and loosened his grip to let her go, but pulled her back to sling an arm around her shoulders. "Yah, this reminds me of you." he shook a plastic silver tiara in front of her with a grin. "Princess."

Chaekyung smiled softly and touched the crown. "It's pretty but there's not much use is there?" she shrugged. "It's not like I can wear this around everyday or anything and it has no practical use." L.Joe raised his brows at her and flicked her forehead.

"Yah don't go all wise and mature on me all of a sudden." he muttered. The Chaekyung he knew was naive but considerate, whiny and dreamy and not at all practical in her cute way. He wasn't used to her talking about practicality when she always talked about wanting to buy stupid useless things when they walked past stores in the past.

Chaekyung just shrugged. She would have wanted to try on the tiara in the past but after L.Joe's little performance in the morning, she felt slightly distanced and cautious around him. She was getting to emotionally attached to someone for all the wrong reasons.

Whatever he was doing that made her heart flutter, he didn't do it for her.

"Come here." L.Joe tugged on her arm and she stumbled over to him without much resistance. He grinned at her as he tucked the tiara into her hair, arranging her hair with a fond smile hanging off his lips. "Looks like a real princess now." he teased.

Chaekyung bit her lip, swallowing hard. Why was he doing this when Jaekyung wasn't even around to witness it?

"I should wear this so I can be your prince shouldn't I?" L.Joe picked up a matching golden crown and fitted it on his head. They caught the attention of the kids around soon because they resembled a princess and prince seen in storybooks. 

"Hyung hyung, are you a prince from neverland?" a little boy shook L.Joe's pants. He blinked in surprise and smiled widely down at the boy. "Waeyo? Does hyung look like a prince?" he asked. Chaekyung stifled a smile, not expecting L.Joe to react this way. She had thought he would chase the kid away or throw annoyed glances at the kid's mother who was standing a few metres away watching in amusement. L.Joe was bringing her surprises every single day.

"Hmm." the boy considered L.Joe's words seriously and twisted his lips deep in thought. "Not really. But because Noona looks like a princess and you are her boyfriend, you must be her prince." he pointed out.

Chaekyung bit back her laughter when L.Joe's face fell at the boy's words, which also caused laughter from the mothers around who were looking on in interest. "So I'm a prince because I'm this noona's boyfriend?" L.Joe pouted dramatically, igniting giggles from the little boy as he lifted the boy up in his arms. "why doesn't hyung look like a prince even with this crown?" he sulked.

The boy pointed to L.Joe's head. "Because of princes don't have red hair." he stated bluntly.

Chaekyung couldn't handle it any longer and she burst into loud chuckles, utterly amused by L.Joe's look of disbelief. L.Joe scoffed and huffed. "You must not know about it," he told the boy seriously. "But real princes have red hair. Hyung is a real prince okay?" he whispered loudly, as if it was a secret.

The boy's eyes widened and nodded in amazement, darting glances to Chaekyung. "So is noona a real princess as well?"

L.Joe grinned and pulled Chaekyung nearer by her waist, smiling brightly. “Of course noona is a princess, she’s my girlfriend isn’t she?” he winked at her. “Forever the princess in my heart.”

“Awwwwwww~” the mothers around cooed in appreciation and Chaekyung found her cheeks heating up beyond control. L.Joe laughed and returned the boy back to his mother, his hand trailing down to lace his fingers with Chaekyung automatically after he returned to her side.

Chaekyung looked down at their intertwined hands and bit her lip. For the hundredth time that day, she wished she was dating L.Joe for real. If only he did all these things for her and not for show, not for Jaekyung.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person